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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 13, 2024 4:00am-4:31am MSK

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returning to the main topics of the attack on the kursk region, the kiev authorities.
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assistance to those who found themselves in the shelling zone, president vladimir putin spoke today with the heads of relevant departments and heads of subjects located near ukraine. at the meeting, they discussed the most pressing tasks and those issues that may arise in the near future. and the president began with the key task that our military and security forces now face. the main task is certainly before the ministry of defense, to squeeze out, knock out the enemy from ours. territory together with the border service , to ensure reliable cover of the state border. the federal security service together with the russian guard must ensure the counter-terrorism situation and effective fight against sabotage and reconnaissance groups of the enemy, and the russian guard also has its own combat missions. civilian departments are obliged
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to provide the security forces with everything they need, i will not list everything, but this certainly concerns industry, transport, construction complex, medicine, well, and financial support, well , finally, everyone together with the heads of the regions of the relevant must focus on the main task, and this is to support our people who need help to protect. showed why the kiev regime did not accept the proposal for negotiations proposed by moscow, and the current ukrainian authorities are unlikely to have made such a decision themselves without the approval of their western leaders, what is there to talk about in that case? apparently, the enemy is striving to improve its negotiating positions in the future.
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and in attempts to predict the reaction of russians to the brazen sortie of the ukrainian armed forces into the kursk region, people sitting on the bank in their offices overseas, as always, miscalculated. another of the obvious goals of the enemy is to sow discord, discord in our society, to intimidate people, to destroy the unity, cohesion of russian society. that is, to strike a blow at the internal political situation, but here too there is already a response from russian citizens, this is unanimous support for all who got into trouble, support for the army and an increase, which is very important, the increase in the number of those wishing to join our men, the fighters who heroically defend russia with weapons in hand. the calculations for the enemy will be
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fatal, assured vladimir putin, because the speed of our fighters' advance in other areas of the special military operation is only growing, as is the number of those who wish their country to ... which the enemy is transferring to our border, the enemy will certainly receive a worthy response, all the goals facing us will undoubtedly be achieved.
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the situation in the bryansk region is stable, but the number of shellings of civilians is growing, the governor said: there is currently no need to resettle people, however, alexander bagamas noted that the region... is calm, this does not mean that the same situation will continue there tomorrow, i ask you to pay the utmost attention to this together with the security forces, together with the headquarters that is being created along the line, along the line of the fsb of russia, with the support of the russian national guard , everything, all the questions that are needed for
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discussion, for preparation for any development situations together with the russian emergencies ministry, it is necessary to prepare and resolve in advance. the head of the belgorod region drew attention to the fact that the country recently increased the amount of payments in the event of fire and terrorist attacks, but the decision did not affect those who suffered as a result of ukrainian attacks. in addition, governor glodkov expressed the opinion that it would be fair to write off mortgage loans for residents of the border region who lost their homes, to help them settle in a new place, and the president supported this position. vladimirovich, he raised several questions about mortgages, there by...
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institutions that provided to residents of the kursk region, we will also quickly work on the belgorod region, yes, yes, yes, we must definitely do this, we will prepare this decision, it is absolutely fair, it must be immediately extended to belgorod , to kursk, potentially to baryanskaya, if such cases arise, we will work out the corresponding decision for you in the meantime, yes, okay, vyacheslav vladimirovich, you will issue this in the form of paper.
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band-aids, because this is the first necessary aid, but without it you can’t do it, the enterprises of the upper volga region help, they collect cereals, vegetables, dairy products, and more. there is a great need for medicine, this is the so-called home medicine cabinet, yes, this is medicine, well, for mass use , nasal drops, throat sprays, antipyretics, preferably, everything for children, yes, this is clothing zero plus bedding, everything must be new, of course. several thousand volunteers are constantly working in the volgograd region, the first columns with humanitarian aid
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have already arrived at the site, more will be sent soon several cars. humanitarian aid, including essential goods and power plants, was delivered to the kursk region. the assistance of the volgograd region is especially symbolic, as the stalingrad and kursk battles finally turned the tide of the great patriotic war, and today both regions once again stand shoulder to shoulder. additional. the volgograd region is ready to take on a number of obligations to restore some of the settlements of the kursk region after the terrorist attack. samara is also preparing sending humanitarian aid. in any case , we understand that the night is already getting cold, accordingly, this is a warm blanket, this is warm clothes, of course, household chemicals, because now there will be a general cleaning . 15 tons will be delivered from the murmansk region. murmansk did not stand aside as part of the action. the north helps, we also have organized work to collect humanitarian aid, you know that this action
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has been working with us since 2022, assistance to residents who were forced to leave their homes is provided by the russian orthodox church, on the hotline of the synodal department accepting appeals, several families were placed in a church social center in livny, some were sent to voronezh, about 500 people seek help from the kursk diocese every day. maria valieva and irina zaborskaya, news. new level. nuclear aggression from the kiev regime, this is how rosatom assessed the attack of ukrainian drones on the zaporizhzhya power plant, as a result of the strike by the ukrainian armed forces, a fire broke out, the equipment responsible for cooling the water caught fire. footage later from alexandra perfilieva. 20:32. over zaporizhzhya nuclear power plant power plants, clubs of black smoke. ukrainian militants with kamikaze drones once again struck the largest nuclear power plant in europe. they hit the cooling system, here it will be necessary to carry out major repairs with the restoration of these separation devices,
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this is unambiguous and is not subject to any questions, well, well, the most important and positive thing, well, what we have seen today is that this structure generally seemed to have withstood, after the strikes the cooling tower of the power plant burned out, the fire lasted about 3 hours, rosatom emphasized, that... in the operation of cooling systems can have the most unpredictable consequences and even lead to
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a serious accident, as it happened, for example, in japan in 2011. this is a very dangerous thing, we can recall that, for example, fukushima exploded precisely because the cooling system failed, the nuclear reactor could not be cooled and it exploded from this, so now they are accordingly hitting the cooling system of the nuclear power plant, if we proceed from the original meaning, terror is... the establishment of fear. in the international the atomic energy agency noted that there is no immediate danger to the population, but emphasized that the situation is very alarming. the head of the iaea, rafael grossi , has repeatedly said that the world is dangerously close to a nuclear catastrophe. these reckless attacks threaten nuclear safety at the plant and increase the risk of a nuclear accident. they must be stopped immediately. at the same time, the iaea avoids naming the culprit. kiev is covering up the fact of nuclear terrorism. the russian permanent mission to
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international organizations in vienna. moscow will seek to ensure that magathay nevertheless identifies the culprits of the shelling of the zaporizhzhya npp. there are opportunities to conduct their own independent assessment and make appropriate conclusions, including naming the guilty party, so that there is an understanding that if the ukrainian side is not named. this will only fuel their sense of permissiveness, created, again, by western countries.
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negotiations with the participation of magathay on the need to create a protected zone around the plant, to avoid a nuclear catastrophe, have not led to anything, although in the event of an emergency, the danger threatens the countries of the european union. alexandra perfileva and olga belotserkovskaya, news. kiev is preparing for
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a complete ban and liquidation of the canonical ukrainian orthodox church, the decision was announced by personal. zelensky, who called this quote "spiritual liberation". the verkhovna rada will have to adopt the relevant laws. the ukrainian authorities will try to take away the churches with the help of the patriarchate of constantinople, under whose the cover is already underway for raider seizures of churches. about the new round of persecution in the material of zinaida kurbatova. they have been trying to ban the ukrainian orthodox church of the moscow patriarchate in ukraine for a long time. on the one hand, any institution associated with genuine christian values. a priori, an enemy. the second point is purely economic. raider seizures of monasteries, the imposition of their pocket church, the ocu. in the municipal assembly of kiev, the issue of the destruction of more than 100 temple complexes on the territory of kiev. why? because for the petseshniks, this quasi-structure, which was created as
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a kind of counterweight to the real orthodox church in ukraine, is not so much a priest. recently , the authorities even reprimanded metropolitan raskolnik epifaniy: "they say, submit a bright result." believers are not eager to become parishioners of the ocu. the other day, the lawyer of the canonical ukrainian orthodox church, robert amsterdam, stated that the authorities have developed a plan for the actual liquidation of the uoc. they have already compiled a list, 40 clergy are going to arrest and throw behind bars, formally for ties to moscow. at the same time, the sbu cynically states that the arrests are not pressure. the deep state of the european union is completely in favor of the extermination of canonical orthodoxy in ukraine. the only thing it requires is the observance of a certain semblance of democracy, the semblance of some religious pluralism and freedoms. to this end , zelensky's puppet regime is in favor of
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creating a situation in which it will really seem to people that... ukrainian believers are allegedly voluntarily switching ukrainian canonical orthodox church into the structures of the patriarchate of constantinople. believers do not want to move to the ocu, since it was created on the basis of several schismatic churches. in 2018, ukraine managed to unite all those who opposed the canonical orthodox church and create a single ocu. metropolitan epiphanius became the head. more than 70 parishes moved to the ocu, as ...
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would help ensure stable and long-term peace in the region. another color revolution is brewing in serbia, which is actively inciting the west. this is what the authorities are saying balkan republic, commenting on the mass
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protests in the country. why exactly they started now, and how the european union and the united states manage to play a double game, natalia solovieva will tell. it all started as a peaceful demonstration, 20 thousand participants with flags in the center of belgrade, but then the demonstrators blocked the international highway. lived the austrian-british concern riattinta. 2 years ago, the project was frozen due to environmental protests, but recently they returned to it again. the european union needs raw materials for
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the production of batteries for electric cars, and serbia - 6 billion euros of direct investment. the authorities promised an assessment of environmental risks and even a referendum, but mass protests have already begun in serbia, supported by the pro-western opposition, which does not miss any opportunity to personally spite president aleksandar. do you think i'm stupid? i don't see how loudly they are silent in the west, where they should be happy about the idea of ​​opening mines. no, some thought that they could kill two birds with one stone, firstly, remove the dear vucic, and secondly, reserve the right to decide on the jadarite. this is part hybrid approach and attempts to carry out so -called color revolutions, in different ways. another question is that we were ready for this, we knew in detail what to expect. in the ministry of internal affairs of the country. confirmed that the action was organized according to the scenario of color revolutions, that representatives of the west are preparing a coup d'etat in serbia, moscow had previously warned the authorities of the republic. the russian ministry of foreign affairs clearly indicated
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that these protests are a platform for the beginning of a color revolution, which will have to overthrow the government. as we know, overthrow means not only a change of power, but also physical liquidation of the holder of power. president milosevic, after being overthrown on october 5 , 2000, died in the hague without retiring. alexander is also preparing this. slobodan milosevic headed yugoslavia during the most difficult period for the country, it was during his time that the state collapsed, the war to preserve kosovo, and the nato bombings occurred. milosevic was overthrown as a result of the so-called bulldozer revolution, he was arrested in 2001, he died in prison 5 years later, and kosovo is still used by the west to destabilize the situation in the balkans. one of the latest flare-ups between belgrade and priscina in september last year, it came down to mutual.
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these people start by making things worse for serbia, they believe that the worse things are for serbia, the better for them, so i say that they are not the opposition for me. despite the mass demonstrations, the serbian police behave extremely correctly, no one in belgrade beats demonstrators with truncheons, does not spray them with water cannons or poison them with gas, as they like to do in london, paris or new york. natalia solovieva, matvey popov, news. in the state duma discussed the organization and availability of children's recreation, this summer only 28% of schoolchildren were able to attend camps. one of the reasons is the high cost of vouchers. anna semenova figured out how the problem will be solved. for deputies, the end of summer is the time to sum up
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the season. children's recreation, this year less than 30% of schoolchildren went to a camp, boarding house or tourist center. our task now is to discuss all the problems that exist in this area, to develop proposals that will form the basis for preparing a framework bill on organization of children's recreation, it is necessary so that the number of children who rest during the summer in health camps increases every year. the government allocates serious funds for the repair and restoration of sanatoriums. children's recreation camps, only recently the prime minister announced an additional billion rubles, but the state should not take everything on itself, we are talking about working with children in conditions when a full-scale war of the anatomist and the anglo-saxons has been launched against the russian world, we have a unique experience with you, which is generalized by all the world, to teach, to cure, to put on their feet , to make full-fledged citizens of our great
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country, within the framework of, you know, social... responsibility of business and such a mandatory revival of camps should be proposed and implemented, at least initially for children, their employees. the system of children's recreation, largely due to the lack of regulation, is far from always under control, for example, shots from the volgograd camp sunny, torn mattresses and dirt, in some places they do not comply with sanitary standards for cooking, while inexpensive vouchers from private entrepreneurs who are not included in the official register of children's camps, this is generally a lottery, these program objects are not checked, it is not recorded what personnel will work with children, these can be mini-hotels, hotels, all this goes beyond what we call safe children's recreation. parents, of course, hope that if the voucher costs several times more, this will not happen, they pay, for example, an offer for recreation in the moscow region now at the end of the season, a shift in the camp on average 50-70,000 rubles. and this
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maximum 2 weeks, for wealthy parents there is an offer for 135,000 rubles for 11 days. the deputies reacted sharply to the fact that children's vacations in russia are now unreasonably expensive, and parents on public sector payrolls simply cannot afford to send their children to a children's camp to rest. and if there are several children in the family, like valentina krasnikova, then a vacation in a camp becomes completely inaccessible. it is very very difficult for a large family to get a ticket if it has a lot of money. that is, parents pay in full 100%, again, if they do not budget workers, yes, if there are no specific benefits, 2 rubles more than the lower threshold, then that's it, they are deprived of all support, this is of course unfair. deputies propose that the government develop a strategic document on children's recreation and health improvement, provide for state support measures, and in order to expand the opportunities of the regions, transfer to them free of charge a sanatorium and tourist centers that are not used for their intended purpose. anna semenova
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andreyshnar ekaterina galkina and maria dementyeva. vesti. we watch to know everything about russia. the best historical series. let's look. let's look. in the application or on the website. people who serve in intelligence are not even physically strong, but simply strong in spirit. micropoi takes, who is a symbol, who wears, i believe that it should be in everything. parasites should reach for it, worse is impossible, better is possible, such a motto has always been with us in life, pushed these people into the doorway and, probably, it's all a dream, and you want to open your eyes and wake up.
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without a flint, the villain has imprisoned me in a flint, a pen, self-written magic ink, you will get it, you main thing, vanya, hurry up, so give me a horse, a mechanical one, beat yourself over the head, you have a nickname, where you need to go, that's what they call me, because i'm not taking you where you fool want, where you need to go, i can't live without
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