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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 13, 2024 1:00pm-1:31pm MSK

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voluntary evacuation has begun in another district of the kursk region, bolshesoldatsky, where they are currently collecting information about those who want and are ready to leave, as well as about those who need humanitarian aid. throughout russia , residents of the kursk region are ready to accept 400 temporary accommodation points. our special correspondent stanislav bernwald has details about the situation in the region. the most important and most difficult situation is now in the sudzhinsky district. in the nearby border areas, today, as they say, civilians, the village of tyotkino was shelled by ukrainian militants, we are waiting for an official briefing, we will draw some conclusions from it, voice them, very important information asks to be conveyed to people, a lot of disinformation is now appearing on the internet, please check the information, because the ukrainian special services are deliberately leaking information, specifically to destabilize the situation and... and in this
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way to instill panic, the regional red cross is not only conducting a humanitarian operation, distributing humanitarian aid, provides primary medical care, but is engaged in a very important matter, searching for relatives who cannot get in touch with people, the work is painstaking, there are a lot of requests, at the first stage, when the application is accepted, it comes to us and at the same time to the search center in moscow, we check in our databases, if in our databases ... the person is not there, it means that he has not yet contacted us for help, then we check through temporary accommodation points, we also try to call the hospital through personal connections, to clarify whether he is there is located, that is, well, such a process of calling all the places where he may be, we work here in kursk, because we have everything here, yes, personal connections, contacts, but people can leave for other regions, then the search center, which is located in moscow, comes into play, they have connections with other regional branches. deployed directly in
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the kursk region, they accept everyone. the temporary accommodation centers will expand, because there are a lot of people. belovsky district, for example, was evacuated yesterday, now people are being accommodated. very many people who come to get help, and it is really extremely difficult for people, because they had to leave the shelled areas in what they were wearing, many simply did not take any things with them, that is why humanitarian aid is now coming here from the whole world, it is being distributed, people come every day.
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what they brought, as representatives of the veterinary services of the region said, veterinarians are ready to provide not only assistance in vaccinating animals, but in the event that an animal is injured during evacuation, they are ready to provide help, for this there are all forces and means, about 20 dogs and 15 cats are in temporary accommodation points, this only concerns the points that are located in the city of korsk, here are the same points located in the districts of the kors region.
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they did not find any tire residues, the group also confirmed that there were no significant traces of ash or soot located at the base of the cooling tower. after this, magate published its release, in which it said that they are not yet ready to draw conclusions, based on what they saw and continue their analysis, at the moment, everything is in order at the station, all six power units are in a state of cold shutdown, violation of limits and conditions. safe operation has not been recorded, the radiation background, both at the site and in the observation zone, is normal and corresponds to natural values. i will add that the iaea experts, according to them, have not yet determined the causes of the fire. the statement says that during the inspection, they were not able
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to find fragments of the drone. let me remind you that, according to the ministry of defense, the armed forces of ukraine attacked the zaporizhzhya npp using a drone kamikaze on the evening of august 11. after that , on... greece the cause of the strongest natural fire in the atika region, where the capital of the country is located, and here are these shots. there was a short circuit on one of the power line poles. the authorities say that the damage under the fire is very large, many houses and businesses burned down, now the situation has improved. let's look at some more shots. but due to hot weather and wind, the fires can intensify there are still many active fires, here are these what is happening in the region now, forest fires continue, now a short commercial, then even more news, with a credit card you can
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purchases will become easier, apply for a loan with cashback from smer in 5 minutes in a mobile application. get another category of cashback in rubles cashback collect all year on credit card buy buy buy rub enough imagine cashback and bonus receive apply for free credit card vtb (vtb) everything will work out urgent news from the ministry of defense, which is now coming to... feeds information agent the armed forces of russia in 24 hours destroyed
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a su-27 fighter of the ukrainian armed forces, also a mi-8 helicopter was shot down in the air, three launchers were hit, a radar station, also the ukrainian armed forces lost up to 635 servicemen, an abrams tank and a bradley infantry fighting vehicle were destroyed in the area of ​​responsibility groupings center, and the grouping of troops south in a week hit the formation of six enemy brigades, also in the ssu they lost more than 510 there. military, let me remind you, this is urgent news from the ministry of defense, which is now coming to the tape. the kiev regime will not have enough soldiers to continue the conflict, donald trump said in an audio interview with elon musk. the politician emphasized that he hopes to establish contacts with vladimir putin in the event of his victory in the us presidential election. i hope to get along with vladimir putin in case of victory in the elections. putin is a good negotiator, and biden made a stupid mistake. allowing the possibility of accepting ukraine into nato. having declared his intention
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to improve relations with russia, trump moved on to the domestic agenda, once again criticizing the policies of the current us president biden. kamla haris, who is promoted by the democrats, also got into trouble during the interview. speaking about her election campaign, trump said that she is completely incompetent. they still have 5 months to do something, but i believe that... they won't do it, it's all just talk, he incompetent she is incompetent, frankly speaking, i think she is even more incompetent than he is, and that says something, because he is far from good. and now there is a reaction from the european union to this conversation: they called on elon musk to censor the interview with trump. european commissioner tiri briton addressed the billionaire and warned that if there is no reaction, europe itself will start using anything to block the interview . the european commissioner also reminded that legal proceedings have already been initiated against musk's platform, so the entrepreneur must pay special attention to
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the fulfillment of the requirements, in general, freedom of speech in the european style. well, in the german army they are trying to portray war criminals of the second world war as heroes. the official representative of the russian foreign ministry , maria zakharova, drew attention to this. those who served in the armed forces of the third reich, including the ss, were included in the lists of examples worthy of imitation when drawing up the curriculum. according to zakharova, the only thing the bundeswehr can achieve with such practices is the return of nazism. well, on the second day of the army 2024 forum , government contracts worth about 500 billion rubles were signed. this is information from the ministry of defense. we are talking about deliveries, including tanks, helicopters, guided missiles. our correspondent yegor grigoriev is working at the forum. so, he goes live. hello, yegor. here's what else is known about the signed agreements and is there?
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have proven themselves in the fields of the svo and even countries unfriendly to us, western countries
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recently, the last months, the month of july, in particular, have called the month of iskanders for his effective work in destroying both manpower and equipment in the ssu. among other things, the contracts signed today provide for the supply and manufacture of vehicles, heavy flamethrower systems with... a spec of t-90 m tanks, anti-sabotage boats , underwater, remote-controlled vehicles, special equipment for... access ramps, mine-clearing modules and mine-clearing vehicles and many, many other types of weapons, including aviation weapons - for example, transport helicopters, transport and attack helicopters, eight missiles, controlled and uncontrolled for our aviation, in general, all weapons, which
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are extremely necessary for our fighters on the front lines today. at the same time, the head of the main directorate of armament of the armed forces of russia anatoly gulyaev especially noted that these are only additional contracts to the existing ones. i will remind you that, in principle, in the entire twenty -fourth year, in terms of the volume of state orders, almost all 98% of the tasks and volume of the state order of the twenty-fifth year have been contracted and accepted as obligations.
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for the implementation of the state defense order, there were also organizations that are involved in organizing the jubilee, the tenth in a row, the army uniform and those who exhibited their equipment here, exhibited samples of weapons, and genuine interest, the exhibition annually arouses, of course, among representatives of foreign delegations, this year i will remind them... 83 follow, as they have told us more than once, not only the latest samples of russian equipment, but then, how it is used directly on the battlefield, this is what a representative of the saudi arabian defense industry told us about. such a variety of their samples opportunities helps us
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to improve ourselves, i hope we will be able to see even more exhibits. i will try to come here again. i am from saudi arabia myself, i am very happy to be part of this forum. yes, egor, thank you. egor grigoriev is following the business and exhibition program of the international military-technical forum army 2024. in ukraine, they are going to completely ban the canonical orthodox church. priests will be sent to jail. they are already preparing lists, and they call all this , quote: spiritual liberation. more details, zineida kurbatova. they have been trying to ban the ukrainian orthodox church of the moscow patriarchate in ukraine for a long time. on the one hand, any institution associated with genuine christian values ​​is, priori , an enemy. the second point, purely economic, is the raider seizures of monasteries to impose their pocket church on the ocu. the kyiv municipal assembly will decide on the issue of destroying
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more than 100 temple complexes on the territory of kyiv. for him, because for the pceus, this quasi-structure, which was created as a kind of counterweight to the real orthodox churches in ukraine, but there are not so many priests and not so many parishioners. recently , the authorities even reprimanded metropolitan raskolnik epifaniy : "they say, submit a bright result." believers are not eager to become parishioners of the ocu. the other day, the lawyer of the canonical ukrainian orthodox church robert amsterdam stated that the authorities have developed a plan for the actual liquidation of the uoc. they have already compiled a list, 40 clergymen are going to be arrested and thrown behind bars, formally for ties to moscow. at the same time, the sbu cynically states that the arrests are not pressure from priests. the deep state of the european union is fully in favor of the extermination of canonical orthodoxy in ukraine. the only thing it requires is the observance of a certain semblance of democracy, the semblance
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of some religious pluralism and freedoms. for. the black market of icons is filled with images
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stolen from captured churches. for several years, as the ukrainian orthodox church has been collecting all the materials on the arson of the temple, on the looting, these documents are regularly presented to the united nations and the security council, council of europe, they are regularly listened to, but nevertheless, these few years have shown that there is no reaction. the verkhovna rada intends to vote for a ban on the canonical uoc. the patriarch of constantinople bartholomew, who is in istanbul, will become the viceroy. this will give the schismatics of the ocu some semblance of canonicity. zenaida kurbatova, news. well, let's return to the reports of the russian defense ministry about the destruction of the ukrainian su-27. our military department publishes footage of objective control of the destruction of the fighter ukrainian air force. it happened at the mirgorod airfield. poltava region. the iskander m crew launched a missile strike on the aircraft parking lot and the plane was hit with a precise strike. wanted to open a deposit at one
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rate? it turns out you can at a higher rate. i thought about opening a deposit in one bank. it turns out you can at once in different ones. for money, your own marketplace. it turns out. open a deposit at a favorable rate for you finuslugi financial marketplace from the moscow exchange. large purchases will become easier. apply for a loan with cashback from spera in 5 minutes in mobile application. it is not the first time antonina rents out her cozy apartment on avito real estate, so she knows how everything will spin. avito real estate, rent it out where they are looking. two pethits at a bargain price,
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only in delicious point. even more. apply for a credit card at vtb. buy office paper. for 299 rubles. are you serious? what is this for? to pave the way in life? do you think this will help him? exactly, these are communication skills. well, why did you cram so many languages, and also dancing, let's play chess instead. chess? sending child into the future, it is important to give him the most necessary things, growth points, quantums, it-cubes, modern knowledge on the latest equipment, even in the most remote corners. russia's national projects. rf, national education project. every 15 minutes - a game, a hunt. your chance to change everything. the main trophy from 200
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million. hunting, test your instinct. pash, look, what magic. yes, 35% cashback for everyone. how did you find out? the most important thing, it won't pass me by. apply for a debit card with 35% cashback on everything most important. gazprombank. what we bring back from our travels with avito. cashback bonuses for the next trip. avito travel. everything will go as booked. and with cashback, bonuses. magnit. buckwheat cereal. agroalliance. 79,999. magnit. the price is what you need. alfa-investments are for money. we give up to 5,000 rubles to everyone! open a free account for investments in alfabank and get a gift! not just profitable, alpha profitable! this summer is with us! this
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summer! will it sparkle with new colors? buy a large combo, collect a collection of glasses and summer impressions, only at tasty point! this summer is with us! sale! where did you buy? megamarket, school style. choose buy with convenient delivery by clicking on the megamarket. megamarket, school style. are you attacked by credit card debts? i'll show you a couple of tricks. we collect all credit card debts on one kholva conveniently repay 24 months. and do not forget about purchases in installments. kholva - simple installment techniques. now economic news, briefly. russia's oil exports in july fell by 300,000 barrels per day, but revenues from it increased by $ 880 million. such
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data are cited by the international energy agency. the main reason for the decline in supplies to the world market is the growth of oil refining within the country after the refinery came out of repair. such dynamics had the greatest impact on india, the agency emphasizes. at the same time , the cost of russian oil eurols rose in july by almost 4.5 dollars compared to june and amounted to approximately 72 dollars per barrel. the basic exchange rate of the rupee to the ruble will simplify trade russia and india are currently preparing to launch such a mechanism, the economic times writes. according to the publication, the basic rate will reduce dependence on fluctuations of the dollar and will significantly facilitate mutual settlements. now the central banks of the two countries need to sign an agreement. a similar system, i note, is already in effect between india and the united arab emirates. aeroflot group has increased its passenger flow by 20% this year. from january to july, it exceeded 31
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million people. the growth in july is almost 15% year -on-year. on domestic routes, transportation has grown by more than 11.5%, on international routes by almost 30. in terms of the total number of passengers , domestic routes are in the lead - 4,700,000 people, international travelers for the reporting period 1,200,000. and the russian market brought leroy merland a quarter of all net profit - almost 300 million euros out of the total amount of one billion and 100 million. this is stated in the report. parent company adeo for last year. this result is explained by the fact that the french chain left russia quite recently at the end of december twenty-three. the profitable business, which is more than a hundred stores, was transferred to local management. now the chain operates under the name limana pro. these were the economic news. briefly.
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well, our broadcast will continue with the documentary film mother's heart about the feat of the hero of russia eduard dyakonov. he participated in the capture of mariupol and heroically died there, saving his friends.


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