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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 13, 2024 9:00am-9:31am MSK

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twice a missile threat was declared, just recently it was cancelled, but the siren sounds here in the city, for example kursk, every 2-3 hours, at night a little less often, and people are asked not to neglect these signals, if you hear them, you must immediately go to shelter, or, if you are at home, hide between the capital walls, this is the safest place in the house, in no case ... do not stand in the spans, in the entrance, it is better to be in the apartments, because in the event of a missile hit, it is the access part, it collapses first. the situation in the kust region is still tense, the sudzhansky district is probably the hottest place now, there are battles going on there, and although ukrainian information dumps report that the ukrainian armed forces control sudzha, this is not true, a very important point, i repeat once again, there are a lot of leaks going on now, they are working. special
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psychological operations in ukraine, the goal of these leaks is maximum destabilization, and the situation, it is necessary to sow panic, all this is being tried to do by the tsypsoshniks, therefore, it is necessary to check the information carefully, telegram channels, look for those that have existed for a long time, there is more or less adequate information, but in general it is better to go into the cto mode, counter-terrorist... operation, and an operational headquarters has been created, which gives daily reports on what is happening and how the operation is progressing here directly in the kursk region, well, it is worth saying that our guys, our armed forces are now pushing the enemy back to the border, they are not allowing reserves to approach, of course this helps the same aviation and artillery, and it is happening quite successfully, in addition to the sudzhansky district, in several other districts there is a tense... stop there is shelling,
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well, it is worth saying that the day before in the belovsky district of the kursk region there was an evacuation, again ukrainian information dumps said that they control the belovsky district, this is not true, there are no battles there, the district is completely under the control of the armed forces of the russian federation, the evacuation is caused in order to protect people, but people do not see, nothing is happening in their area, but they hear what is happening at the border, because belaya sloboda, people were evacuated there, we were in peskovye now, yes, we took two people, we act on behalf of the united russia party, we help people, well, like all ordinary people.
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citizens should do so, in fact, a large number of people are now leaving the belovsky district, they are placed in temporary accommodation centers, where they are provided with everything they need , food, things, medical care, and of course the work of psychologists, which is so necessary, many people, well , those who, for example, sudzhi are now living in temporary accommodation centers, dream, of course, that everything would end faster, they really want to return home, they really... the psychological state is very difficult, the work of psychologists is extremely important here, humanitarian aid is coming from all over russia, i was worried about their homes yesterday, of course, i told you, today i will repeat, they are really bringing even from kamchatka, the volunteer guys are coming on their own, they are bringing everything they need, these are things, and food, and hygiene and medicine, all this is given as once in the temporary accommodation centre, it is given
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to the doctors, with great... with great gratitude people of course treat this, but in addition to the volunteers , creative groups come here to at least somehow support, to raise morale, the violinist virtuos peter lunstrom, who has already given more than a hundred concerts in donbass, he came here yesterday to kursk, drove around the temporary accommodation points, held concerts there, said that he could not stay away, because this trouble, it really unites everyone, let's listen to what petya said: the hearts of everyone, citizens of our country, all our compatriots, they are here in the kursk region, an amazing popular wave, of course, a united popular wave of support is coming here and there, where we are here today, yes, where we are today, these are volunteers who come and take vacations, come during working hours. work in
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temporary accommodation centers, work at distribution points for humanitarian aid, well, yesterday, as the governor said, there is no information about almost... on the search for those who cannot be reached by relatives and do not know their location. we continue to monitor the situation in the kursk region, all the latest news on our air. stas, thank you, stanislav bernval was on the direct line with the studio with a story about the developments in the kursk region. and in the belgorod region , residents of the krasnoyeruzhsky district are being transferred to temporary accommodation points. the governor reported on the progress of the evacuation on the telegram channel. yesterday, residents
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of the krasnoyeruzhsky district left their populated areas. specialists from the international atomic energy agency conducted monitoring at damaged by drone strike zaporizhzhya npp facility. no increase in radiation levels was detected, it is believed that the fire on the tower cooling tower did not affect cooling tower did not affect the nuclear safety of the station. this is stated in the mission statement. monitoring was also conducted in the area of ​​the reactors. killed at the station on sunday evening a fire broke out, as previously stated in rusatami, the facility burned out burned out from the inside, the possibility and timing of restoration can be judged after a full assessment of the condition. the us state department openly stated that they will not interfere with ukraine
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shell russia with western weapons and promise kiev further support. such statements, the main justification for kiev's terror against our country, have been criticized by many. mariavilka will tell you about europe, what they said. american officials walk along the streets of kiev like masters, smiling frivolously, accompanied by their retinue . the kiev regime is only in service, here to turn on the microphone, there to clear the path. american senator lindsey graham does not mince words, he himself is on the list of terrorists. the attack on civilians in the ssu is approved all this on camera of journalists, as openly as possible. what do i think about kursk? the ukrainian operation in the kursk region is bold, brilliant , beautiful, keep it up. give them money and weapons, let them fight. american reporters call the authorities to account, but they literally signed off on the ssu with a weapon feed, in washington's plans, frankly, everything is simple: to fight
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russia with the hands of ukrainians, presenting everything as if kiev is acting independently. in general, we support the ukrainian forces that are crossing the border, it depends on how you say it. there are no obstacles to this, and ukraine is free to choose the options for using weapons. the ukrainian armed forces consider the attack on kurs to be legal. and berlin makes such bold statements for a reason, experts say. the weapons that germany transferred to ukraine can be
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used under conditions agreed upon with the ukrainian government. in fact, it can use them for any purpose, but the phrase: for self-defense must be loudly heard. it is possible that germany allowed the ukrainian armed forces to use them with precisely this wording, and no one will check how things really are there. it won't, all this is in violation of international law, which the west loves to shout about at the slightest thing, for them it's different, we saw the bmp marder for the first time, a video that shows western weapons on russian territory, this confirms, before that our authorities said, god forbid, this is a red line, now it's a reality, in that this is an attack.
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washington, as well as german tanks, which means that it is the us together with berlin whose goals must be coordinated with who are managing this operation, some are getting rich, others are amusing themselves with the complexes of the nazi past, social networks state that in germany, they will now officially begin to honor the memory of twenty nazis, we are talking about wehrmacht officers who were members of the sss and the nsdap, follows from the decree of the german ministry of defense, a representative of the department directly stated that their personalities will now serve.
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exchange prices for gas in europe have updated the maximum since december last year, almost 495 dollars per thousand cubic meters showed futures on the ttf index at the latest trades on the london ice platform. thus, at the moment, fuel rose in price by 8% in just one session. experts interviewed by bloomberg believe that that the main reason for the growing concern about the transit of gas from russia through ukraine. the military actions in the kursk region may lead to interruptions in supplies through the su point. it is through this point that fuel is supplied to europe. the sudzha gas metering station, part of the urengoy,
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pamary, uzhgorod main line. as gazprom reported earlier, russia continues to supply through it, the volume exceeds 39.5 million cubic meters per day. today, this is the largest transit corridor for russian gas supplies to europe. about 15 billion cubic meters of gas pass through it per year. if transit is suspended here, it will be difficult to quickly redirect such volumes to another direction. as a result, the european union may face a gas deficit. due to these concerns, prices on the exchange are growing, especially since supplies from russia through ukraine are in reduced volumes. slovakia and austria may suffer the most from a possible blockage of transit, because they are significantly dependent on russian gas supplies, they have no access to the sea, and slovakia will also lose money for the transit of russian gas, which then goes to austria. and they will have to. yes, look for gas on alternative markets somewhere in the world, in the form of lng, most likely buy it so that the tanker comes to a coastal
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european country, pay for unloading. according to bloomberg, european officials are trying to find other options, but experts note that it is difficult to find a replacement for too large volumes. in just six months , gas exports from russia to europe have increased by a third, to almost 15.5 billion cubic meters. in addition to russia , gas pipeline systems from norway, algeria, the netherlands, azerbaijan are also operating, libya, great britain, but it is unlikely that any of these countries can significantly increase the volume of supplies. oil is also becoming more expensive, the quotes of brand on the london ice exchange have crossed the mark of 82 dollars per barrel. experts of the market watch survey named tensions in the middle east as the reason. for the first time since the beginning of the year, reduced the forecast for global demand for oil, analysts consider the correction small, demand for fuel will
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grow at the level of 2,100,000 barrels per day instead of the expected 2 million and a quarter, according to next year the gap is even smaller 1,780,000 barrels per day against 1,850 thousand. there is an accumulation of savings against the growth of expenses, all this limits on the one hand the activity of movement, the purchase of durable goods, in particular cars. all this partially leads to a decrease in oil consumption. according to opec analysts, in the future oil consumption will grow mainly due to china, india and other buyers from asia. let me remind you that the largest supplier of oil to india and china, sasha, is our country. thank you, masha, this is maria grigorieva was with a story about why oil and gas are becoming more expensive on world markets. now to messages marked urgently they come from.
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we continue the broadcast. donald trump gave a big interview to elon musk, gathering a million listeners, despite the dedos attack. in this dialogue, the former president. the united states said that, having come to power, the democrats literally killed freedom of speech in the country. the head of the american bureau of vesey valentin bogdanov will talk about trump's main statements and the reaction to them in the white house.
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the total audience of elon musk and donald trump on the x platform is 282 million users. this is comparable to the population of the united states, one and a half times the number of american voters. but neither at 8 p.m. nor at 8:15 a.m., none of these people had a voice. trump or musk's voice was not heard, only electronic music was playing from the speakers. cyber-sabotage, someone clearly did not like the colossal reach of potential voters that the republican candidate was promised by his most famous supporter in america. apparently, there was a massive attack on the social network x, we are working on it. of course, there will be more about who was behind the attack find out.
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have the right to speak freely, i guess they don't believe in free speech or want to influence american elections. in the end, the interview still started almost an hour late, bent over the phone, here's a photo to which powerbank was attached, trump addressed an audience of almost a million, began with the recent assassination attempt. when i raised my fist, people felt relief, joy , trepidation. it was terrible, but at the same time incredible. talking about what saved your life made you turn your head in... it was actually the decline of illegal immigration, maybe we should talk about that? illegal immigration saved my life. it's really
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great, listen to this, saved by illegal immigration. what happened is pretty much, i would say, an act of god, it's a miracle. by the way, we 're going back to butler, we're going to do it in october. we've got everything going, butler has great people, it's a great area. but i wanted to say how terribly i was interrupted at that moment, yes, so rudely interrupted for trying murders, trump blames democrats and biden personally for the rampant illegal immigration, in an interview with musk, he reiterated the idea that the us president was taken out of the race as a result of a coup, however, the replacement, according to the republican, turned out to be even worse. here's what i want to tell you: we can't have a democrat in our country, we can't have kamela harris in our country, she's incompetent. she's as bad as biden, only in a different way. biden hasn't given an interview since this whole scam started, it was a coup, a real one.
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a coup by the president of the united states, he did not want to leave, and they told him that he could leave either in a good way or in a bad way. trump spoke about ukraine at length and in detail, and he specifically focused on the reasons for what was happening. you know, biden did something to russia, there was no chance that... he would ever launch an offensive. they began to prepare large military formations there, on the border with ukraine. i looked at this and thought that he was doing this only because putin is a good negotiator. our president was that a man who has only made the situation in ukraine worse. it's disgusting. the words he uttered are stupid threats from a stupid man. i said right away that this guy is going to start a war, this guy is going to hurt us, let me tell you, this could lead to.
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hoped to meet the beginning of world war iii. senator jastria plincy graham, dangerously raising the stakes, suggests that kiev recruit retired nato pilots, i.e., make it so that western mercenaries who have long been fighting on the side of the ukrainian regime, were no longer only on the ground, but in the sky, and not only in ukraine. valentin bogdanov, ivan udkin and maria bolotvina, lead the usa. the european union called on elon musk to censor an interview with donald trump. european commissioner terry britton wrote an appeal to the billionaire, noting that he personally and his
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services will. europe will use everything to protect its citizens from serious harm. the letter notes that content should not harm society or misinform it. also, businessmen warned, social network must ensure freedom of the media pluralism. the author of the document recalled that legal proceedings have already been initiated against musk's platform, so the entrepreneur must be especially careful when implementing it. other international topics: the yemeni movement attacked a ship off the coast of hadiida, the british navy reported. the department noted that an investigation is underway, and a warning was also issued that ships should be careful when passing through this area and report any suspicious activity. the situation in kosovo will escalate by early september, with deputy prime minister
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alexander vullin made such a statement.
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in moscow, 9:29 and then briefly about the main thing. in
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the skies of the kursk region, our air defense systems, according to the ministry of defense, shot down 12 drones. the positions and equipment of the armed forces of ukraine are being destroyed by supersonic su-34s and artillery. dozens of ukrainian soldiers in border areas were eliminated by strikes from a d-30 howitzer. 11 residents were transported from the border areas of the belgorod region. about a thousand are now in temporary accommodation points. cities and towns of the region in the armed forces of ukraine.
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that's how it is with vladimir putin if.


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