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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 14, 2024 11:30pm-12:01am MSK

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hello, this is kirill vyshinsky, and this is the program typical novorossiya. our name says it all, we are talking about the territory that has returned to its historical roots, about novorossiya. with the help of a close look at history. we will try to reveal the uniqueness of its present day, find typical features recognizable signs of the past, that's what we will talk about today. they want to know the truth, foreign correspondents in the svo zone. how to tell the west about the realities of novorossiya? conversation with the expert of the program. power. truth
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enlightened europe has always been of little interest in what is really happening in novorossiya. this became clear back in the late 14th century, when one of the european ambassadors, either from the french or saxon court, who accompanied catherine on a trip to the annexed countries, came up with a joke about fake houses on the empress's route, and thus the fable about potemkin villages was born. since 2014, large-scale lies about events in novorossiya or the hushing up of any inconvenient information from there have become commonplace in the largest western laughs. for for the average viewer in the european union there was no arson in the odessa trade union house, no bombing of lugansk in...
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people are very tired, exhausted, they all considered themselves ukrainians, and i want to tell you that they are very surprised that europe is only learning about this now, while for them shelling, when they live in basements and so on, for them this has been everyday life since 2014. a french tv presenter who works for a news channel and should have full information is surprised. he did not know that at 8 years old ukrainian troops were shelling cities that they considered their own. what
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can we say about its tv viewers? after the start of the svo, little changed in the western picture of events in novorussiya: either lies or silence about the crimes of the ukrainian military. here are just a few examples. in the spring of 22 , a ukrainian missile hit the kramatorsk railway station. following kiev, western media accused russia of the strike. later. footage appeared with fragments and the serial number of the missile, proving that it belonged to the armed forces of ukraine, but western media refutations of the lie about russia's guilt in the deaths of people have not appeared. in the summer of 22 , the ukrainian army shelled donetsk with nato-caliber rockets. the strikes hit a market and a maternity hospital, four people died. the western press called ukraine's guilt unproven because the information was received. the separatists and
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russian media bbc, sky news, reuters did not notice the shelling at all. the largest, oldest and most authoritative western media are either silent or lie about the fact that the ukrainian armed forces are committing donbass and novorossiya. correspondents of independent media, bloggers and journalists are simply trying to shut their mouths. journalist and director anlor bannel, who in february 22 shot another film about donbass, was fired from the paris sarbonne, where she worked for 15 years. german journalist anna lipk, who worked in donbass, is facing prison for covering events in the region, she is accused of encouraging and approving criminal acts. the german prosecutor's office has already seized her bank account and confiscated all her money. about how our colleagues from
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western countries work in novorossiya and try to convey to their viewers and readers the truth about the events of the last 10 years. in the story by anna efimova, here there are still traces of the landing, 150 5 mm caliber, this is nato weapons. renzheloni shows the place where he himself almost died exactly a year ago. the center of donetsk in august 2023 , an italian journalist covered the funeral of olga kachura, the commander of the rocket artillery division.
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zhilo was not born and raised in the italian bergamo, and used to often go to kiev to relatives, on one of these trips he witnessed a bloodbath in the center of the ukrainian capital, it was then that he decided to start telling europeans the truth about the consequences of the so-called euromaidan. vittorio was one of the first to film how the ssu bombed peaceful cities and villages in eastern ukraine, in italy he almost went to prison for his journalistic work. there was a lot of pressure from the court, someone decided to scare, crazy accusations there in ...
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year of the anti-fascist caravan, the participants of the funds go to support the created in 2014 which they buy medicines, essential items for the residents of donbass, but most importantly they are trying to break through the information blockade in europe. weapons are culture, with the help of our music we are trying to resist the offensive.
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in honor of the decade of the anti-fascist crusade. this edition is shown to us in moscow by the director, documentary filmmaker, oleg nekishev. he brought it from a trip to donbass, where he was filming a movie about european anti-fascists. the book was officially presented in may in the very center of madrid. in the conditions of an information vacuum, this work, a rare, objective source of truth for european readers. if you saw the conditions in which they live in donbass, they do not live there in five-star hotels, no one sponsors them. it influences public opinion, it is, say, a year... more, that is , europeans also understand that the media are very one-sided in covering this conflict, very one-sided, everyone knows this. the armed forces of ukraine have been mercilessly shelling the territories of the dpr, lpr for the last 10 years. barbaric attacks are caught on camera, including
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by foreign correspondents. australian journalist under the pseudonym johnny h in the studio of western tv channels, at first they were willing to invite him, but then they stopped, it was too. uncomfortable position of the guest who saw what was happening with his own eyes. the world sees a terrorist campaign that is unfolding against the russian people, and this is sponsored, among other things, by my country. one of my films about a teenager who died as a result of a blow from the hymers. 30 seconds after our interview with him, but no matter how piercing and true the stories were on the tip of the pen or in focus objective.
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is relevant after many decades since the seemingly unconditional victory over
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nazism and it seems that the so-called humane and civilized european society also needs to watch it. anna efemova, valery savelyev, anastasia popova, typical novorossiya. about how people in the west today learn about the events in novorossiya and what is needed for the truth to become. how the western press worked in the fourteenth year, then i can say that it was much better
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than later, yes, what i mean is, well, that's it they will simply bring them too, there were more people who wanted to get there, one illustrative, yes, living example, a cnn group ended up in novoazovsk, and i watch their report, almost a live broadcast, i remember that the correspondent says that these are rebels, yes, that this does not say that this means russian forces, because well, it is clear that these are irregulars, yes, that these are people who are well trained, well equipped, yes, but this is not, that is, the russian army has nothing to do with it. i am talking specifically yes, that is where they talked about this then yes, and then he began a very clear narrative is being developed, yes , in this regard, in the west, so to speak , certain frameworks are being set systematically, and this is , so to speak, such invisible censorship, yes, it acts very harshly, what are they afraid of today, they are no longer so much afraid, yes, as they are in these blinders, and of course, our task is, if possible, these blinders. networks have simply turned from some kind of
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free communication between individuals into such powerful propaganda megaphones. on the other hand, i think we can work with this only here, well, such real openness, yes, when even the same cnn, bbc dotchevelya are given the opportunity to demonstrate some openness, yes, they are also changing, the attitude towards ukraine is changing, yes, we see how periodically in the western media some messages suddenly flash there. about ukrainian war crimes, yes, and such, well , major media figures, like the same tucker carlson, yes, they show that nevertheless some kind of dialogue is possible there. sasha, you lived and worked in novorossiya, how many were among those people with whom you met, foreigners, journalists, volunteers, and what attracted them there in novorossiya, well of course, you can't say that there were many of them, yes, of course, there were some bright people there personally. that is
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, i really had to meet foreigners and what attracted them yes, this is a very good question, but it seems to me that back then, yes, novorossiya was some kind of territory where everyone could, every extraordinary, i would say, person find,
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who is now such a rising global force, what is called global the south or the world majority, yes, here is the interest in this region, including these events, in these countries, when we talk about the global south, they generally see this entire conflict differently in many ways, even than we do, from what point of view, from the point of view of what the west fears most, the revision of the established world order that has developed in favor of, like...
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it is exactly like this. thank you very much, sasha,
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for a very detailed and interesting story. strong-spirited people are not uncommon in novorossiya, and simply physically strong ones too. today we will tell you about two natives of donbass who have shocked everyone with their records. this spring, the famous donbass villager dmitry khaladzhe at the donetsk people 's republic championship in kettlebell lifting, repeated the record of the legendary strongman ivan poddubny, twisted a kettlebell weighing 100 kg, and then... in the same exercise he took a weight of 116 kg. this is a record of the dpr. in total, the native of donetsk komsomolsk has 65 strength records. his name is listed in the guinness book of records. dmitry khaladzhe strives to prove that even today athletes can amaze achievements that were capable of strongmen
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of antiquity. he broke the record of the greek bibon, who lived in ... bc, who, according to legend , lifted a stone weighing 143.5 kg with one hand. in the 21st century, khaladzhi lifted a stone 9 kg heavier with one hand in the circus arena on tsvetnoy boulevard, and he also juggles a weighted barbell, breaks chains, hammers nails with his hands. dmitry khaladzhi had an excellent career during ukrainian times. he toured a lot, set records, acted in films, but ... in 2014 , after the war began, he did not leave donbass, did not was able to leave his native land, which nourishes him with strength, like the legendary antaeus. another native of novorossiya, the famous soviet weightlifter yuri vlasov, who set more than 70 ussr and world records. he was born in 1935
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in makeyevka, donetsk region, but did not live there for long. in 1941, the war began, evacuation, vlasov never returned to donbass, but in his small homeland they honor the great athlete and continue the glorious traditions of domestic weightlifters. about the fate of yuri vlasov about future record holders on athletic platforms from novorossiya in the story olga mokhovaya. a graduate of the sovorovsk. school and the air force engineering academy, yuri vlasov did not come to weightlifting right away. the future champion initially preferred shot put to lifting weights. after world war ii ,
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americans dominated among weightlifters, and no one ever defeated yuri petrovich vlasov. at that time, they said that before gagarin's flight into space, the most famous russian yuri in the world was vlasov. in 1960, at the olympics in rome, he surprised the western audience by freely communicating with the press on french and chinese, for the first time in the history of the classic clean and jerk exercise, he lifted 202 kg on the platform, scoring a total of 537 and a half in the triathlon, far ahead of his rivals. the rome olympics were called the yuri vlasov olympics. among all summer sports, the others added minimal gains of half a kilogram or 2.5 kg in the triathlon total to their records, yuri petrovich lasov added 25
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kg, this had never happened before or since, never in history, in 1964 the stadium in tokyo simply gasped. at the opening ceremony of the olympics the flag bearer of the soviet team yuri vlasov carried a three-kilogram flag in his left outstretched hand. then he did not win the gold medal, although i am sure. found it, becoming only a silver medalist, he then returned, he set a world record to prove that he can do everything, and he tried to convince other people with this example that they can become strong, at the same time intellectually very developed, but still such unique individuals as vlasov are born once in a century, for the career of the soviet strongman without exaggeration the whole world was watching. in 1961 in vienna, he inspired the future famous actor, legendary bodybuilder arnold schwarzenegger to work hard on himself, not just an athlete, a great thinker, that's what he said about yuri
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vlasov. in 1988 in moscow , iron arnie asked and achieved a meeting with his idol. yuri vlasov taught us all that impossible is just a word, it's because of people like him that i refuse to call myself self-made. at training camps, he trained for 7-8 hours, and wrote at night, literary creativity was another passion of yuri vlasov. in the sixty-second world championship, he was not only an athlete, but also a special correspondent for the izvestia newspaper. his book, justice of force, was reprinted many times, as was the special region of china, written on the basis of archival materials and diary entries of his father, the soviet military intelligence officer and diplomat pyotr vlasov. it was a book about the soul. separately, about some mysteries, which vlassakh wrote about very simply, and you know, so clearly that even people who
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were reading about intelligence for the first time, everything was clear when i found out that this was his father, i thought, what kind of filial love is this, honest, noble, uncompromising, he saw no limit in training, setting himself more and more new goals, vlasov was the same in his social and political work, having completed his sports career, a people's deputy of the ussr... and then a deputy of the state duma of the first convocation, he even ran for the post of speaker and was a candidate for the presidency of russia, but it was not easy for such a maximalist as yuri vlasov to stay in politics, as in the chair of a sports functionary. for example, the topic there doping, yes, it bothered him very much, that's it, but this international system, which was imposed is imposed today with double standards, it was already emerging then, you need to train, never. give up in any situation, you need to achieve everything, i would like to be like him, because he reached incredible heights, he is a very interesting
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person. the opening of a specialized weightlifting hall in the homeland of the famous athlete fulfilled the dream of more than one generation of makeyevka weightlifters. it is incredible, but there were no proper conditions for training here either during the period of the city's economic recovery, or during international and even olympic performances of local weightlifters. more than 100 sports represented in the dpr, 11 of which claim to be basic, including weightlifting. at the last championship of the southern federal district, young athletes
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of the republic won a gold, silver and two bronze medals, the team also has potential for performances on all-russian platforms. standards, all these requirements are getting stronger, it demands that we lift more and more kilograms, but nevertheless our people are stubborn, if i may say so, greedy, we hope that with the improvement of training conditions and the work of coaches, we will catch up with other regions in these indicators . moreover, the story of their fellow countryman yuri vlasov teaches that nothing is impossible in sports, with great desire, the right goal and impeccable discipline. olga mokhova, anastasia popova, valery savelev, typical novorossiya. that's all we wanted to talk about today. kirill was with you vyshinsky. see you soon.
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many people ask me there, why do you need all this, i answer that this is my war. yes, our people, russians, children, women, live every day, under arkets, kaimars, under grads, if you are a patriot, if you love your homeland, if you love your family, then you don’t even have a thought whether you need to go there or not, who if not me, well who, join yours, serve under contract.
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in the kursk region, the operational headquarters decided to evacuate the glushkovsky district, this was reported by the acting duties of the governor alexey smirnov. the situation in the sudzhansky district is tense, but the shelling in the ssu has decreased, this is information from the head of the district alexander bogachev. he called on local residents not to return yet, and also not to evacuate on their own, to leave dangerous places, the military is helping. the latest information on the situation in the region from our special correspondent stanislav bernwald. the problem in the kursk region
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is quite big, battles are going on in several of these districts at once.


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