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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 14, 2024 5:30pm-6:01pm MSK

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russia has appreciated the firmness of the serbian leadership in opposing attempts to organize a color revolution, the head of the russian foreign ministry said. the talks took place today. storno also agreed to develop cooperation between moscow and belgrade? it is very important to develop cooperation in all areas, especially in a situation where natural relations between states that want to work together are subject to unprecedented attacks.
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how can berlin help kiev then, if believe that it was the ukrainians who deprived them of cheap russian gas, and in general, how ordinary divers, in berlin's opinion, were able to blow up such an important strategic facility, natalia goncherova tried to figure everything out. in the photo is a citizen of ukraine, a diving instructor vladimir. according to the german prosecutor's office, it was he, an ordinary employee of the kiev diving school, who found accomplices and went to the pipelines in the nord stream to arrange an explosion. there are two other citizens of ukraine under suspicion of committing the crime, too. including a woman. at present, all three have already left the territory of germany. after the arrest warrant was issued, diver vladimir fled to ukraine. german security forces were unable to find the ukrainian who allegedly carried out a terrorist attack of global scale at a strategically important facility. but journalists quickly found him. vladimir received a call from german media that were conducting an investigation. he said that... he was guilty and hung up,
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and deep-sea divers also claim that vladimir is a front man in this game. firstly, an ordinary diver without special training simply will not be able to dive to a depth of about 80 m, especially with explosives, for this you need the skills of a combat swimmer. even the most experienced, let's say, diving instructor, for example, experienced, that is, a diver, these are two big differences, for these actions they use special sabotage groups, special. training, first, special training in working with explosives, but a trained professional, that is, a military man, if we are talking about some civilian, well , we think it is impossible, in addition to physical training, which civilians cannot have, a diver who could carry out such a sabotage must have a certain set of qualities, he must , that is, be ready for some decisive actions underwater, because water is,
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after all, an aggressive environment, the yacht andromeda deserves special attention, on which several ukrainian civilians, as the german prosecutor's office assures, brought explosives to the site of the terrorist attack, at first this yacht was associated with a certain ukrainian oligarch, then he quietly disappeared from the case itself and from media space. the fifteen-meter andromeda is perfect for luxury recreation, but it is impossible to transport the necessary amount of explosive equipment for a terrorist attack in it. the main thing is that it will be equipment, they must be equipped with a high-pressure compressor for filling with air, there must be, someday we will talk about, a sonar system, determining the directions of these flows, this is like everything for ... we will be on certain schemes, that is , on secret ones, on programs. earlier, both bilt and welt wrote that andromeda could used as a distraction from the real perpetrators of the terrorist attack. experts also put forward another version. they believe that the ukrainians could have been used as part of a cover operation. it is quite possible that western
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intelligence agencies really decided to play it safe, take several desperate ukrainian divers and even convince them that they were committing sabotage on a global scale. but in fact, a terrorist attack. or trained people under washington's control, if the situation does not go according to plan, all the threads will lead to the pawns, the diver vladimir and his friend. in addition clearing the tracks, the americans in this way once again showed the germans that berlin cannot conduct an independent policy of cooperation with russia. the americans, with the help of ukrainians , commit terrorist acts all over the world and take hostage, essentially, entire states on the continent. germany is now completely hostage. germany is now economically and politically completely dependent on the states. both denmark and sweden have completely stopped investigating the terrorist attack. allegedly, the countries do not have the necessary jurisdiction to open a criminal case. all materials handed over to the germans, but instead of answers to obvious questions, more and more blank spots are appearing. this was also pointed out by the famous journalist
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teymur hirsch. his investigation showed that the order for sabotage was given personally by joe biden, and it was carried out by the american military with the help of the norwegian army under cover. the americans were confident in this kind of destruction , i'm ready to bet on it. us military helicopters, which were usually based in gdansk, circled over the area. in addition, the americans threatened to put end of the nord streams. although reuters loudly declares, the investigation of the explosions is the highest priority for the german government. berlin cannot explain how ordinary ukrainian civilians, who figure in... were able to blow up an important strategic facility, how the andromeda with explosives on board passed so many port controls, remained unnoticed, approached the nord streams without additional papers, permits , patronage, a german fairy tale that is being spun with renewed vigor by western intelligence agencies. natalia goncharova, olga
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belotserkovskaya, news. and now a message from france, two military aircraft crashed there. according to the latest information, we are talking about a fighter. it is already known that one of the pilots has been found, he is wounded, but conscious, a search is underway for the other two pilots. in the west and germany, in the city of galilean-kirchin , a military air base where nato reconnaissance aircraft are based was closed today. it is believed that this happened due to suspicions of possible sabotage, and this is already the second such news today, and earlier it became known that on at another facility, the german air force base in cologne-wahn , the tap water was allegedly poisoned. the authorities also suspect sabotage, local media reported
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, citing their own sources. according to their information, the water at the facility became undrinkable, and several employees developed health problems. the bandisphere believes that the water was poisoned by a specific saboteur, and a search is underway. a certain suspicious man who was spotted near the barracks and allegedly entered the premises through a hole in the fence. the barracks are now sealed and is cordoned off by the police and an investigation is underway. more than 500 servicemen serve at this airbase. the shpigil publication notes that those ukrainian military personnel who are undergoing training in germany fly out to poland from this base before returning to ukraine. now economic news, briefly. the embargo on exports. has been extended until the end of the year. the resolution appeared on the government website. the decision was made to maintain a stable situation on the fuel market during seasonal work, as well as scheduled repairs carried out at oil refineries factories. the current ban
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was suspended for the period from late may to july inclusive, as there was no shortage of gasoline on the domestic market. fesca is launching a new regular sea freight line between vietnam and malaysia. it will allow, among other things, to deliver. additional volumes of cargo from southeast asian countries to russia. containers will be sent once a week. transit time between ports will be 3 days. the first call to malaysia as part of the new route for... on august 17. rostelecom's revenue in the second quarter increased by almost 10%, amounting to about 180 billion rubles. net profit exceeded the forecast plus 43% compared to the same period of the twenty-third year. this is data from the company's report on international standards. the main contribution to revenue growth was made by the mobile business, as well as the promotion of digital products in the segment for entrepreneurs. rostelecom's revenue from mobile services increased by ... and mikhail fridman filed a lawsuit against luxembourg for 16 billion
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dollars, as vedomosti writes, the founder of alfa group is going to challenge the legitimacy the mechanism of western sanctions itself. the trial will take place at the hong kong international arbitration centre. fridman's interests are defended by a group of lawyers, including the wife of former british prime minister tony blair. at the same time, even if the sanctions are lifted, mikhail fridman will withdraw the claim, as he believes that his reputation as a businessman has been significantly damaged. these were economic news, in brief. rosseti increased its revenue in the first half of this year. it amounted to more than 720 billion rubles. this was reported by the company's ceo andrey ryumin at a meeting with prime minister mikhail mishustin. they also talked about the use of innovative technologies in energy supply, including in new russian regions , which concerns the investment program. so that all the innovative solutions and technologies that you are developing today, including
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domestic technologies, software, are also used in our new regions, in the lpr, dpr, in the kherson and zaporizhia regions, which is very important here, we transferred to the balance of the russian grids, the power grid equipment in these regions, as it goes work? since march 2022, the rosseti group has been actively involved in the restoration of energy infrastructure in... new entities, we also participate in the implementation of programs for the socio-economic development of new entities of the russian federation. we have created two branches, the donbass branch and the tablichesky branch. we pay great attention to ensuring that our employees are provided with everything they need, these are protective equipment, tools, special clothing, emergency supplies, we continue to restore energy facilities, replace damaged and worn-out turnover. we also implement in new subjects of construction of power supply centers,
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new power transmission lines, this is of course the most important task, the solution of which will strengthen the connection of new subjects of the russian federation with the unified energy system of russia. in the workshop management of senizh a new stage of the tenth all-russian youth-educational forum territory of meanings is taking place, and today the minister of finance of russia, anton selanov, spoke there. he told how the country manages to withstand. financial pressure even gave advice on where it is better to invest, our correspondent anna voronina has the details. the minister of finance of the russian federation, anton syulanov , began his meeting with the participants of the territory of meanings forum with such a concept as financial sovereignty, which is extremely important for russia today, as the independence of our money, our economy, our development from external factors, and also from other countries. he noted that russia has managed to achieve significant results in this direction, our country.
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tighten budget policy, that is, maintain a tight balance, the central bank will reduce interest rates, it's all interconnected, these are the laws of economics, because the central bank... cools economic activity through raising interest rates, and we, through budget spending, on the contrary, stimulate the economy, so it is important to find this golden mean, the golden balance between stimulation and, accordingly, - that means stimulation of the economy and, accordingly , budget stability. anton silunov raised the issue of taxation, the system of which in
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next year will change, taking into account the demands of the population of business, the system itself, as the minister noted. will be more fair. the minister also emphasized that here business must be directed with financial support from the state, which again budget funds are directed to, it is important to tell entrepreneurs where the taxes collected from them go. through taxes it is important - it means to hear business, it is important not to overdo it here, on the one hand, it is important to make sure that tax policy is stimulating, yes, it is important that business. paid and saw where the money was spent, not only business, but also people, so that they understood that yes, i paid part of my income, but this money went to health care, went to improving education, went to making roads better, and we see all this, by the way, recently, this is so, this is actually what is happening, they asked the minister a question, where is it better to invest
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money today, to which anton sulanov answered: it is better to invest finances in your own education, in your family. good afternoon, in general, the situation in the atmosphere will change little, the western half of the russian plain will still be in the area of ​​the solar anticyclone, so the volga region, the urals and siberia will remain in the epicenter of the bad weather. a volley of rain with hail hit samara in the first half of the day. the kirovsky district suffered the most from the bad weather,
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most of the streets of which are located in the lowlands. trucks and buses created waves on the roadway. several cars received a hydraulic shock, and pedestrians tried to cross the roads at a ford, i am now i'll go the same way, what's the point of standing there? the water didn't go away for a long time, and after the heavy rain had stopped, some drivers continued to wait for help on the roofs of their cars, when the sun was already shining brightly outside. look at the sea, the sea, just the sea, a disaster, and the residents of murmansk are surprised by the haze that has persisted over the city for the second day, it occurs, among other things, because of wildfires, the number of which has increased recently, only recently it was possible to localize the outbreaks on the sredniy peninsula, in a warm and
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mostly dry weather more and more people go out of town, make fires. then forget to put out the fire, the situation is serious, attention to the problem is being drawn, including murmansk guides, a huge amount of tundra is burning, please do not make fires in the tundra, and also, if you see, for example, abandoned glass, bottles lying on the tundra cover, please pick them up, because the sun works like a lens and a fire occurs, villagers. in the vicinity of the city of kamensk-uralsky in the sverdlovsk region were scared by the appearance of a funnel, a long trunk descended from a heap of rain clouds, although according to preliminary data it never reached the surface of the earth. hail, the size of a chicken egg, today smashed a car, destroyed greenhouses and damaged houses in buryatia.
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residents of two villages in the zaigraevsky district hid from pieces of ice flying from the sky. earlier, it suffered from flooding after heavy rains, tomorrow a non-national cyclone will continue to spoil the weather in siberia in the east of european russia, but residents of the western part of the region will be lucky more, the anticyclone will dominate here, so there will be few clouds and nothing will prevent the sun from warming the air, although there is a negative side to this, let's remember the wildfires on the kola peninsula, here by ... the scope after midday the thermometers will rise to +25, this is higher than the previous maximum recorded in 1958, needless to say that in such
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a situation the fire hazard will remain extreme, and the degree of bad weather in the east of the russian plain will gradually decrease, the cloud fields of the cyclone will gradually lose their moisture reserves, so the rains will weaken, so on thursday, then... as in some places in the urals and north-east siberia, about 10-15 mm of moisture may fall, but despite this, the clouds will still interfere with the sun, warming the ground layer of air, for example, kazan in the coming days will have quite september weather, rainy rains only +15-17 on thermometers, only on saturday the sun will start to peek out in the breaks in the clouds and the temperature will begin to approach... and in moscow, right up until the end of the week, significant precipitation
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is unlikely and only on monday in there may be some light rain in the metropolis, but it will not prevent the sun from warming the air. tomorrow in the capital it will be +22, and then the thermometer will rise to +23-26. the artillery, command posts, stations, rap and armored vehicles of the ukrainian armed forces are being destroyed by fighters of the viking special forces unit, the southern grouping of troops. operators of attack drones are working on targets. about combat work, a report by anton stepanenko. yes, they are really handsome. komikaz's aircraft-type drone destroyed a command post deep in the enemy's rear. we are already in them on average, well, at least about a week we watch them. to understand when they arrive, how many on average, to give reliable information, how many flights, there were six flights on this target thoroughly, to
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study it, so as not to make a mistake, they did not make a mistake, the result of the complex work of the operators of the viking detachment of the special forces brigade of the southern military district, some calculations found the target and studied, here is the corporal spaniard, he sent greetings to the enemy, the kamikaze uav, which delivered the charge, is ironically called greetings. rap stations, armored vehicles, this is a very large benefit in the direction, will destroy one tank in the whole direction, this is the infantry that sits in front, they will breathe a sigh of relief at least for some time, because one tank can
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terrorize an entire infantry battalion, they can’t do anything with it, and since we destroyed it, they then thanked us , i don’t know, for another two months, probably, and also enemy drone crews, the spaniard has his own war with them, they hunt each other, therefore each takeoff from a new point, the first launches were. send to say, to convey greetings, so to speak, in these frames practical work of several calculations at once, the target is processed in a complex, we have a task which
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manul is processed there by fpv drone blendage, and we, that is, the enemy when he starts to run out to leave, roughly speaking to his north, well here we will already be with our bird, with the vogs we will throw back and so to speak finish off the opponent, he had a choice to go to the volga to surrender, but he refused, the manul flew. fell, bro, fell, oh, good, and so the detachment operators are dismantling the house where the enemy is hiding, the drone flies right into the window, this the operator is a local from gorlovka, that's why his call sign is a khokhol, he doesn't take offense, because the russian fought with the brigade in syria, now he's fighting here, the commander praises him, effective, how much implementation do you have, i don't keep count, i don't like this business, well, enough, enough - that's five or six sorties a day, each sortie is new... the target, well, the wok is the seventeenth wok , it has a 5-7 m hit range, well, yes, shrapnel flies around there, well, the main thing is that in the district area , everything the infantry has to hide, they have to
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get out of their targets, the detachment operators vikings of the special forces brigade of the southern military district are regularly found in the orekhovsky direction. anton stepanenko, valery vinokurov, vesti zaporizhzhya front. the crimean round-the-world trip has started in new khersones. an international expedition along the route of the replaced historical route from voryak to the greeks. students and researchers from russia and four other countries will take part in it. olga chernetskaya found out what they will travel on and what they will study. the expedition united three continents and five countries. researchers gathered for the crimean round-the-world trip. from russia, armenia, kazakhstan, lebanon and nigeria, the first meeting place is the new chersonesus, a museum and temple complex as a symbol of the beginning of a large project. i have my own interest in all directions, there is no specific separate direction, but everything
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is interesting to me. for a week, students will study both the coast and the water area of ​​crimea, the entire route is about 700 km, it will repeat the famous path of the izvoryak to the greeks. students will have to not only make a discovery, but also learn to work in a team. our task is to involve the younger generation in studying to form an interest in our ancient history, in our roots, in understanding where the russian land came from, where we came from, as people, as a civilization, just each of us. and so the expedition is part of a large project during the expedition they will get acquainted with unique monuments of writing from the middle ages, and get acquainted with the scientific work that was carried out here earlier and will be able to master, so to speak, yes, even at the initial stages, this is work with with the unique equipment that sevastopol
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state university has in this case. after the students finish their research on the peninsula, they will stop in tuavsa, where they will sum up the first results of the work done, which will be included in a collection of travels of the crimean round-the-world trip of 2024. olga chernetskaya, vitaly kozlovsky, anastasia pepenko, vesti, sevastopol. mom, why do we need these letters for a fairy tale. in
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the ninth kingdom, the three-tenth state. russian military thwarted new attempts breakthrough of mobile groups of the armed forces of ukraine on armored vehicles deep into russian territory in the areas of five villages in the kursk region. in addition, as reported by the ministry of defense, in the area of ​​martynovka , two enemy groups on the peak were discovered and destroyed.
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in total, six attacks were repelled, our aviation struck the reserves of the armed forces of ukraine. over the past day , ukrainian troops lost up to 270 servicemen. 18 soldiers of the armed forces of ukraine were taken prisoner. all the details are from yegor grigoriev. a shot from an rpg accurately hit the enemy's armored vehicles. the enemy has pulled hundreds of units, including western models, to the kursk border area, lost 16 heavy vehicles in just one day. aerial surveillance footage, our intelligence spotted an american armored personnel carrier with a lancet loitering munition, a bright greeting was sent to the stryker crew. here is the enemy's abandoned equipment. the equipment is destroyed or becomes a trophy, like this canadian rochelle-senator. our aviation struck the reserves of the ukrainian armed forces in the sumy region. we are depriving the enemy of the opportunity to deliver ammunition and rotate the surviving militants.


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