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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 13, 2024 5:00am-5:31am MSK

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what is memorable about this day in history, we will tell you right now. hello. august 13, 1822.
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since the activities of the societies were secret, its members had connections abroad. the decree of the authorities treated the masons with suspicion, alexander ii became the first official ban on secret societies. century masonic lodges appeared again, were banned during the soviet period, but have been revived in modern russia. it is believed that today they have less than a thousand members. on august 13, 1940 , the battle of britain began. this is the most powerful air battle of the second world war, which lasted almost 4 months , only aviation and air defense forces participated in it. nazi germany tried to gain
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air supremacy over the south of england, in order to then land on the british isles. they bombed convoys, naval bases, airfields, air visa plants, railway junctions. most often , the italian aviation also participated in the raids at night. but here is what the german pilot ace, adolf galland, later recalled. the exceptional advantage of the british, their radar network and the system of control of radars and fighters, turned out to be very a bitter surprise. we had nothing like that. by december 1940, it was clear that the germans had lost the air battle for england, and without air cover they would not be able to land troops. this was the first defeat of nazi germany in world war ii and one of its turning points. after that, nazi germany aimed its military. on august 13, 1949
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, the so-called leningrad affair began, a series of arrests and subsequent trials of major party and government leaders of the ussr. they were accused of creating some enemy group that allegedly carried out subversive sabotage work. the repressions rolled up to the secretary of the central committee of the supreme commander-in-chief, alexei kuznetsov, the head of the ussr plan, nikolai voznesensky, and the chairman of the supreme council of the sfsr, mikhail rodionov. all of them were promoted to leadership positions from leningrad, although the death penalty was abolished in the ussr in 1947, and the main defendants were sentenced to death. already in 1954, a year after stalin's death, many of the convicted were rehabilitated posthumously, and the charges against them were recognized as fictitious. the exact reasons for the leningrad affair are still unknown. the main version is the aggravation of the behind-the-scenes apparatus
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. on august 13, 1990 , an unprecedented airlift began operating . the indians, and not by military planes , evacuated 70 thousand of their citizens from kuwait, which had been captured by iraq. private companies also evacuated them, with the help of diplomats, rescuing mainly indian workers who had worked in the kuwaiti oil fields. many indians had lived there for many years, but the iraqi invasion had ruined their lives. an important role in the organization the bridge was played by a local entrepreneur of indian origin, matthew mathews , nicknamed toyota sanya. he united the indian community, even convinced the indian ambassador to iraq to meet with saddam hussein, the leader of iraq, and personally negotiated. special
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flights from india to jordan and back. in 2016, an indian action movie, airlift, was filmed about these events , starring the famous actor akshay kumar. this is what this day in history was like.
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in those ancient times, when there were no gadgets, people used magic, but with themselves hit your head, you have a nickname, where you need to go, that's what they call me, because i'm not taking you where you, fool, want to go, where you need to go, he
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doesn't need a pen, whoever has a charred fire in his pocket, uh, uh, what started, lights? i can't live without traveling, soon, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia , russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, 24, parliamentary on air. hello, we'll tell you about the work of the state duma for the week right now. promptly and on a large scale, first of all i want to thank the senators and deputies of the state duma. the president sums up the work of the federal assembly, notes the joint dialogue. the government
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was with us practically around the clock at this time. we will tell you in detail about the priorities of the parliament's work and the main task of all branches of power. preserving the tradition of strengthening support measures. we have a successful solution. more about the laws coming into force in august, changes in medicine, assistance from deputies in kursk, work in other regions. about this and more. watch our program. this week ukrainian military attacked the kurdish
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region. children, old people, women, and ambulance workers were bombed with nato weapons, including cluster munitions. a state of emergency was declared in the region. residents were evacuated. on behalf of the chairman of the state duma vyacheslav volodin , the head of the committee on security and anti-corruption vasily peskarev went to the kursk region. he oversees the region and deals with issues of organizing assistance to local residents. deputies from the region are also working on the spot. maria has details burkova. the past week has shown the unity of russians. on the morning of august 6, the ukrainian armed forces attacked the kursk region, the entire country came to the rescue. how did you know that they were giving aid here or people, that is, people said, state duma deputy from the kursk region ekaterina kharchenko
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immediately went to the scene after reports of the tragedy. in fact, she manually collected and sent humanitarian aid, helped to resettle those who had to leave their homes. everything is being delivered from... everywhere to temporary accommodation points for people, now we will go there too, we are talking with sudzhans, who was able to get to kursk, we explain: state duma deputy olga germanova supports us, she has also been on the scene since the first days of the tragedy, next to the residents of her region. the districts of my constituency are under fire, so i have been meeting people these days.
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all factions of the state duma have joined the work, the liberal democrats have set up a headquarters for aid to frontline settlements, they are delivering water and food packages to people, we have three children, moscow has sent doctors to treat the wounded, and doctors from st. petersburg have also arrived in kursk, humanitarian aid is being sent from voronezh, tatarstan, krasnodar krai, chuvashia and other regions, these are power generators , hygiene products. in kursk itself, hundreds of people are lining up to donate blood to the victims. unity is the key to our victory
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, says vladimir vasiliev, head of the united russia faction. from his region of the tver region, specialists from the upper volga disaster medicine center have been sent to kursk. countryside camps are ready for the possible placement of children. vladimir vasiliev commented on the provocation kiev neo-nazis. nato weapons, including cluster munitions, were used to attack. children, the elderly, women, ambulance workers, all this is nothing more than another attempt by kiev to justify its failures at the front to its sponsors. at the same time, zelensky is trying to cross out even a hint of the possibility of peace talks, because ending the war threatens him with the loss of power. the ukrainian armed forces developed the operation jointly with western intelligence services, said state duma deputy adalbish khagoshev. to carry out this sabotage not only the ukrainian armed forces planned it, but also, of course , the special services, primarily britain. i must tell you that since the start
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of the special military operation , certain responsibilities have been distributed between the special services of western countries, britain, german intelligence, and canadian intelligence. accordingly, washington and britain have always planned sabotage attacks, as was the case this time. the head of the communist party of the russian federation , gennady zyuganov, noted that the country is fighting the entire collective west, if it were not for their intervention.
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remembered the terrible tragedy: 79 years ago, hundreds of thousands of civilians died as a result of the us atomic bombing of the city of hiroshima. a few days later the same fate befell gosaka. there was no military necessity for this. washington later began to use nuclear weapons to intimidate other countries, burned vietnam with an attack, invaded korea, afghanistan and iraq, bombed yugoslavia, libya and syria. time goes by, but the methods of the us do not change. they turned ukraine into a platform for war with our country, expand nato infrastructure in the regions of asia against china, inflict
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missile strikes on peaceful cities of iran by its allies, ignite new conflicts and fuel old ones. the volume of work done, efficiency, close contact with the government, the russian president noted, summing up the work of the federal assembly. during the past session, 331 laws were adopted. this week, vladimir.
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90 socially oriented laws, 82 decisions in the economic sphere, 34 initiatives in the field of security and defense, about 60 in the sphere of budget, taxes and finance, a total of 331 laws, the result of the work of parliament in the spring session. for the first time in modern russia, the state duma formed the government , vyacheslav volodin said during the meeting. you initiated the transfer of authority to approve ministers, deputy prime ministers and government chairmen to our citizens, who through their dep... approve them in their positions, this decision, the norm adopted by our citizens during the vote for the constitution, brought us closer, closer first of all in terms of responsibility, accordingly, the format of interaction with the cabinet of ministers has changed significantly, all initiatives from both the government and deputies are being worked out jointly, the state duma is involving experts and
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representatives of the regions in the discussion, this is how one of the significant laws of the sixth session on improvement was considered. despite the fact that you proposed to introduce the deputies, called putin's law, we believe that this is an achievement of the entire country, that you found a solution in this difficult situation, to index pensions for working
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pensioners, this will fairly preserve a huge number of people in the profession. separately, the speaker of the state duma focused on the implementation of the president's message to the federal meeting. issues related to the president's message are undoubtedly a priority for the state duma. we understand that by implementing the message, we are doing everything to achieve the goals of national development. to date, out of 90 points of the message, the events that we analyzed the message for ourselves have been identified, and 49 have already been implemented, that is, 50. 4% have been implemented. laws have been adopted to improve the tax system, ban trash streams and the sale of energy drinks to minors, regions have been given the opportunity to restrict the work of pubs in apartment buildings. the duma approved more than twenty initiatives aimed at supporting participants in the special military operation and their family members. six laws were adopted that tighten responsibility and strengthen
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control in the area of ​​migration. amendments to the law on citizenship will oblige foreigners to register for military service when receiving a russian passport. fulfill their duty to russia. despite the sanctions pressure, the political system created by the president has demonstrated its effectiveness, said vyacheslav volodin. in all key areas issues of the country's development, be it economic, defense or international relations, the deputies have a consolidation. vladimir putin outlined the priorities for the future work of the parliament. legislative activity, according to the head of state, should create conditions for stable, sustainable development of our country's economy, on the basis of which social issues should be resolved. and, of course, ensuring security remains one of the most important priorities. this is the stable functioning of the armed forces, their development, providing them with modern types of equipment, weapons, ammunition, supporting our guys who are on the front line, on the line of combat contact, risking their lives and health to protect
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the interests of our state, and of course, their family members. emphasized that the main task of all branches of power, including both houses of parliament, is to ensure the interests of russian citizens. alexander shavirina, anna melikyan, vladislav alekseev, aleksey chaburkov, duma tv. parliamentary hour. digital rubles can now be passed on by inheritance. from august 1 the law gives the right to bequeath this currency. how exactly the process will proceed, the government of the country will still establish, it will be agreed with the bank of russia. about other laws that come into force this month. see the review. debtors of banks and microfinance organizations are protected from violations, insults, threats. such companies, taking any action to recover the debt, are now obliged. record all text and voice messages, keep an audio recording of all contacts with debtors and store this data and the corresponding documentation for at least 3 years, for this purpose
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creditors will have to have special equipment and software, collectors already have similar obligations. creditors will be able to get money faster if banks go bankrupt, their assets have become easier to sell. the new rules allow for an accelerated, simultaneous completion of balance sheet cleanup, that is, the sale of assets of bankrupt banks to satisfy creditors' claims to the maximum extent. the deposit insurance agency will be able to complete bankruptcy proceedings buy out claims for subsidiary liability that were subject to sale at auctions but were not implemented. since the beginning of august , the federal antimonopoly service has been more stringent in controlling state defense procurement. the organization has gained more authority in this matter. thus, the federal antimonopoly service will be able to demand that violations of the law be eliminated. in the sphere of state defense procurement, if the enterprise has not provided it with a price proposal for the product and a justification for such a price, and claims will also be made if the company has not provided information
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on the costs of executed contracts, controlled in turn gets the opportunity to eliminate violations before initiating a case on an administrative violation. a single payment for children is now provided according to other rules, in the event that the application is submitted according to temporary registration, or actual residence will be checked where the applicant and children actually live, for example, they may ask for supporting documents. the changes will affect cases where the benefit has already been assigned in another entity, in which the amount the subsistence minimum is less. online information has already proven itself in operation. data on the execution of all requests for the provision of public services and the results of social support measures from august 1 are sent directly to the portal. detailed information on the registration of a request or application, an invitation to a personal meeting and the completed process is reflected in the personal account of public services. forensic examination
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begins to be carried out only upon prepayment. the court has the right to make a decision to conduct the necessary research on the petition the applicant only after he/she has replenished the special account. if the applicant does not pay for the service immediately, the judge may reject the request to appoint an expert. the amount due to the experts will be paid after the court hearing, where the conclusion will be considered. municipal deputies will be able to participate in the formation of the local administration. the elected representatives are approved or agreed upon by the deputy heads, heads of industry or territorial bodies. the law, which has entered into force, will increase the effectiveness of interaction between representative bodies municipal formation and local administrations. deputies are elected by citizens and through them residents will also be able to participate in this process. personal subsidiary farming. it became easier to receive state support, the fact is that only those issues that are somehow related to keeping farm books for accounting of personal subsidiary farms are considered to be of local importance. the problem is
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that this norm was spelled out only in the law on personal subsidiary farming, but not in the law on general principles of local self-government organization. it was this shortcoming that prevented farmers from receiving the required subsidies introduced by the deputies norma, corrected the situation. increasing the thresholds of responsibility, changes. these are payments under the european protocol, legislative support, the president's messages. we talked about the laws adopted during the sixth session with the head of the new people faction, alexey nichayev. we see how many laws, laws adopted in this session, there are more than 300, this is all that went into resolving some bottlenecks, creating new opportunities for people, closing some holes through which we it was possible to infringe, so this is good. our bill on increasing the thresholds of liability was adopted during the session, you know, there is administrative liability, there is criminal liability, so we proposed
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to raise these thresholds for business, yes, if you screwed up, pay a fine, but a fine is one thing, criminal punishment includes pre-trial detention, yes, this is another, it seems to me that business is more useful here, in freedom, than in pre-trial detention, and this was supported by the president of russia, the law has already been signed by the president... how is the interaction with the cabinet of ministers going, how are you you see? of course, this appointment procedure, you know, somehow puts everyone's head in, us, uh, in the state duma.
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actions of the parliamentary majority.
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the russian emergencies ministry warns, protect your home, install a fire alarm. safety starts with you, the russian emergencies ministry. people who serve in intelligence are not even physically strong, but simply stronger in spirit. the maroon beret is a symbol, that's what he wears, i believe that there should be a model in everything, people should strive for it. it can't be worse, it can be better. we've always had this motto in life. pushed it in.
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these people in the doorway and, probably, it's all a dream, and you want to open your eyes and wake up. we'll take on this case, it will be an honest detective story. are you used to watching videos online? has it stopped working? we install it, open it.


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