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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 14, 2024 10:30am-11:01am MSK

10:30 am
a comprehensive development program is being implemented, please keep all issues related to this under personal control, andrey vach. these were shots of a meeting between prime minister mikhail mishustin and the head of the rosseti company , andrey ryuminov. people who serve in intelligence are not even physically strong, but simply stronger in spirit, a maroon beret is a symbol, that's what he wears, i believe that there should be a model in everything, people should reach for it, it's impossible to do worse, it's possible to do better, we've always had this motto in life, pushed
10:31 am
these people into the doorway and, probably, this everything is a dream, and you want to open your eyes and wake up. we will take on this case, it will be an honest detective story. are you used to watching videos online? has it stopped working? install, open, watch. russian channels. all tv series, movies
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and cartoons, educational programs and documentaries, watch, watch in the application or on the website. it's 10:32 in moscow, we are finishing the morning news broadcast, here are its results. russian
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air defense systems shot down 117 drones, the enemy and four tactical missiles overnight. as reported by the ministry of defense, drone attacks were recorded immediately in eight regions, most of them were in the kurdish and voronezh regions. in the belgorod region , a state of emergency at the regional level has been introduced from today, as the governor stated, this is necessary for additional protection of the population and support for the victims. he said that he also intends to contact the government commission to... federal level ich. according to him, three more settlements were shelled. the russian guard ensures the legal regime of the counter-terrorism operation in the border regions, they are working in the kursk pryany and belgorod regions. the crews, in particular, conduct reconnaissance, monitor enemy movements, identify hidden strongholds of the ukrainian armed forces, and conduct remote mining of enemy positions.
10:34 am
the german prosecutor's office has put a ukrainian diver on the wanted list; allegedly, a certain vladimir, along with two acquaintances, is involved in blowing up the northern streams. he lived in poland, but now they cannot find him. presumably, all three were on the crew of the sailing yacht andromeda. however, let me remind you that experts refuted the amateur divers' version last year. now we'll switch to advertising, and then on air russia-24, the program "fifth studio". i 'm saying goodbye to you on this, until tomorrow, until we meet again and good news! the loyalty program with berspasibo has been updated and has become even more profitable with a subscription to izberim, plus two top cashback categories, 1% on everything, twice as many bonuses every month, in sber it's more profitable with prime!
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10:39 am
studio 5 is on air, my name is anton potkovenko, let's start with the results of the official visit of palestinian leader mahmoud abas to moscow. vladimir putin spent... with him - negotiations at his residence in novoogorovo near moscow, the focus is on the situation in the middle east in the context of the palestinian-israeli conflict, which has escalated recently, as well as the unprecedentedly difficult humanitarian situation in the gaza strip. on the line with the fifth studio is andrei boklanov, deputy chairman of the association of russian diplomats, professor at the faculty of world economy and world politics at nevshe, and russian ambassador to saudi arabia. so, vladimir putin emphasized that the events in palestine are not going unnoticed by russia, despite the special military operation, and mahmoud abbas in turn said that we believe in you, we trust you,
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this is a quote. what would you call the main results, the main outcomes, the key accents of the negotiations that took place? the main results are as follows: we confirmed as a result of this meeting that we will continue to feel one of the main. outside the regional participants in everything that is happening in the middle east in terms of getting out of the crisis, overcoming this military situation and the eventual solution of the palestinian-israeli confrontation, that is, we confirmed the formats that we have, starting from the fact that we, together with the americans, are co-sponsors of the madrid conference,
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i say again, this is the capital of one of the co-sponsors of the peace process, in order
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to confirm our application for the opinion of the leadership of the palestinian authority to be taken into account when resolving all major political issues, because now you see that a somewhat modified and reduced negotiating format, this is hamas or its... representatives - these are - regional mediators only, qatar, egypt and so on. so, it turns out, there are two floors of the negotiation process, the first is now used to solve the most acute seven-minute, humanitarian and other problems, the second format will arise with our participation, when the talk turns to returning to what is called the "middle east peace process". here we find ourselves at the head of this process. so, just about the negotiations, let's
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let's look into this in a little more detail. so, it turns out that mahmoud abas's current visit to moscow took place against the backdrop of the operation, respectively, of israel in the gaza strip, against the backdrop of the recent death, very loud in tygeran, of the head of the hamas politburo , ismail haniyeh, on august 15, that is , negotiations are scheduled for tomorrow on the ceasefire agreement, in the gaza strip itself. and raeytors, in particular , reports that iran will postpone the attack on israel, well, in response to the murder of the head of the hamas politburo, it will postpone this attack, in the event that peace will be achieved in the gas sector. at the same time, iran, uh, is not considering the possibility of sending its representatives to the upcoming negotiations, at least, this is what the associated press reports. and hamas, too, here is the next, so to speak, link and article, refuses to participate in the gas negotiations on august 15, because in... this is a quote and
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sky news reports this with reference to representatives of the movement. so, andrey glepovich, in your opinion, is it possible for these negotiations to take place tomorrow , august 15, if they are possible, then in what format it can be, well and in general, so to speak, dialogue in the middle east, it is as far as now possible again, because. are not limited, now basically, of course, for israel the problem is
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to dull criticism of the government because of the internal political situation, that it has not been able to resolve the issue of the release of hostages for a long period of time, but the hostage is the only thing that hamas has in its hands as a trump card, therefore it is unlikely that hamas will agree to resolve this... issues without getting something in return, that is, here is the main plot, it eludes the possibility of its real solution, therefore... in general, in principle, negotiations are not aimed mainly at exchanging arguments and so on. solving the problem, so that each participant has peace within their own,
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their own camp, and for the israelis , the domestic political factor prevails over foreign policy, despite the severity of the situation, for iran, too, it is very worried that criticism will not intensify in relation to the fact that they promised to strike back, and to there is still no such thing, there is also a difficult situation there, there is information, maybe it is not very accurate, that in iran there is such an ambiguous situation, the americans, as can be seen from their latest documents, they are now making the main emphasis. in the fight against iran, precisely on the destruction of domestic political unity , using this ambiguous situation that has been created so that inside the country, inside iran, criticism of the leadership would increase, therefore, the participants in the negotiations, direct or oblique, as in the case of iran, they have, you understand, here they are
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the position is not very defined, it has many components that are fuzzy...
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so to speak, well, firstly, between israel and the united states of america there are two levels, one visible interaction, this is what the president, vice president, the state department talk about, and those contacts that occur on such a cynical basis between professionals, diplomats, between representatives of the special services, especially between the military, they have well-established contacts of their own, they decide.
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there was constant tension in the region, so that the arabs do not understand too much about themselves, so that they behave quite modestly, do not press too much, do not demand too much, as sometimes happens, the restructuring of international financial and economic regulations in the world of strengthening their positions in the international monetary fund, so that they do not have time for this, so that they are tied hand and foot by acute conflicts... situations, on the other hand, the americans, now they are, in fact , really not very interested in a big war, which would drag them themselves, firstly, the military, i think, they they are categorically against something unfolding there, because after all, modern war is a poorly studied field, and there may be unexpected, very serious
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consequences for the united states navy, but if one or... ships are sunk, which is quite possible, the resonance will be colossal, the damage to reputation will be colossal, the damage to the ability to export their weapons will be very great, so the americans are walking on very thin ice, trying to have on one side, on a high or on a the tension was at its highest, there was going to be a war any minute. and so on, so that they would buy weapons, the arabs are rich, but on the other hand, so that they themselves would not get involved in military action, although in principle they did get involved. about a fifth more than usual of their own ships, they already have large bases there, however, what is it worth, well, just in case, of course, they
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now have additional weapons, but they have no great desire to personally get involved, oleg lepovich, well, and the final question, probably i will ask, without which it is absolutely impossible to do, there is a lot of talk about the risk of a major war in the middle east, experts talk about it, politicians talk about it, and diplomats talk about it, please tell me, how big is it in your opinion, is it growing, how likely is such a scenario to develop? well, if a war were necessary, it would have been happening there a long time ago, which means that by and large such a war with countries that are participating in the confrontation is not necessary, especially iran, of course, does not want to fight, on the contrary, it needs to overcome the system sanctions, to enter into normal relations in the region and in the world as a whole, but you know, when...
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"most likely, in the near future, there will still be such a fragile, unstable situation, and it is also connected with the fact that the goal, which is where it all began, the event in gaza, and these events in fact were not to destroy hamas's infrastructure there, they were to displace from the territory of gaza, the main part of the population that lives there, the arabs."
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to fight with weapons against the occupiers, against military and political presence of israel. thank you, thank you very much, andrey
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glebovich for the most detailed story analysis. andrey baklanov, deputy chairman of the association of russian diplomats, professor of the faculty of world economy and world politics niushe, ambassador of russia to saudi arabia, was in touch with the fifth studio, in 2000-2005 we discussed the situation in the middle east. it was the fifth studio, see you, sale, where did you buy, buy men's trousers h&m for 1,449 rubles, remember what they told you when you decided to open a business, but you are a girl, it it's not a woman's business, but you didn't listen. after all, you 're doing everything wrong, go on, we're giving businesses 3 months of free acquiring, and also a terminal
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10:56 am
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10:59 am
a regional emergency regime has been in place in the belgorod region since today. what does this mean for the region's population, which is again under fire from the ukrainian armed forces? in the neighboring kursk region, our air defense shot down 37 drones, and three more ukrainian soldiers were captured. the cabinet of ministers will allocate 600 million rubles for one-time payments to victims; moscow doctors are actively helping residents. we will tell you the details. fire in a shopping center in the southwest of moscow rio, rescuers managed to stop the flames that engulfed four floors. why did it catch fire and what is there now? germany has put a ukrainian diver on the wanted list, he may be involved in blowing up the northern streams. what is known about him? who else did german prosecutors declare terrorist divers? and
11:00 am
france is discussing how... macron rode a jet ski. gabriel otal is boxing and counting on revenge. and who is lucy kostec and what to expect from the left? the country is again plunging into a political crisis after the olympics, is there a way out? russian air defense systems shot down 117 ukrainian drones and four tactical missiles overnight. this was reported by the defense ministry. the enemy attacked eight russian regions at once. according to the military department, most of the drones were destroyed. this list also includes belgorod, nizhny novgorod, volgograd regions, in addition, copters were spotted in bryansk, oryol and rostov regions. in the border regions of russia, where the counter-terrorism operation regime has been declared, units of the russian national guard are actively operating, ensuring the safety of residents. how the department's press service reported that the fighters are participating in the search for and liquidation of saboteur groups, maintaining law and order, and the crews are also monitoring the movement of counter-.


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