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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 14, 2024 5:00am-5:31am MSK

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russia values ​​its ties with palestine.
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for the first time in 3 years, the meeting between vladimir putin and mahmoud abbas was postponed, including due to the outbreak of war in the gaza strip in october. since then, the situation in the region has been deteriorating every day. everyone knows that today, unfortunately, russia must defend its interests and protect its people with weapons in hand, but what is happening in the middle east, what is happening in palestine, certainly does not go unnoticed... attention on our part, we have very long-standing, deep ties with the arab world in general, with palestine in particular, and we value this very much and, of course, we are watching with great pain and concern the humanitarian catastrophe that has unfolded in palestine. three days ago , the israeli army launched a missile attack on a school in the gaza strip, killing more than 90 people, injuring dozens, and the bombing was sharply condemned by many countries, as well as the un. tel aviv
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claims that it allegedly hit the hamas headquarters. the palestinian side claims that there were refugees in the building. russia is providing assistance to the palestinians comprehensive humanitarian aid, 700 tons of various cargoes were sent to those in need. all these years we have felt russia's support. our countries always stand on the side of truth and respect human rights. and without a doubt, we stand on the side of the russian federation. mr. president, we believe in you and trust you. the abbas government has a plan for the return of refugees and the comprehensive restoration of the palestinian enclave, but this is impossible without the withdrawal of israeli troops from gaza and the implementation of a political solution based on international law, - said the day before, the leader of palestine, referring to the creation of an independent state. russia is a member of the so-called middle east quartet for a settlement, which also includes the us, the eu and the un. however, the work of this format has been frozen for many years now. washington has effectively monopolized diplomatic efforts in this area. in addition,
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netanyahu's cabinet in israel includes ultra-right politicians who do not accept anything other than harsh force methods. according to un estimates, the victims of israel's military actions there are already 40,000 people in gaza, 80,000 wounded, but tel aviv continues, relying on the political and military support of the united states. recently , an additional package of military aid was allocated for 3.5 billion dollars. the murder of the head of the hamas politburo ismail haniyeh in tehran may well become a prologue. we do not accept the expulsion of palestinians from the gaza strip from the west bank from jerusalem, as has happened many times before in the 20th century. russia has always advocated a diplomatic solution to the palestinian problem based on creation of a sovereign state within the borders of 1967 with its capital in eastern jerusalem,
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the roots of this problem go far back in time and are primarily associated with ignoring decisions previously made at the level of international organizations, primarily at the un level, with the formation of an independent palestinian state. our position here is unchanged, it was formulated long ago, and does not have any particular character, we believe that in order to ensure long-term, reliable...
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one-time payments continue for 24 hours victims, about 500 people have already received them. our special correspondent stanislav bernvalt will tell you more about the situation. the briefing at the... operational headquarters here in the kursk region has ended, we have now heard all the latest news both in the military and social areas, if we talk about the military situation, it is indeed still extremely tense, several border areas, now the hottest spot is in the kursk region, there are battles there, but our reserves that have arrived are now slowly but surely beginning to push the enemy out of the state border of the russian federation and as the previous...
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31 vehicles, a launcher of the system. multiple launch rocket system and an artillery gun, well, and it is worth saying that hundreds of tons of humanitarian aid are now coming from all over russia, coming from ordinary people, coming from organizations, the acting head of the public humanitarian headquarters of the people's front today said that humanitarian aid in large
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quantities is going to the civilian population, and of course to our military, they have issued today day about 960 unmanned aerial vehicles of different types, 38 thermal imaging devices, 300 personal safety and protection equipment, these are bulletproof vests, armored helmets, 67 reb and more than 100 units of other military property, equipped 32 vehicles with the mrp system, these are primarily ambulances and evacuation vehicles, today we were in one of the centers for issuing humanitarian aid, a large number of people are now receiving assistance there, this is all the most necessary things and food, a ten-kilogram set per person, which is enough for 5-6 days, and also gives out...
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all of russia is worried about the kursk residents, everyone is helping as much as they can, a huge number of things are being sent here, assistance for our military is provided by ordinary residents of russia in telegram, for example, there are many humanitarian and volunteer channels, they have collected several million rubles in order to purchase purchased air defense equipment, they also purchased... uavs, purchased thermal imagers, today the guys have come a long way from moscow, they brought this cargo in three vehicles at once, of course, the military is very grateful to ordinary russians for this feasible assistance, unmanned technologies, like mavics, this is also
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from technology, this is one of the main, so to speak, the main place in obtaining, first of all, this is intelligence data, that is, intelligence, as we are accustomed to it, that is, on foot, as , for example, we had in chechnya. less than the day before, twice a night, it was declared, once in the morning, i remind you that a missile threat is declared when our air defense begins to intercept incoming missiles to regional centers, populated areas, including the regional center. stanislav bernval, sergey soldatov, vesti kurskaya oblast. about 900 tons of humanitarian aid
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were delivered to kurskaya oblast by the ministry of emergency situations. aid for those who had to urgently leave their homes is being collected throughout the country. collection points are open in every russian region. in kurskaya oblast itself, where the situation remains difficult in the border areas, volunteers continue to work. our correspondent varvara nevskaya has the details. this everything we have goes to kursk. here we have buckwheat, a whole box of it, the tomsk headquarters is always crowded, local residents bring food, medicine, blankets, pillows , and warm clothes to help kursk. eighty-eight-year-old ivan bychikhin, without thinking, gave the residents of the kursk region a warm down jacket that he bought for himself. everything that might be useful to those who were forced to be away from home is collected in the penza. first in line, of course, are hygiene products, long-term storage products, that is, not frozen, and there cereals. some canned goods and also separately for children, these are diapers, baby food,
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there is a great need for this, since the morning volunteers have been sorting valuable cargo, the first batch of home aid for the kursk region, a whole truck, they managed to collect it here in just two days off, i have only moved the food now, and i already have my things there, i still have a big bag, i will hire a taxi and after lunch i will bring things, the distance is not a hindrance to help for... generators, and also household chemicals and animal feed. several boxes, residents of the region,
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were collected specifically for september 1, inside notebooks, pens, erasers and pencils. when trouble comes to the house, we all unite to defeat this trouble, to cope with it. russian regions not only send aid to residents of settlements affected by the terrorist attack in kiev , but also accommodate people. 51 children from the kursk region, children with disabilities who have lost their parents. have already been accommodated at one of the recreation centers in the tula region, i really liked it, when we walked like an escafe, there is a landscape, it turns out there is a house there, that is, a green house, another forest from behind, it's so beautiful, volunteers of the people's front provide round-the-clock assistance to residents of the kursk region, clear rubble after strikes in the ukrainian armed forces, unload and deliver humanitarian aid, and evacuate people from dangerous areas, gather courage and strength right here. pack it up, we 'll get to the car now and everything will be fine. in the affected settlements, not
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only people need help, but also pets. volunteers rescue abandoned pets and four-legged residents of the kursk shelter, located just 30 km from the line of fire. a in kursk itself, for pets evacuated together with their owners, at temporary accommodation points, veterinary examinations and vaccinations are organized. now we will vaccinate against rabies, you haven't vaccinated it, right? no, after rabies , no. it is impossible to remain indifferent, everyone can help, humanitarian aid collection points for residents of the kursk region who suffered from the inhumane actions of kiev militants are deployed in every region of the country. varvara nevskaya, stanislav bernvalt, valeria sapegina and natalia uvarova. vesti. russia will develop space nuclear energy, this is necessary, among other things, for the exploration and development of the moon. this was stated by prime minister mikhail mishustin at a strategic session on space activities.
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groupings of spacecraft, which will significantly improve the quality of services for the state, citizens, and businesses, it is also necessary to establish a conveyor production of 250 units per year. such an approach, as the head of government noted, will make it possible to reduce the cost of satellites, maximally develop new technologies, and support the production of domestic components and electronics. in the horizon up to 2030, we need to increase the number of satellites. orbital groups to 1200 units, bring the total number of launches from
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russian spaceports to 56 per year, start from the twenty-seventh year to deploy our own orbital station. an important federal project will be the development of space nuclear energy in russia, it is aimed at creating nuclear engines, they are necessary, among other things, for the development of the moon. in addition ... it is supposed to create promising means, launching into orbit, switching to reusable launch vehicles, to cleaner fuel, developing fundamental scientific projects . and improving the human resources potential of the industry. to this end, roscosmos will establish cooperation with private business. the federation council has already approved laws on public-private partnerships. control remains with the federal center, but attracting private capital will reduce the burden on the budget when implementing large projects, such as satellite production. development space has always been resource-intensive, therefore,
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of course, along with budget financing , private investments are simply necessary, the use of public-private partnerships. in the implementation of all federal projects. the national project, among other things, will help to significantly increase the availability of communication services, which is of great importance for a huge country. it will also ensure the transition to a new level of both manned cosmonautics and fundamental space research. anastasia panko, vesti. the ruling party of georgia accused the former president of the country mikheil saakashvili in unleashing the war against south ossetia in august 2008. the political council of the georgian dream party qualified saakashvili's actions as well -planned and ordered from outside betrayal. with details by alexander perfilyev. he acted on orders from outside. the georgian authorities have acknowledged that in 2008 the war was started by the country's president mikheil saakashvili, who, on orders from western curators, attacked south ossetia. the fact is that in august
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2008, saakashvili's adventurous actions were not the result of his mental state. troops, but already on august 8 after midnight, the georgian armed forces began to strike residential areas of tskhenvalval and peacekeepers. the order was given by mikheil saakashvili, who would later
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be so afraid of the consequences that he would even hide from a plane flying past. of course, the georgian president was confident that nato would come to his aid, but after russia took retaliatory measures to the georgian aggression, the alliance was afraid to interfere, but by august 10 the georgian armed forces had been driven out of almost all areas of tskhenvalval. then dobilis issued a note on the cessation of hostilities. the peace enforcement operation was completed in just 5 days. he was hysterically alive during the live broadcast. the fact that it was the west that raised saakashvili to be a politician is also shown by his biography. after he was expelled from the kiev institute of international relations for pornography, the future georgian president was sent to study in
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new york at the expense of the state department. then he worked in various countries defending the interests of american oil and gas projects in the former soviet republics. himself as a diligent performer, when in georgia, the usa organized the revolution of ros, saakashvili became president. work in gaga, work with a large company of the united states of america, which for a minute later became a partner of the kmara movement. and kmara is the movement that actually provoked and implemented the revolution of ros, the first revolution in the post-soviet space. it is enough to remember how he was introduced. george bush, jr., who drew the attention of political leaders of the world's states to the fact that there is such a a promising georgian leader, a president who needs to open the way. but later saakashvili stole, and when the protests began, he ordered the rallies to be harshly dispersed. then more than 500 people were taken to hospital, opposition channels were completely closed.
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in fact, in order to retain his personal power , saakashvili agreed, as he thought then. to a small victorious war, which ended in his failure, in 2013, without waiting for the end of his presidential term, he fled to brussels, then became an adviser to the ukrainian the president got carried away with drugs, let them not hang themselves on the wall, let them not see anything better in life, the commission. later he was appointed governor of the odessa region, but he stole there too. petro poroshenko deprived saakashvili of ukrainian citizenship. a trial balloon, then ukraine became a grenade that the west threw at russia, experts point out. the experience of georgia was studied in the most meticulous manner by poroshenko,
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yushchenko, and representatives of the sbu, in order that, well, of course, nato countries, in order that work on mistakes was done, it was done. propaganda for decades assured ukrainians that russia was their enemy. and then threw them to the slaughter. now tbilisi admits that the west is trying in every way to drag georgia into a war with moscow. the georgian european commissioner even threatened the prime minister with the same kind of attack, for example, as on the head of the slovakian government robert fitz, who was shot several times. he survived miraculously, but the russian foreign ministry emphasizes that moscow is interested in peace in the caucasus and is ready to facilitate a peaceful dialogue between all interested parties. alexander perfileva and olga belotserkovskaya, news.
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what is remembered about this day in history, we will tell you right now. hello. august 14, 1380.
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the united state of poland and lithuania , the polish-lithuanian commonwealth. lithuania handed over to the poles all the land of southwestern russia, which was then under its control. the poles began to impose their own order, there was severe persecution of the orthodox faith, which led to uprisings? as a result. the largest of them, the uprising of bohdan khmelnitsky, the western russian lands, little russia, were again reunited with russia, but polish rule left a mark in the history of this region and the current events in ukraine largely originate from those events of many centuries ago. on august 14, 1947 , pakistan declared its independence. the country emerged as a result of the partition of colonial british india. but the british simply divided the territory along religious lines. the lands with a predominantly hindu population became independent india, while those with a predominantly muslim population became independent pakistan.
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at first, it consisted of two unconnected territories, western and eastern, but more than 20 years later, the eastern part of pakistan separated and became modern-day bangladesh. the initial division in 1947 occurred because many areas were inhabited by both hindus and muslims. after the partition , mass migration began. more than 7 million muslims moved from india to pakistan and about the same number of hindus from pakistan to india. this led to widespread violence on both sides of the border. the countries have fought several times, and relations between india and pakistan remain difficult. 14 on august 1, 1969, british troops were brought into the northern.
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part of the united kingdom of great britain and northern ireland. when the residents of the city of derry declared their territory autonomous and erected barricades, london brought the army into northern ireland. british soldiers behaved cruelly towards catholics. in 1972, they even shot at a demonstration. the radical wing of the irish republican army fought for the independence of northern ireland for decades. the ira carried out terrorist attacks in the region and for its borders. the belfaso agreement of 1998 was supposed to end the conflict. the northern irish parliament was restored, the police were reformed. new, unbroken organizations of catholics and protestants in northern ireland still exist. on august 14, 1992
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, the georgian-abkhazian war began, just after the collapse of the ussr. abkhazia sought independence, and the new georgian authorities sought to strengthen control over it. the war lasted almost 2 years, taking the lives of about 17 thousand people. hundreds of thousands became refugees, many fertile regions of abkhazia were devastated. russia acted as a mediator, seeking a ceasefire. the united nations also participated. the final round of negotiations took place in march 1994, with the active mediation of russia, the parties agreed on the demarcation line, on the security zone around it , and the deployment of peacekeepers. but the peace turned out to be fragile, the contradictions between sukhumi and tbilisi were accumulating, and the new president of georgia, mikhail saakashvili, went on to sharply worsen relations with abkhazia and russia. and in 2008, tbilisi's attempt to resolve the issue by force
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another problematic region. on the network led to russia recognizing the independence of both republics. that's what this day in history was like.
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people who serve in intelligence are not even physically strong, but simply stronger in spirit, the maroon beret is a symbol, it is worn, i believe that there should be a model in everything, they should strive for it, it is impossible to do worse, it is possible to do better.
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we have always had iis in life.


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