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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 13, 2024 12:30am-1:01am MSK

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bruise, here is the second such moment, probably, this was also probably 18-19 years old, i played in the sheriff then, we had an important match, the champions league qualification, it depended on it whether we would go further into the group stage of either the champions league, the europa league, so the day before there i lay down to sleep there literally for half an hour, probably, and dreamed that we would win 1:0, i scored a goal, and there , waking up half an hour later, we went to the stadium , that's how it all happened in reality, why am i asking about dreams, because at the end of the last championship, what i did zenit, when the club constantly gave a chance to competitors, and it seemed that the fate of the title hung by a thread until the very end, well, until the very end, the club won both the championship and the russian cup, made a splash for the first time under sergei simak, the beginning of this season, well , you can’t call it anything other than some kind of dream on eve, that’s what’s happening. at the end
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of last season, what’s happening now, what is this anyway, what is zenit? probably, work, that work and that faith in each other, in the result, in the fact that each of us can contribute a part of ourselves to this, uh, process, in result, in victory, i think, the faith of each of us gives such a result, and the work that was done during the last season and pre-season training camps, the beginning of this year, i think that... more than ever, probably, the team feels united, and i think that this brings its own fruits, this season is a championship that will end in the spring of 25, in the year when zenit celebrates its centenary, but what i see, what i hear now, there is no feeling that the pumping has already begun, that here somehow the players, the team are under pressure that you have to, this is a century, necessarily in every match, necessarily win everything, this is no longer the case, for now, i think that everyone understands this inside themselves and... being, playing for
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the football club zenit, you basically always bear this responsibility, not that this is pressure from the outside, this is an internal feeling that you play in a club that has one task and goal - to win not just in every tournament in every tournament in which we take part, but in every game, going out giving 100%, always playing to win, that is, there is no thought that somewhere a draw might be okay or something like that, that is why i think that such a philosophy of the club and the team as a whole, which is passed on to the guys who come again, who have been here for a long time, and well, i think that this understanding as a whole is present inside everyone, well, it is still interesting to understand what happened after these titles, after these victorious matches of zenit at the very end of last season, what happened to the team, because i see and talked with dynamo players, how the team reacted to the missed championship and... it was clear that
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this was a very deep psychological hole, on the one hand, but they reacted very correctly to the result, this start of dynamo with all the personnel difficulties, just an illustration of the fact that the team perceived and survived the end of last season correctly, this is how zenit survived the championship victory in the russian cup, this was also, probably, well, something special, well, of course, first of all, first of all it was special, because it was decided literally... in the last minutes of the match, yes in the championship and in the cup, and i understood that dynamo would probably have it a little more difficult, yes in this last match, because they have such pressure from the result, they needed, yes this result, maybe not every season this happens to them, to the zenit team, yes, when you always strive to be in first place, you have this responsibility for the result, it is always present, that's why in that match.
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probably psychologically, probably they had a little more complicated, as it seemed to me, that's why the way events unfolded, this is of course, probably already somewhere history, yes, from the course of circumstances that, that developed this way, due to again the same work and faith, probably, we turned this whole story in our direction, i would like to rewind a little time and go back to the summer of the seventeenth year, when you moved to zenit, then the team? roberto mancheni headed, and it seemed that zenit was doomed to something big that season, but this was the worst result, fifth place, and yet, despite the fifth place, the season was successful for you, you were the second scorer, the team, you played constantly, what kind of season was it for zenit and for you, well, naturally, when you move to a team like zenit, yes, it's a new challenge, new partners, in general a new level of communication in principle. yes, with
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the club's employees, with the guys with whom you share the same locker room, so that season, probably, in addition to the fact that the entire coaching staff was new, a lot of... football players, probably about ten there, if i'm not mistaken, and russians, and legionnaires, there were guys, there were a lot of argentines, so of course it was necessary to somehow assemble this team in the shortest possible time, and inspire the goals of the ideas that the coaching staff was pursuing, and at first, well, probably the first round, yes, they performed quite well, they gained a good pace, there was a gap at... but gradually, of course, probably over the distance there was a little lack of this enthusiasm that was at the beginning, and mm, some difficulties, difficulties, probably it turned out that you didn't finish the season very successfully, you went to zenit as a rotation player or a starting player
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, who invited you, how did it happen? well, i transferred to zenit in order to raise my level and... naturally, to help the team, no one ever, i think, promises when transferring whether you will be a starting player or a rotation player, well, you know, why i ask, i'll just interrupt you, i remember how konstantin zaryanov transferred to zenit, he was taken exactly then from torpedo, as a rotation player and it seemed that he would simply strengthen and lengthen the bench, but kostya had an outstanding season, he became a leader, he became an irreplaceable footballer and he received the title of the best player of the championship, well... here you are, when you were going, here is your story, it seems to me, a little similar too, after all, erokhin, yes, he was an irreplaceable footballer for rostov, here is berdyevskiy rostov, it was something with matches in the champions league, with such games, but still at that time you did not have a reputation as a person who is one of the stars of the russian
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premier league, well, naturally, probably, starting from rostov, yes, the fact that in principle there the one and a half seasons that i spent there, they were quite successful, interesting yes... in the champions league, getting into the national team, and as if, probably, from this logically followed the transition to some next stage, yes, the next level, and since we have several guys from rostov musta transferred, and there was quite a large rotation within the team, yes, that is, what i said, a lot of people came, i think, based on this there was an understanding that there is an opportunity to compete for a place in the team and be a key player and develop yourself to help the team. in this regard, why are you the only one left, because not enough is said about this, well, maybe it is said at all, but if you look, you and misha kerzhakov are the players who remained from that first team of sergei semak, who won all these titles, what is so special about
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alexander erokhin for simak and zenit? well, i just try to do what depends on me, uh, to do it in the training process, in in the game process always uh. i don't know with all my heart and soul 100% work already well i don't know tried to just bring to the team there what i can but not do, probably it suits the coaches and gives some kind of impetus to the team helps, for you uh is there an answer that can be voiced, which may have formed, if you thought about it, what is so special about sergey simak in my opinion? this is also human probably coaching wisdom, yes, which comes with experience, in principle it is in him, yes, as a person, not to make any hasty, impulsive, yes, there, decisions, actions,
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weigh everything and approach the solution of the issue with the awareness of how it will affect the team first of all, yes, not that it somehow relates to him personally, namely, so that it would be better. the team and so that the team develops and moves forward only, that's why i think that the approach and those skills that he acquired here before, he was also a football player, an excellent coach, worked in the national team in other teams, that's why i think all this together gives that he grows as a coach and his growth, so he transfers it is transferred for... maybe no external noisy influences, not being, maybe a player who could play clearly in
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some one specific position, he was a football player, next to whom his partners began to play better, yeah, that's how a coach, yes, he does it so that the players... well and clearly, then each player in his position can show himself his best qualities, that is, if everyone will try to pull himself up, to be what, well, that is - a little bit of such a tilt towards one football player, probably, this will be for the team , uh, probably, not quite the balance that is needed, and for the player as a whole, and - if you can look, for example, in our team, yes , the guys change positions a lot and during... games, in principle, during the season , different guys are used in different positions by coaches, therefore such a broad
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football outlook, you can say, when you have an idea of ​​how to play there in defense, in midfield, in attack, i think that in general this has a positive effect on the progress football player, in general, now this topic also somehow does not particularly sound like a given age, but simak returned to the national team to khidinku before euro 2008 as a defensive midfielder... this is precisely the calm, probably, with which they make decisions, yes in terms of
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choosing the pattern of play, tactics, approach to football players, that is, it is always on time, yes at some moments to approach, talk personally, when it is necessary, this is when it is not necessary, for example, well, on the contrary, do not touch the football player, so that he calms down a little somewhere in terms of psychological state, he is more holistic probably approached the game, that's why probably some of the... common features are there, but nevertheless, each person is still an individual, each has some specific life experience behind them, which affects their work and communication with people, so of course , no matter what differences they probably found, but each of them still has their own approach to football to life in general. let me remind you again, you are at the zenith of the 2017 rally, the team is being updated, there is a constant rotation of players. you stay, you stay, and you play, you score, and there are
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some quality in alexander erokhin, the prevailing one, that allows him to play for such a long time for such a team as zenit, not being its alumnus, having gone to already quite mature footballers with experience of playing for many clubs, well, again, it is always difficult for me to speak for myself, yes, as if to say some such, i don’t know, if it is possible to say some laudatory qualities, yes, but it is not quite so. mine, you can say, well, perhaps, somehow the psychology of the team itself influenced a little, yes zenit in general, the fact that this is a winning team and the mentality of a winner, it must be formed inside the football player, that being a player of the sheriffs, in principle the situation in terms of striving for constant championship, for victories, for the fact that there is no, in principle , a draw, no defeats, there are only victories and you need to strive for it, probably those years... when we became champions there for 3 years in a row, won the cup and the moldovan super cup, that time, probably
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formed such a worldview that no, you cannot think about what can there should be some good draw in principle, yes, that is, you should strive to show your best qualities in every training session, in every match, and even there, winning there 4:1, you worry about the fact that you missed that one goal, right? to that, probably, somewhere these qualities, maybe, help now, in that, in that life, in that life in the zenit team and achieving results with the team. it is no secret, you were once close to leaving zenit, was there a situation when you could leave the team? well, it is difficult to say, the situations were completely different, again there was always a lot of writing in the press and different news, so as a professional football player i was required to continue. work, yes, the situation could have developed differently there, but nevertheless my goal and dream, probably
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, was always to play for the best club in russia, for zenit , to continue helping the team achieve victories together with it. artem dzyuba, as far as i know, wants to continue his career so that all the records that exist in russian football by goals scored and not only to take for yourself. you have, according to wikipedia, 90 goals scored at the professional level. i don’t know, that’s not true, do you keep these statistics, no, taking into account your, well, usual productivity, this figure of 100, yes, not only the club’s centenary, but also 100, as the number of goals, that’s it somewhere.
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in 100 goals, then probably, in principle, you can think about it and it would probably be interesting to get to it, you mentioned the national team, your first call to the national team was quite a long time ago, 13 years ago, it was the second team under the leadership of yuri krasnozhan, and at that time you were a player of krasnodar, the eleventh year is far away, what kind of krasnodar was it then, what kind of experiment was it for you, if it was well an experiment, an experience with the second team, can you tell us? what mood did you leave there with, what mood did you return with, what status were you in general? well, as for the second team of russia, then at that time, probably, it was such a yes, as you said, an experiment for the guys who could possibly be called up to the national team in the near future national team, but for some game
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or non-game reasons, they were not ready for the main team yet, but that core of players, two of them were called up to play for russia, at that time they were, well, pretty good players, there was fayzulin, and bukharov, and samsonov, and there were good names, and when we were training in this team, some of the guys were invited to train with the main team, because it was practically there , they trained on the neighboring fields in novogorsk, that's why i think the story it's interesting, but unfortunately there is no continuation of its own... received, but nevertheless, for me there was an understanding that it was still a call to the russian national team and this is already some kind of a certain step and i don't know, maybe a mark of the fact that there is potential to be called up to the main team sometime in the near future. and krasnodar, that krasnodar and you, that yerokhin, in that krasnodar, what was that? in
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krasnodar, a team that had just left the first league for the premier league. a new team was being built, but nevertheless, the infrastructure the one i got to, it was already a team of the premier league, a base, fields, it didn’t have its own stadium yet, but the organization that was in the team , the approach, i think it was such that the team, in principle, probably had no chance not to rise to the lines where it is now, therefore, well, for me, moving from sheriff to krasnodar, i think it was a big step forward in my career and as a football player, to return to russia to the premier league here and try to show myself, grow and move on. you have an amazing, yes, i don't know, luck, involvement, skill, quality, any word you like, you can choose. you ended up at zenit during the best period of the club's life, in terms of the number of titles, and
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you ended up with the national team during one of the two best periods of its life, the world cup of 1918. slutsky first called you up to the national team in 1915 for a match against the turks. slutsky, a little later, being a rubin player, would say that erokhin is a specific player who needs to find his key, who is good in the final part of attacks, but still, here he is, special, what is your the peculiarity was for that team, how easily you took the fact that there was a pause, yes, that you did not have euro-16 in your career. of course, for me here was a call to the national team from i was then a player of ural. and e was a good start of the season, in my opinion, there scored several goals here got this call to the national team, of course for me it was well great happiness and joy, and even e i was in the application, but did not go out then in these matches, but nevertheless still feel this atmosphere, the atmosphere of the locker room and e the atmosphere of the matches of the national team, it
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of course it was a new level for me , yes, understanding how everything happens, therefore... well, for me it became a huge motivation for this challenge not to be the first and last, yes, so that after it there would be more challenges, therefore naturally from myself, from me it was only required to continue to work, to try and so that the coaches had a reason to call me in the future, for you, if again, look at your track record, look at your history, talk to people who again worked and are working in zenit, in the russian national team, you always, as it seems... the country had absolutely correct emotional reactions to what was happening to you, you were absolutely calm, on the one hand, you could relate to the coach's decision when you did not serve several... match - in the starting lineup and could even not go out on the field, but conditionally, having missed two or three matches, for this reason you went out in the fourth, and were completely mentally prepared for the game, these are
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absolutely correct reactions, when you had them, was this always characteristic of you or was there something that taught you to behave exactly like that? well, probably, all the same, at the start of my career, of course, there were moments when emotions went a little too far, and... somewhere i could not behave quite correctly and properly in such situations, and as i already sometimes think about it, it’s good that some mistakes happened to me at a fairly young age, so that i could learn from them myself, and then , based on my experience, again not allow such moments in my reactions and maybe hasty conclusions, so...
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that is, it was never your strong point, you played mostly due to your head and mental preparation for matches, now at your age, how is footballer erokhin better than
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that footballer who was in rostov, who was, i don’t know, in sheriff, what have you learned during your career? - well, probably, this is if we talk in general, this is, well, in principle , understanding, probably the game, yes, somewhere, when you are younger, yes, you can - play due to your readiness, due to physical, physical qualities, yes, if somewhere a little tactically played incorrectly, then due to your endurance, strength, speed you will reach it, you will have time, yes, well, with time, of course, there is a moment when you try to read the game more, to be in those positions, in those zones, to open up, yes, in those zones where the ball should come, yes, in order to develop the attack or score a goal, therefore , probably, well... well, with time, with experience, probably, comes that choice of position and vision of the development of the situation on the field, which sometimes allow you to score goals. thank you,
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alexander, legend, it seems like a big word, but the guest of football of russia was alexander erokhin, a man who was involved in each of zenit's titles under sergei simak. another bright sign was in krasnodar, where the local team hosted cska, an absolutely unpredictable match by all accounts, the fate of which was ultimately decided in the last minutes. having scored eight goals in the two previous rounds, the capital's army men looked rather pale and conceded first. batchi scored a goal in the locker room. it would seem that cska was saved by igor deveev, who has already scored four times this season, which became the repetition of the record among central defenders for goals in one season at cska. sergei ignashevich once had the same number. true, deveev's goal did not bring the army men even a draw result . krasnodar's victory.
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moscow lokomotiv continues to move quite confidently in the upper part of the table. the home match against makhachkala dynamo ended in victory. two defenders distinguished themselves for the railway workers - samoshnikov and morozov. one of the goal passes was given by nineteen-year-old alexei batrakov, who after four rounds has already scored six points on the goal plus system. he has two goals and four assists, in this match 2:0 in favor of lok. the most productive game in the round was in arenburg, where tolyatinsky okron came to visit, the two teams scored four goals. the hosts were first forced to recoup after a penalty was converted. savich clearly scored from the point. sakharkhizan, equalized. gorbani, it seemed, corrected the situation for orenburg, the team led 2:1. but literally a couple of minutes later he hit the near corner. kirill danilin and okron took away from orenburg got one point, a 2:2 draw. in other matches of this round there was even one goalless encounter, spartak, who had been scoring, stalled and
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couldn't cope with akhmat at home, 0:0 here. rostov also drew, but played effectively with rubin, 1:1. krylia beat fakel at home, 2:0, and porien managed to get three points for the second time in a row, winning 1:0 against khimki. this was russian football, the season is just gaining momentum. with you was daniel makhalin. happy.
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president vladimir putin said this at a meeting on the situation in the bordering regions with ukraine. the president emphasized that the enemy will receive a worthy response to its actions, and the goals of the special operation will be achieved. more details elizaveta khramtsova. the events of recent days in the border regions of russia show that the kiev regime, trying to show its western masters its ability to resist moscow, is ready to attack civilians.
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