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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 13, 2024 6:30pm-7:01pm MSK

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security forces stormed the home of employees of a real estate agency who are suspected of large-scale fraud. nine people were under investigation. investigators have already documented damages of 3 s. families, to whom the state provides support for the purchase of housing for large families to pay off mortgage loan obligations included land plots in the documentation at a deliberately inflated cost. he is a gazelle driver, whom the investigation believes to be the culprit of a fatal accident involving a biker and his companion. van cut off a motorcycle, which flew into the oncoming lane and got hit by a car. the passenger of the bike died. dmitry chernousov, more details. now he has nowhere to run. makhmud makhsudov is handcuffed to a guard,
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barely enters the hall of the gagarinsky district court of moscow, is sent to jail, still slightly swaying, as if he still hasn't completely sobered up since the car accident. which he himself allegedly provoked. a massive accident on the moscow ring road occurred early yesterday morning, in the far left lane a black a bike, a young couple on it, a girl passenger, hugging, holding on to the motorcyclist, these are the last seconds of her life. the gazelle, with makhsudov at the wheel, abruptly changes direction, rams the guardrail, and at the same time literally squeezes the motorcycle off the highway. an instant and the bike flies to pieces. the motorcyclist and his companion fly into the oncoming lane. they immediately get under the wheels of a foreign car, everything happened very quickly, i was driving and something across the road, it just flies and i drive over it, that is, i guessed that it was a motorcycle, i saw that the motorcycle was there, there was a motorcyclist behind there trying to get up, limping something, upon detailed examination of the recording it is clear that the motorcyclist
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a few meters from the truck began to signal with his headlights to attract the attention of the gazelle driver, but it was too late, immediately after the impact , eyewitnesses rushed to help the victims, and the driver of the gazelle makhmud... maksudov looked at what happened in surprise and slamming the door of the old truck gave it gas from the scene of the accident. during the search activities, in less than an hour, the state traffic safety inspectorate officers, the driver of the gaz car was detained. judging by external signs, the man was intoxicated. he refused to undergo examination. even several hours after the accident, the probable culprit still did not understand what had happened. after the accident, i did not even feel, this one was caught. already in the courtroom maksudov asked to appoint him house arrest, the court considered such a preventive measure clearly insufficient, to choose in relation to the accused maksudov makhmudovari for oglu and a preventive measure of detention, because the alleged driver is behind the wheel the culprit of the accident will probably not return soon, from
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the courtroom makhmud makhsudov was sent to a pre-trial detention center, where he will stay until at least mid-october, for drunk driving, violation of traffic rules, which led to the death of a girl, leaving the scene. he faces up to 12 years in prison. dmitry chernousov, alexander polivko, valeria virshinina. vesti: duty part. since the beginning of the year, 110 terrorist attacks have been prevented in russia, in the preparation of which citizens recruited by the enemy participated. and for the preparation of financing propaganda justifying terrorist crimes, arrested more than a thousand people. this was stated at a meeting of the national anti-terrorism committee by the director of the russian fsb, alexander bortnikov. it was emphasized that in the current conditions it is necessary to involve everything.
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in addition, the meeting discussed priority tasks for preventing threats in the context of a special military operation. thus, the discussion focused on the measures taken in the kursk, belgorod and bryansk regions, where the terrorists' targets were civilians and civilian objects. there was nothing to protect themselves with. in the moscow region, police detained the masseur who laid the client half-naked on the table, went into his kitchen himself, grabbed a knife , threatened to kill him and forced him to hand over all his valuables. how not to leave the masters for an hour with bruised sides or even worse, daniluchko figured out. instead of greetings, strict instructions from the special forces, the security forces enter the apartment of this criminal without ceremony, soon the robbery suspect is already answering police questions, at first
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he denies it. was he in krasnogorsk last night? no, how could he not be? according to the investigation, this cunning citizen acted for a long time the well-known trojan horse tactic, under the guise of a hired. defenseless client. the victim was apparently relaxed, as is usually the case before a massage, so most likely, in addition to the weapon, the surprise effect also worked. the poor guy clearly did not expect such a turn of events. the quasi-massage therapist took valuables and money worth almost a million rubles from the apartment. soon after his arrest, he stopped denying the obvious. tell me, why did the police detain you? it turned out that the detainee had previously been convicted of theft. the police officer. confiscated the knife used in
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committing a crime, as well as money. currently, operatives are conducting additional activities aimed at establishing similar episodes of illegal activity of the detainee. in order to avoid such a situation, experts advise carefully checking massage therapists and other on-call specialists before contacting them, and not rushing for ... recommendations about this person, ask your friends, look on social networks , go, for example, for a trial massage, strangers at home, first you need to find out masseur robber sent to pre-trial detention for the duration of the investigation. daniil sukhoruchik, alexander bikarevich, news, duty unit. retreats behind bars, peruvian authorities arrested a ukrainian citizen who brutally dealt with a russian tourist, and the trial of ivan kuzmin began only on the second attempt. the fact is that the probable killer could not recover from the drug intoxication. jungle amazonkin
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came just for this, or rather, for spiritual practices. this is what they call shamanic rituals here, which are associated with the use of psychotropic substances, fly agarics, yadojabs and ayausaca. this is a cocktail of datura grass. the police believe that kuzminets is his victim lyudmila lazarenko drank dangerous potion together. then the man lost his temper. he hit the mother of two children on the head and dismembered the body. the police found kuzmin immediately. he sat next to the remains and laughed, then. tied up sank his teeth into law enforcement officers, 9 months, while the investigation is ongoing, ivan kuzmin will spend in a peruvian prison, he faces up to 25 years in prison, the shamanic sect itself, despite scandal, continues to work with all its might already gives enlightenment to new tourists. in the magadan region, fsb officers, the ministry of internal affairs, the russian guard and officials dealt a powerful blow to illegal gold miners. my colleague olga took part in the special operation. she flew to magadan and visited an illegal factory, the so -called predators. special report
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from our program. helicopter pad in the suburbs of magadan. police officers, fsb officers, representatives of the regional ministry of nature, armed fighters of the russian guard are preparing for a special flight. destination classified until the departure point in the helicopter we learn the route course to susuman, one of the most gold-rich areas of the region. early in the morning only permission was given for takeoff, the task for today is to check at once. several areas of the magadan region, unless of course the weather makes its own adjustments. the police try to patrol the territory from the air once a week, it was decided to use the capabilities of the kolomyia air fleet as much and effectively as possible. aviation helps the police quickly identify groups that illegally mine gold. their very difficult to catch red-handed using only ground transport. too large a development area and difficult terrain. helicopter pilot twenty-six-year-old milana smerdova, the first woman in the world who has the right to operate the multi-purpose mi-38.
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the crew received permission to land, the helicopter begins to descend. they put on a bulletproof vest and take up weapons, in all likelihood, now we will be unloading from the helicopter. short instructions on the airfield, then by car. special forces groups quickly leave for the site, the outskirts of the city susuman. here is an illegal gold ore processing plant, as a rule, such mini-enterprises have their own security service, so you can't mediocre, we were lucky, the devices are not stopped, the machines are working, now let's look at the process itself, the mechanism, that is, this is ore, gold-containing ore, there, there is gold, yes, then they take these stones, so to speak, crush it to a fine state. then the mixture goes to a special mill, here it is crushed to a powdery state, then
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pipes this powder goes to another machine, this material is then laid out on a vibrating table and separated, that is , due to the fact that gold is heavier, it flows to this edge, thus a gold-containing concentrate is obtained, such a black mixture, then through chemical reactions gold is obtained from it, judging by the production capacity, there was work here. and what do you do? what does it consist of? and the bags with what? i load. and what is in the bags? sand? simple ordinary sand? yes from the beach? yes, or maybe not simple? i don't understand. is this work illegal gold ore processing plants are shut down, equipment is being dismantled and taken away for special storage.
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we arrive at another point. according to operational data , there is another similar illegal plant a few kilometers from here. the employees of the underground enterprise seem to have been warned by someone, they managed to close the workshop and escape, the machines are stopped, but just a few hours ago they were working at full capacity, there are several cars on the territory, filled to the brim with sacks, ore, that's right. kolyma is not called gold for nothing, it is in magadan the largest volumes of gold mining in russia, the development of deposits in the region began in the thirties of the 10th century. attracted by rumors of gold, they ended up in kolyma. lone prospectors. according to the law, only enterprises can mine precious metals in our country, but at the gold mines there have always been so-called predators, workers without a license and permits. according to some data , there are more than half a thousand such illegal prospectors in the region, as a rule, they are financed by emissaries of criminal groups specializing in the illegal purchase of gold. equivalent exchange
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of gold for drugs is practiced. sometimes such organized crime groups are patronized by security forces, they warn about possible raids in remote areas of the region, only according to preliminary data, about a ton of illegally mined stolen industrial gold is exported from the region every year. when mining gold, you should fill out all the relevant documents. now there are enough resources, including, that is, satellite means, tracking systems through lenas, where you can actually clearly take and see what happens on this or that license. everyone should understand that the stone age, the time of the gold rush, is gone. the security forces have connected unmanned aircraft to the search for illegal prospectors. in this footage, a reconnaissance drone recorded work from the air in the village of udarnik in the magadan region. information is transmitted to law enforcement officers in real time, and a capture group is deployed. and this footage shows the detention of the head of the mining company's site. the police believe that he stole and stored mineral raw materials among his personal belongings, which contained
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almost one and a half kilograms of native gold. the damage caused amounted to over 8. the identities of possible accomplices of the defendant are being established. placer gold deposits are located along the banks of rivers in forests. the gold mafia causes damage not only to the state, but also to the environment. black prospectors skim off the gold cream, leave behind devastation, cut down forests, pollute rivers. this is clearly visible from the air. a decision was made by the government of the magadan region to organize an interdepartmental commission. in order to stop such mining, illegal, would carry out. raid activities, currently raid activities have proven themselves on the positive side. last year, the courts of the magadan region considered five criminal cases related to the illegal circulation of drakmetal. all of them were initiated as a result of operational-search activities of the fsb directorate of russia for the magadan region. more than 23 kg of gold worth almost 93 million rubles were seized from illegal circulation. according
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to experts, the annual volume of the so -called shadow market of precious metals metals in the region can reach up to 2 tons. these are mainly drakmetals stolen from small prospectors, including those working under contracts with large enterprises. they are exported in several ways: through the seaport, by mail by transport and forwarding companies, they are transported under the guise of legally mined gold, but most often the illegal gold is melted down into homemade bars and hidden in cars. kalyma is connected with neighboring yakutia by a single road, a supply channel. illegal gold is mined long ago, from yakutia the precious metal gets to the caucasus, from there to turkey, then it returns to the country already in the form of jewelry. in addition, participants illegally buy industrial gold in the region and season it to turkey in armenia, transport, as a rule, by air, under the guise of jewelry, bracelets, buckles, rings, which are handicraft made in small workshops.
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to disguise, illegally mined gold, it is smelted, mainly given the appearance of. household items, clothing items, even toys, covered with paint, in this form - camouflaged gold, this method is used by criminal elements to transport through multiple control zones. security forces regularly conduct raids, stop the work of illegal gold miners from the ground from the air, it is important to stop the barbaric plunder of the country's gold reserves. olga zhurinkova, denis tsitseronov, dmitry stepanov, dinara yusipova, dmitry manyshev, nikita kotelkin. news, duty unit. turkish security forces are investigating the circumstances of the terrorist attack in the city of eskihir, where the criminal armed himself with a knife and an axe he attacked passers-by in the courtyard of a local mosque. he filmed his attack on video. camera, now the criminal has been detained and arrested. let's give the floor to maksym shevchenko. having pulled a menacing-looking mask, massive protective glasses, a bulletproof vest and a helmet over his face,
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the eighteen-year-old young man went on a bloodthirsty hunt, and he also filmed the attack on random people on video with an action camera. these shots were filmed in the turkish city of eskishihir, according to the local press, the attacker burst into the tea yard of the local mosque with a knife. axe and attacked everyone who came his way. some, seeing the armed figure, froze in place, others ran away, the criminal mercilessly hit his victims in the back. having stabbed several people, the attacker ran away, still continuing to film, but did not manage to get far. the suspect was caught during the chase, when a police officer on duty at the tipeba district police department noticed the incident, the suspect in the capture was detained. and this is the footage that was later published on a social network by the minister of internal affairs of turkey ali yerlikaya. the security forces, having roughly twisted the inadequate man,
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take him out of the emergency room of the local hospital without much ceremony and lay him on the floor of the car. it is already known that as a result of the attack, five people were seriously injured, they were sent to the hospital, two of them in serious condition. after the incident, the turkish media started talking about the fact that... computer games could have provoked the ruthless attack. this event draws our attention to the dependence of our children on digital technologies, including games, how this affects to the health of our youth. this incident demonstrates to us the seriousness of the situation in the fight against digital addiction. some sources noted that the detained young man was heavily into one of the games with a military bias. such video entertainment, as a rule, gathers participants from all over the world. by connecting to the internet, gamers confront each other. as a rule, digital entertainment only reduces the level of juvenile crime, the punks disappear from the streets, but if the player has lost his sense of reality, the situation becomes completely different. obviously, it
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the game affects, games with such brutal content can significantly affect the emotional development of children, especially in single-parent families, causing problems such as difficult adaptation to adult life. of course, in addition to the influence of the game itself, racist tendencies are also visible here, but the true reasons for such behavior. you can check. by the way, the handwriting of the turkish criminal visually resembles the event in the british south port at the end of july. then a seventeen-year-old teenager with a knife burst into a children's dance studio and carried out the attack. two children were killed and at least nine were injured. the teenager was arrested on suspicion of murder. following the current attack , the turkish prosecutor's office is already investigating the incident. in addition to the fact that the young man has already been taken into custody, law enforcement officers will also find out whether or not?
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acting head of the investigative department of the investigative committee of russia for the republic of mordovia aleksandr petrovich zavoiskikh will present a report on its interim results and adopted as a result of the decision. let me remind you that the scandalous photo, in which four dozen prisoners are feasting at a common table, while other prisoners are serving them, was published by journalists from the izvestia publication. presumably, the zakov party took place 3 weeks ago. the opinions of the commentators were divided, some decided that the criminals ordered food for the table from the store at the colony or received it from relatives, others point out that a number of dishes are simply prohibited from being transferred,
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for example, shashlik and any other fried meat. in addition, the question arose, is it allowed whether to hold such mass celebrations in the colony at all? the answers will now be found by the employees of the investigative committee. the only thing more important than the weather in the house is the house itself, people's artist larisa dolina lost her apartment worth more than 100 million rubles in the center of the capital. the singer herself claims that she became a victim of fraudsters who not only stole the property, but also deprived her of almost all her savings. new tenants are already pounding on the doors. report by alexander mostovaya. ksenyevsky lane in moscow, a street with elite real estate and an aristocratic name in honor of the bookish ksenia, daughter of alexander ii, housing here is for stars and with star prices.
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larisa dollina was watching the weather in her house here and didn't keep an eye on it. neighbors say that at 10 a.m. unknown people came to storm the real estate of the people's artist. they consider themselves the owners of the apartments. the guards didn't let them in. the guards didn't let them in at all. because we don't have instructions to let strangers in . the elite housing complex is under guard, there are cctv cameras along the perimeter. footage of how unknown, almost broke into the territory, were in the public domain. here are two women without...
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calling themselves the new owners of dolina's apartment, were detained. fraudsters have set their sights on elite real estate. this residential complex, where people's artist larisa dolina lives, is located in the khamovnichesky district. the average cost of apartments here is 100 million rubles. udalnaya, of course, is not an average apartment, five rooms, total area 236 m. this one costs even more. these photos were published by journalists. the spacious home was decorated. with star chic and obviously for personal comfort, and not for sale, but now the singer faces a battle for her own family nest, and not a joke, the new owner, a certain polina, a single mother, not a businesswoman, but somehow miraculously saved up and bought the housing of a people's artist, legally, but the deal itself, as it now turns out, was organized by scammers, telephone swindlers presumably from the territory of ukraine called dolina under the guise of security officials and said that her savings
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were under threat, they ...
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see you on the russia-24 tv channel at 21:30.
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the russian army has stopped another attempt by the ukrainian armed forces to penetrate deep into the kursk region, the enemy's losses are more than 400 people , according to the defense ministry. at the same time , the regional authorities continue to evacuate residents from certain areas. humanitarian aid is being brought to the kursk region from all over the country, we will tell you about the battles and those who found themselves in trouble. what is happening in the middle east, what is happening in palestine, of course, does not go unnoticed by us. mahmoud abas on a visit to russia, vladimir putin held talks with the palestinian leader at novo ogorev's residence outside moscow. the focus is on the escalation of tensions in the middle east, how to find rays of light in the fog of war for a peaceful resolution of the long-standing conflict.


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