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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 14, 2024 3:00am-3:31am MSK

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russia values ​​ties with palestine the events in the middle east do not go unnoticed by moscow, despite the fact that
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ties with the arab world in general, with palestine in particular, and we value this very much and, of course, we are watching with great pain and concern the humanitarian catastrophe that has unfolded in palestine. three days ago, the israeli army launched a missile attack on a school in the gaza strip, killing more than 90 people, wounding dozens, the bombing was sharply condemned by many countries, including the un. tel aviv claims that it allegedly hit the headquarters. russia
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provides comprehensive humanitarian aid to the palestinians, 700 tons of various cargoes have been sent to those in need. all these years we have felt the support of russia, our countries always stand on the side of truth and respect human rights. and without a doubt we stand on the side of the russian federation. mr. president, we believe in you and trust you. the abas government has a plan for the return of refugees and the comprehensive restoration of the palestinian. however, this is impossible without the withdrawal of israeli troops from gaza and the implementation of a political solution based on international law, the palestinian leader said the day before, referring to the creation of an independent state. russia is a member of the so-called middle east quartet for a settlement, which also includes the us, the eu and the un. however , the work of this format has been frozen for several years now. washington has effectively monopolized diplomatic efforts in this area. in addition, netanyahu's cabinet in israel includes...
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right-wing politicians who do not accept anything other than harsh force methods. according to un estimates, the victims of israel's military actions in gaza 40,000 people have already been killed, 80,000 have been wounded, but tel aviv continues, relying on the political and military support of the united states. recently , an additional package of military aid worth 3.5 billion dollars was allocated. the murder of the head of the hamas politburo, ismail haniyeh, in tehran could even become a prologue to a full-scale war in the entire region. "we continue our struggle, we patiently endure all the hardships and, of course, we count on humanitarian aid for our people, we do not accept the expatriation of palestinians from the gaza strip from the west bank, from jerusalem, as it is happened many times in the 20th century. russia has always advocated a diplomatic resolution to the palestinian problem based on the creation of a sovereign state within the 1967 borders, with its capital in east jerusalem. the roots of this problem go far back."
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united nations and, above all, to create a full-fledged palestinian state. the talks today lasted several hours, and after they were over, vladimir putin escorted mahmoud abbas to his car, who, after meeting with the russian president, will continue to discuss the palestinian problem throughout middle east agenda to turkey. alexander khristenko, sergey rubanov, magomed otsayev and andrey baraukhin, nova ogoreva news. more than 200 people left kursk region in the last 24 hours. one-time payments to victims continue, they have already been received.
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our special correspondent stanislav bernvalt will tell you more about the situation. the briefing of the operational headquarters here in kursk region is over. we have now heard the latest news on military and social issues, if we talk about the military situation, it is really it is still extremely tense, several areas are border areas, now the hottest spot is in the kursk region, there are battles going on there, but our reserves that have arrived are now slowly but surely beginning to push the enemy beyond the state border of the russian federation, and as in previous days it is worth noting, our aviation is working very, very effectively. beating off and knocking out the approaching reserves, destroying expensive western equipment in the same spirit, guys, continue, more detailed information was announced today at a briefing on the current state of affairs, the official representative of the northern group of forces said that during the day
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, active actions by units of the northern group of forces and the reserves that had arrived, strikes by army aviation, unmanned aerial vehicles, and artillery fire, attempts by enemy mobile groups to break through to the edge of equipment deep into russian territory were stopped. over the past day, the losses in the ukrainian armed forces amounted to 420 servicemen, 55 units of armored vehicles, including three tanks, eight armored personnel carriers, a combat vehicle infantry, 43 combat armored vehicles, 31 cars, a launcher of the system, a multiple launch rocket system and an artillery gun. it is worth saying that hundreds of tons of humanitarian aid are now coming from all over russia, coming from ordinary people, coming from organizations, the acting head of the public humanitarian headquarters of the people's front today said that humanitarian aid in large quantities is going to the civilian population and, of course, our military has been issued
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about 960 unmanned aerial vehicles to date devices of different types, 38 thermal imaging devices, 300 personal safety and protection equipment, this is about... non-required armored helmets, 67 reb and more than 100 units of other military property, equipped 32 vehicles with the mrp system, these are primarily ambulances and evacuation vehicles, today we were in one of the centers for issuing humanitarian aid, a large number of people are receiving assistance there now, this is all the essentials and food, a ten-kilogram set per person, which is enough for 5-6 days, and also bed linen and mattresses are given out, the work is organized very much
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about attention to our situation, all of russia is worried about the kursk residents, everyone who can helps as much as possible, a huge number of things are sent here, assistance for our military is provided by ordinary residents of russia in telegram, for example, there are many humanitarian and volunteer channels, they collected several million rubles in order to purchase air defense equipment, they also purchased uavs, they purchased thermal imagers, here today the guys... made a huge journey from moscow, brought this cargo in three vehicles at once. of course, the military is very grateful, and to ordinary russians for this feasible assistance. unmanned technologies, like mavics, are also part of the technology, this is one of the main, so to speak, the main place in obtaining,
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first of all - this is intelligence data, that is , intelligence, as we are accustomed to it, that is, on foot, as, for example, we had in the chechen conflict, its intelligence is now carried out, either by large birds. arlans, rons, supercams, or mavics. in our case, this is still the lion's share, this is obtaining intelligence information - these are mavics, adjusting artillery fire - these are mavics, adjusting anything, mortars, mlrs, all this exists with mavics, so at the moment it is simply impossible to imagine a modern conflict without this. well, and it is probably worth saying, finally, that the missile threat is declared today much less than the day before, twice a night, it was declared, once. once in the morning, i will remind you that the missile danger is declared when our air defenses begin to intercept missiles approaching regional centers, populated areas, including the regional center. stanislav bernval, sergey soldatov, vesti kurskaya oblast. about 900 tons of humanitarian aid were delivered to kursk oblast by emergencies ministry employees.
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aid for those who had to urgently leave their homes is being collected throughout the country. collection points are open in every russian region. in kursk oblast itself, where the situation remains difficult in the border areas, volunteers continue to work, details at our correspondent varvara nevskaya. all of this goes to kursk, here there is a whole box of buckwheat. the headquarters is always crowded, local residents bring food, medicine, blankets, pillows, warm clothes to help kursk, eighty-eight-year-old ivan bychikhin , without thinking, gave the residents of the kursk region a warm down jacket, bought for himself. everything that might be useful to those who were forced to find themselves far from home, is collected in pension. first of all, of course, hygiene products and products that have a long shelf life, that is, this is not frozen, and there are cereals, some canned goods, and also separately for children. diapers, baby food, there is a great need for such a thing. since the morning, volunteers
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have been sorting valuable cargo, the first batch of homeless aid for the kursk region, a whole truck, they managed to collect it here in just two days off. i have only moved the food now, and i already have my things there, i still have a big bag, i will hire a taxi and bring the things after lunch. the distance of assistance is not a hindrance , thousands of kilometers from kursk, the most necessary things are also collected by residents of the far east. i think, that people are now far from their homes, they need everything, is it possible to stay away now, when trouble has come to your home, more than 20 tons of humanitarian aid was transferred to the residents of the kursk region who lost blood. yesterday, for 10 hours, they received cargo from the territory of the perm region, formed it. another heavy-duty truck will deliver refrigerators and gasoline generators in 2 days, as well as household chemicals and animal feed. residents of the region gathered specifically for september 1, inside are notebooks, pens, erasers and pencils. when in
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trouble comes home, we all unite to defeat this trouble, to cope with it. russian regions not only send aid to residents of settlements affected by the terrorist attack in kiev , but also accommodate people. 51 children from the kursk region, children with disabilities who have lost their parents have already been accommodated at one of the recreation centers in the tula region. i really liked it, when we walked like an iskafe, there is a landscape, it turns out, there is a house there, that is, green, a house, another forest behind, it is so beautiful, round-the-clock assistance volunteers of the people's front are providing assistance to residents of the kursk region on the spot, clearing away rubble after strikes by the ukrainian armed forces, unloading and delivering humanitarian aid, and evacuating people from dangerous areas. gather your courage , gather your fists, we 'll get to the car now and everything will be fine.
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russia will develop space nuclear energy, this is necessary, among other things, for the exploration and development of the moon, prime minister mikhail mishustin said at a strategic session on russia's space activities. what other priorities tasks to be solved, learned. russia is one of the world leaders in the field of space exploration
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to determine the future path , a national project for the development of space activities until 2030 and for the future until 2036 has been developed, what needs to be done was discussed in the government coordination center, in order to fulfill the tasks set by the president in the may decree, it is necessary to increase the composition of the orbital group of spacecraft several times , which will allow to significantly ...
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nuclear energy in russia, it is aimed at creating nuclear engines, they are necessary in including for the exploration of the moon. in addition, it is planned to create promising funds for... the transition to reusable launch vehicles, to more environmentally friendly fuel, to the development of fundamental scientific projects and the improvement of the industry's human resources. for... ruscosmos will establish work with private business. the federation council has already approved laws on public-private partnership. control remains with the federal center, but attracting private capital will reduce the burden on the budget when implementing large projects, for example, in the production of satellites. space exploration has always been resource-intensive, so, of course, along with budget financing , private investment is simply necessary,
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the use of public-private partnerships in the implementation of all federal projects. national projects. among other things, it will help to significantly increase the availability of communication services, which is important for a huge country. it will also ensure the transition to a new level of both manned cosmonautics and fundamental space research. anastasia panko, vesti. in germany, officers the wehrmacht will become an example to follow. the german ministry of defense intends to include the military of hitler's time in the list of those who should serve as an example of military valor. at the same time , the military department assures that nazi traditions will not. form the basis of the country's armed forces, is this so, zenaida kurbatova investigated. residents of germany are again preparing for war, all with the same enemy as in the first world war, and in the second world war, with russia. directly approving of nazi criminals, for example, in the baltics began a long time ago, now there has appeared a strange addition to the document on the cultivation of traditions in the german army. defense ministry spokesman
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arne kolac recalls that in the 1950s, the bundeswehr, i.e. the armed forces of the frg, employed denationalized officers of the third reich who passed on their experience to the youth, including ss officers. at that time, it was necessary to bring reliable and democratic people to the bundeswehr, who, on the basis of the bundeswehr, would ensure that it developed in the right direction. in the current list, these people, called heroes, but to them a lot of questions. here is erich topp, a submariner and rear admiral in 1933 he joined the nsdap and the allgemeine sss, the part from which the executioners and camp guards were recruited. he shared the ideas of racial superiority, the idea of ​​the need to conquer living space. well, of course, from the point of view of germany's utter dependence on the united states, to include this list of heroes, a man who fearlessly sank american convoys going across the atlantic,
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but that's also so-so. in addition, such a member of the nsdap, merciless to the enemies of the reich, someone's a kind grandfather who... lived out his last days in western germany, the tradition should not be perfect, the decree says, that is, a soldier who killed, raped, took a fur cape from a russian woman he killed and sent it to his gredchen in a parcel, may well be a hero, they turn other people's houses into ashes, returned to ukraine by deception, returned to moldova by cunning, tried to return to russia by force, former nazis became heroes of germany again, the german economy is falling, according to german experts, 2024.
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as if an understanding is coming that the union may not be defensive at all, now they are trying to restore the defense capability and even restore morale with some one-off methods. it explains to taxpayers: we need to prepare for war and reminds us of the so -called heroes of nazi germany. recently, the commander of the hamburg regional command, captain mikhail gies, said: all of germany must be ready for war, this is the most important common task for politics, the bundeswehr, business and society. in the broadest sense, we are also talking about a critical infrastructure, especially in hamburg, and the importance of the port for the functioning of the alliance and support for nato. because of its geographical location in europe, germany is a place where nato units are marching to the eastern flank. boris pistorius, the german defense minister, one of the most popular
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politicians, said on june 5 in the bundeswehr that germany must prepare for war in 2020. today at about 10:00 a.m., five unknown people reportedly entered the closed area of ​​this elite residential complex complex in khamovniki tried to get to the apartment of the people's artist of russia larisa dolina, claiming that they bought her five-room apartment personally from her, as proof of the transaction they allegedly provided this video recording, this is me, these are the same people in the footage from the surveillance cameras, and
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since neither larisa dolina herself nor her representatives were on site, the security of the residential complex suspected something was wrong, they consider themselves the owner of the apartment, the security did not let them all in, so how many, because we do not have instructions to let strangers in people, well yes, but did they show documents for the apartment, no? did not attach, but those who came insisted that they paid more than 100 million rubles for the apartment. why don't they let you into your apartment, and dolina lives there, they've already registered everything, they even have a release dolina lives there, we don't know, we want to get home, people's artist, well, don't do this here, 3 weeks ago we already told you how scammers tried to mortgage her moscow region dacha for 50 million rubles on behalf of larisa dolina, they used a fake video recording.
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according to some reports, back in april larisa aleksandrovna received a call allegedly from the special services asking for help in catching the scammers, for which they convinced her to fictitiously sell her apartment and transfer the money to safe accounts. a classic telephone fraud scheme. it was established that the scammers are located on... on the territory of ukraine, they just posted on social networks an appeal allegedly from me, of a monstrous nature. we are talking about this fake entry from the hacked dolina page, about how she mortgaged her dacha and sold her apartment for 112 million in order to, quote: sponsor a battalion azov will live the rest of his life in odessa. during the initial operational-search activities, police officers from the central district of the capital identified and detained a fifty-three-year-old woman courier, in respect of whom a preventive measure in the form of detention was chosen. larisa aleksandrovna dolevna turned out to be a victim of fraud, and i hope that, given
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all her merits and relations with the state, they will help her overcome this problem. in no case should such things be allowed or allowed at all. therefore, i wish sincerely, we treat larisa with love.
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decided not to run for another term. as a result of deep reflection, extensive discussions, i came to the conclusion that my powers should not go beyond the limits set in the olympic charter. after 12 years as president of mog, our organization would best benefit from a change in leadership. new times require new leaders. formally, bach really could not put forward his candidacy next year, because he became the head of mog in 2013 and the prescribed maximum the presidential term. of the olympic charter of 12 years will end in 2025, but there was a possibility that the recently created initiative group of bach supporters
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would push through amendments to this charter. and nemets will still be able to be re-elected, however, after the speeches in which bach said that there is no scientific system for identifying men and women, apparently even his entourage began to doubt his ability to continue to lead the international olympic committee. if someone can scientifically prove what test can be used distinguish a man from a woman, we will be the first to take advantage of this, but unfortunately this is not possible yet, in order to decide, just looking is not enough. after the news of bach's refusal to participate in the elections, the head of the international athletics federation , 67-year-old briton sebastian coe, quickly got his bearings , telling journalists that he was quite ready to consider such a continuation of his career. i always made it clear that if such an opportunity presented itself, i would seriously think about it, now such an opportunity has appeared and i need to think about it. according to the world media, the one with the greatest chances to lead the organization is
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precisely. who is known for being categorically against allowing russians to participate in the olympics, even as neutral athletes, since 1915, before the rio games. it may happen that we will still remember thomas bach with kind words, because, of course, one of the candidates for the post of head of the ioc, sebastian coe, lord coe, the hero of the moscow olympics and chek, who is extremely negative attitude, alas, to everything russian. therefore, it is possible that we will remember bach with a kind word against the background of the possible arrival of coe, who is still capable of tightening the screws against us. and even when he initially gave the go-ahead to all federations to independently decide the issue of admitting russian athletes, it was coe and his organization world athletics that banned our athletes from competing in the world athletics championships. the president of the russian olympic committee stanislav poznyakov called coe the most
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famous. the only british athlete who came, competed and won the gold medal in the 1500m. there is a saying, the next one is always worse than the last, i would not like it to be so. skou's option does not assume a warming of relations with russian olympians, but there is a scenario in which another candidate could... managed not to conflict with bakh, who through her could retain his influence on the admission of russian athletes, but at the same time could. daniil makhalin, alexander stalmashevsky, lead!
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people who serve in intelligence are not even very physically, but simply strong in spirit, a maroon beret, who is a symbol, who wears it, i believe that there should be a model in everything, they should follow it, it is impossible to do worse, it is possible to do better, we have always had such a motto in life, pushed these people into the doorway. and, probably, this is all a dream, and you want to open your eyes and wake up.
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we will take on this case, it will be an honest detective. are you used to watching videos on the internet? has it stopped working? we install, open, watch, russian channels, all tv series, movies and... movies, educational programs and documentaries, watch, watch in the app or on the website.


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