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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 13, 2024 5:30pm-6:01pm MSK

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vladimir putin received palestinian leader mahmoud abas in novoogorev today, and discussed the escalation of the conflict in the middle east and the humanitarian situation in the gaza strip. mahmoud abas emphasized: "russia and palestine are bound by a friendship that is 10 years long."
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thousand people, mainly women and children. the roots of the current conflict go back to the distant past and are primarily connected with how the decision on two states, adopted at the level of the un and other international organizations, is ignored. moscow has not changed its position and continues to i am sure that stable peace in the region can only be ensured by creating a full-fledged palestinian state. russia always stands on the side of law, on the side of truth. every time i spoke with mr. president about international law and the resolutions that were adopted, they really began in 1947 since then more than a thousand decisions, resolutions have been adopted in the general assembly and the security council, but nevertheless the un failed because of american behavior, pressure from the united states its mission is to give one solution, to adopt one resolution that would implement and ensure the implementation of the rights of the palestinian people. we feel the great attention and importance that our friends attach.
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negotiations between israel and palestine are scheduled for thursday, august 15, aimed at stopping the clashes that began on october 7 last year. the draft document is based on the principles set out in the un resolution, which, in particular , provides for the release of israeli prisoners, rejects territorial changes in the gaza strip and...
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jewish settlements were evacuated in 2005, they are asking the palestinians to leave their homeland. we are not entering gaza today, but we are saying today that we are calling on the government to make the right decision. a complicating factor is the expectation of iran's reaction to the murder of a senior hamas member. influential american publications report that tehran's response to the death of ismail hanei will be such that iran can save face, but at the same time its strength should not lead to a full-scale war, capable of covering the entire middle east region. at the same time, the israeli army radio, galilei sahal, without naming sources, assures that the authorities of the jewish state have notified the united states and a number of european countries that the response to any direct attack.
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will take place and bring results. all negotiators must return to the negotiating table to finalize this agreement. the details are such that, as we think, they can be discussed more critically. the time has come for hamas to release the hostages, among whom, of course, there are american citizens and to help bring some relief to the residents of gaza. along with the united states, hamas was called upon to take part in the negotiations with israel in egypt and qatar. the reuters agency reports that iran may join the negotiations for the first time. a presidential administration for national maritime policy will be established in russia. according to vladimir putin's decree, which was published today on the official website of legal information, the administration's tasks will be to prepare and submit
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proposals to the head of state on issues of ensuring national interests of russia in the world ocean. development of the maritime potential of our country and development of its shipbuilding complex. in addition, the department will analyze the state and prospects for the development of the international military-political situation and maritime activities in the arctic. general management of the departments will be assigned to the presidential aide nikolai patrushev. the development of space nuclear energy in our country will be necessary for the exploration of the moon. this was stated today by mikhail mishutin, speaking at a strategic session on the development space activities of russia. according to the prime minister, this means. and the federal project, and also mishustin said what priority tasks this program assumes? remote data will have to increase the composition of the orbital group of spacecraft several times, which will significantly improve the quality of services for the state, citizens, and business. it is also necessary
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to establish a conveyor production of 250 units per year, this approach will make it possible to reduce the cost of satellites, from operation to perfection a number of. technologies, support the domestic production of components, and for consumers, which is very important, to ensure an appropriate high level of service and a high level of space services. in addition, it is planned to create advanced means, launch into orbit, switch to reusable launch vehicles, to more environmentally friendly fuel, to develop fundamental scientific projects and improve the human resources potential of the industry. government contracts worth about 500 billion rubles were signed at the army 2024 forum, which is taking place in the patriot park near moscow. enterprises of the military-industrial complex will transfer more than 500 types of weapons and more than 1 million
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units of weapons to the russian troops. our colleague margarita semenyuk is working at the forum, she is joining us. margarita, hello, well , secretary of the security council of russia sergei shaigu visited the exhibition today. after all , there are many new products, there is something to talk about, again, half a trillion contracts concluded, what is the main thing now, what is being discussed at the army 2024, 24, please tell us, yes, colleagues, hello, but first of all, of course, i would like to note that a lot of stands are open today at the international exhibition, all enterprises of the military-industrial complex are presenting their products, developments, new technologies, as for today... important meetings that took place on the forum territory, i will note that today the secretaries of the security councils of russia and belarus sergei shaigu, alexander volfovich got acquainted with the equipment that is presented today at the international military-technical forum army 2024. sergey shaiguu showed his colleague those exhibits
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of equipment that have already proven themselves in the area of ​​the special military operation, these are tanks, and infantry fighting vehicles, and multiple launch rocket systems, combat helicopters. air defense systems without exaggeration, the country's military-industrial complex is now not just working at full capacity, but is strengthening its capabilities, new technologies are being developed, for example, now ... free-falling bombs are equipped with a universal planning and correction module, this is the development of the corporation, tactical jet, excuse me, the corporation of tactical missile weapons, i suggest now listening to the comments of the head of the corporation. our orders have increased,
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probably, by an order of magnitude, and today all enterprises work 24x7, as is now customary. here people work without fail, work teams understand that the security of the country depends on their solution of those tasks that are before us and before them, well, i hope that with their work they contribute to the earliest possible victory of the bsvo. sector 2, second floor, a session will be held, i would like to place emphasis on those developments that allow our military to equip in the special military operation zone. its height is more than 2 m, the width is also more than 2 m. its uniqueness lies in the fact that it is quite modular, that is, it is a designer, it is quickly assembled and disassembled in the event of a redeployment of units, it can be assembled in 2 hours. this is a universal collapsible dugout bursh. and its general concept is that it is a modular design that is easy to transport, easy
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to disassemble, easy to assemble, the average assembly time is 2 hours, for four sleeping places, and accordingly, this dugout can be assembled in length, in any length, and of course, for a comfortable life in such modular dugouts, especially in the cold season, well... equip them with a stove, now the developers have come up with the easiest and simplest use stove, this is an autonomous diesel heating unit, the military is already using it in dugouts on advanced and they say that it is quite convenient, it can not only heat the room, but it can also, for example, heat up food, the technology is a pipe in a pipe, diesel fuel in a primary pipe, it turns into flammable gas and burns with a blue flame, heat removal occurs in this
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item on humanitarian grounds we send them to the armed forces of the russian federation in the svo zone. well, of course, at the front, at the front , drinking water is always needed, so developers from tomsk came up with water treatment facilities, completely modular, convenient. this kind of water was unsuitable, we poured it together with you, yes, that is, this is what kind of water is obtained, yes, and the most important thing is that this water, well, the productivity is small, it is 6 liters per hour, in fact, yes, that is, here, that is, if water.
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well, in the military center, today there was a real stir here, various master classes were held here on providing first aid on assembling unmanned aerial vehicles, well, and also on tactical shooting, by the way, it was conducted by a participant in a special military operation. big the number of people coming, interested in the plan.
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the russian foreign intelligence service reported today that washington intends to intervene in the political situation in ukraine to replace volodymyr zelensky with another figure. who they want to put in his place and what forces may be behind this, boris ivanin will tell. political vultures. from washington already on the bank, the list of terrorists entered into russia, the american senator lince graham, who at a meeting with zelensky already approved the murder of russians, his partner chose to match. democrat richard blumenthal cynically praises the adventure. congratulations on kursk, thank you very much, good work, smiling predatorily, congressmen promise ukraine even more military aid, meanwhile in the states themselves the voices of those who are against it are getting louder. it is outrageous that we sent 113 billion dollars, perhaps even more, 130 billion dollars to the most corrupt country on
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the planet, and we have no real idea how these resources were spent on what. senator jady has been smashing the criminal policy of the white house from the very beginning. the beginning of the ukrainian conflict, now that he is a vice-presidential candidate in tandem with trump, this rhetoric has only intensified, there are more and more politicians in tune. our only strategy is similar - spend, spend, spend and spend some more, with little thought for the consequences. the question of where the money of american taxpayers actually goes, coupled with the latest insane escalation, arranged by zelensky, who has gotten out of control of western curators. requires the us to look for a more obedient puppet instead of the kiev clown, - the russian foreign intelligence service stated. in the current situation, washington is working on options for replacing the ukrainian leader with a more manageable and less corrupt figure that would suit most western allies. this, as the white house believes, will allow the west to better prepare for the possible start of negotiations
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with russia to resolve the conflict. currently, a suitable candidate is being considered. i have the honor, but, as experts believe, i would not mind taking revenge, after all, at one time he was actually the second person and under poroshenko, by the way, at the beginning of zelensky's term, he really was the father, the founder of all these...
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the tent city and street barricades are his doing, like the national battalions. in russia they are recognized as extremist and terrorist, in ukraine it was avakov who actually legalized them already when he became minister. his connection with the actually criminal.
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in germany, wehrmacht officers have become an example to follow. the german bundeswehr intends
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to include the military from hitler's time in the list of those who should serve as an example of military valor. at the same time, the german defense ministry assured that nazi traditions will not form the basis of the bundessphere. is
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this so? zineida kurbatova analyzed. residents of germany are preparing for war again, with the same enemy as in the first. germany from the united states, to include this list of heroes, a man who fearlessly sank american convoys going across the atlantic, well, that's also so-so. in addition, such a member of the nsdp, merciless to the enemies of the reich, someone's kind grandfather, who lived out his days in western germany. tradition is not must be ideal - the decree says, that is, a soldier who killed, raped, took a fur cape off a russian woman he killed and sent her.
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here are the vectors from defense capability to transgender issues in the army. the german armed forces, the bundesvern, are not capable of ensuring the country's defense. that is, before, it was not a problem, that is, we hid behind the supposedly defensive alliance of nato, but now it seems like there is an understanding that the alliance may not be defensive at all, now they are trying to restore it with some one-off methods defense capability to restore even morale. explains to taxpayers, it is necessary to prepare for war reminds of the so-called heroes of nazi germany. recently, the commander of the hamburg regional command, captain mikhail gies, said:
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"the whole of germany must be prepared for war, this is the most important common task for politics, the bundeswehr, business and society" in the broadest sense. this also concerns critical infrastructure, especially in hamburg, as well as the importance of the port for the functioning of the alliance and support for nato. because of its...
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recent years have been destroying the foundations of the world olympic movement in every way, i decided not to run for another term. as a result of deep reflection and extensive discussions, i came to the conclusion that my powers should not go beyond the framework established in the olympic charter. after 12 years as president of the ioc, our organization would be best served by a change in leadership, new times.
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in order to decide, it is not enough to just look. after the news of bach's refusal to participate in the elections , the head of the international federation quickly got his bearings track and field, sixty-year-old briton sebastian coe, who told reporters that he was quite ready to consider such a career extension. i always made it clear that
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if such a... opportunity presented itself, then i would seriously think about it, now such an opportunity has arisen, and i need to think about it. according to the world media, sebastian coe, who is known for being categorically against allowing russians to participate in the olympics, even as neutral athletes, since before the games in 1915, had the greatest chance of leading the charge. in rio. it may happen that we will still remember thomas bach with a kind word, because certainly one of the candidates for the post of head of the ioc, sebastian. coe, lord coe, the hero of the moscow olympics and a man who, as the head of world athletics , has an extremely negative attitude, alas, to everything russian. therefore, it is possible that we will remember bach with a kind word, against the background of the possible arrival of koo, who is still capable of tightening the screws against us. and even when he could, at first he gave the go-ahead to all federations independently decide the issue of admitting russian athletes, it was coe and his
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organization. banned our athletes from competing in the world athletics championships, the president of the russian olympic committee stanislav poznyakov called coe the most famous russophobe in the sports world, although in 1980, when the western bloc countries boycotted the moscow olympics, sebastian coe became the only british athlete who came, competed and won a gold medal in the 1500 m. there is a saying, the next one is always worse. previous, i would not like it to be so. the skow option does not assume a warming of relations with the russian olympians, but there is a scenario in which another candidate could be the representative of zimbabwe, kirsty-coventry, who heads the commission of athletes mog. unlike coe, coventry has always advocated for the admission of russian athletes, but at the same time managed not to conflict with bach, who through her can maintain his influence on
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the ioc. daniil makhali. alexander, stalmashevsky, vesti. we ourselves live our life, everyone choosing their own path. and the main thing is to live this life with dignity. the motherland is where i was born, where i do not want to leave, so i will defend it. we are here so that our children can live peacefully in the future. so that they do not know war and there is a peaceful sky above their heads, join yours, serve under contract. actions are more important than words.
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pass on a bus in lisichansk. two people died in the attack. 30 were injured. more than half are in serious and extremely serious condition. these are the data of the ministry of health of the luhansk people's republics. military investigators of the investigative committee of russia have recorded another crime committed by armed formations of ukraine against the civilian population of the lugansk people's republic. the settlement of lesechansk was subjected to shelling, against which the enemy used.


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