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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 12, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm MSK

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has its advantages, maybe to a lesser extent than disadvantages, disadvantages more than, actually, it is praised, eh, therefore, when we looked at this machine, we understood what we were comparing it to, yes, we understood what our advantage was, we believe that our advantage is greater than theirs. perhaps one of the most discussed topics of recent times is the delivery of f-16s to ukraine, should we be afraid of them, and what is our response? you know, you can never underestimate an opponent. we will say all the time that oh, we are there hats, excuse me, we'll throw them all, in no case, of course, this is a fighter, this is a fighter of its time, it was effectively used in many armed conflicts and it cannot be underestimated, but our fighters, which are used today on the front lines there, well, i'm not talking about the su-34, su-57, they are of course much better in quality, and if we talk about the fact that if there is an open clash - with
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this machine, of course, ours will emerge victorious, because even air combat models without the use of real weapons showed that our equipment is more effective and more maneuverable than this machine, i think that we should not be afraid of it, but we should pay close attention to it. in conclusion of our conversation, i would like to ask, of course, about plans, by the thirtieth year you wanted to equalize civilian and military production, will it be possible to do this? yes, if we sum up. the results of the twenty -third year for the production of civilian products in all enterprises of the rostec complex, then today we can say that we have reached the parameter of 35% of the total order, meaning rostec's revenue, although the president set the target of 30% by 2025, 50% by 2030, we have already crossed this line, we believe that we are on the right track, despite the fact that of course we spend the maximum of our forces from...
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to satisfy our customer, this is primarily the ministry of defense, but nevertheless we are going along this path, we are in no way slowing down the pace, well of course in terms of weight , weight characteristics there in terms of money, yes, there is more state defense, but nevertheless we are increasing the share of civilian products, here we have aviation equipment, medical equipment, energy equipment, electronics, that is, we produce the entire range of products that are needed today for the civilian sector, in addition... we cooperate with private companies that offer us some of their developments, where we can apply them in our production, this is also a section of civilian products and this gives its effect, you correctly said that in no case should we forget about civilian products, and in no case should we leave namely only in military products, because war is here today, it is gone tomorrow, and production must always work and of course the consumer always gives an impetus to the development of the economy. the attack of ukrainian drones
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on the zaporizhzhya npp, we are talking about nuclear terrorism, rosatom declares, how the fire was extinguished and what the magat declares. three more ukrainian missiles were shot down in the kursk region. china calls for de-scalation of the conflict, activity in the ssu in the belgorod region, how they are taken out. in russia, air force day, 112th anniversary, the minister of defense congratulated the personnel and veterans, we will tell you how pilots carry out combat missions in the svo zone on their holiday. hezbollah struck the headquarters of one of the divisions of the israeli army. let's study what the american press writes about a possible attack by iran on israel. they call it
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cold in the capital region there will be a thunderstorm strong wind, will this return again, we will ask our weather forecasters. automobile columns delivered more than 180 tons of humanitarian aid to the kursk region, the ministry of emergency situations reports. the situation in the region remains tense, russian troops are transferring additional forces and counterattacks. according to the ministry of defense , only in the past 24 hours, liquidated.
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once an hour, when you hear an alarm, you need to go down to the basement or take shelter in an apartment between the load-bearing walls, indeed, as before. people get into cars, and they bring things, they bring food, today we talked to a guy, his name is vladimir, he himself, a former military man, participated in the svo, received severe injuries, but he cannot, he says, return, i cannot return to the front, he does not let me in due to health reasons, but he says: i took the oath
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gave, so i can't stay away, here he has made a huge journey, traveled half the country in order to bring humanitarian aid, today... he brought it to the temporary accommodation center, let's listen to him, all my friends, all my comrades started calling, writing, sending money, collecting things, here are my bags with things, well, there are maybe six or seven bags, everything else was collected by people, i was discharged from the army for health reasons, but i took the oath, and the oath is for eternity, i can't protect people like this, so i'll at least help them in this way, no one... in the country should not remain on the sidelines when our compatriots, roughly speaking, are being forced out of their own homes, there are a lot of such people, this is very sad, of course, and people come from the chechen republic, from dagestan, there were even
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volunteers from kamchatka who also bring humanitarian aid, more than 600 people, i repeat once again, were forced to leave their homes due to shelling. they are placed in temporary accommodation centers, where everything is organized for them, both medical care and legal services, they help to receive, including one-time payments, payments for loss of housing, and psychologists also work, an important job, because people are really in a very serious condition, people threw everything they had, they just ran from ukrainian shells and bullets, we managed today... to talk, to see how people live in temporary accommodation centers, in temporary accommodation points, well, we listened to their stories, of course, i'm glad that they settled me here, because there is nowhere to live, the conditions
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are good, the conditions are very good, i'm about i'm not offended by this, and the people are good with me, thank god, and they treat me well here, and the guys here helped and... after two direct strikes by ukrainian drones, it burned down completely, now specialists must conduct a full assessment of the damage, i note that the fire broke out the night before, it was completely extinguished,
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there are no casualties, it is also noted that the radiation background in the area of ​​the station is normal, this is how governor yevgeny baletsky commented on the situation, the ukrainian regime, supported by nato... strategic infrastructure, such as the nuclear power plant is concerned, a number of decisions were made that today allow us to work safely in the zaporizhia region and localize all the difficulties posed to us by the enemy in a timely manner. it must be said that today all
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units are ready, the radiation fund is normal, this, in principle, will not affect the operation of the plant itself. there is also a reaction from magate, the head of the agency. believes that there are no threats to nuclear safety, the statement noted that reckless attacks increase the risk of accidents, while their source still not specified. magat also demanded access to the damaged facility. a statement on the situation at the zaporizhzhya nuclear power plant was also made by the director of communications of zas, evgeniya yashina. mr. grossi, the head of magat constantly talks about the need to comply with the principles of nuclear safety, while he emphasizes that it is necessary to maintain the physical integrity of the plant. this is a direct violation of the integrity of the plant. in general , we can conclude that this is a threat to the nuclear safety of the npp. now
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belgorod region, where authorities today report a tense situation in border villages. over the past 24 hours, according to the head of the region, more than 200 shells were fired into so, plus there were drone attacks. vyacheslav glatkov went to the site, talked to representatives of the self-defense forces and local residents. they are urged to leave their homes for a while. how many are left? not much, but there are some grandfathers and grandmothers in the houses, well, we are slowly taking them out, but what help, it is better to play it safe, but everyone is alive and well, now a short advertising, then even more news, sale, where did you buy megamarket, school style, buy children's shoes geox with discounts up to 40%. megamarket - school style. are you attacked by credit card debts? i'll show
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developments that will begin research right on site, as well as for practical ones , be launched into production. on behalf of the president, we are building a new campus of baumanka, almost the main work has been completed, 170 thousand square meters of such
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modern first-class buildings, structures, laboratories have been built, the bar has been raised for all technological solutions that should ensure a continuous educational process. the russian space station bureau 1440 has successfully completed testing of inter-satellite laser communication terminals. now the spacecraft exchange information using infrared laser beams. this allows for a higher
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data transfer rate. with such satellite internet technology will be available without interruption from the most remote corners of the country. alexandra perfilieva will tell you more about how russia is developing near space in the " science question" section. a laser bridge was thrown over a distance of 1.00 km. a russian company, one of the first in the world to master a promising space communications technology, is preparing to develop a broadband data transmission service on its basis. these devices have never been shown on television before, and yet we have the first domestic inter-satellite laser communication terminal, the own development of the 1440 bureau, which has already been tested in low earth orbit as part of the dawn-2 technology mission. here we see the laser communication terminal itself, roughly it consists of three components, the first part is the receiving and transmitting optical system, which consists of two
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service channel lenses, a telescope, which is responsible for the function of receiving and transmitting useful. thousands of kilometers from each other, that is, the length of the light beam exceeded distance, for example, from moscow to rostov on dana, while the throughput of the optical channel remained high up to 10 gigabits per second. this is what laser communication between satellites is needed for. this is how you can almost instantly transmit large amounts of information about the usual
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radio channel copes with this task worse. if we talk about numbers on average, then, probably, the throughput limit for a radio channel is 1.5-2 gigabits per second at a distance of 1.0 km, this is probably the maximum. if we talk about laser communication, then this is from 10 gbit more. this is one of the key technologies in our company, and inter-satellite communication is in principle necessary to ensure global coverage and to provide quality service to the end user. the terminal has two contours of guidance at once , rough and precise, because aiming a beam from... one spacecraft to another is the most difficult task. just imagine, the satellites are moving at a speed of 27 thousand km per hour, they are separated by huge distances. the bureau employees say that... it's like trying to hit with a laser pointer into a fly that flies somewhere on the horizon, a real challenge for a team of engineers, it requires precision technology, complex
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mathematics, and careful modeling. the task of ensuring high-precision guidance was one of the main challenges in developing this project, but we coped with it, we have a strong enough team, a special unit was developed that ensures the accuracy of positioning the optical element with an error of several orders of magnitude. than the thickness of a human hair, that is, thanks to precision technology, precision manufacturing of components, a complex algorithm managed to achieve such high precision. another advantage of laser communication over radio communication is that the optical signal does not fade, it is almost impossible to jam or intercept it, and the number of errors in data transmission by russian specialists was brought to the level of fiber optics. the bit error rate is the number of broken packets or code errors that we receive when transmitting information from one tls to another, we managed to achieve a bit error rate errors of 10 to the -13th power, which is comparable to
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fiber optic communication lines, and for us this is a fairly good indicator, because we must provide continuous service anywhere in the world. the success of bureau 14-40 is an event for all of russian science. experiments in developing laser communications for space began back in the seventies of the last century, but only a few companies have managed to master the technology worldwide so far, and the fact that there is a russian one among them is a consequence of the highest level of training of engineering personnel. a team of 160 specialists worked on the creation and testing of the laser communications terminal, the average age of only 35 years, and the work began from scratch, there was nothing to rely on. the laser communications terminal is an absolutely new... technology and, unfortunately, this is not the development of a car, where you basically understand that it consists of a chassis, body, engine, we very deeply analyzed all sorts of
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principles of how this system can be implemented, we carried out more than 100 calculations optical systems, we had worked out more than twelve general structural schemes, all of which resulted in three layout solutions, and we worked out different options in parallel for a very long time in order to make sure that we could increase the probability of successful testing in orbit. russia has always been one of the world leaders in the quality and availability of the internet, but our country is large, there are places where it is physically difficult or impossible to extend fiber optics, for example, the taimyr peninsula. affordable satellite communications will allow be online, residents of the dynamically developing arctic region, hard-to-reach mountainous areas, sailors on ships, and this is not only about the convenience of users, but also about real-time access to business services, instant exchange of large amounts of information. in the end, this is the ability to promptly report emergencies. so how does it all work? for the subscriber, it looks like a familiar internet access. the user
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connects to the ground subscriber station via wires, or via wi-fi. and this the subscriber terminal, thanks to a phased array antenna, maintains communication with the satellite group. the task is to transmit a request to the gateway station connected to the world wide web. it can be very far from the user. not the access zone of a specific satellite, this is where lasers come into play, so as not to wait until a specific device flies to the gateway, the request is transmitted from satellite to satellite via an optical channel until it gets to the gateway station, then the information is exchanged via the internet and the response data packets go back to the user along the same route, in all, no more than 70 milliseconds. during the second experimental mission rassve-2, domestic laser communication terminals received flight qualification. continue development, optimize the technical characteristics and economic
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characteristics of the system and, of course , prepare for serial production, because the goal of our company is to provide commercial service, this is the serial launch of spacecraft. many countries are now striving to explore near space. the first steps to deploy their own low-orbit group. china, russia are already doing this. by now, the 14:40 bureau has launched six satellites, and there will be more. well , a new generation of talented russian engineers is helping to move forward.
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people who serve in intelligence are not even physically strong, but simply strong in spirit, who takes the speckles, a symbol, who wears them. i believe that there should
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be a model in everything, people should strive for it, it is impossible to do worse, it is possible to do better, we have always had such a motto in life, pushed these people into doorway and, probably, it's all a dream, and you want to open your eyes and wake up.
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russian know-how in the field of weapons has proven its effectiveness on the battlefield. this was stated by vladimir putin in his address to the participants of the international military-technical forum army 2024, which started today in the moscow region. the site also hosted exhibits from a number of foreign countries. our correspondent yegor grigoriev is currently working at the forum. he is joining the broadcast. so, yegor, it is clear that many interesting things are presented.
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