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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 12, 2024 7:00pm-7:31pm MSK

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we have long since notified them through the administration that they must leave, because they did nothing, did not clean, did not work, usually we do not keep such people for long. the court planned to take ukrainian ivan kuzmin into custody so that he would spend 9 months in a peruvian prison while the investigation is underway, but right during the hearing, the probable killer suddenly felt ill, the hearing was postponed until he returned from the world of hallucinations. alena skachkova, news, duty unit. you can find the latest legal news. 24/7 find out telegram channels conduct duty part and honest detective. alexander ostakhov was in the studio, see you at 21:30. the goal of the ukrainian terrorist attack on kurdish land, improving their negotiating positions, stopping the russian offensive in other directions. important statements by vladimir putin on the situation in the border regions. what was reported to the president about the situation in the combat zone in those and '.
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russia and what instructions did the russian leader give to governors and responsible departments? go to belgorod and kursk, and shoot local residents orders of the ukrainian armed forces command to their militants revelation of a captured ukrainian soldier, we will show a video from the fsb. and we will give the latest data from the ministry of defense on the destruction of enemy equipment. details of the progress of the counter-terrorist operation. our correspondent is working on the spot. dozens of tons of humanitarian aid are being sent to the kursk region, it contains everything essential, collections are organized practically throughout the country, no one remains indifferent. at the same time, the situation remains tense. the operational headquarters decided to evacuate residents of the belovsky district of the kush region, 11 people were also evacuated in belgorod. a new level of nuclear aggression. the heads
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of rosatom targeted drone strikes on the zaporizhia nuclear power plant, what is the situation after the fire at the cooling tower, how great are the risks of a nuclear disaster? the russian country calls on the iaea to finally assess the provocation by the armed forces of ukraine. the latest weapons are presented at the army 2024 forum . what is shown in patriot park is already used on the battlefield or will it be involved in a special operation? advanced.
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meetings on the situation in the regions bordering ukraine. at the same time, the president emphasized that the enemy will receive a worthy response to its actions, and the goals of the special operation will be achieved. elizaveta khramtsova will tell you more about the statements made during the meeting on the tasks set by the head of state. the events of recent days in the border regions of russia show that the kiev regime, trying to show its western masters its ability to resist moscow, ready to attack. civilians , how to protect people, how to help those who found themselves in the shelling zone, president vladimir putin spoke today with the heads of relevant departments and heads of subjects located near ukraine. at the meeting , they discussed the most pressing tasks and those issues that may arise in the near future, and the president began with the key task that our military and security forces are currently facing. the main task is certainly facing the ministry of defense. squeeze out, knock out
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the enemy from our territories together with the border service to ensure reliable cover of the state border. the federal security service together with the russian guard must ensure the counter-terrorism situation and effective fight against the enemy's sabotage and reconnaissance groups, and the russian guard also has its own .
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improving their negotiating judging by everything, the enemy is striving for positions in the future, but what kind of negotiations can we talk about at all, we can talk about people who indiscriminately strike at peaceful people, on civil infrastructure. or they are trying to create threats to nuclear power facilities, what can we even talk about with them. secondly, such actions certainly pursue the main military goal, namely to stop the advance of our troops to completely
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liberate the territory of the lugansk, donetsk people's republics, the territory of novorussiya. and what, what is happening on the combat line? contact, what are the results, the pace of offensive operations of the russian armed forces, volunteers, veterans not only has not decreased, on the contrary, it has increased, increased by one and a half times, our armed forces are advancing along the entire line of combat contact, in an attempt to predict the reaction of the russians to the brazen sortie of the ukrainian armed forces into the kursk region, the people sitting in the banking and... offices overseas, as always , miscalculated. another of the obvious goals of the enemy is to sow discord, discord in our society, to intimidate people, to destroy
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the unity, cohesion of russian society, that is, to strike a blow at the internal political situation, but here too the response from the citizens russia already has, this. unwavering support for all who got into trouble, support for the army and an increase, which is very important, an increase in the number of those wishing to join our men, to the fighters who heroically, with weapons in their hands, defend russia. and these miscalculations for the enemy will be fatal, assured vladimir putin, because the speed of our fighters' advancement in other areas of the special military operation is only growing.
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no, however, alexander bagamas noted that the region learned from the experience of the kursk region in the event if necessary , temporary accommodation points for 32 thousand people are ready to be deployed in the bryansk region. it is important not to lose vigilance and be prepared for a sharp turn of events, the president emphasized.
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it is obvious to us, and i have already said this, that the enemy will continue to try to destabilize the situation in the border zone in order to destabilize the domestic political situation in our country. therefore, if today in the bryansk region it is relatively calm, this does not mean that tomorrow the same situation will remain there, i ask you to approach this with the utmost attention together with the security forces, together with the headquarters that is being created along the line, along the line of the fsb of russia, with the support of the russian national guard, all the questions that are needed for discussion, for preparation for any development of the situation together with...
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this is in the form of paper, okay, so that it is a document, good, thank you, specific decisions and actions that should be taken in the very near future were discussed behind closed doors, but we can say with confidence about the goal that they are pursuing, to restore peace in our border area and bring the achievement of the goals of the special military operation closer, well now urgent messages from lentinform agencies with reference to the russian ministry of defense, the armed forces of our country have increased the pace of the offensive in the donetsk direction, our defense
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department reports, also units of russian troops as a result of active actions liberated the settlement of lisichnoye in the dpr. and a few more messages from the ministry of defense. russian troops still hold the initiative in donetsk direction, successfully breaking through the enemy's defense. and also by units, and it is also known that control is currently established over. well, and more details from the ministry of defense, which are appearing at this moment, the cleansing of the settlements of ivanovka, sergievka, makeyevka, kirov, artemov and the desired in the donetsk direction from the armed forces of ukraine and from nationalists is being completed, we will follow the incoming information. giving away
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of the settlements of martynovka barki and korenevo. but to no avail. our units continue to displace the formation of the armed forces of ukraine. units are involved in the kursk border area the north groupings have pulled together reserves. total ukrainian losses on the border since yesterday amounted to 260 people and 31 units of equipment. and since the beginning of hostilities in the kursk direction, more than 1,600 militants of the kiev regime have been eliminated. the ministry of defense has distributed new footage from the combat zone in the border area. as can be seen, against the backdrop of large losses in equipment, the ukrainian armed forces are using installations of practically homemade production. our scouts spotted from the air two pickups on which mlrs were mounted. from the rocket systems the militants fired at peaceful settlements, relying on the maneuverability and mobility of their vehicles. but they did not take into account that at one moment a probing munition could fly over them. in fact, that is what happened. and this is how tank crews carry out tasks in the kursk direction. the recent
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reinforcement of our group in this area, including tanks, has noticeably confused the maps of the ukrainian armed forces. the crews methodically work on the militants' shelters, not giving them a chance to gain a foothold. army aviation also regularly strikes at the concentration of personnel enemy. the crews of mi-28 and k-52 helicopters fired guided missiles at night into the whirlwind at the positions of the ukrainian armed forces. missile troops and russian fighters are eliminating firing points and militant bases in the rear in the sumy region. meanwhile , the ministry of defense is increasing its troop grouping and forming reserves in the kursk region. for this purpose, additional forces and resources have been delivered to the region , the department reports. evacuation continues from border areas, and assistance is provided to those who urgently had to leave their homes. is now coming from all over the country. about the situation in the kursk region, our special correspondent, stanislav bernwald.
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the situation in the kursk region is still very tense, the siren really goes off every hour and a half. and then there is a missile threat rebuff, today at the briefing of the operational headquarters of the counter-terrorist operation they just talked about the fact that the enemy tried to break through several times, but the attacks were repelled, it is also emphasized that our aviation and artillery are working very effectively on those approaching the state border reserves of the ukrainian troops, they are discovered, immediately destroyed, active actions of units of the group of troops north of the approaching reserves, strikes of army aviation unmanned aerial vehicles... brothers and artillery fire repelled seven attacks of assault groups, the eightieth and eighty-second airborne assault brigades. over the past day, losses in the ukrainian ssr amounted to 260 servicemen, 31 units of armored vehicles, including three tanks, eight infantry fighting vehicles, 20 combat armored vehicles, as well as 27 cars and
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322 mm howitzers-30. as today said in rio region governor mr. smirnov, a person from the civilian population, now there is no information about almost 2 thousand who were in the border area in the cto mode, one of the main tasks is to build a system of security and control of public order. the number of precisely on-duty police squads, patrol and post services, state traffic inspectorate have been increased many times, measures are being taken to suppress, the dissemination of false information. police officers. work has been established to replace lost passports, employees of the migration departments prepare documents within one day. the resettlement of people
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from the border zone to temporary accommodation points continues, there are already more than twenty of them open in various administrative centers of the kursk region, and everything is provided there, and medical care, and the work of psychologists, and food, the most important thing that we have paid attention to today is that people from all over the country come to the tap, they bring...
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now provide maximum support to residents, first of all from the victims districts, provide them with medical care, federal specialists from medical institutions, neighboring regions have joined in this , temporary accommodation centers are in operation, on the instructions of the president, the government has allocated funding of 1.8 billion rubles to support citizens who have lost their homes, as well as for payments to those who were forced to leave their homes, now ... there is an opportunity to apply for assistance through the state services portal, here it is very important to provide support in the most convenient format for people, without unnecessary delays
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promptly. in the kursk region , you can get reference information and consult on issues of interest by dialing 122 ; to call emergency services, you need to dial 112. for this purpose, the number of operators has been increased, additional resources have been connected to process incoming calls. it is necessary to ensure uninterrupted operation of the line; to reduce, of course, the waiting time for a response. dmitrievich, please keep this under personal control, well, in general, monitor how people are being informed; all processes should be for them understandable. what if the bank will only have banking services? without travel vouchers, food delivery, tickets, someone will say, how dare they, that's it, ural sip bank, nothing extra,
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belgorod region about 11 residents of krasnoyarsk district got their homes, people are transported to safer ones.
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effect than the liberation of some territory of their own. 1100 people have already left the border areas, people are delivered to temporary accommodation points, which are in all districts and districts of the region. regional authorities volunteers travel around all the villages that found themselves in a threat zone. are there many left? no, not many, but some of them are in houses , grandfathers, grandmothers, well, we are taking them out little by little, what help, it is better to be on the safe side. everyone is alive and well, they were taken away, fed, watered, now in the krasnoyarsk region they have already installed 20 concrete shelter capsules, another 26 in other
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risk zones, in total they have brought 180 for... kiev neo-nazis have a desperate desire to get to the top of the world news agencies, so they are trying to break through the russian border, while shelling the civilian population, only in the belgorod region more than 2 were released in 24 hours mahmoud abbas arrived in russia, abbas's visit to our country had been prepared for a long time, it is planned that today, on the first day of his arrival, the leader of palestine will lay flowers at the tomb of the unknown soldier in moscow, and on tuesday he expects to meet with vladimir putin. the main topic for discussion, of course, is the situation in the middle east, the escalation of the israeli-palestinian
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conflict. to a greater extent, he counts on moscow's support in supporting, in fact, palestinian initiatives concerning, concerning the creation of a palestinian state, and the formation of a government of national unity that can act on behalf of all palestinians, which will include both fatah and hamas, and of course these steps, they may also push the israeli
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side to more... perhaps some steps aimed at finding reconciliation, well now the footage that we just received, they show the arrival and arrival of mahmoud abaas in the russian capital, well on the eve of his visit to moscow, abaas gave a long interview to tas, in the opinion of the palestinian leader, stable security the situation in the middle east can only be achieved by creating two sovereign states, arab and jewish, but this is impossible as long as the government in israel is, i quote: an extremist government that does not believe in peace and puts itself above international law. nevertheless, according to mahmoud abas, palestine is ready for an international peace conference at which all aspects of its final status will be settled. but hamas is not going to talk. at the very least, the radical movement has refused to accept participation in the gaza negotiations with israel. let me remind you that on august 9, the leaders of egypt, qatar and the united states issued a joint statement
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calling on israel and hamas to resume negotiations on a ceasefire in the gaza strip on august 15 in doha or cairo. one of the reasons for the refusal, as the american news portal axe writes, citing hamas statements, is the assassination of hamas political leader ismail haniyeh by israel and the recent israeli airstrikes in the gaza strip. the situation is teetering on the brink of scaling the conflict in gaza to the entire region. an attempt american administration.
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on july 31, the situation in the middle east sharply worsened. new reports of an imminent iranian strike on israel began to appear one after another. tel aviv responded to this with threats of an unprecedented response. the day before , it became known that the sheid hezbollah militia had struck an israel defense forces command post in the gaaton border region. at least 30 rocket launches from lebanon were recorded in northern israel. this was reported by the army press service. according to idf, the message no casualties were reported. an israel defense forces spokeswoman said all army units were on full alert.


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