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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 13, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm MSK

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400 temporary accommodation points for residents of the kursk region across the country, voluntary evacuation has begun in another area, the enemy: in the kurdish direction has already lost up to 2,030 soldiers, 263 armored vehicles, four anti-aircraft missile systems, what other data as of this minute. the tower of the zaporizhzhya ues cooling tower will be restored, an examination is still pending, but visually, the structures are intact. the magate report was also released, what is it about. the village of lisichnye in the dpr has been liberated, the enemy has lost more than 600 soldiers. our military destroyed the ukrainian ones. su-27 right on
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airfield, as well as an abrams tank and a bradley infantry fighting vehicle. what else is the defense ministry reporting? government contracts worth 500 billion rubles. with weapons manufacturers. the defense ministry is purchasing satellite communication stations, and the military will also receive modernized heavy flamethrowers and tanks. what else is on the army forum today? who visited it? and in the german army, ss men are now considered role models. the nuances of modern euro-heroism under. russia is watching the events in the middle east with pain and anxiety, in particular the humanitarian catastrophe in palestine, despite the need to conduct a special military operation, these are the words of vladimir putin. the president is holding talks today with the head of palestine, mahmoud abbas, who arrived in moscow on an official visit. opening the meeting, vladimir putin noted:
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moscow has always advocated a peaceful settlement of the palestinian-israeli conflict and is doing everything to support the palestinian people. russia today, unfortunately, must defend its interests and protect its people with weapons in hand, but what is happening in the middle east, what is happening in palestine certainly does not remain without attention on our part, we are watching with great pain and concern... the humanitarian catastrophe that has unfolded in palestine, for our part we are doing everything to support the palestinian people, you know, we have sent about 700 tons of cargo of various kinds, we are doing everything to use any opportunities to support the palestinians and the palestinian people, first of all, of course, we are worried about... the loss among the civilian
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population, according to data, is already 40 thousand people basically, mainly - these are women and children. russia always stands on the side of law, on the side of truth. and every time i spoke with mr. president about international law and those resolutions that were adopted, they really began in 1947, since then more than a thousand decisions have been adopted, resolutions in the general assembly, in the security council, but nevertheless. it is because of american behavior, pressure from the united states has failed in its mission to give one decision, to adopt one resolution, which would implement and ensure the implementation of the rights of the palestinian people. we feel the great attention and importance that our friends and brothers in russia attach to our problem, to the suffering that we are enduring today in the context of the humanitarian situation, we also, for our part, stand without hesitation on the side of the russian federation. we believe in you, we trust you, and we feel your support. and we, for our part, are also
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with you. now about the consequences of the new strike by the ukrainian armed forces. in lisichansk, this is in luhansk people's republic, two people were killed and more than thirty were injured as a result of shelling of a passenger bus. according to the ministry of health of the republic, all of them are civilians. 18 of the wounded are in serious and extremely serious condition, including a twelve-year-old girl. at this moment, it is known that the ukrainian armed forces hit the bus with cluster munitions . the shells fell next to the bus, which at that moment was standing at a bus stop, all emergency services are currently working on the scene, about ten ambulance teams are participating in the evacuation of the wounded from the scene of the emergency. we are monitoring incoming information, we will return to this topic. russian military stopped another attempt by mobile groups of the ukrainian armed forces to break through deep into the kursk region and repelled several attacks. as reported by the ministry of defense, the enemy lost up to 420 servicemen in a day. and in total, during the military actions in the kursk direction, the ukrainian... six militants were
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captured. in the kursk region , evacuation from border areas continues. more than 2.0 people left in a day. humanitarian aid is now being brought to the region from all over the country. the convoys have already delivered over 900 tons. this was reported by the operational headquarters. one-time payments to the victims are also continuing. about 500 people have already received them. our special correspondent stanislav bernwald joins the broadcast from the region. he keeps us. throughout the day. stanislav, but at this moment, what is the situation, what's new? yes, hello, well, let's start with operational information, just a few minutes ago the operational headquarters briefing ended, and here in the kursk region, all the latest news
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and in the military, in the social directions, we have now heard, if we talk about the military situation, it is indeed still extremely tense, several areas. the border area is now the hottest spot in the kursk region, there are battles there, but our reserves that have arrived are now slowly but surely beginning to push the enemy beyond the state border of the russian federation, and as in previous days it is worth noting, our aviation is working very, very effectively, beating off and knocking out the approaching reserves, and destroying expensive western equipment, in the same spirit, guys. and go on, more detailed information was given today at a briefing about how things are at this moment, said the official representative of the northern forces group. let's listen. during the day , active actions of units of the northern forces group and
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the reserves that arrived, strikes by army aviation, unmanned aerial vehicles, artillery fire, prevented attempts by enemy mobile groups to break through on armored vehicles. russian territory. during the day, the losses of the ukrainian armed forces amounted to 420 military personnel, 55 units of armored vehicles, including three tanks, eight armored personnel carriers, an infantry fighting vehicle, 43 armored combat vehicles, 31 cars, a launcher of the system, a multiple launch rocket system and an artillery gun. well, it is worth saying that hundreds of tons of humanitarian aid are now coming from all over russia, coming from ordinary people, coming from organizations, the executive duties, the acting head of the public humanitarian headquarters of the people's front, today said that humanitarian aid is being sent in large quantities
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to both the civilian population and, of course, our military. i suggest listening to what humanitarian aid the kursk region is currently receiving. to date, they have issued about 960 unmanned aerial vehicles of various types, 38 thermal imaging devices, 300 personal safety and protective equipment, including bulletproof vests, helmets, 67 reb and more than 100 units of other military equipment . they have equipped 32 vehicles with the mrp system, primarily ambulances. aid and evacuation vehicles. today we were in one of the centers for issuing humanitarian aid, a large number of people are receiving aid there now, this is all the essentials and food, which means a ten-kilogram set per person, which is enough for 5-6 days, and they also give out bed linen and mattresses, and the work is organized very very well,
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volunteers work, and representatives of the people's front, today we talked to a pregnant girl, ekaterina, her name is, she has another child, her mother is in her arms, they you...
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everyone helps with what they can, a huge number of things are sent here, you just have to see it, and this help, of course, cannot be underestimated, in addition to representatives of the onf, in addition... that means the ministry of defense, and humanitarian aid for our military is provided by ordinary people, and residents of russia in telegram, in telegram, for example, there are many channels - humanitarian, volunteer, here is one of them, a channel called katyavalia, in a few days they collected several million rubles in order to purchase purchased funds - air defense, that is, such - also purchased uavs. purchased a thermal imager today the guys made a huge journey from
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moscow brought this cargo in three vehicles at once, of course the military is very grateful to ordinary russians for this feasible assistance and really only in this way will we win, the guys say, let's listen. unmanned technologies, like mavics - this is also a pine che technology, this is one of the main, so to speak, the main place in obtaining first. this is intelligence data, that is, reconnaissance, as we are accustomed to it, that is, on foot, as for example at we were in the chechen conflict, its reconnaissance is now carried out either by large birds, eagles, ailerons, supercams, or by mavics, in our case it is still the lion's share, this is obtaining intelligence information, these are mavics, adjusting artillery fire - these are mavics, adjusting anything, mortars, mlrs, all this is carried out with mavics, so at the moment it is impossible to imagine without it. a modern conflict is simply impossible, well, and it is worth
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saying, probably, in conclusion, that the missile threat is declared today significantly less than the day before, and twice during the night, it was declared, once in the morning, now there is such a lull, and i will remind you that the missile threat is declared when our air defense begins to intercept approaching missiles to regional centers, populated areas, including the regional center, yes, we continue to monitor the situation. in the kursk region, we will tell all the latest news on the air of the russia-24 tv channel. yes, stanislav, thank you, keep us informed stanislav bernwald, developments in kursk region. the kiev regime used toxic substances that are related to those used by the nazis in gas chambers during the second world war. there are facts that confirm this. here is what the head of the troops of radiation chemical and biological protection of the armed forces of russia, igor kirillov, said today. a number of chemical
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compounds that belong to the class of toxic substances that the germans used in gas chambers, and some specialists, and this caused such a reaction in ukraine that we are using the same thing, that the germans. we have a different approach, they use the same thing as the fascists, there were applications of toxic substances that could only be synthesized in the united states of america, because other industries are not designed for this and have never produced it, all our concerns were transferred in the established order to the organization for the prohibition of chemical weapons. igor kirillov also suggested that ukraine already
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has a dirty bomb, a weapon that combines radioactive material with conventional explosives. let me remind you, in in june, our ministry of defense reported that spent nuclear fuel and waste from hazardous chemical production were being imported to ukraine, which could later be used to create a dirty bomb. a dirty bomb, but... well, we won't reveal any secrets, in fact, it's not that difficult, i think they have one. now, to the situation at the zaporizhzhya npp, the cooling tower damaged by the fire will be restored, of course, a serious examination is still to be carried out to assess its condition, but visually the supporting structures are intact, this was discussed in an interview with our the npp's communications director evgeniya yashina told the channel that this is what she said about the magate experts' visit to the station. based on
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the residual smell after the fire, they determined that plastic had burned, and during their inspection, they did not find any tire residue. the group also confirmed that there were no significant traces of ash or soot located at the base of the cooling tower. after that, magate published its own release, which said that they were not yet ready to draw conclusions, and would continue their analysis based on what they saw. at the moment, everything is fine at the station, everything is fine. six power units are in a state of... no safe operating conditions for the npp have been recorded, the radiation background, both at the site and in the observation zone, is normal and corresponds to natural values. i will add that the iaea experts, according to them, have not yet determined the causes of the fire. the statement says that during the inspection , no fragments of the drone were found.
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experts confirmed that the nuclear safety of the station has not been violated and the radiation background is normal. let me remind you that, according to the ministry of defense, the ukrainian armed forces struck the zas during with the help of a kamikaze drone on the evening of august 11. after that, a fire broke out at the station. rosatom head alexey likhachev assessed the attack as an act of nuclear terrorism. in addition, moscow hopes that the iaea will quickly assess the attack on zas. this was stated by the acting permanent representative of russia to the international organizations in vienna, roman ustinov. he also did not rule out that a meeting of the iaea board of governors could be convened on this topic. according to ustinov, russia will raise the issue of the shelling of the zaporizhzhya npp at the iaea session in september. 110 terrorist attacks have been prevented in russia since the beginning of the year. citizens recruited by the enemy participated in their preparation. according to the national anti-terrorism committee , 45 cells have been liquidated and more than a thousand people have been detained. the department also noted that attempts to recruit people to create centers
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of social tension are being undertaken with the direct participation of western intelligence services. this year, security and law enforcement agencies have prevented 110 terrorist attacks, the preparation of which was carried out by people who fell under the recruitment influence enemy, residents of municipalities where these attacks were expected. at the same time, international terrorist organizations are increasing the intensity of propaganda of radical islamic trends that are non-traditional for russia. in the future, among their supporters, primarily from among.
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accumulation of manpower and equipment in the ssu, including foreign mercenaries, the western media even called last month the month of iskanders, since our operational-tactical missile systems inflicted serious damage on the enemy with high-precision strikes. the contracts signed today provide for the production and supply of large-caliber machine guns, universal diving equipment, anti- sabotage boats, remote-controlled underwater
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unmanned vehicles , mi-8 attack and transport helicopters, various modifications, guided and unguided missiles for them. combat vehicles, heavy flamethrower systems, sun chains, t-90m tanks, communications equipment and many other weapons and equipment in demand and proven effective in the svo. increasing the number of these weapons will allow increase the advantage on the battlefield. the head of the main directorate of armaments of the armed forces of russia, anatoly gulyayev, noted that these are additionally signed contracts to those that have already been concluded 500 new types of weapons and 1 million weapons will be received by our soldiers. i will remind you that in principle , in the entire twenty-fourth year, in terms of the volume of state orders, almost all 98% of today's tasks and the volume of state orders of the twenty-fifth year have been contracted and obligations have been accepted by the ministry of defense and industrial enterprises for their execution, therefore this is an additional
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signing of contracts, as a result of the execution of which the armed forces will receive over 500. today, the best work collectives and defense industry enterprises were awarded for the execution of the defense order, special purchases and certificates. many samples of their products are exhibited at the forum and have aroused great interest among foreign delegations, for modern types of russian weapons, their use is closely monitored, for example, in saudi arabia - said one of the representatives from the sector defense industry complex of this country. such a variety of samples. i will strive to come here again, i am from saudi arabia and i am very glad. to be part of this forum. delegations from 83 countries are participating in the forum, this year it is open exclusively to the professional community and does not include entertainment events.
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egor grigoriev, oleg ivanov, anton solovyov, dari lonva, news. now again to the events in the special operation zone in the south donetsk direction, the assault aircraft of the pacific fleet marines have begun to apply a new tactics. they approach the enemy's kokopas in armored vehicles from... they fire continuously, and while the ukrainian armed forces soldiers are hiding, a motorized group quickly breaks through to the position and carries out a cleanup. more details, sergey samokha. the approach to the position is incredibly fast, the armored personnel carrier almost immediately opens fire on the enemy's stronghold. we work, the assault on polisyanka is underway, trenches, the guys are driving in on armor, we are already getting further away from them too. well, we help the guys. the task of the stormtroopers is to keep up with the armored vehicles. some of the fighters are inside, some are getting there on their own move. motorcycles on the line of combat
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contact, now it is commonplace, they are used en masse constantly every day new and new tactics appear. and now motorcycles are used together with armored vehicles. and the new tactics give amazing results armored personnel carriers from their large caliber, as they say, do not allow the enemy to raise their heads. at this moment the motorcycle group is already at the very edge of the trench, within 3-4 seconds we dismount, jump off - fly into the trench, immediately throw grenades, shoot through, so as not to give the opportunity raise your heads in general every corner, every nook and cranny is under fire. now the assault detachments of the marines of the technical ocean fleet from kamchatka are working hard in the vremevsky direction, the settlements here have been turned into huge fortified areas, the approaches to them are flooded with enemy strongholds, there are forest regiments everywhere, that is , we are working on one, two, now the task is to block the road, very important, as if the forest regiment will not be easy, there
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you will have to break through for 2 km, and as you understand, every 50-30 m, this is very it is difficult and requires a lot of endurance and patience, on the right side of the road, running, in addition, most of the approaches are mined, though hastily, ammunition is simply scattered across the fields and roads, we drove around the mines, dismounted and after dismounting there was artillery shelling, everything was flying, mines, cassettes of different calibers, getting to the position is also not easy, there are almost always enemy drones in the sky, which attack at the slightest opportunity. in any case, the reconnaissance is working, well, and this drone, and if there are more than 30 seconds, 40 in one place stand, then it will definitely hit you,
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it is very difficult to hide from it on a motorcycle, well, maneuver sharply hit the brakes, stop, turn around, while the bird turns around, we are already leaving, hiding, successful assaults are preceded by serious elaboration of each operation in the rear area, the latest successes in the south.
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compared to june. export prices for russian eurol oil increased by almost 4 and a half dollars per barrel to 72, which is higher than the price ceiling set by western countries. at the same time, the oil itself exports from russia in july decreased slightly, it was approximately 7.5 million barrels per day - the report says. such movements, this is explained precisely by agreements. nothing terrible, and in terms of figures, well, here too it is explained, as a rule , by the fact that even if sometimes the volumes decrease, and the general price of oil, oil products, it
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still remains at... an acceptable level, the discount decreases, or at least does not grow relative to our grade of oil, yurus and other grades of oil, well, and this also concerns oil products, that is, already there are no such wild discounts as before, so in total the budget receives revenues - better than it was last year, and significantly better. world oil prices have already returned to growth after falling last week, the brand is now trading at around eighty. 2 dollars per barrel, the main reason, according to experts, is the expectation of an escalation of the conflict in the middle east. this is despite the fact that world demand for oil remains restrained, according to forecasts from the international energy agency, in this year it will be about 103 million barrels per day, next year about 104. in turn, opec lowered its forecast the day before due to slowing demand in china. there is an accumulation of savings against the growth of expenses,
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all this limits activity on the one hand. experts believe that the main reason for the growth is concern about the transit of gas from russia through ukraine.
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gazprom states that gas supply through the sudzha station is still continuing at the same level as in july, last year the total transit volume was 15 billion cubic meters, and this is 4.5% of the total gas consumption in the european union.
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it is easy to get confused in the facts when you see only part of the overall picture, the pursuit of views changes entire locations, it is easy to make a deepfake, change the voice. we will expose all the fakes.
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now the economic news in brief.


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