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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 14, 2024 8:00pm-8:31pm MSK

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this is a big information evening, that's what we'll tell you about in the next hour. some have already been destroyed, others have surrendered, and the third is asking for evacuation. a crushing defeat in the kursk region. the ukrainian armed forces brigades, which were considered elite, are suffering, how the neo-nazis were defeated western equipment, manipulate facts and put pressure on psychos. a stream of fakes filmed around the ukrainian armed forces attack on the kursk region is flooding social networks, how not to get poisoned by media canned food tsypsov. ukraine is unleashing the dogs of war. robot dogs have been spotted in the donetsk direction. what are these expensive toys completely forgotten on the battlefield?
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in ukraine, they detained him for corruption, with whom did he not share? they led our soldiers out of the encirclement of the ukrainian armed forces in the kursk region. how did the tikhyi fighters from sibil save 22 people who ran towards them for two days? a small clearing is literally strewn with bodies with identifying blue tape on their sleeves, which clearly indicates that they belong to the kiev regime troops, but russian fighters are slowly collecting captured weapons, including western-made rifles. this eloquent footage from one of the sites at...
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the elite is defeated, and at the same time the myth about the well-trained fighters of the armed forces of ukraine in the west is debunked , some have already fallen in the kursk fields. here the 82nd separate airborne assault brigade of the armed forces of ukraine came to visit us, this is what happened to them, this is what is happening to those who came to russian soil, they are simply here. their own comrades abandoned them, they were not evacuated, no one needs them here, terrible footage, the black soil is strewn with the bodies of a soldier from the 82nd airborne assault brigade of the armed forces of ukraine, and yet it was considered one of the best, last summer it was being prepared for the vaunted counteroffensive, the fighters were trained in britain, pumped up with nato equipment, english challengers, german marders, american strikers and howitzers, but all this did not help then, now neither weapons nor complexity from them
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for us to disappear here, well, who opposes neo-nazis, our marines from the 810th brigade, it is part of the black sea fleet of russia, from the first days it has been taking part in the special operation, its mascot griffin, which depicted on the sleeve insignia of the military personnel, and the motto of the brigade, where we are, there is victory, and this is fully confirmed by the defeat of the elite units of the armed forces of ukraine in the kursk region , surnames patronymics, which brigade? 82
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airmobile i have mail mazur kirilo mikhailovichada 82 how long ago here another day another in ukrainian means. second, that is, they were brought to russian territory just a couple of days ago, they are now surrendering en masse because they understand that this is their only chance to survive, many of those who were caught in ukraine in are no longer alive during the new wave of mobilization, they were hastily trained and thrown as cannon fodder into this criminal adventure, they were forcibly mobilized on may 15 , 204, they were forcibly sent for training and sent to the front. and i want to say that the idea, zelensky's idea, first of all, the attack on the kursk region was the stupidest during the entire war, this decision led to the deaths of many guys
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who were not ready for this, not even close. the eighty-second was swinging it along the front, now part of this brigade thrown into this adventure. the area as the fighting progresses the brigade wears down, the personnel leaves, the newly arrived personnel who come to replenish, as a rule, are below the level of the staff that was there initially, that is, those military personnel who, for example, underwent training in european countries, accordingly, it is no longer particularly necessary to talk about elitism, they are doomed to defeat, military experts believe with such training and... raid tactics - this is when small groups on wheeled vehicles are trying to penetrate deep into a large territory. the combat formations of the ukrainian armed forces in the kursk region are very sparse and therefore easily vulnerable. now the prisoners, as they say, are winding a snotty fist. we were given the task to enter the kursk region, to capture
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the kursk region. we were told that it would be an easy walk, no one would offer us any resistance. on drove in. three cougar cars, the commanders began shooting at houses and civilians, i did not shoot at civilians, and you understand that they killed, yes, yes, in your opinion, this is good, no, i am ready to kill them myself, pay attention, the prisoner says cougar - this is a heavy armored vehicle of american production, which was developed under the pentagon program, there are at least 17 of them in ukraine, and it was in one of these that the ukrainian armed forces soldiers drove into the kursk village of sverdlikovo. there are now plenty of these trophies in the border areas, the marines from the same 810th brigade drove a canadian roshal senet vehicle, and also captured ammunition, communications equipment. dozens of yedenist vehicles were knocked out, destroyed, a lot of equipment was captured, some equipment is still in
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working condition, there is a lot of european and foreign equipment, i am very grateful to my comrades from 810. they once again showed their courage, heroism and not only did not allow the enemy to break through further, but step by step they are pushing them out, destroying them. as a result, many fighters of the armed forces of ukraine began to beg for evacuation and the eighty -second brigade and the eightieth, which traces its history back to the soviet airborne troops, and the airborne forces have always been the elite. fighters of the eightieth and eighty-second airborne assault brigades the ukrainian armed forces, which are now in captivity, began to request their command to evacuate them when the losses of the brigades began to amount to 70-75%. the evacuation occurs after 85% of the losses, apparently, they did not wait until they were finished off, and accordingly, all
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the elitism evaporated against the background of the combat effectiveness of our units, but their calls were not heard on bankova, although the so-called elite brigades defeated near kursk... once again confirm that the collapse of the entire kiev regime is near. boris ivanin and the disposal of the ukrainian armed forces. well, and just as well something about the scale of enemy losses. according to the russian defense ministry, in the last 24 hours alone, the attempted invasion cost the ssu up to 270 manpower, as well as sixteen armored vehicles, including two tanks and an american stryker armored personnel carrier. in addition, 18 ukrainian soldiers surrendered, and during the entire period of hostilities, 37 tanks, 32 armored personnel carriers, almost two dozen infantry fighting vehicles, four anti-aircraft missile systems, two mlrs installations and 15 artillery pieces. in addition, today our armed forces
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successfully prevented attempts to break through the formation kiev regime in the areas of five settlements. these are skrylevka, levshenko, semenovka, komyshnoye and khutor alekseevsky. and near the village of martynovka , two enemy groups in pickup trucks were discovered and eliminated. a character in the uniform of the armed forces of ukraine runs along a highway with an unspecified geolocation. and at the same time holds a homemade road sign in his hands, where the name of the settlement of lgov in the kursk region is written. this video, one might say, of the comedy genre, today finally refuted the most absurd fabrication of the kiev regime, according to which the militants supposedly took the above-mentioned lgov under their control. let me remind you that initially a short video with a bearded guy against the background of the same sign was released in the ukrainian public sphere, however, even then numerous nuances were striking, but... for example, the font with upper and lower case letters that does not correspond to the russian gost. well
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, now, the origin of the fake has finally become clear, and in this case the enemy's information troops did not even bother to make special props for filming, albeit, to put it mildly, not very high-quality, and in general against the background of the current border adventure, tsypso apparently tries to work with special scope, but the result is frankly dubious - anton ponkovenko will confirm, anton, hello, greetings, so what? they create the illusion of an offensive on a broad front, an offensive on a broad media front, and there are plenty of holes there. juggling facts, interspersing fakes, video preserves that were filmed a few days ago, the propaganda machine of the ukrainian tsypso, following western patterns, is trying to whip up panic in russia. here are the kiev militants at broken door of the community center in plekhov, kursk region, this village is very close to the border, it is less than half an hour away at a leisurely pace. cancer did not go there yesterday or the day before yesterday, they are posting it now so many
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days after the attack on kursk region began, they are heating up the ukroeuphoria on a slow fire , they are trying to intimidate us, in fact, maybe there is simply nothing to brag about? a large number of materials are being filmed that are factual confirmation, but naturally we put factual in quotation marks successes there and so on, they are often filmed, by the way even on the territory of ukraine and then. are filmed entering there on the territory of russia, to the time it is absolutely not necessary here binding, even to the weather, here then they are simply used as needed 100 pieces a day, for example, here they have one goal - this is naturally a usual information operation, to sow panic, a similar story with a pr sortie in sudzha, this story is maximally replicated by ukrsmi, as the creation of the sudzhan boarding school the russian tricolor falls, but that part of the material where the correspondent is among the flowers.
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because people think they see real evidence, and then a large enough amount of lies is sprinkled in there, their system is that they have a single half-truth is a terrible truth, in fact, a center for disseminating the creation of information, information, of course, in quotes, because there are frankly clumsy crafts there , remember the production of the ukrainian armed forces with a fake sign of lgov on one support instead of.
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these fake signs in the kursk region, it's not that they are some kind of new invention, in fact, ukrainian propaganda trained in donbass for 8 years before the start of the special military operation in terms of concocting disinformation, when it was reported that certain points were under control, but in reality they were either in the gray zone or under the control of the dnf. teachers and curators taught
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the ukrainian media army to use clip thinking, this is a feature of content perception, which was developed, among other things , by social networks. a video longer than a minute is difficult to perceive, so tsypso cuts a kaleidoscope of archival lies and half-truths to sow fear. the recipe is one to be guided by receiving information from official verified sources of the channel of authorities.
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be moderated somewhere in lviv, very much like russian communities, in fact , it often differs from the fact that at some point they suddenly switch to the style of shouting, this is a very characteristic feature when the public starts shouting. the entire current psychological operation of ukrainian media manipulators is designed for a momentary effect, because the maneuver groups of the armed forces of ukraine our troops are catching and not allowing the enemy to break through. the demonstration of russia's imaginary weakness is the main fake that tsypso is promoting during this psychological attack. and the surest way to repel it is with facts and the actions of our
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fighters. anton botkavenko and fake successes. more than 450 temporary accommodation points throughout russia are ready to receive residents of the kursk region, they can accommodate 35,000 people, such data was announced by the ministry of emergency situations. the department also clarified that at the moment most of those who left the border area resettled are safe. over the past 24 hours, another 300 people were evacuated. meanwhile , humanitarian aid continues to arrive in kursk; the onf reported that they have already collected more than 500 tons of the most essential supplies from the region. report by alexander revnov. refugees from lgov are sleeping in the right corner of the ring, and from rylsk in the left. mattresses are spread out under the punching bags, seven of them have been placed in locker rooms, and all the premises of this sports club have been given over to a temporary accommodation point. they flew from here, the car barely touched the asphalt, they hid in the bushes, on
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volunteers were distributing water and food to people. it was thundering and non-stop, the house was shaking, all the windows were rattling, all the furniture was shaking, bushes, horror, horror, now these people are under the protection of boxers, they were taken out of the danger zone at the last moment, when... the militants of the armed forces of ukraine were firing at the residential sector, the paralyzed old people and the disabled were carried in their arms in these packages of humanitarian aid from friends, athletes, from other regions. the guys responded to the fact that they announced a collection, what is for the people, and we also help, we deliver more to specific addresses, we also help in other vpr-points, well, that, for example, we have enough, we
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take other vpr there. the temporary accommodation point is now in the indigenous desert, the monks are holy. some kind of pit all wounded, all cut up, a torn shoulder, somehow , to tie himself up, he lost his cut, well, during the night he fell out of the village. several thousand people have already been evacuated from the border area, but there is no connection with the villages on the line of fire, and the fate of the people left there is unknown, also parents, also children, such photographs are pasted up around kursk, people come to the points
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distribution of humanitarian aid, also to get at least some information about it, here work guys from... red cross, they are also engaged in the search for missing people, find out from citizens whether they need any humanitarian aid, help them to register, plus we help in the search for missing people, that is, we register for applications so that people can find missing relatives during the evacuation, now don't worry, we will take you, everything will be taken your, georgy is called, risha, all roads leading to the border are attacked by enemy drones, ukrainian sabotage and reconnaissance groups mine crossings and fire from plantings, the youth... wing of the people's front evacuates residents directly from under fire, yes, of course, there is no need to drag him, there is no need to drag him, he has an abdominal cavity, a ukrainian drone hit olga and dmitry's car, both received a mine-fragmentation wound. in just one day, volunteers evacuated 20 civilians to the nearest shelters, they provide medical assistance, people are rescued along with wounded pets, quiet, quiet, quiet, calm,
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calm, she drinks water, eats a little, to lie down, but i can't, i'm sick, i sat in the basement for 2 weeks, 5 days in the cellar, i'm the only one on the whole street, and today i barely made it with my cat, we were shelled right in the park. the guys from the onf the day before, they took several more families out from under the fire of ukrainian artillery on that particular day when we took them out in the evening, in the morning there were ukrainian drg soldiers there, in the evening there were, unfortunately, ukrainian soldiers again, so we managed to catch such a moment when our guys were there and take these people out, the whole sky is covered in drones, well, this is the front line directly, a veteran afghan war, who lost his leg near kandahar, yuri sukhorukov was able to organize an exit. he called one by two
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cars on the phone, that is, they drove up, jumped, drove away, drove up, jumped, drove away, that is, here, yeah, there were drones, yes, that is, they saw you, they were, of course, they were, they were, they were, yes, yes, they were buzzing, you could hear it there in general, the evacuation operation of the village of goevo lasted almost a day, everyone survived, other groups of refugees were not so lucky. they stood near people's yards, everyone was burned, those people who left by car, those they shot from the field, from the corn, they went out and just shot, even if a person
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drove up, it seemed like they let him go, he drove a kilometer away, and they shot after him, right at civilians, it was clear that they were civilians, employees of the investigative committee go to temporary accommodation points, record photos, videos of evidence of crimes committed by the ukrainian army in the kursk region, record testimony. first-hand, how peaceful people were shot at point-blank range, when leaving our village - a village on both sides, like the landings are small, with machine guns, the asu soldiers are sitting there, shooting at cars, ordinary civilians, psychologists are helping people come to their senses after what they've been through, they work in temporary accommodation centres, social workers are working with children, today there's clay modelling, teachers are wearing folk costumes, the kind they wear in the border area, anna is from those places herself, there were flights, they were sitting in the basement. i personally came under fire twice, it's okay, we 'll cope with everything, we're strong, and they
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can't break our spirit. alexander ivanov, andrey kusov, alexander katsutsuba, oksana serzhantova, maria dementyeva, mikhail shum, news, kursk region. pretentious music, streets torn apart by military action, and a robot that quickly moves past destroyed houses and empty windows. partial footage filmed by ukrainian militants in the artemovsk direction, and the video itself is intended to present a model of a bionic dog that the ssu began to use on the front lines. the kievpost publication even published an almost advertising article in which the rabopsovs are called invaluable allies of kiev on the front, and praised for stealth, maneuverability, and they even assure that the device will definitely replace people in some areas, which the ukrainian army... is in dire need of, as they say, we are talking primarily about reconnaissance and other dangerous missions, like mine detection. but even at the presentation
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, for some reason, the militants carry the rabops in their arms, they hide the charge of this toy ally, it is hardly enough for a couple of hours, but for what tasks is it really good? let's figure it out together with evgeniy teshkovets. evgeniy, hello. good evening. but this robot was not originally intended for the front. alexey, it's the other way around, in the west they try not to talk about it, but... actually, a robot dog is a purely military technology. letting the dogs of war off the chain. the kiev regime once again confirms the shameful status of ukraine. this time , robot dogs have arrived in the country-testing ground for field tests. it is claimed that the enemy is using them in the taretsk area. the twenty-eighth separate mechanized brigade of the armed forces of ukraine is responsible for the tests. we can assume that this kind of drones, firstly, they can be in ambush. as a mine then perform its combat function, probably, when demining it is convenient to use such a drone for observation, i
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suppose that today it is everywhere. the battery works only a couple of hours, the speed of the product is no more than 14 km / h, the load capacity is limited to 12 kg, from a really useful lidar capable
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of forming. a three-dimensional map of the area, as well as the ability to climb not very steep stairs, but this is compensated by a small radius of action, just over 30 m from the operator and poor cross-country ability. the models presented in this material do not have increased cross-country ability. these robots, they are quite small and the second is of course noise, they all have high noise levels, because. the more mechanisms, the more movements, the more noise, this is unacceptable for the military industry, for the price, which is indicated in the region of 4,000 euros, you can buy much cheaper, more accessible and effective solutions. materials about robops on ukraine looks like advertising, and most likely it is. it was ordered by those who invested huge amounts of money in dubious technology. this may seem strange, but despite all the.
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around robodogs, despite all the cheerful videos from boston dynamics, they still have not managed to generate demand, in fact, no one needs them? today, all companies producing robot dogs are, unfortunately, unprofitable, the only application that is relatively widespread is an event, promotion, advertising, etc. do not be surprised! what on this background, the manufacturers of robot dogs decided, as they say, to return to the roots. the company bostone dynamicks, which is the author of this kind of concept, the creator of such a form factor, throughout almost its entire existence, worked exclusively on grants from the american agency darpa. based on this, we can say that robot dogs were originally developed for the military, but it is unlikely that the armed forces of ukraine will be able to please
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investors, their robots are used for reconnaissance, a dubious know-how, because for this you can use flying drones, and not cheaper, more reliable. if kolya really wants a ground reconnaissance aircraft, then the robot dog often loses the competition to russian models, for example, the scarab complex, quiet, lightning fast and passable. they say that bionic dogs can deliver cargo to the front, again, let's just compare the characteristics with our platforms. the dog can carry only 12. that is, it won't even pull a wounded person from the front line, at the same time, russian robot couriers in the best modifications have a lifting capacity of half a ton, while they are much faster and more passable, merekht, this comrade, this is a whirlwind, not a rekhta, it can be both wheeled and tracked, this is the most valuable thing, when in, so to speak, combat conditions, it is possible to effectively
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convert a platform from, for example, an assault platform, removing combat equipment from it fairly quickly, turning it into a transportation platform, there are now all sorts of micro robots being invented, a huge number of design bureaus are now working on these issues, there is a feeling that even the ukrainians themselves do not really believe in robo dogs, this is indicated by the limited nature of their use, and so on they will perish ingloriously somewhere in donbass, having turned into high-tech.


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