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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 12, 2024 4:00am-4:31am MSK

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so it is interesting to treat it, they even start writing articles on their own, like, really, they don't think that they can do anything. dmitry anatolyevich, you can see in telegram, they read little, they read, read, they constantly express, they have lost fear, they have lost fear, well , how can i say, how will they gain it at the expense of what, it is clear that not at the expense of strikes on ukraine, in general, pouring water on what will happen to ukraine, well, in my opinion, forgive me, we have such a cruel, discussion.
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what if someone presents us with a scientifically based system, identification of men and women, we will be the first to use it, we don't like the significant uncertainty, we don't like it because of the general situation that everyone finds themselves in, we would be more than happy to get to the bottom of it. but there is no way that someone can say that this is not a woman just by looking at someone, or by being the victim of a smear campaign by an untrustworthy organization, when a guy is so old, he was probably married and he can't tell a man from a woman, and this person is busy, well, he really said that more will not be valoted, how can you talk to representatives of civilization who carry such nonsense, look at your pants, idiot! and you
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, idiot, take off your pants, no, well, it's simple, you can't tell a man from a woman, there is a piece that it will turn out that all these years he lived with a man, to whom he secretly bore children, well, well, it's simple, we must enter into serious negotiations with these people, consider that they are capable of assessing the risks of a threat, they cannot tell a boy from a girl, and we want them to assess the risks, these idiots were involved in the olympic movement, it's crazy, sergeysanovich, by the way, with a great religious holiday.
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he is famous, so to speak, yes, so revered that there is a special, there is a special holiday, with which i congratulate everyone for whom it is important, that's because he really was a real saint, that's why it is so, it's not for nothing that they talk so much all over the world, well, and i, as an orthodox christian , can say, saint nicholas, pray to god for us, yes, including, so to speak, for our victory, because our victory, it is in that number is of an essential nature beyond any doubt, just so to speak, they showed thomas bach, a man who... forgot how to distinguish, so to speak, men and women, for us this is quite clear, more than, yes, therefore all these things they are, as it were, on the one hand we discuss money, weapons, tactics and strategy, on the other hand, in fact, all this happens in the area of ​​such immaterial meanings, i am absolutely sure of this, because again all these specific situations that we discuss, they are very acute any doubt, but ultimately we see a confrontation between people who are still , so to speak, inclined to the fact that...
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god exists, as it were, yes, in fact, as if they are on the side of the good of the world and those who want to expel the image of god from themselves as much as possible, that's why thomas bach says so, you know, he doesn't even understand where the women are, where the men are, somehow... he will want to be a beast, that's what it means to renounce the image of god, it means to want to be a beast, i want to be a beast, that's why you know, many pagan cults are beginning to associate themselves with specific animals, yes, i am an animal, i am not a human, i am an animal, by the way, those with whom we are dealing on the other side, many of them see themselves exactly like that, we are animals, we are beasts, there is nothing human left for us, and that is why we will act like that, therefore...
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what, i am not interested in this, relatively speaking, there is either money, there is or, so to speak, my animal, relatively speaking, there is a desire, so to speak, to tear everyone to pieces or something like that, or there are some, so to speak, some other incomprehensible, incomprehensible, so to say, these very motivations, but nevertheless it is necessary to understand, ultimately we are talking about this struggle, and this struggle will ultimately lead, so to speak, yes to that, as if, what will be the result, we can say, we know, i don’t know, i believe, i don’t believe. ultimately, inside all this , it is precisely this good, so to speak, good and evil, the fight, light and darkness, who will remain human, who will become a finished beast, a beast, the world of beasts, so to speak, yes in human form, or still the world of people with the image of god, this is and the most important thing, by the way, saint nicholas the miracle worker, here he is, if you
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look, say, at his life, just - this is a man who, well, firstly, carried the sermon of god, and secondly, this is precisely the image of god, as it were, yes... and in secret, as it were, yes , he carried it to people, so that they would remain human, yes, this was his main function, so to speak, to help people remain human, because one of the main ones, so to speak, of these stories that everyone knows, yes, he helped buy out girls from sexual slavery, so to speak, yes, the father wanted to sell his so to speak daughters, he had no money, yes, that is, to be honest, in general, he lost his human image, and he secretly helped him to save.
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it was obvious, yes, we kind of don’t know, so to speak, we don’t have intelligence data, yes, but the political logic of this was absolutely clear, that is, it was expected, yes, this is the first, second, well, again, you don’t have to be a field marshal in order to say a simple thing from a military point of view, such
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events should be revealed by intelligence and not preemptive strikes are allowed, here too you don't need to be some kind of big military specialist in these matters, thirdly, as for the border areas, well listen...
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with this with phones, they film and it's not clear where they're transmitting, yes, well, in my opinion, some conclusions were made, but not absolute, that is, again, so to speak, like a war, like not a war and so on, i think that these things definitely worked here too, well probably. absolutely worked, without this it most likely couldn't have done, thirdly, which is also important, again i said it again, so to speak, excuse me, i have to repeat the things that we have been repeating for many years, but nevertheless, i think that such actions are really possible precisely because they believe that we will wage war in the format in which it is being waged, and not in any other, so we will not do anything that will really force them, for example, to abandon these plans, yes, there will be no strikes, so to speak, yes, on infrastructure, there will be no strikes on cities. to say, no there will be blows carried deep into the territory, well, we will ride motorcycles there, on a buggy there and solve problems, and so on and so forth, in
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this format of war, it is most beneficial to the enemy, this is obvious, again, here i do not pretend to have any special knowledge, but it is obvious, this format is beneficial to them, so it is beneficial to them and to those who stand behind them, yes, accordingly, when this does not happen, a feeling of permissiveness really arises and that is the main thing, among our population, i can say that we are here we discussed approximately... what goals the ukrainian military and their western allies and their masters could have set for themselves when they, so to speak, they - they were planning this operation, we listed a number of goals, one of the goals, which by the way is also being discussed by the american, english and various western press, is to sow panic and therefore force the russian population, so to speak, to refuse to support the special operation, to say: let's raise... in fact, everything is just on the contrary, the russian population
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has a massive question about why you haven't smashed them all to pieces in 2 and a half years, why is the ukrainian leadership in some kind of incomprehensible, so to speak , security caps, why have westerners really been going there for 2 years, why are the dams standing, why are the power plants working, why are the trains running, these are the questions that exist, and not the ones that say, let's...
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the masters of the world, and the khakhly, so to speak, he says, they understand that the russians can't touch these people, they are the masters of the world, they will do it to fight here, so to speak, yes, on these fields, and you can’t touch those, because they are the masters, and the russians understand this, they say, they are not being impudent, yes, when this thought appears in the heads of our people, and this is the next, so to speak, separated by a comma, this is betrayal, because it is not clear how to combine these things, on the one hand we - you know, we appeal to the pathos of the great patriotic war, and we say, everything for the front, everything for victory, so to speak, everyone forward, on the other hand there is some kind of
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incomprehensible, very foggy, murky some kind of game in which it's like, yeah , it's not clear what's going on, yeah, but i hope that's not the case, but this is one of the most, so to speak, unpleasant assumptions, the second assumption is that this is a mistake, this is a mistake, this is some kind of underestimation of the situation, so to speak , well, very bad, learn lessons from this situation, if this is a mistake, does that mean you're seriously mistaken, or what?
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obviously, this is like the corridor into which we are being driven, the task, so to speak, is the maximum, to turn the situation around in a paradoxical way, so that from this corridor get out, and not go along it like that, where are you...
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disgusting, and if we respond harshly enough and prove that you really, like , yes, did all this in vain, yes, then it will be clear that we will nullify all the goals of this specific tactical operation, and i do not rule out that now is the right time for this, there are elections in america, a huge amount of attention is directed to the middle east, i do not claim 100%, but it is worth thinking about it, i do not think that now may be just the right time for this to do it as harshly as possible, if i were to follow...
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he says, but nevertheless, when there is a war, the first task is to eliminate the enemy leadership, isn't it, isn't it on the battlefield that they try to knock out the officer first, isn't it, isn't it for this that camouflage was invented, at one time in order to disguise these things, is n't it, yes, what is all this nothing, this very thing, this means nothing, but you try, suddenly it means, suddenly it means, so to speak, and so on and so forth, again legitimate, illegitimate, here these things also need to be - how to understand, but illegitimate, therefore illegitimate. i am not saying that this is how it should be done, i am saying that this really gives rise, so to speak, firstly, to questions for us, secondly, so to speak, yes, a feeling of permissiveness for them, and of course, from everything that happened there, we need to draw conclusions, by the way, what they talked about, so to speak, yes, fear of reporting, fear of signing and so on and so forth, so i can say that through my charitable foundation, as if i have been with i come across this, the situation changes a little, but nevertheless, i can even
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tell you specific cases on this very border, the people who, i will say so, are responsible for covering the border, yes, with rare exceptions, give, help, give, we say, well, my fund just works in the white, write some kind of application, we can’t, we can’t, we are not allowed, our superiors forbid us, we can’t ask you for anything, because we are not allowed, or because we are afraid of being held responsible, i will not sign any papers and so on further, but listen, people are trying to help their army.
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i don’t know who, i don’t make money on this, yes, this is not a commercial project and so on and so forth, yes, people give honestly, they just help, yes, it turns out like this, we can’t do this, we can’t do that, well, let me sign, but with my left hand, no, let me now , i’ll appoint this corporal of mine as acting unit commander, i’m kind of away, so to speak, as if i were giving orders now, he’s like acting commander for a while, let the corporal sign with his left hand and as if that's it, here's a piece of paper and leave us alone, as if yes, well my friends, as if it's going or or we need or success as if yes? or we or some checkers are constantly depicted in order to put some kind of tick somewhere for someone and so on and so forth, but this is important, but i can say that now i have found some kind of solutions to the problem, but nevertheless yes nevertheless as if it's all the same you understand well it happens rather so to speak in spite of and not thanks to another so to speak small small remark about again the situation in
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the information environment, why it is important to control it, again we also talked about this. from the very beginning, i will explain, because indeed we live in the age of information and work with the population from the enemy side, as if yes, this is an extremely important thing, sometimes it is more important than a column of tanks, you understand, sometimes it is more important than so to speak missiles that fly, it is more important when, as if yes, in the environment of the population, it means panic or mistrust or something else is sown in something like that, it may be more important than, so to speak, specific tanks, ammunition, etc., etc., that's it...
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necessary, but again, everyone talks about what and why, i have my own channel sergey mikheev, like airen logic, there are 224 subscribers, those who don't have 224, so to speak, unsubscribe immediately, but the fact is that there are
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several fakes, you understand, fakes, everyone knows, so to speak, that they exist, who are spreading outright disinformation, using our names, does anyone care about that, no one at all, not us, but there is no regulatory body, no one cares at all, my friends, but this is a question of, as it were, yes, misleading people, this is a question, so to speak, in fact, as if public opinion, in war conditions, as if this is unacceptable, anonymous, fake and so on and so forth, i understand that a number of organizations use this for their own purposes, understandably, but it seems to me that in wartime the positive effect of this is less than the negative, the negative began to exceed the positive, all these things, all these games to me perfectly understandable, not the first day, but nevertheless, yes, we must understand that wartime is much... already the very last thing regarding, so to speak, yes, here are the problems of the economy, but literally in a nutshell, in my opinion, we still have not found the optimal model of combining state
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regulation and the market, we have not found it, somehow, you know, here too, the state, let the market regulate state regulation for us, but this will not happen, we saw how the market regulated our economy in the nineties, half of it it's gone, and the most important thing is that this ideology thinks in terms of globalism. it seems that it's not our country, here's the world market, can you do it on the scale of the world market? if you can't, then get lost, we don't have that opportunity, we 're in a hostile environment, we have an extremely difficult situation, we have to think on the scale of our own country, that's what the country needs, not the global market, not this, so to speak, but what the country needs, this market situation, by the way, where let's wait and see how it gets sorted out, it's completely impossible, by the way, it is a consequence of the same thing, non-sovereignty of consciousness, like military reform, why, i beg your pardon, why did all these reforms happen, among other things, because that's what they do
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in the west, because in the west they said that there will be no global wars, because in the west they said that this nato principle of forming units is good, because they said it there, and you have your own head, they said it there, and indeed, it means karangevich is right, that's it, it means, or traitors, i see how these narratives are launched, this is an attempt at deep disrespect for the russian general, who often shines through in these different channels,
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that is, they are either thieves or incompetents, i have not missed a single weekend since october of the twenty-second year, so as not to go there, i, probably, that is, our team has been, probably in the largest number of organisms, well, from there from other journalists. who insult about russian generals, it is so unfair, of course, there are different people, of course, there are different, but at its core in
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our army has grown a generation of amazing commanders, who, by the way, grew up in many ways, in spite of, and not thanks to, in spite of, right, let me remind you that in the nineties we didn’t like the army very much, and we generally owe these people a lot, so now we always have to be more careful, we have to weigh, we have to understand, there must be military censorship in the conditions, this is what i’m talking about, there must be a rate and there must be military censorship, but i just want to remind you before i give the floor to dmitry that in order to become a general this...
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let's see, let's see in the app or on the website.
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people who serve in intelligence are not even physically strong, but simply stronger in spirit, the maroon beret is a symbol, that's what he wears, i think there should be a model in everything, people should follow him. worse is impossible, better is possible, we've always had such a motto in life, pushed these people into the doorway and, probably, it's all a dream, and you want to open your eyes and wake up.
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well, since everything has been said about america. no, well , of course, i'll have to say something, but i can say this, now they really say that the westerners are happy, well yeah, probably starting somewhere around the second half of saturday eastern time, well, there was a certain amount of gloating, joy, until that time i would say no, they were confused, in fact, at least those people who are publicly represented, they were generally in serious confusion, moreover, all these statements, for example, by sabrina zink, they were squeezed out by journalists, so
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to speak, to the press...


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