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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 13, 2024 8:00am-8:31am MSK

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in the kursk region this night , a missile threat from the air was declared several times, and ukrainian militants continue to be destroyed by our motorized infantry, aviation and artillery. what is the situation with food prices in the region? the united states openly supports ukrainian terrorists in their attack on civilians in the kursk region and promises new support. and why are europeans afraid that they will be the ones to co-finance the zelensky regime? kiev's fabrications have been refuted,
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iaea experts have admitted that there were no burnt-out particles in the cooling tower of the zaporizhia nuclear power plant tires, we will tell you about the situation at the nuclear power plant now. trump said in an interview with moscow that kiev does not have enough strength to continue the conflict and hopes to improve relations with vladimir putin. such statements were also made by the candidate for the us presidential seat. and we are starting with the kursk region, where the evacuation of civilians from border areas continues. meanwhile, our military is destroying the positions and armored vehicles of the ukrainian armed forces. air strikes and artillery are being carried out. our special correspondent, stanislav bernwald, is working in the region. he is with us on a direct line communications. stanislav, i greet you. well, as we know, a missile threat from the air was announced several times during the night. tell us, what is the situation now? yes, tatyana,
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indeed, the alarm was announced several times, to be precise, twice late at night, then early in the morning, literally an hour ago the missile threat was cancelled, but there is still a danger of the enemy using unmanned aerial vehicles, so you shouldn't ignore the warning systems, you need to be extremely careful, it is worth saying that in the kursk region there is still serious situation.
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armed forces are pushing the enemy back to the border, or rather the main goal is to return them back to the territory of ukraine, our aviation is working, our artillery is working, preemptive strikes are destroying the approaching force, that is, reserves, and this happens daily and quite successfully, ukrainian militants are being replenished, but not in the numbers they expected, it is extremely difficult for them to advance, the day before belovsky district, an evacuation was announced there, i want to say right away that there is no military actions, there is no war going on there now, let's say so, yes, this is being done in order to protect people, because the district is located right on the border, that is , i repeat, there are no battles there, but people hear what is happening on the border, so for security it was decided to organize a centralized evacuation of people, of course, first of all, they are evacuating the elderly, women, children.
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from the belovsky district and from other districts, who are being evacuated now, they are placed in temporary accommodation centers, there are already more than twenty of them, everything is provided for the people there necessary, including medical care is provided to those who need it, psychologists are working, volunteers are working, volunteers from all over the country are bringing everything that is most necessary, things, personal hygiene products, food, food for children, because well, many people left their homes, ran from... their homes and did not even have time
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to pick up documents, now, by the way, they are working on restoring documents, employees of the ministry of internal affairs, documents are made in one hour. well, rescuers of the ministry of emergency situations of russia handed over gifts to children placed in the temporary accommodation centre of the city of kursk. employees of the tula rescue centre of the russian emergencies ministry handed over balls, toys, and stationery to the children placed in the tent city. well , really, and now the whole world is helping displaced persons, refugees, and the emergencies ministry employees are not standing aside. let's see how this happens, what the children are saying. hearts of all.
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once again i want to emphasize that there are now a lot of rumors on the internet about what is happening in the kursk region, tsypso, the ukrainian, psychological operations centre, is working, they are spreading disinformation in order to destabilize the situation in the kursk region, that is why the authorities are appealing, and we are appealing to citizens, double-check the information, trust only verified official information, there is an operational headquarters here in the kursk region and...
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everything happened in the village of cheremoshnoye, as the head of the region vyacheslav glotkov reported, a ukrainian drone attacked a car in which there was a civilian, he has mine-explosive injuries and fractures, doctors are trying to save his life. and the residents of the krasnogerushsky district belgorod region due to the escalation on the border are being transported to safe places. the head of the region reported this in his telegram channel. yesterday, residents of the krasnoyruzhsky district. left their settlements, due to the operational situation, more than 11 thousand people left, now about a thousand people are in temporary accommodation centers. self-defense fighters,
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police, the russian guard and local authorities are helping to move. how is everything going and what is the current situation? this is a report by alexander kurobov. people are rushing to buses, i don't want to leave, but i have to. the territorial self-defense fighters help people with limited mobility take their seats, load things. the last few days in the belgorod region have been quite restless, there have been a lot of shelling, a tense situation has developed in the krasnoyarsk district, where the enemy has already attacked the state border several times. in order to protect the civilian population, the authorities decided to evacuate people from the danger zone. in total, more than 11 residents of the krasnoyarsk district left their homes in border.
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the process was organized, there were no buses arriving and leaving one after another, no queues, no panic. temporary accommodation points were prepared, those leaving the border area on their own were also not left without help. in just a few hours, the belgorod region organized such situation centers, they are located on the main highways, right along the route of the residents of the krasnoyuzhsky
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district. self-defense fighters and representatives of the administration are on duty at the site, here people can get information on where to go and where they can accommodate. the necessary amount of water for the road. snack, mobile phone charging, people arrive, we talk to them and then send them to safe places of the temporary accommodation point. i hope to get along with vladimir putin if i win the election. putin is a good negotiator, and biden made a stupid mistake
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by allowing the possibility of accepting ukraine into nato. and now the european union has already called on elon musk to censor an interview with donald trump. european commissioner terry breton wrote an appeal to the billionaire. he noted, that he and his services will closely monitor violations of the digital services act. in addition, briton warned that europe. use everything to protect its citizens from serious harm. the letter notes that content should not harm society or misinform it. the businessman was also warned that the social network must ensure freedom of the media pluralism. the author of the document recalled that legal proceedings have already been initiated against musk's platform, so the entrepreneur must be especially careful in fulfilling requirements. and now footage from telegram. channels - this is venezuela, there a strong gust of wind destroyed part of the pavilion in one of
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the shopping centers, the ceiling and signs were damaged. visitors are in a panic, local media report that people had to take shelter in neighboring rooms, the victims have not yet reported. and now let's talk about the economy, maria again in the kursk region, tell us how things are with food prices there. tatyana, prices are under control, there are enough supplies. the federal antimonopoly service is actively working in the region. i'll tell you the details in the issue, well, i'll start with another piece of news. stock prices for gas in europe are growing at a record high, almost $495 per 1.0 cubic meters, futures on the ttf index showed at the latest trades on the london ice platform. thus, at the moment, the fuel has risen in price by 8%, in just one session. prices are growing due to europe's fear of losing the only gas transit route from russia through ukraine. the risks are associated with military actions in the kursk region, where the sudzha gas metering station is located. last year
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, about 15 billion cubic meters were delivered along this pipeline fuel, that is, almost 5% of the total consumption of the european union. if there are interruptions in this section, several european countries will face problems at once. slovakia and austria may suffer the most from a possible blockage of transit, because they are significantly dependent on russian gas supplies, they have no access to the sea, and slovakia will also lose money for the transit of russian gas, which then goes to austria, and they will then have to look for gas on alternative markets somewhere in the world, in the form of lng, most likely its purchase, so that the tanker would come to the coastal european country, pay for unloading, as for the situation in the kursk region itself, russian banks are ready to provide a deferment on loans for its residents, riyavosti reports with reference to vtbsovyom.
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russian producers are not raising prices for products for the kursk region, the latter reports with reference to the rusprod-soyuz association. the organization explained that there are enough food reserves to provide the region, and the capacity of russian enterprises allows for an increase in production, if it will be necessary. i will add that earlier the federal antimonopoly... these measures
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should prevent abuses in the region. and in conclusion of the issue i will remind you of the exchange rate for today dollar 89 rubles 94 kopecks euro 96.68. and for now i have nothing more. people who serve in intelligence are not even physically strong, but simply strong in spirit. the maroon beret is a symbol, it is worn, i believe that there should be a model in everything, they should reach for it, it is impossible to do worse, it is possible we have always had such a motto in life, pushed these people into the doorway and, probably, it is all a dream, and you want to open your eyes and wake up, the us
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is no longer hiding that it supports the kiev terror, the state department openly approves of the attack on... on civilians in the kursk region , they promise ukraine new aid, although american journalists are already predicting that further funding will fall entirely on the shoulders of europe, the eu is already looking for a way out, which one, mariadelka will tell you about in detail. american officials walk along the streets of kiev like they own the place, smiling frivolously , accompanied by their retinue. the kiev regime is only in service, here to turn on the microphone, there to take the path clear. american senator and russophobe thunders words. does not choose, he himself is on the list of terrorists, approves of the attack in the ssu on civilians, all this is maximally openly on camera of journalists. what do i think about kursk? the ukrainian operation in the kursk region is bold, brilliant, beautiful, keep it up, give them money, weapons, let them fight. american reporters call the authorities to account, but they literally signed off, stuffing
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weapons in the ssu, in washington's plans, frankly, everything is simple: to fight russia. the ukrainians themselves, presenting everything as if kiev is acting independently. we generally support ukrainian forces coming across the border. that, as president biden said, is common sense. we remain focused on making sure that our partners in ukraine have what they need to defend themselves. and ultimately, the decision on how ukraine conducts its military operations is up to ukraine itself. washington is pressuring its allies. they are forced to repeat the same mantra, word for word, willy-nilly.
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on terms agreed upon by the ukrainian government, in effect, it can use it. for any purpose, but at the same time the phrase for self-defense should sound loudly. it is quite possible that germany, with precisely this wording, allowed the ukrainian armed forces to use it, and no one will check how it is there, what is in fact. and all this is in circumvention of international law, which the west loves to shout about at the slightest provocation, for them it is different. we saw the bmp marder for the first time, the video that shows western weapons on russian territory confirms this, before that our authorities said: god forbid, this is a red line, now this is reality, in that this is an attack on civilians is absolutely pointless and will only worsen the situation in the ssu, military experts do not have. all military textbooks, and the main practice, say that an attack brings
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more losses than defense and requires more people. last week we had a military man as a guest. can bring more harm to ukraine than good. to hold the territory of the armed forces of ukraine , human resources are needed, which they do not have, and this adventure may become the riskiest step of the kiev regime in the entire war, the media write. at the same time , the attack involves heimer missiles with a target which must be coordinated with washington, as well as german tanks, and therefore, the united states, themselves. with berlin manage this operation, some are getting rich, others are amusing themselves with the complexes of the nazi past, they state in social networks, in germany, now they will officially begin to honor the memory of twenty nazis, we are talking about wehrmacht officers who were members of the sss and the nsdap, follows from the decree of the german ministry of defense. the representative of the department directly stated that now their personalities will serve as an example
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of military valor for the modern bundeswehr, apparently, modern germany. marazilka and alexey beloshov. news: palestinian president mahmoud abbas is currently visiting moscow. vladimir putin will discuss the crisis in the middle east with him today. anton dadykin will tell you in detail about the upcoming talks. mahmoud abbas has arrived in moscow. this is the twelfth visit of the palestinian president to russia. as reported by the kremlin press service, in addition to current issues of bilateral cooperation, the presidents will exchange views on the situation in the middle east, amid the escalation the palestinian-israeli conflict an unprecedented humanitarian catastrophe for all. russia has repeatedly called on the israel defense forces and the military wing of the palestinian hamas movement to cease hostilities. moscow strictly adheres to the un general assembly resolution on the creation of two
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states - israel and palestine, as well as the un security council resolution on the creation of a palestinian state within the 1967 borders with its capital in east jerusalem. before his visit to russia, the palestinian president outlined his vision of the problem. in an interview tas agency. the strategic solution to the palestinian issue is as follows: granting the palestinian people their right to freedom, independence and self-determination in accordance with the two-state solution that respects the norms of international law, the international community and the un, ending all israeli unilateral hostile actions in the west bank in jerusalem, resolving all aspects of the final status during an international peace conference, and a complete withdrawal of troops within a specified time frame, implementation of a mechanism for general regional security. the united states is trying to achieve a resumption of negotiations between israel and hamas. the next round is scheduled for
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august 15, but hamas has not confirmed its participation. according to representatives of the movement, the settlement plan was already agreed upon on july 2. israel simply has to fulfill its part of the obligations. the government of the jewish state denies the agreements. hamas's statements about its refusal to participate in the negotiations show the whole world who is preventing the speedy return hostages to attempts to achieve a ceasefire in the gaza strip. the netanyahu administration believes that the negotiations are being hampered by the new head of the hamas politburo, yahya sinwar. his predecessor, ismail haniyeh, was assassinated in tehran. iran blamed israel, which said it had chosen the right course. as decision makers, the goal is to achieve operational results on the one hand , and to create conditions for the return of the hostages on the other. we are creating conditions through military pressure that could lead to a deal to free the hostages, even if this process takes more than one
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stage. however, at the closed part of the meeting with the deputies of the princeset, the israeli defense minister called the prime minister's course for a complete victory over hamas nonsense. he believes that a choice must be made: either negotiations or war to a victorious end, but without a chance to return the hostages. netanyahu's supporters are calling for sending. tell us, who lost their post? tatyana, the voronezh fakel announced the departure of igor cherevchenko, he worked in voronezh for only a little over 100 days. let's start with
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tennis, the sixth racket of the world andrey rublev lost the final in montreal and was unable to take the title at the prestigious masters tournament. last night, the russian lost to australian alexey popirin in the final of the canadian 1,000-man tournament. rublev had a poor start to the match, losing the first game on his serve, and soon another. in the end, the russian lost with a large score of 2:6. the second set also began with rublev giving up his serve, and by the middle of the set, the russian managed to win back the deficit by a game, but then again lost his serve. 2-6-4-6 - this is the first defeat rublev in the finals this season. before this match, there were two victories in title matches out of two possible. thanks to a successful performance at the canadian masters and reaching the final, rublev rose two lines in the atp ranking. just since yesterday. and football - the first coaching resignation in the russian championship. voronezh fakel announced the termination of the contract with head coach
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igor cherevchenko. the official statement of the club says that the decision was made by mutual agreement of the parties. in four rounds of the rpl, fakel lost three times and played once in nothing. with one point, the team is in last place in the tournament table. they scored only one goal. last weekend, fakel lost to krylyam sovetov. after this defeat. igor cherevchenko headed for just over 100 days. the appointment was in april. according to the results of the last championship, fakel took the final eleventh place, this is fakel's best result in the history of the top league. well , now voronezh will have its sixth coach in just the last two years. real madrid's brazilian striker venicius is offered a 5-year contract and... 1 billion euros. about that, that the contender for the golden ball is being offered the largest contract in the history of all sports. almost all the world's leading sports media reported the previous evening. from real,
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venicius. are being lured to saudi arabia, the striker is of interest to the al-ahli club. in saudi arabia, venicius, venicius junior is seen as the main star of the league ahead of the world cup of thirty -four, which will be held in saudi arabia. the player's current contract with real madrid is valid until 2027. according to it, the brazilian receives almost 10 times less than promised to saudi arabia, about 20 million euros per season. and in... at the end of the issue, impressive festive footage from the capital of serbia and belgrade, where yesterday evening tens of thousands of people took to the streets of the city to greet the serbian national basketball team and tennis player novak djokovic. at the olympic basketball tournament in paris, the serbian national team won bronze medals, and novak djokovic won olympic gold for the first time in his career . thus, novak djokovic completed the tennis player's career gold medal of victories at all four grand slam tournaments,
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and he won each of them more than once, and now he has olympic gold, and the day before, the athletes were also received by serbian president aleksandar vucic. that 's all about sports for now, see you next hour. we watch to spend time with children. russian cartoons and children's programs. we watch. in the application or on the website, who are you, me, a traveler, aeronaut, jean ivan, and so we go out namesakes, what a fairy tale without ivan, uh, uh, what started? without cheating
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and without flint, don't go to the flint for me sharpened, self-writing pen, magic ink, you'll get it, the main thing is vanya, hurry up, so give me a horse, a mechanical one, but hit yourself on the head, you have a nickname, where you need to go, that's what they call me, because i'm taking you not where you, a fool, want to go, where you need to go.
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about the main thing, by this minute. russian assault detachments from among motorized riflemen attacked militants of the armed forces of ukraine in the kursk region. our su-34 artillery carried out air strikes on the enemy in the border areas. and the manpower and equipment of the neo-nazis were destroyed. us presidential candidate donald trump gave an interview elon musk. he said that he plans to restore relations with russia and quote: get along with vladimir putin. he specified that he considers the russian leader and the head of china to be the best of the best in their field. the international atomic energy agency stated that they cannot yet name the cause of the fire at the zaporizhzhya nuclear power plant, but at the same time, the agency's experts nevertheless admitted that there were no burnt tires in the damaged tower, which completely refutes the kiev fakes. radiation monitoring was also conducted ; there are no signs of elevated radiation levels in the area of ​​the station. yevinsky the houthis have struck a merchant ship near the port
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of hadeida, they said.


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