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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 11, 2024 12:30pm-1:00pm MSK

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king, wotter on fire taste! and so the time came: on november 10 , 1996, veterans of the afghan war came to the kotlikovskoye cemetery to honor the memory of their friend and comrade mikhail lekhadey. the area near the grave was small, so the participants in the ceremony...
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did not return from afghanistan. vladimir recalls the events of that terrible day. kostyuchenko, today he is a member of the leadership of the russian union of veterans of afghanistan. i reported to frantsadach that i was here, from the union of veterans of afghanistan, i will definitely say a word, and then andrey comes up to me anokhin, anokhin, yes, and he says: listen, volodya, where is franz? i say, he won't be there, i'm for him, well, he says, then goodbye, i say, are you leaving somewhere? no, i have business there.
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who could have done it with such a look. the explosion at mikhail lekhadey's grave occurred at 11:55. they died on the spot. the new head of the foundation, sergei trakhirov, mikhail lekhadey's widow,
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elena krasnoludskaya, journalists, heads of regional branches of this public organization. kotlyakovka happened on november 10, on the day of the police, as a rule, in the evening on this date, a festive concert was shown on tv, but everything did not go according to plan, the then prime minister viktor chernomavets went live, today in moscow at the kotlyakovskoye cemetery, a tragedy occurred, there was an explosion, 13 people died, many were injured, some are in serious condition, i express my deep condolences to their families, friends, considering that today is a holiday , namely, police day, today i made
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the decision to cancel the festive concert on channel one and channel two. we understood that something terrible happened, and not somewhere far away, but at their home. meanwhile , police crews were arriving in the south of the capital, in the tsaritsyn area, and...
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the picture was terrible, yes, of course it was scary, of course, maybe those who were in the war did not experience this picture, but for us, who do not encounter such things every day , it was terrible, when everything explodes, when people fly, that is, we looked at the footage of an old criminal case, there the bodies were simply hanging on the trees, well, an explosion is an explosion, then for a long time - we had to figure out who it was after all died, because no one knew who was standing there, it was difficult to find out later who died, who was left with nothing at all, immediately after
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the explosion several versions of what happened were put forward, four became the main ones.
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he says on the same day when it started there - we knew that they were having their own showdown, they raised it right there, it was the khoddeys who did it, how things went, well, theoretically there were no problems in detaining them, just detain them. but for what, for what? but for what? first you have to prove who did it, who blew it up? it was difficult to say, it was later already out by a very long investigative operational way. those who did not come to the katlikovskoye cemetery on november 10th also fell under suspicion and remained alive. the security forces had to talk with another leader of the afghan movement, after the crime had been committed. practically all the prominent figures of the afghans, we of course
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checked everyone, including him, there were no claims. the afghan veterans themselves also conducted their own unofficial investigation, they had no doubt that the explosion was needed in order to deal with everything the management of a competing fund, all the threads led to valery radchikov and his personal driver andrey.
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while radchikov was sitting in a pre-trial detention center, his personal driver andrey anoshin came to the police station and wrote a report with a pavina, he called himself the perpetrator of the explosion. at the kotlyakovskoye cemetery. our editorial office got hold of that very document. anoshin tells how he met radchikov, how he started working for him as a driver. and here is the most important thing - a quote. radchikov approached me with a question about eliminating trakhirov. if you believe the report with a pavina, povina, then anokhin could not refuse. otherwise, valery radchikov threatened to deal with his family. according to andrei anokhin, this bloody crime was financed by his boss, valery radchikov. he
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allocated 50,000 dollars for the case. anokhin realized that he could not cope alone and turned to his friend mikhail smurov, who took an active part in preparing the explosion at the katlyakovskoye cemetery. in a meeting with pavina , anokhin, a close friend of rachikov, describes in detail how the crime was prepared. according to him, the boss gave him tnt blocks and detonator, we quote a fragment of andrei anokhin's confession. on the evening of november 9, smurov and i planted explosives a short distance from the grave, we connected one end of the wire to the detonator, the other end to the receiver's remote control, which we left in the bushes at a distance of 40 m. thanks to andrei anokhin's testimony, the investigation reconstructed the full picture. of that terrible day, anokhin pressed the button on the remote control at the moment when all the afghans
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gathered at the grave of mikhail likhodey. having moved to a safe distance, i pressed the button remote control, which was in the side pocket of the coat, there was an explosion. after the explosion, i left the cemetery, with my clothes on, deeply repenting, ready to fully atone for my guilt. not only radchikov's personal driver andrei anoshin repented of his actions, his accomplice mikhail smurov also came to the police, he also confessed to the crime, confessing. the testimony of anoshin and smurov became the basis of the criminal case.
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the case of the explosion lasted 3 years, during which time the investigators learned all the details of the tragedy at the katlikovskoye cemetery, everything revolved around the big money of both funds. court the hearings turned into a real performance, a stage with a presidium, a zanaris, spectators, a cage with defendants, many did not recognize the defendants , they either shaved off their moustaches or grew beards, the sessions were held in the assembly hall of the capital's matrosskaya tishina pre-trial detention center, such a strange choice was dictated by several reasons: firstly, radchikov, anokhina and smurov were considered especially dangerous and prone to escape. secondly, there was simply not enough space in the moscow district military court,
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there were no witnesses, victims and journalists at the trial more than a hundred. the criminal trio was tried by the military. because valery radchikov was an active employee of the ministry of defense, the prosecution demanded 12 years of imprisonment for the head of the fund valery radchikov, 15 years for his personal driver andrey anoshin and 10 years of imprisonment for his accomplice mikhail smurov, but the evidence base turned out to be very weak, the results of many examinations were incomplete, and the lion's share of the materials... were based solely on the testimony of anoshin and smurov, and even then they eventually retracted their confession. at the beginning in 2000 , vladimir serdyukov, a judge at the moscow district military court, issued an acquittal for lack of evidence of their involvement in the crimes. radchikov, smurov and anokhin
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were released from custody right in the courtroom. for many, this was a shock; no one expected it. the following story unfolded: on january 31, 2001 , the legless colonel died in a terrible accident. this happened on the 79th kilometer of the minsk highway. the accident gave rise to a variety of rumors and speculations, and various versions were put forward that afganets' death was staged. the media even called it
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people who wanted radchikov dead. among them were former business partners and... the blow was so strong that kamas rolled over on his barrel, after the scandalous acquittal of the afghans accused of the explosion at kotlyakovka, the main military prosecutor's office continued its investigation. the investigative team tried to find the customer and the perpetrator of the bloody crime of ninety-six.
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afghans andrei anokhin and mikhail smurov again came into the security forces' field of vision, but only one person ended up behind bars. at the previous trial, the accused mikhail smorov claimed that he was not guilty and was spinning like an ear in a frying pan. nevertheless , the judge of the moscow city court showed '.
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in 2006, the moscow city court sentenced andrei anokhin to 15 years in prison. years have passed since the explosion at the kotlyakovskoye cemetery and andrei anokhin and mikhail smurov
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served their sentences and returned to moscow, now they are ordinary citizens. onokhin leads a hidden lifestyle, here we contacted another defendant in that high-profile criminal case, mikhail smurov, by phone in 2020, he still considers himself... innocent, hello, hello, mikhail nikolaevich, good afternoon, you still consider yourself innocent of what happened, of course, but maybe you can still help us, maybe we can meet without a camera, at least so that you can direct us to some, no, no, i've already, i've not only been burned by this more than once, it's impossible to burn me with anything, i've already memorized it all, i know, i know, it's constantly twisted, well then, once again in conclusion, that is, you think? i'm not guilty of what's happening, yes, yes, yes, that's it, that's it, sorry, i'm busy, that's it, all the best,
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that's how the story of the confrontation between two afghan war invalid funds ended, former comrades-in-arms found themselves on opposite sides of the barricades. eternal memory to our comrades-in-arms, and let fate decide as it sees fit with these scumbags, that's it, i have nothing more
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to add. afghan helicopter pilot vladimir kostyuchenko, the only one to survive the explosion at the katlyakovskoye cemetery, and even after a quarter of a century he can't. forgive me, forgive me, he threw up his hands, what does that mean, what forgive, didn't want to, so you wanted then, you didn't want to kill me, but why did you kill those people, why did you, are you cowards or something, filthy, couldn't you do it there, who needs it there, if you wanted, well please, prepare there from around the corner, then they were killing every day, every week in moscow they were blowing up, why are you blowing up so many people? that's why it can't be forgiven, these things, let him live and suffer, life itself will punish him, life itself
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will punish him. i believe in it, we saw such a loud story. the explosion at the katlyakovskoye cemetery, it was ours investigation from moscow, it's up to you to draw conclusions, see you on russia-24.
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who are you? i, a traveler, aeronaut, jean ivan, and so we go out as teskies, what kind of fairy tale is it without ivan? hey, hey, what started? without deception
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and without a flint, i have to go get the flints sharpened, a self-writing pen, magic ink, you'll get them, the main thing is, vanya, hurry up, so give me a horse, a mechanical one, but hit yourself on the head, you have a nickname, where it needs to go, that's what they call me, because i'm taking you not where you, a fool, want to go, where it needs to go. i can't live without travel, flint, he who has one in his pocket does not need a pen, soon.
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we watch to learn about the world, educational programs and documentaries, we watch, we watch.
1:00 pm
17 victims of shelling by the armed forces of ukraine in the kursk region, according to the ministry of health, are in serious condition, almost 70 wounded are being treated in hospitals, including eight children. russian air defense shot down 14 ukrainian drones, two balloons, and four missiles in the sky over the kursk region last night. one of the shot down shells damaged a residential nine-story building. according to updated 15 people were injured. our special correspondent, stanislav berenwald, is working in the region. it all started after midnight, literally at the beginning of the first hour of the night.


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