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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 13, 2024 1:00am-1:31am MSK

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returning to the main topics from. to the kursk region, the kiev authorities are trying to slow down the pace of the offensive of russian forces in other directions, president vladimir putin said at a meeting on the situation in the regions bordering ukraine. the president emphasized that the enemy will receive a worthy response to its actions, and the goals of the special operation will be achieved. more details elizaveta khramtsova. the events of recent days in the border regions of russia show that the kiev regime, trying to show its western masters the ability to resist moscow, is ready attack. civilians, how
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to protect people, how to help those who found themselves in the shelling zone, president vladimir putin spoke today with the heads of relevant departments and heads of entities located near ukraine. at the meeting, they discussed the most pressing tasks and those issues that may arise in the near future, and the president began with the key task that our military and security forces are currently facing. the main task is certainly facing the ministry of defense.
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combat missions, civilian departments are obliged ensure the supply of security forces with everything they need, i will not list everything, but this certainly concerns industry, transport, construction complex, medicine, well, and financial support, well , finally, everyone together with the leaders of the relevant regions, must focus on the main task, and this is support...
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but what kind of negotiations can we even talk about, we can talk about people who indiscriminately strike at civilians, at civilian infrastructure, or try to create threats for nuclear power facilities, what can we even talk about with them, secondly, such actions certainly pursue the main military goal, namely... to stop the advance of our troops to completely liberate the territory of the lugansk, donetsk people's republics, the territory of novorussiya, and what, what is happening on the line of combat contact, what are the results, the pace of offensive operations of the russian armed forces, volunteers, veterans not only has not decreased, on the contrary, it has increased, increased by one and a half times, according to the whole line.
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to destroy the unity, cohesion of russian society, that is, to strike a blow at the internal political situation, well, and here the response from the citizens of russia is already there, it is the unanimous support of all who got into trouble, support of the army and an increase, which is very important, an increase in the number of those wishing to join our men, the fighters who heroically with weapons in... defend
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russia. and these miscalculations for the enemy will be fatal - assured vladimir putin, because the speed of our fighters' advance on other areas of the special military operation only. is growing, as is the number of those who wish their country victory in this struggle, the leaders of the kiev regime not only commit crimes against the russian people, but in fact have embarked on the path of extermination of the ukrainians themselves, the ukrainian people, whom, apparently, they no longer consider their own, the losses of the armed forces of ukraine are increasing dramatically for them, including among... the most combat-ready units of the divisions, which the enemy is transferring to our border. the enemy will certainly receive a worthy response, all the goals set before us will undoubtedly
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be achieved. the situation in the bryansk region is stable, but the number of shellings of civilians is growing, - the governor said. there is no need to resettle people now, however, alexander bagamas noted that the region learned from the experience of the kursk region, if necessary , they are ready to deploy temporary accommodation points for 32,000 people in the bryansk region, it is important not to lose vigilance, to be prepared for a sharp turn of events, - the president emphasized. for us it is obvious, and i have already said this, that the enemy will continue to try to destabilize the situation in the border zone in order to destabilize the domestic political situation in our country. therefore, if today in the bryansk region it is relatively calm, this does not mean that tomorrow the same situation will remain there, and i ask you to pay the utmost attention to this together with the security forces, together with the headquarters that is being created along the line of the fsb of russia, with the support of the russian national guard, all
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the questions that need to be discussed, for preparation for any development of the situation together with the russian emergencies ministry. it is necessary to prepare and decide in advance. the head of the belgorod region drew attention to the fact that the country had recently increased the amount of payments in the event of a crime and terrorist attack, but the decision did not affect those who suffered as a result of the ukrainian attacks. in addition, governor glodkov expressed the opinion that it would be fair to write off mortgage loans for border residents who lost their homes to help them settle in a new place, and the president supported this position. glodkov - vyacheslav vladimirovich, he raised several issues on mortgages, there, on some others, can you respond to this directly now, or not? in terms of the belgorod region, and i can say that a decision has been made and supported by you on the kursk region,
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regarding the moratorium on mortgage payments, consumer loans, all banks have already taken up the work, this concerns. izbera and vtb all other banking institutions that provided to residents of the kursk region, we will also quickly work on the belgorod region, yes, yes, yes, it is absolutely necessary to do, we will prepare this decision, it is absolutely fair, it should be immediately extended to belogskaya, kurskaya , potentially to baryansk, if such cases arise, we will work out the corresponding decision here, valentinovich, for now, yes, good. vyacheslav vladimirovich, you will formalize this as a paper, okay, so that it is a document, good, thank you, specific decisions and actions that should be taken in the very near future were discussed behind closed doors, but we can say with confidence about the goal they are pursuing: to restore
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peace in our border area and bring the achievement of the goals of the special military operation closer. aid for the residents of the kurdish region is currently being collected by the entire country, people and businesses are sending everything they need for those who urgently had to leave their homes. our correspondent maria valieva has the details. the combined team of the people's front is working day and night in the border areas of the kursk region. volunteers are helping residents. our rapid response team continues to evacuate from the border areas. there are battles going on literally a few kilometers away, our fighters are holding the line, while we... volunteers are also working in distribution centers, where humanitarian aid is delivered from different regions. in yekaterinburg, 16 tons of humanitarian aid were collected. ural residents bring essential items, food,
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dishes, clothes and household chemicals to collection points. caring people immediately came, they bring humanitarian aid, what they can, everyone is trying to help. we accept first. this is the aid headquarters in tver. medical supplies, toothpastes, everything you need, here is mermestin, plasters, because this is the first aid, but you can't do without it, the enterprises of the upper volga help, they collect cereals, vegetables, dairy products, and more. there is a great need for medicine, this is the so-called home medicine cabinet, yes, this is medicine, well, for mass use, nasal drops, throat sprays, antipyretics, preferably everything for children, right? this is clothing 0 plus bedding, everything must be new, of course. several thousand volunteers
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are constantly working in the volgograd region, the first columns with humanitarian aid have already arrived at the site, and several more vehicles will be sent soon. humanitarian aid has been delivered to the kursk region, including essential goods and power plants. the assistance of the volgograd region is especially symbolic, as the stalingrad and kursk battles finally turned the tide of the great patriotic war, and today both regions are once again standing shoulder to shoulder. additionally. the volgograd region is ready to take on a number of obligations to restore some of the settlements of the kursk region after the terrorist attack. in samara, they are also preparing to send humanitarian aid. in any case , we understand that the night is already getting cold, accordingly, these are warm blankets, these are warm clothes, of course, household chemicals, because now there will be a general cleaning . 15 tons. from the murmansk region, murmansk did not stand aside, as part of the action, the north helps, we also
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have organized work to collect humanitarian aid, you know that this action is in our has been operating since 2022, the russian orthodox church is providing assistance to residents who were forced to leave their homes, the hotline of the synodal department accepts appeals, several families were placed in the vlivnykh church social center, someone was sent to voronezh, about 1,000 people turn to the kursk diocese for help every day. ukrainian militants have once again struck the largest
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nuclear power plant in europe with kamikaze drones, hitting the cooling system. major repairs will have to be carried out here with the restoration of these separation devices, this is unambiguous and is not subject to any questions. well, well, the most important and positive thing, after, well, what we have seen today is that this structure has generally stood firm. after the strikes. they emphasized that this is a fact of nuclear terrorism on the part of the ukrainian authorities. a blow has been dealt to the future of the nuclear power plant, when we will bring it up to capacity, and we still have to answer the question of whether this damage is repairable, or whether we will have to carry out large-scale reconstruction work with a possible replacement first grading, so we regard the attack that took place. not just as a provocation, but as a targeted attack on the security of the infrastructure. failures in
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the operation of cooling systems can have the most unpredictable consequences and even lead to a serious accident, as happened, for example, in japan in 2011. this is a very dangerous thing. we can recall that, for example, fukushima exploded precisely because the cooling system failed, the nuclear reactor could not be cooled and it exploded because of this. here they are now they are accordingly hitting the... cooling system of the nuclear power plant, if we proceed from the original meaning, terror is the establishment of fear, the international atomic energy agency noted that there is no danger to the population right now, but emphasized that the situation is very alarming, the head of the iaea rafael grossi has repeatedly said that the world is dangerously close to a nuclear catastrophe. these reckless attacks threaten nuclear safety at the plant and increase the risk of i...
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so that there is an understanding that if the ukrainian the party will not be named, this will only inflame their feelings forever.
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strategic infrastructure, such as the nuclear power plant, a number of decisions were made that today allow us to work safely in the zaporizhzhya region to localize in time all the difficulties posed to us by the enemy. all six power units of the npp are now in a state of cold shutdown, but the ministry of emergency situations reported that the radiation background corresponds to the norm. what corresponds?
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not to pay attention, not to raise the alarm, then what will happen next, next will be a strike on the turbine hall, and what else, and what next, next will be a strike directly on the reactor? negotiations with the participation of the magate on the need to create a protected zone around the station to avoid a nuclear catastrophe have led to nothing, although in the event of an emergency, the danger threatens
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the countries of the european union. alexandra perfileva and olga belotsirkovskaya, news! kiev is preparing for a complete ban and liquidation of the canonical ukrainian orthodox church, the decision announced personally by zelensky, who called this quote spiritual liberation. the corresponding laws will have to be adopted by the verkhovna rada. the ukrainian authorities will try to take away the churches with the help of the patriarchate of constantinople, under whose cover the raider seizures of churches are already taking place. about a new round of persecution in the materials of kurbatova. to ban the ukrainian orthodox church of moscow...
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was created as a kind of counterweight to the real orthodox church in ukraine, there are not so many priests and not so many parishioners. recently metropolitan raskolnik epifaniy was even reprimanded by the authorities: "they say, submit a bright result." believers are not eager to become parishioners of the ocu. the other day , robert amsterdam, a lawyer for the canonical ukrainian orthodox church, stated that the authorities have developed a plan to actually liquidate the uoc. they have already compiled a list, 40 clergy are going to be arrested.
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in order to create a situation in which it will really seem to people that ukrainian believers are voluntarily switching to the ukrainian canonical orthodox church churches into the structures of the patriarchate of constantinople. believers do not want to switch to the ocu, since it was created on the basis of several schismatic churches. in 2018, ukraine managed to unite all those who opposed the canonical orthodox church and create a single ocu. metropolitan epiphanius became its head. more than 70 parishes switched to the ocu, usually under pressure. with the support of the authorities, the treasury of the canonical church was completely under the control of the ocu. it also controls the st. vladimir cathedral in kiev and the kiev-pechersk lavra. the black market of icons is filling up images stolen from the captured churches. for several years, as the ukrainian
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orthodox church has been collecting all the materials on the arson of the temple, on the looting, and regularly these documents are presented to the united nations, and the security council, the council of europe, they are regularly listened to, but nevertheless, these few years have shown that there is no reaction. the verkhovna rada intends to vote for.
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began as a peaceful demonstration of 20 thousand participants with flags in the center of belgrade, but then the demonstrators blocked international highway, blocked the bridge, occupied the railway station. the formal reason for the protests, which have not subsided in serbia since july, was dissatisfaction with the plans to develop the lithium deposit. demonstrators are demanding a ban on its extraction, accusing the authorities of an environmental disaster. we are here to support the core.
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mass protests have already begun, supported by the pro-western opposition, which does not miss any opportunity to personally spite president aleksandar vulčić. are you stupid? do you think i am stupid? i do not see how loudly are silent in the west, where they should be happy about the idea of ​​opening the mines. no, some thought that they could kill two birds with one stone, firstly, remove vucic from the road, and secondly, reserve the right to make a decision on the nuclear weapon. this is part of a hybrid approach and attempts to carry out so-called color revolutions in different ways. another issue is that we were ready for this, we knew in detail what to expect. the country's interior ministry confirmed that the action was organized according to the scenario of color revolutions, about what
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western representatives are preparing for serbia a coup d'etat, moscow had previously warned the republic's authorities. the russian foreign ministry clearly indicated that these protests were a platform for the start of a color revolution that would overthrow the government. as we know, overthrow means not only a change of power, but also the physical elimination of the bearer of power. president milosevic died in the hague after his overthrow on october 5, 2000, without retiring. the same is being prepared for aleksandar vucic. slobodan milosevic headed yugoslavia during the most difficult period for the country, it was during his time that the state collapsed, the war for the preservation of kosovo, nato bombing. milosevic was overthrown in the so-called bulldozer revolution in 2001, arrested five years later, he died in prison, and kosovo is still used by the west to destabilize the situation in the balkans. one of the latest aggravations between belgrade and prizcina in september last year, it came to mutual use of firearms, several people died, and the head
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of the european committee for nato development, gunder fillinger, called for a new war against serbia. until now, despite obvious provocations, fueled from abroad, the situation in the republic is being kept under control. the authorities have promised to initiate criminal cases against the instigators. but let's talk specifically. i would say that quasi-ecologists, quasi-patriots, self-proclaimed representatives of the opposition, if we are talking about the opposition, these people start by making things worse for serbia, they believe that the worse it is for serbia, the better for them, so i say that for me they are not the opposition, despite the mass demonstrations, the serbian police are behaving extremely correctly, no one in belgrade is beating demonstrators with batons, pouring water cannons or poisoning them with gas, as they like to do in london, paris or.
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the number of children vacationing in health camps during the summer has increased every year, for the repair and restoration of sanatoriums and children's holiday camps, the government allocates serious funds, only recently the prime minister announced an additional billion rubles, but the state should not take everything on itself, we are talking about working with children in conditions when against a full-scale war between the antovians and the anglo-saxons has been launched in the russian world, we have a unique experience with you, which has been generalized by the entire
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world. to teach, to cure, to put on their feet , to make full-fledged citizens of our great country. within the framework of, you know, the social responsibility of business, and such a mandatory revival of camps should be proposed and implemented, at least initially for children, their employees. the system of children's recreation, largely due to the lack of regulation, is far from always under control, for example, here are shots from volgograd camp solnechny, torn mattresses and dirt, in some places it is not observed.
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they pay, for example, an offer for a vacation in the moscow region, now at the end of the season. a shift in the camp on average 50-70 thousand rubles. this is a maximum of 2 weeks. for wealthy parents there is an offer for 135,000 rubles 11 days. the sharp reaction of the deputies was caused by the fact that children's vacation in russia is now unreasonably expensive, and parents on public sector funds simply cannot afford to send their child to a children's camp to rest. and if there are several children in the family, like valentina krasnikova, then a vacation in the camp. becomes completely inaccessible, it is very very difficult for a large family to get a ticket, if it is not a large family, that is, the parents pay in full 100%, again, if they are not public sector employees, yes, if there are no specific benefits, 2 rubles more than the lower threshold, then that's it, they are deprived of all support, this is of course unfair. deputies propose that the government develop a strategic document on children's recreation and health improvement, provide for government support measures, and in order
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to expand the opportunities of the regions without ... paid transfer them sanatoriums and tourist centers that are not used for their intended purpose. alna semenova andreyshnar ekaterina galkina and maria dementyeva, news. 500, yes, 500, yes! people who serve in intelligence are not even physically strong, but simply stronger in spirit. the speckles take, who is the symbol, who wears, i believe that there should be a model in everything, people should reach for it, it is impossible to do worse, it is possible to do better, we have always had such a motto in life, pushed these people into the doorway and,
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probably, this is all ... a dream and you want to open your eyes and wake up. we will take on this matter, it will be honest detective. are you used to watching videos online? has it stopped working? install, open, watch. russian channels, all tv series. movies and cartoons, educational programs and
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