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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 14, 2024 8:30am-9:01am MSK

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and now footage from libya , a mining camp suffered from severe flooding, the flood was forced to be caused by heavy rains, buildings were literally washed away, workers are evacuating from the victims, nothing is known yet. now a short advertisement, then in
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the vestinet program we will tell you about the additional education tool that vk launched. pasha, look, what magic, yes, 35% cashback for everyone, as you found out, the most important thing. i won't get away with it. apply for a debit card with 35% cashback on everything most important. gazprombank. give movies and music for paying for mobile communications - this is normal. that's why we give. zbermobile. it 's not the first time antonina has rented out her cozy apartment on avito real estate. that's why she knows how everything will spin. avito real estate. rent out where they are looking. magnit.
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mayonnaise, i like to cook. 139,999. magnit. the price is right. psb. what should a bank be like? a strong country? reliable. it should support culture. build a sports future and be in sports. help reach the stars. and be there in any, even the most remote point. psb is a bank of a strong country. 3 = 1. true common 30, accessories, communication included at the price of a smartphone. beeline is the safest operator. sale, where did you buy it? megamarket, school style. buy lunchboxes from 129 rubles. megamarket. there are
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different chickens: mechanical, for small victories, bronze, for a drop of luck, but only a tender chicken is created for a big chicken burger and special moments of tenderness, a large juicy chicken fillet with a new garlic-cream sauce in a big chicken burger is already in a delicious point, order in the car, look at aguten. through sbp pay modernly, i'm trying to be rational, it's profitable, register on, pay via sbp in grocery stores, household goods, pharmacies, naz everywhere, as you are used to, save up greetings and exchange them for cashback in real money, and we are going to your concert tomorrow, i also get an appetite anywhere.
8:34 am
one of my friends has the fastest mobile internet, cool video, what a high speed, you haven't connected yet with 5g, although you better not need it, megafon is number one in terms of coverage speed. large purchases will become easier, make out credit with cashback from smer in 5 minutes in a mobile application, once the sale where bought, buy office paper photocopy for 299 rubles. a gift to tutors their students for the new
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academic year, the vvk holding launched vktori a separate tool for this kind of additional education. can solve problems, and the teacher corrects mistakes and gives examples, we know that a tutor with a student uses three to four different tools there in order to conduct classes. for example , materials need to be stored somewhere, they need to be stored somewhere communicate, uh, call each other somewhere, you need a virtual board, and so on and so forth, there are already four different tools that teachers use, for example, there are teachers who call each other on skype,
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but at the same time, students think that it's the last century, yes, but at the same time, tutors really use them, and we want them to come to our platform and stay here, now a student... a tutor has access primarily to closed platforms, for example, the same uchir from vk or foxford, but there the teacher works through the company tutoria wants to become such a classifier as avita, for example, only in the field of knowledge transfer, including finding a private tutor, well, in the future. there are foreign analogues, in particular google classroom, but in light of recent events with access to google services, some difficulties may arise, while tutoria is free, but not exactly charity. our service is free, we are not ...
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it can probably also bring in profit, even if the percentage is very small, for example sber estimated the tutoring market in russia at over 300 billion rubles a year. well , the main global event of the last few hours is a big presentation from google, which concerns , one way or another, most of all smartphone users on the planet, because in addition to branded phones from a search engine that is very good, but not very mass, we are talking about its own android operating system and what awaits it in the near future. the presentation began, or rather, with one main element of artificial intelligence, around which everything is built. geminate is replacing google assistant, bringing with it all the benefits of a multimodal neural network, that is, understanding not only text, but sound, pictures, video, etc., and most importantly, when generating text or answering
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questions with recognition of what is happening in the video stream, it can use data from mail or, for example, a personal calendar as context, well, consent to users. strictly speaking, this was shown earlier at the google conference for developers, critics have already noticed that the current announcement is lost on against the background of the already held presentations of the new generation of voice assistants from open ai and apple. however, there is a nuance, unlike apple and previous presentations of google itself, this time all the demonstrations were live, as a result, the first demo was only possible on the third attempt. well, then everything was without a fight, it seems to really work, the second point, we are talking about the most widespread mobile operating system on the planet, that is, it literally rolls out to billions of users, but apparently with the exception of china , to some extent russia, russian language
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gmail supports, but a separate application was officially unavailable in our country, as for the new branded smartphones, there are no special sensations, well, except that the line was expanded even more. adding to the pixel 9 and pixel 9 pro pixel 9 pro xl, which is like pro, only with a larger diagonal, well, and the folding phone was updated, it is now also pro, it has become thinner and received better cameras, well , of course, the entire line of branded smartphones from google received a whole set of exclusive neuromiracles. well, it is interesting that exactly on the eve of the pixel 9 announcement, google began shipping pixel 8 to india, a local indian assembly. only eight just, 8%. they are not yet assembled there, but the event is considered significant: firstly, the indian market is the second largest after china, that is, there is something to fight for, and secondly, local production is developing quite actively. who acted as the search engine's partner in this case is not reported, but it is known that smartphones of different brands are already assembled in india for
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$ 50 billion a year. over the past decades , this figure has increased 25 times. as a result, almost 100% of smartphones sold in india are also manufactured there, and this is not only about devices from apple, samsung, and now google, but also about chinese brands, in particular xiaomi and oppo have assembly production in india. still thinking about the ideal home, it's time to switch to domclick to find housing for any, even the most daring taste, with a mortgage for building a house, a new building or secondary housing, choose what everyone likes, on domclick everyone will find housing for themselves, a loan with cashback. from spera is even more opportunities, an amount of up to 30 million rubles.
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apply in 5 minutes in the application and receive monthly cashback with sberbank thank you bonuses. if anything, we can in the evening, if anything, it will not work. if anything, we will swim. these are symptoms of prostatitis, langitaza, promote the breakdown of fibrous tissue and help eliminate the consequences of prostatitis. langidaza against prostatitis. open a free account for investments in alfa bank. and get a gift, not just profitable, alpha is profitable, watch the match rubin
8:42 am
zenit fonbet russian cup in football on august 14, one of my friends has the fastest mobile internet, cool video, what a high speed, you haven't connected yet with 5g, although you better not need it, megaphone number one in terms of coverage speed. when you're an adult, it's so easy to forget that joy lives. inside us, but this is a real superpower, more joyful moments with holy spring water, with fruit flavors, the source of joy is in you, credit card debts are attacking, i'll show you a couple of tricks, we collect all credit card debts on one hall, we conveniently pay off 24 months, and also don't forget about shopping installments, holva - simple installment methods, pintalgin - remedies against different types
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of pasha, look, what magic, yes, 35% cashback for everyone, as you found out, the most important thing, will not pass by me, apply for a debit card with 35% cashback on everything most important, gazprombank, installment plan plushback 24%. laptop on i3 processor for only 29.99. the main expert on technology, so that you have time to finish everything this summer, we collected in avito.
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ingushetia sent one and a half times more funds to support farmers this year than a year earlier, the amount exceeded 170 million rubles, about this was reported by the head of the republic, makhmud ali kalimatov. we continue to actively support farmers cooperatives, including. we provide them with grants for the implementation of their ideas and projects. this year, grants in the amount of more than 171 million rubles
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were received by 65 peasant farms , three cooperatives. of these, 53 peasant farms received grants for agrostartup creation and development of farms. the largest grant is 6 million rubles. russia and indonesia plan to develop a cooperation program in the far eastern federal district and the arctic. about this the ministry of east development reports. key areas are logistics, cargo transportation, sowing paths participation in the creation of the russian-indian eastern sea corridor, the far east of china. russia supplies. to indonesia primarily coal, oil and metals, and agricultural exports to the republic last year exceeded 280 million dollars, which is six times more than the year before. the crisis in germany is growing, vice chancellor robert habeck announced the deterioration of the economic situation in the country. according to him, the measures that the government is taking, is not yet enough. the economic crisis is increasingly
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entrenched at a level of stagnation that no one... can be satisfied with the measures that have been taken so far are not enough to overcome high interest rates, the lack of demand from abroad, and the structural problems that we have in germany. earlier, the center for european economic research in magnemi published an index of economic expectations of financial experts. in august, it fell much more than economists expected by 22.5 points and reached minimum values ​​in the last 2 years. international investors are concerned about the state of the american economy, this is evidenced by the data of the august survey of bank of america. it was attended by 220 portfolio managers, who manage 590 billion dollars. 39% of respondents call the recession of the us economy a key risk with unpredictable consequences for the world. concerns are caused by
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weak statistics. in july, the business activity index in the us manufacturing sector fell to the minimum value since november last year, analysts expected it to grow. the unemployment rate also turned out to be worse than expected, as a result, the financial market started talking about the risks of a hard landing of the american economy. goldman sachs increased the probability of a recession within a year from 15 to 25%, well, in jp morgan from 25 to 35%. and that 's all i have for now, more news in the next hour. we watch to spend time with children. russian cartoons and children's programs, watch in the application or on the website. the volume of hotel construction in russia is growing, this year throughout the country 3,000 new rooms will appear. last year there were two times less, while more and more hotels are managed by large operators.
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alena lugvinova will tell you about how the industry is changing. this year, developers will build 3,000 rooms throughout russia, which is twice as much as the year before, but there is an interesting trend: more and more new hotels are managed by large chain operators. 2,000 rooms will go to kosmos hotel group, azimut hotels, montera group, zond hotel group, safmar hotels. this is over 70%. last year, the figure was at the level 44%. one of the hotels of the cosmos group opened in april in moscow. this is the fifth smart hotel in the portfolio. the company's seventh in the capital. in total, the network includes 35 hotels, which have about 10 thousand rooms. literally over the past year, we have doubled the number of rooms in different cities of our country. according to our forecasts for 2024, our occupancy will reach about 80%. the new hotel near
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the semenovskoye metro station includes 120 rooms, primarily aimed at business travelers. and tourist groups, such city hotels of the budget categories are in high demand among travelers, last summer the capital hotels of the chain were 80% full. opened in the east, because there were almost no hotels of this level in the east yet, and a very interesting facility for corporate guests, many companies that are located here on sokolinnaya gora, are happy to stay with us, in november of this year mantero group will open a luxury hotel in sochi, but ... will be located on the federal territory of sirius, on an area of ​​6 hectares there will be residence buildings, a congress center for 1,300 people, more than 20 recreation and entertainment facilities, as well as a swimming pool complex. as we were told, this niche in the russian market is not filled, according to various estimates, the demand for such accommodation has grown by 40% over the past 2 years. with the departure of the chains, we received, on the one hand, enormous
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stress for the industry, which is associated with the rejection of those hospitality standards that were familiar and which were brought to us by foreigners, but fortunately during this time we managed to absorb and integrate these standards into our own management companies. volumes hotel construction is growing for several reasons: first of all, government support, including the program of preferential lending for tourism infrastructure, tax breaks, and subsidies. in addition, the development of tourism stimulates investors to launch new projects. in january-june, the number of trips around the country increased by more than 20%. year-on-year. 90% of people choose to travel around russia, and it must be said that this is not only the black sea coast, but also baikal, the urals, and... murmansk oblast, where they essentially began to travel everywhere, flies to vladivostok. sooner or later, three-star hotels reach the level
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of cost of a standard room of about 100 dollars, four stars 150 dollars, that is 13-15 thousand, well, fives, accordingly , unlimited. the number of foreign tourists in the first half of the year increased by 30%. travelers from china are especially interested in russia. foreign guests choose. mainly large chain hotels. according to experts' forecasts, in the next 3 years the market will be replenished with an even greater number of hotels. alena logvinov, alexander dvornikov and nikolay purtov, news. briefly about the main news by this hour. over the night, 117 ukrainian drones and four tactical missiles were shot down over russian regions. in the avdiivka direction, the russian geetsent howitzer destroyed artillery mounts of the ukrainian armed forces on the kursk drone-lance. a stryker armored vehicle was hit. the cooling tower at the zaporizhzhya nuclear power plant, which was damaged after shelling by the ukrainian armed forces, may be dismantled. experts from the international atomic
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energy agency continue to inspect the site of the fire. but the causes of the emergency in magat are still unknown they call it. another missile attack on northern israel from lebanon, hezbollah reportedly launched at least 40 missiles. some of them reached the target despite the air defense systems of the victims. the israeli side did not report. biden, as us vice president, played an active role in the coup d'etat in ukraine. this was acknowledged by the former head of the european and asian department, the japanese foreign ministry. according to him, it was thanks to biden's efforts that the maidan and the subsequent split in ukraine began. and vladimir putin, the current head of the white house, was perceived as his personal enemy since the early 2000s. at the end of our issue pogude. summer warmth will return to the central region, today forecasters are already promising a rise in temperature in moscow, but there will be no precipitation, and tatyana belova has a more detailed forecast. summer is returning to central
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russia, but beyond the urals autumn coolness and rain await, where today a third of the monthly precipitation norm can pour out in just one day, when the thermometer in moscow again reaches the +25 mark. this is the weather, a joint project of the russia 24 tv channel, center. fobs i am tatyana belova. hello. the anticyclone will squeeze out rain clouds from the central region today. the fuse of the unbearable cyclone began to cut out the day before. on tuesday, thunderstorm cells swirled over the entire russian plain, but there were no floods of strong squalls. in the urals, precipitation was stronger. for example, in chelyabinsk, lemnevka they did not always have time to drain rainwater, but the city withstood the blow of bad weather with dignity. afterwards , an unusually beautiful rainbow appeared in the sky, and one of the residents even managed to photograph it, where did she get it from? here in dagestan the elements were really rough, these shots are from the village of kidi in the tsumadinsky district, cows were being driven home from the pasture when a mudflow came down the river bed, several
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animals were carried away by the strong current, but most of them still managed to get out on the shore, extreme rains disrupted transport links in the southwest of the republic, several roads were damaged by mudflows, 10 settlements were cut off from the outside world, what huge stones are flying stones. look, yes, guess what, everything was blown away, the bridge, the road, everything. meanwhile, extreme heat has returned to crimea. the day before, the air in yalta warmed up to 34.5°. the last time such a strong day came here was in mid-july. against the backdrop of hot and dry weather , landscape fires have begun in the region again. and today, the ridge of the solar anticyclone, which keeps the hot summer in the black sea region, will spread to the west of the russian plain. at the same time, in the east of the region, there will still be a cyclone and the weather here will be more reminiscent of early autumn. you see, in the south-west of european russia the coming day will pass without significant precipitation, here is the eastern line
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vologda tombs, the sky will still be covered with rain clouds, and although now the most intense showers will be observed in the urals, here in places over 10-20 mm of lag can pour out for the sudki, cloud fields will significantly limit the influx of solar heat to the earth's surface. as a result, in the east the russian plain will be... cool, in the western regions atmospheric processes will again be rebuilt in a summer way, and such the contrasting temperature regime will remain at least until the end of the current week. let 's move on to the forecasts. in khantamansiysk today is the rainiest day of the summer. according to model estimates, about 25 mm of precipitation will fall on the city, this is almost 30% of the entire august norm. at the same time, the thermometers will barely reach the +16 mark. cheese and cool weather will linger in the capital of yugra until... friday, but in the south of russia and further there will be sunny warmth, for example, in simferopol until sunday, the probability of precipitation is small. today in the city about +29, this is how it should be at this time of year,
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but for... the temperature will go up on the weekend , at midday the heat will increase to 32-3. in central russia , significant precipitation is also unlikely in the coming days, the period of cold temperature anomaly has ended, so today and tomorrow in the capital it will already be +22, which corresponds to the average long-term value, but this is only the beginning of warming, on the weekend the daytime temperature will rise to 25-26, and this is even warmer than it usually is in july. that's all for me, goodbye.
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a regional emergency regime has been in effect in the dilgorod region since today . what is the situation as of this hour? russian air defense forces tonight. russia exchanged some of the blocked foreign securities. the economic editorial office has all the details. hezbollah fired about 40 missiles at israel, and iran announced military exercises in the caspian sea. we will tell you the details.
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it is raining in the danish region and yakutia in the urals, and warming is expected in the capital region. what is the weather forecast for other regions? in belgorod oblast has entered into a regional emergency regime, governor vyacheslav glotkov announced today. the situation in our belgorod oblast continues to be extremely difficult and tense. daily shelling by the ukrainian armed forces, destroyed houses, wounded, dead, civilians. therefore, we are making a decision from today throughout the belgorod oblast, in order to provide additional protection to the population, in order to provide additional support to the victims, to declare a regional emergency level with a subsequent appeal to the government commission with a request to declare a state of emergency at the federal
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level. we continue to take our children outside the region to safe children's health camps, there are currently 5,000 children there. at the beginning of the year, three 33,000 belgorod children had a rest. and now to the kursk region, where our drones and aircraft are striking the ukrainian armed forces. the situation in the border areas is tense. over the past 24 hours , approximately 2,000 more residents left their homes. there are 77 temporary accommodation points operating. our special correspondent stanislav bernval joins the broadcast from the region. stas, hello, what is the situation at the moment and how did last night go? sasha, hello, well, just a few minutes ago the missile threat was cancelled, it was announced exactly an hour ago before the previous live broadcast. last night it was announced two more times, also on residents' phones.


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