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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 14, 2024 3:30pm-4:01pm MSK

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it is easy to get confused in the facts when you see only part of the overall picture, the pursuit of views changes entire locations, it is easy to do, we will expose all the fakes.
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now economic news, briefly. the embargo on gasoline exports has been extended until the end of the year. the decree appeared on the government website, the decision was made for... for the period from the end of may to july inclusive , the current ban was suspended, since there was no shortage of gasoline on the domestic market. mortgage issuance in russia for july, compared to the same period last year, decreased three times, both in terms of the number of loans and in terms of volume. in total , 300 billion rubles worth of loans were issued in a month. this dynamic was caused
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by the end of some preferential state programs, according to the united credit bureau. at the same time, compared to june of this year, the number of housing loans has decreased by 57%, and the volume by 65%. in addition , the main market indicators are also changing. the share of mortgages for new apartments has fallen significantly, the average cost has reached a five-year high. japan's restrictions have not been reduced in a year import of japanese cars in primorye. 144,000 cars were registered in the first 7 months of this year, of which 26,000 were issued in july alone. vladivostok customs provides data comparable to 2023. let me remind you that in july last year, the japanese authorities announced a ban on the export to russia of new and used gasoline and diesel cars with an engine capacity of more than 1.9 liters, as well as all hybrids and electric vehicles without exception. and revenue. telecom in the second
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quarter grew by almost 10%, amounting to about 180 billion rubles. net profit exceeded the forecast + 43% compared to the same period of the twenty-third, this is data from the company's report on international standards. the main contribution to revenue growth was made by the mobile business, as well as the promotion of complex digital products in the segment for entrepreneurs. rostelecom's revenue from mobile services increased by 13%, exceeding 65. these were economic news, in short. a loan with cashback from sber is even more opportunities. amount up to 30 million rubles. apply in 5 minutes in the application and receive monthly cashback bonuses sberspasibo. what do we bring from savita's travels? cashback
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apply for a loan with cashback. motsmera in 5 minutes in a mobile application. urgent messages are coming from france, two military aircraft have crashed there. according to some sources, we are talking about mirage fighters. and the figaro publication publishes fresh data, specifying that everything happened in the sky over the department.
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to all residents of bashkartastan and thank for such consolidation. 130 humanitarian convoy is of course a very serious contribution to help to our guys who are on the front line today, and seven cars are leaving today for kursk, there is also a very difficult tense situation there, so i want to personally thank faridovich. today, a very large number of representatives of united russia and the young guard are working in kursk, and of course. we receive feedback from there, what is needed, and those cars that are leaving today from bashkartastan, just meet the need, from the moment when the invasion took place a week ago, accordingly, we communications with the governor, the executive authority of the region, and we are working on
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the tasks that they set for us, what they need, so i immediately said that we are ready to accept children, we are ready to accept families, in principle we will always find someone for this, we will make room, as they say, always. and cargo. and, in addition, they got acquainted with the new armored special vehicles. by the way, this time , an updated version of this special equipment will be sent for the first time. this time. and, by the way, i forgot to mention that this special equipment is produced in our region. so this time the developers improved the design and added - additionally, or rather, it is covered with means of protection against kamikaze drones, plus everything else that it is armored. in the area of ​​the event.
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showers, bedding, and of course, accessories for babies and schoolchildren,
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in general, it is difficult to convey how much was sent today to the kursk region in the svo area, but, but if you translate everything into a weight equivalent, then the republic collected more than 10 tons, 10 thousand tons of humanitarian aid. alexey, yes, gulshat, thank you, we are following behind the topic, gulshat valeeva from ufa. about how bashkiria helps border regions. a new stage of the tenth all-russian youth educational forum territory of smyslov is taking place in the senizh management workshop. today, russian finance minister anton siluanov spoke there. he told how the country manages to withstand financial pressure and even gave advice on where it is better to invest. our correspondent anna boronina has the details. in his meeting with participants of the territory of smyslov forum, the minister of finance of the russian federation. it is extremely important for russia,
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as the independence of our money, our economy, our development from external factors, and also from other countries. he noted that russia has managed to achieve significant results in this direction. our country has acquired its own financial shield, which allows the russian economy to grow despite external restrictions. those who introduced these restrictions suffered. we see what economic growth rates, how... the population in the same western countries, especially in western european countries, and what rates do we have? we are now among the four strongest countries in economic development from the point of view of purchasing power priority. ahead of us are china, the usa, india, we have overtaken japan, germany, france, and today we are among the countries with a high level of income of the population. incidentally, this is the highest indicator of the four gradations that exist, that is, this is also worth something. we are talking about
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the formation of both an independent economy and technological sovereignty. anton siluanov noted that in the last two decades alone, russia has had to face several price shocks, including changes in oil prices, the challenges of the pandemic, as well as geopolitical challenges, the minister explained to those gathered both the changes in the key rate and how it is connected with the activity of the russian economy. cools economic activity through raising interest rates, and we, through
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budget spending, on the contrary, stimulate the economy, so it is important to find this golden mean, the golden balance between stimulation and, accordingly, stimulation of the economy and, accordingly , budget stability. raised by anton siluanov and the topic of taxation, the system of which will change next year, taking into account the demands of the population and business, the system itself, as the minister noted. will be fairer. the minister also emphasized that business here must be directed with financial support from the state, which again budget funds are directed to, it is important to tell entrepreneurs where.
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sanese started the crimean round-the-world trip, an international expedition along the route of the famous historical route of the izvoryak to the greeks. students will take part in it, researchers from russia and four other countries. olga chernetskaya found out what they will travel on and what they will study. the expedition, which united three continents and five countries in the crimean round-the-world trip, gathered researchers
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from russia, armenia, kazakhstan, lebanon and nigeria. the place of the first meeting is the new khersones museum nakhramovo.
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acquiring, and also a cash register terminal, open a free account for business, alfa bank is the best bank for business, sale, where did you buy a megamarket, school style, buy. garden non-profit partnership allows summer residents to jointly solve many issues, this is landscaping, and communications and safety, but if the owners of the plots decided that it is more profitable to deal with the problems on their own. snt can be liquidated. what needs to be done for this, we will tell you in 5 minutes in this issue of the program instruction. let's start with the fact that the decision to liquidate can
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only be made by the general meeting of the members of the partnership. more than 50% of gardeners must take part in it, and at least 2/3 of them must vote for it. if this is exactly what happened, the general meeting must elect a liquidation commission, it is the one that will have to carry out a number of necessary procedures further. to begin with, place the information on the fedresurs portal - this is a single federal register of information on the facts of the activities of legal entities, individual entrepreneurs and other economic entities. when the snt decides on voluntary liquidation, a liquidation commission is appointed, the liquidator, and he submits this information within three days after such a decision is made to fedresurs. after this , he is also the applicant when filling out the form to the tax authorities and subsequently placing the state bulletins registration, the corresponding form 1501 is submitted to the tax authorities, subsequently a notification in the bulletin and after that the liquidation procedure begins.
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why are publications on the federal resource in the state registration bulletin needed, mainly so that creditors receive information about a possible liquidation and apply for debt reimbursement? we have a deadline of 2 months for creditors to apply if there are any. snt debts to creditors, not government agencies, i mean not tax authorities. in the event the presence of debt on tax payments, of course, will not be possible to liquidate voluntarily, since after all it is a debt to the state. therefore, in this case, if there is a large debt there is more than 300,000 rubles. of course, it is already worth thinking about the issue of bankruptcy of such an organization. as for debts to commercial structures, then to pay them off , an interim liquidation balance is needed. it is made in the form of a regular accounting report approved at a general meeting, here is what information must be in it on the composition of the property of a legal entity, in
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our case snt, a list of claims made by creditors, the results of consideration of the presented claims, finally, a list of satisfied court decisions on claims, regardless of whether the liquidation commission confirmed these claims or not, if the property is sufficient to satisfy the claims. creditors , the liquidation continues, if not, a decision is made on bankruptcy. in the overwhelming majority of cases, unfortunately, now in the event of a debt of snt we have before, for example, energy supply organizations and the impossibility of their payment, in this case, energy supply organizations file a lawsuit for bankruptcy of such snt. if the debts were repaid, or there were none at all, at the general meeting, the liquidation balance of the snt is approved, etc., the fact is recorded that the final amount suited everyone, and the common property that remains is also reflected, it must be divided between the members of the partnership, this is an important
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point that also concerns and ... property at the time of liquidation of the snt, it is better to formalize the right property on the plot, if you have not done so yet, otherwise there is a risk that your land will become the property of the state, after the liquidation balance is accepted, the general meeting will only have to close the partnership's bank account, transfer the information to the social fund and send the liquidation balance to the tax office along with a new application, if everything is done correctly, the tax office will register the liquidation procedure, make... a corresponding entry in the unified state register and the gardening partnership will cease its existence. let's repeat the main stages of liquidation of snt, the decision on it is made by the meeting of members of the partnership. it also selects the liquidation commission, which sends the application to the tax office and makes publications on fedresurs in the state registration bulletin. an interim liquidation balance is approved, then after paying off creditors, the final documents
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are sent to the tax office, which makes. common property between the owners of the plots and do you have any questions, want to know how to divide can a summer cottage village become a populated area, watch our episodes, subscribe to us on telegram, we will talk about the consequences of the liquidation of snt in one of the next episodes of the program instruction. this is russia 24, right now the main facts of the day in the studio georgy podgorny.
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rallied helps, humanitarian aid from the regions of russia is arriving in kursk, what do people need and how can you help? meanwhile, the evacuation of residents in the kursk region continues, we will tell you how many and where exactly temporary aid points have been deployed accommodation. kaliningrad will become even closer. air tickets to the region will continue to be subsidized . branches of the bolshoi theater tretyakov gallery will open soon. how will the westernmost region of the country develop? details
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of vladimir putin's working meeting with '. germany has issued an arrest warrant for a certain vladimir z., they say he is a ukrainian diver who planted explosives on the nord stream pipelines. but there are still questions: can we trust the investigation, where russia was not allowed, or is this an attempt to appoint a culprit to close a scandalous case? limited default is just the beginning rating agency about financial... kiev has not transferred the promised hundreds of millions of dollars, creditors are suffering losses, how will this affect aid to the west? kamala harris changes the headlines about herself to the most positive ones, and her media people finish drawing the crowd, which is greeted with an ovation. there is unrest in trump's headquarters, hackers could have stolen financial documents the candidate himself is going to venezuela in case of loss, why? details of the pre-election hooliganism? mare flood, near
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mormansk, mysterious haze, in sverdlovsk regions noticed something strange, similar to a tornado. our meteorologists about the mysteries of the weather, when will the warmth return to the capital region? the russian military once again prevented the groups of the armed forces of ukraine from breaking through deep into the kursk region. over the past 24 hours , the armed forces of ukraine lost up to 270 soldiers and 16 armored vehicles, including two tanks, in the border area. 18. servicemen of the armed forces of ukraine were taken prisoner. mobile groups of the armed forces of ukraine, which were moving from the border, met our unit. attempts to break through deep into russian territory were unsuccessful. only in the area korenevo-cherkesskaya porechnaya, here on the map, six attacks were repelled. and in the area of ​​martynovka, two enemy groups were destroyed. and here are fresh shots from the ministry of defense, just from this area on them captured uaf soldiers of the eightieth and eighty-second airborne assault brigades.


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