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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 13, 2024 1:30pm-2:01pm MSK

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well, our broadcast will continue with the documentary film mother's heart about the exploits of the hero of russia eduard dyakon. he participated in the capture of mariupol and died heroically there, saving his friends. as yaroslav told me, he told me that those who approached the adobes closer to the entrance, yes, they said. in use, held,
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entrance, from which floor, right here?
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hello, my name is edik, when i grow up, i dream of becoming a military man to defend the homeland, so that the world is always calm, i will be engaged in reconnaissance, so that, i will be a scout, before the first grade children's kindergarten, that is, the guys were asked who they would be when they grew up, for some reason a scout, i... i remembered then, when he had already grown up, when he had already gone into the army, when he had achieved that he was transferred to the scouts, he sent me a text message that his hands were in soap , there were branches somewhere there, hello, mom, i'm in intelligence.
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he went to kindergarten, it happened that someone offended him, he did not always know how to pass the test, i had this idea, to send him to kyokushin karate, at first he was scared, because there were demonstration performances, when they shouted ha-ha like that, the winner in this category becomes.
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then these memories immediately came flooding back, how he came, how if something didn’t work out for someone, igor vasilyevich, says, that’s it, let’s do push-ups, that means, if you’re at least strong, well, they did push-ups with their fists, guys, well done, all this immediately came to mind, that it was just recently.
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so that’s how it is, well, he was very fair, it didn’t surprise me, i knew that he was such a guy, that he always saved his guys’ lives, always. before 22, he transferred to the special forces, in january, february, it turns out, they
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were often sent on missions to training grounds, closer to february 25, i congratulate him on february 23, i ask where he is, he says: we are in the krasnodar region. at the training ground, don't worry, everything is fine with me, after february 25 he was gone, did not go out, we, did not get in touch until march 7, then a message comes from him, at first just an sms, mom, everything is fine with me, this is edik, so, i am on a mission, everything is fine with me, came out from someone else's phone, i already have a suspicion, i think that this is not it, i send it to him, i say, go ahead and send it by voice. i heard that, that it was definitely you, i explain, i'm on a business trip, i'm not panicking, i'm not boiling, i'm on the phone, i don't come out of my phone, because i can't, i'll turn it on, i'll turn on the russian sim card, nothing good will happen to this here, don't worry, everything is fine with me, i'm alive and well, i'm in
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the deep, very deep rear, that's why everything is fine with me, we 're moving rations here, kamaz trucks. we're loading nothing more, i don’t participate in any actions, when everything is over, i’ll come, i’ll write, i’ll call, no need to panic, i understand, i understand, well , in such a voice, you know, a very mature voice, just like that - as if the person had already seen a lot of something like that... impressive, very serious, i calmed down a little, that i somehow naively believed that he was really in the deep rear, although there was still a tremor inside, that damn, something was wrong, the command was given that well, let’s go in,
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well, gather. forward, i realized that he was more likely everything there, i say, i'm saying now, i'll raise everyone's ears, and he says, do n't even think about calling here, especially coming, you understand morally where you're going about the fact that well... to be honest, you understand that not everyone will return from there, they received the task of escorting, as i understood, to escort a group of fighters to carry out a cleanup, a house, a five-story building,
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we passed one entrance, he says it's fine, when we approached the second entrance, mortar shelling began.
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this is the central street, lenin street, we'll show up, yeah, of course, it was really necessary come here, it's not far, here i am with my bow everything is happy, let's go, i know that i should go to the children, they must have lost a lot, but the guys climbed, well, what if they didn't make firing points, on the roofs, sat in the windows, in the courtyards, there was a ukrainian cage, our guys wanted to preserve the infrastructure as much as possible, people's lives, this is lenin street, it is central,
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the city center literally, 300 m to the city center, here is lenin square further, here will be a park, two air bombs hit here, one or two were there, here, there was a house, it was demolished, i will build new compensation housing, a new modern house, there peter made houses, you see they are new, here we are already planning to go to kursk for plantings, for new ones to plant completely, to make it beautiful. what is left of the trees, yeah, it will be eduard dyakonov park, well, in any case , thank you for accepting me and wonderfully. i didn’t think at all that i was here, i will drive by again, and here they were, here they were everywhere, for
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every meter, the road, probably were destroyed here, yes, everything was destroyed, that is, this now everything has already been restored, yes, well, i'm just looking, yes. "hello, tell me, please, can i go here, for a while, my son just died here in this place, yes, of course, that is, in general, as yaroslav told me, he told me to go to the somans , come closer to the entrance."
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where were the rest of the guys? i was standing on that edge, they started to crawl through the windows, the first floor for now, we controlled them, and him, then, when i approached this edge, i saw edik running across the road, here are the balconies, some other trees there were, i think, he ran over to the center here, well there, yes, yes, yes, he ran over to the center, him with a machine gun. by the way, how did he, i say, i ask again, if he hadn't covered her, he had the opportunity
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to hide somewhere, to dodge, his machine gun was already in line, he already understood that he was dying, he no longer had a choice, maybe i assume that it was like that, it's wrong to do it any other way.
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i come here, let's talk, and i say, sometimes, i say, edik, if you hear me, give me a sign, or a bird will fly in, or a butterfly will come here will fly, there was even a squirrel that ran up, i say: edik, give me a sign that you hear me, and out of nowhere, a spider appears. i was not saved, but they told me, they say, he is now if you pray, ask, but a miracle did not happen, he
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is next to god, he saved, he gave his soul for his friends, comes from the presidential administration that he was awarded the title hero of russia and he was awarded a gold star. we have tea, bright memory, we always remember, they are with us, not with us now, our boys, yesterday i come to pashka's cemetery, this is. it's parents' day, i went to the trash heap there, but i cleaned up, i'm walking back, there 's a car, there's a man on crutches, with crutches, i'm thinking, from the side i'm thinking, grandfather, i'm thinking, why is grandfather without a grandmother, i come closer, he says hello , he says, who is this to you, i say, this is my son, he says, he says, i'm on one leg, i would say, i'd kneel before you, every day i've lived here, we owe it to those who are
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now speaking for the whole country, he seems to be like that, well, not high-flown words, but... it was sincere and somehow we cried together, together this is later good people are more - our boys are in agreement, they really couldn't do it any other way, because we made them that way, we raised them, yes, i say, i always remember, i told my son, sons , i want to be proud of you, i want that there was just pride that you are a man, that you have character, yeah, my son also asked me, mom, what is my purpose, i say, you are a warrior, a protector. if somewhere some scandal was brewing between the guys, he would come up, try to reconcile them, find out, well, what is one unhappy about, what is the other unhappy about, i started to reconcile them right away, i always said that any conflict can be resolved, the guy's attitude, but my sister tells me the opposite, alla says, she says it's necessary, she says, you know, it's hard there's a lump in your throat,
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you need to talk about it all, as she says, it's easier, you know, but life goes on, you need to live, you need to be strong, no one asked us, they say names, they don't choose, you need to be like they wanted to see us as sons, we unite with parents, you start supporting the one who has recently had this happen, his you support with words or drag them out to some events, you unite the parents so that they don't withdraw into themselves, this also kind of makes me live. well, i used to be afraid of horses, well, nothing , but this is very good, it kind of rehabilitates well and restores strength both physically and mentally, this is very good, you do it little by little, let's start
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with cleaning, we probably don't need to give it to the bull, they have a special one? for now, well, they sometimes cut them, yes, it's really cool, that's how it is here we see you naked, you're just glowing all over and you immediately sat on him or not i liked his eyes as if he understood me my pain i just burst into tears you know, he looks at me like that, i hugged him, the main thing is don't be afraid, she's not you, he 's kind, good, pull yourself up, so, yeah, come on, come on, yeah, oh-oh-oh, relax, i wanted to tell her, like driving, a little, relax, our very last
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conversation was just overseas, i tell him: well , like, we'll come back, well, let's go, well, he smiled, he says, let's go, these were his last words, he was more interested in going somewhere on a hike in nature, to the same baikal . to relax, to enjoy this, this space, oh, nature, what a great smell!
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i'll come, he says, let's go, oh, what beauty, oh, how beautiful, wow, wow, they wave here, of course, everything, i had to do the same as my son told me, mom, you don't know how to relax, i wanted to, got ready and... went, well , apparently he sent me here to baikal, gave i have such an opportunity now, but thank you,
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it gives off a huge energy, powerful, it recharges, there is peace here, rehabilitation of the soul, well, it’s not for nothing that they say that... baikal, it lets some in, it doesn’t let others in, we were lucky, today is wonderful weather, sunny, that is, in fact, you have fulfilled one of your son’s dreams, yes, what a terrible feeling that people lived peacefully, then some azovites came in... that’s what they arranged for people, it’s scary, of course, but now it’s calming, it’s good that everything is starting
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to be restored, people are also holding on, they try, they endure, some decisions, they live without heating, without electricity, but they hold on, this is azov-steel, everything is destroyed, this feat never dies, may the people keep its memory, they erected such an obelisk, the memory of our guys, such a nightmare happened here, such an ominous place, i still pray to god. i ask for help for our guys, let them win, let them win, i understand
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that, probably, it was not in vain, that mariupol is being restored, people are returning, people are returning to peaceful life, they live, children are born, well, and we we live with you under a peaceful sky, probably, if... our boys, our guys, did not stand up for defense, we probably would not be talking calmly now, everything that nature gives us is not accidental, so let us bow to the ground to her, in her there is a beautiful thoughtful mystery, elevating us, her children, and why? where are you in such a hurry, animals, scattering along secret paths, you are running, people, apparently not believing, i understand, there is a reason not to believe them, you
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are running from winchesters, traps, good people, since when have you turned unkind giants, giants are real kind, take care of these waters, rivers, even loving a small blade of grass, take care of... all the animals inside nature, kill the beasts inside yourself. thank you, girls, for striving for our center. because we are now one destiny, our guys were on the same land, they wanted to defeat us, to ensure a peaceful life. let's
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pray. for them, come on guys, mom, hi, i need your advice, i think i'm a little confused, but i'm the strongest when i'm sure that they are waiting for me at home, they know my ups and downs and love me simply because there is on... shines, there i share, when my heart aches, and no matter how many years pass, we are the same children, they have been coming to me for advice for a long time, but over the years i have not rushed to part with them, sometimes only you alone know everything better, but instead of words it is enough to hug, you know, mom, i have a plan, i want to remain myself even after years to snuggle into your arms again, you know, mom,
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i have a plan, to do what is in my heart , and so the soul asks, because we do not need more, wait for us, dear ones, we will return, you know, mom, i have a plan, i want stay with yourself, even after years , to snuggle into your arms again, you know, mom, i have a plan, to do what's on my heart , and my soul asks for it, because we don't need it anymore, you know, mom, i have a plan, i want to stay with myself, even after years , to snuggle into your arms again, you know, mom, i have a plan, to do what's on my heart , and my soul asks for it, because we don't need it anymore.
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2:00 pm
the kiev regime has once again clearly demonstrated its terrorist nature, the russian ambassador to berlin sergei nechayev said. the diplomat called the support of this attack by german politicians cynical. the point is that the ssu also used german weapons in that number. the situation in kursk oblast remains tense, voluntary evacuation has begun in another district. our special correspondent stanislav bernwald has the details. the most important and the most.


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