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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 15, 2024 1:30am-2:01am MSK

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perhaps this is all a dream, and you want to open your eyes and wake up. we will take on this case, it will be an honest detective story. are you used to watching videos online? has it stopped working? install, open, watch. russian channels all tv series, movies and cartoons, educational programs.
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watch, watch in the application or on the website. the health of 500 bundeswehr servicemen was at risk at two luftwaffe air bases at once, all because of the poor quality of drinking water. dozens of people have already sought medical help with acute pain in life. the facilities have closed their doors to both civilians and military personnel.
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we are talking about the airfields in gailin-kirchin and cologne, which is located in western germany, the distance between the facilities is about a hundred kilometers. the latter is home to nato reconnaissance aircraft, as well as the special aviation service of the bundessphere, which is responsible for the travel of federal ministers and other high-ranking officials. well, in addition, the spiegel publication notes that the kolnwan air force base is an important center of support for kiev. it is from this airfield. ukrainian military, that they are trained in germany, then fly to poland before returning to their homeland, but in many ways, therefore, the german authorities are considering sabotage as a priority option, confident experts, the bundeswehr confirmed that it is very concerned about the health of the military, who had previously complained of problems with the gastrointestinal tract. we, as the german federal army , take the incident very seriously, there is a suspicion of a criminal offense, we can say with confidence that. the perpetrator tried to
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penetrate the hydraulic structures. investigators had to close the barracks for several hours, inside they collected evidence and found the saboteur, who allegedly damaged the autonomous water supply system and thereby poisoned the drinking water. the intruder entered the pumping station simply through a hole in the fence, the media write. the guards did not pay attention to the suspicious stranger at first, but when they came to their senses, they found him running away. they were unable to catch him, and the police investigators were unable to find him either. the bundeswehr is not popular in german society today, it does not fulfill the tasks that are promised in the information space, and does not receive the resources that could fulfill this task. realizing this, the bundeswehr is trying to cover the situation in the media in a way that is beneficial to itself, so as not to lose face and convince german citizens of its competence. but even local journalists sense the uncertainty and falsehood. it seems that we
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are talking about a terrorist act after all. the military has a lot of behind-the-scenes discussions about how to take this story beyond the military unit, present it and to portray what happened in the media, because the attention is very high. well, politicians, especially the left, have already put forward their irrefutable version. the germans' stomachs are aching, of course, because of the kremlin's actions. this is already a kind of manual. there are real dangers of a hybrid war that russia is waging against western democracies, against our society. cyberattacks occur almost daily, the most widespread disinformation campaigns aimed at encouraging anti-democratic parties in germany, europe and the usa, and there is also espionage and sabotage. what is the difference? moscow was not blamed for the recent russian protests, which took great britain, and of course, for interfering in the american elections, this is already a kind of classic. naturally, all allies of the united states must now follow the methodological instructions. moscow's hand is everywhere, the entire
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information space is flooded with analytical calculations, where there is an accusation against russia, as a result, information about the malicious intent. rossey's revenue increased by 15% compared to last year to 1.400 billion rubles. the company's ceo said this andrey ryumin at a meeting with prime minister mikhail mishustin. according to him, the operating
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indicators for the first half of the year are also positive, more than 720 billion rubles. this is + 6% compared to the same period in 2023. at the same time, the group's investment program exceeded 530 billion last year. this year, it is planned to exceed this result. the indicators for 6 months have already exceeded last year's by 16%. we see an increase in electricity consumption, i want to say that this is happening against the backdrop of economic growth. first of all, this is due to the development of industry, agriculture, tourism industry. so in the first half of the year we see that our electricity supply exceeds last year's figures by... 5%. among the regions leading in terms of energy consumption growth are the north caucasus, krasnodar krai, moscow, moscow oblast, one of the key factors is natural anomalies. summer maxima have been updated in the energy systems of the center, south, and middle volga, all companies of the rosseti group have been transferred to
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a special operating mode. at the same time , preparations are underway for the autumn-winter period. according to andrey ryumin, work is being carried out in according to the schedule, and the repair program this year in monetary terms will exceed 105 billion rubles. an important area of ​​​​rosseti's work is connecting consumers in the first half of the year more than 165,000, and the company is switching to an electronic format, online submission of applications almost reaches 100%. as for large consumers, one of such objects is the second stage of the eastern polygon, work is also underway to strengthen regional energy systems. as mikhail mishustin noted, rosseti. are doing a lot of work to update networks, modernize, software and hardware, the company has taken a course on import substitution, the indicator of domestic materials and equipment in the total volume of purchases over the past few years exceeds 90%. now the task is to increase the level of localization of production,
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cooperation with domestic software developers is increasing, while our own solutions are being created. since then, since tsipra, we have signed several more agreements, they concern. various products from office systems to products related to artificial intelligence, in this i wanted to talk about some innovative solutions, innovative projects that we have implemented, for example, the construction of a high-temperature, superconducting cable line, specifically for studying the creation of breakthrough solutions in 2024, at the beginning of this year we opened a test center in st. petersburg, this is an intelligent laboratory of digital networks. where it will be possible to conduct complex research. rusite is the largest russian company with a huge infrastructure, this is about half a million substations, 2.5 million kilometers of lines of various voltages over 230 thousand employees. since march twenty -second, the company has been actively involved in
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the restoration of energy infrastructure in new regions of russia. it is important that all the innovative solutions and technologies that you are developing today, including domestic technologies, software are also used ... in our new regions, in the lpr, dpr, in the kherson and zaporozhye regions, and what is very important here, we transferred to the balance of the russian grids, the power grid equipment in these regions. for this purpose, the company created two branches , donbass and tavrichesky. currently , there are more than 1,500 people working there. the restoration of energy facilities is also ongoing, damaged and worn-out equipment is being replaced. the construction of power supply centers and new power lines is also actively underway. this, according to the head of rosseti, is the most important task, the solution of which will strengthen the connection of new regions with the unified energy system of russia. khana aleksandrovna herself very carefully recorded all the events, and now we have a large archive.
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we were leaving for evacuation from pimyansky station. once, panic overtook us, and i rushed under the mattresses to save myself. i remember this day in history, we’ll tell you right now. hello. on august 15
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, 797, irene, the first and only byzantine empress, seized power in byzantium. she went down in history as a cruel and militant ruler, but the orthodox church canonized her. and here’s why: irene was greek, devout, and grew up in athens, where she was accustomed to worshiping icons. but when she married the future emperor of byzantium, lion: she had to promise not to recognize icons, they had been banned there for many years and were considered idolatry. irina had great influence on her husband in the affairs of the empire, and after her husband's death she became regent for her young son, constantine i. when the boy grew up and wanted to rule himself, irina ordered him to be blinded and began to rule autocratically. she officially returned icon veneration, returned exiled monks and relics of saints to constantinople. also. lowered taxes, helped the poor, and actually ruled for more than 20 years, but in 803, she was overthrown as a result of a court
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conspiracy. fearing that the people would return irina to the throne, she was exiled to the island of lesbos, where she died, and for her godly deeds, she was canonized. on august 15 , 1327, the first major uprising against the ardyntsi began, in response to their outrage. tver rebelled. the governor of the khan of the golden horde, baskak cholkhan, was sent there to collect tribute. his warriors robbed and insulted the townspeople, and drove grand duke alexander mikhailovich out of the palace. when the khan's warriors tried to take the horse from the deacon, a rebellion broke out. the ardyntsi were killed, and those who managed to escape reported it. khanus beg sent an army to put the tviryaks in their place, and, strangely enough, the moscow prince ivan kalita supported them. the mongols were strong then, it was impossible to defeat them, but it was possible to take advantage of the situation in their own interests, which kalita did. together with the mongol-tatars, they burned
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tver, kashin and other cities and villages of the tver land. the period of decline of the tver principality of the rise of moscow began. but arda no longer sent its baskaks to collect tribute and take it away, the russian princes began to do it themselves. on august 15, 1918, 800 american troops landed in vladivostok, they were commanded by general william graves, the interventionists called themselves the siberia expeditionary force. after the victory of the revolution in russia and the bolsheviks' rise to power, the us state department announced a break in relations with russia and sent its troops to sort things out. in addition to the americans, the far eastern corps included troops from canada, britain, and even italy. they wanted to support those who promised to restore the former tsarist power in russia, but for now will profit. the resource-rich far east, actively exported timber, fur and gold, but when
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germany suffered defeat on the western front, in russia the troops of alexander kolchak were routed, the last resistance of the whites, foreigners realized that the participation of their troops in the civil war in russia was senseless and dangerous, everyone except the japanese began to wind down the intervention, by the spring of 1920 the united states withdrew all its troops from russian territory, in 1933. on august 15, 1971, the united states abolished the peg of the dollar to gold. this became the main of a series of economic reforms of president richard nixon and went down in history as the nixon shock. the reforms put an end to the brettenwood system of international monetary relations, which had been in effect for 25 years. since then, the world economy has entered a period of constant inflation. the brettenwood system relied on a rigidly fixed
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price of gold at $35 per troy ounce for fixed exchange rates of currencies of all countries participating in the key currency - the dollar. immediately after the second world war, the system worked regularly, there was a high demand for american goods and, accordingly, for dollars. and the united states had more than half of the world's gold reserves. but by the mid-sixties, the economies of japan and western europe had recovered. and the us share of world production had sharply decreased to 27%. the trade deficit led to the fact that dollar reserves abroad exceeded gold reserves within the united states. nixon and the financial. us leadership, without consulting europe, went for radical reforms that turned the dollar into an unsecured gold currency. and the world financial system has changed again to a system with floating exchange rates. this is what this day in history was like.
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a gardening non-profit partnership allows summer residents to solve many issues together, including landscaping, communications, and security, but if the owners of the plots decide that it is more profitable to deal with... with problems on their own, the snt can be liquidated. what needs to be done for this, we will tell you in 5 minutes in this issue of the program instructions. let's start with the fact that the decision to liquidate can only be made general meeting of members of the partnership. more than 50% of gardeners must take part in it, and at least 2/3 of them must vote for it.
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if this is exactly what happened, the general meeting must elect a liquidation commission. it is the commission that will have to carry out further ret. the necessary procedures, to begin with , post the information on the fedresurs portal, this is a single federal register of information on the facts of the activities of legal entities, individual entrepreneurs and other economic entities. when the snt decides on voluntary liquidation , a liquidation commission is appointed, liquidator, and he submits this information within 3 days after such a decision is made to fedresurs. after that, he is also the applicant when filling out the form.
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if there are debts of snt to creditors, not government agencies, i mean not tax authorities, in the case of arrears in tax payments, of course, it will not be possible to liquidate voluntarily, since after all this is a debt to the state, therefore in this case, if there is a large debt, there are more than 300,000 rubles, of course it is already worth thinking about the issue of bankruptcy of such an organization. as for debts to commercial structures, an interim liquidation balance sheet is needed to pay them off. it is made in the form of a regular accounting report approved at a general meeting, here is what it must necessarily contain information on the composition of the property of a legal entity, in our case snt, a list of claims put forward by creditors, the results of consideration of the claims presented, finally, a list of satisfied court decisions on claims, regardless
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whether the liquidation commission has confirmed these requirements or not, if the property is sufficient to satisfy the creditors' claims, the liquidation continues, if not, a decision is made on bankruptcy. in the overwhelming majority of cases, unfortunately, now in the case of a snt debt to, for example, energy supply organizations and the impossibility of paying them off, in this case, energy supply organizations file a lawsuit for bankruptcy of such snt. if the debts were repaid or there were none at all, the general meeting approves liquidation. balance of the snt, in other words, the fact that the final amount suits everyone is recorded. and also reflects the common property that remains, it is to be divided between the members of the partnership. and here is an important point that also concerns the property: by the time of liquidation of the snt, it is better to register the right of ownership of the plot, if you have not done so yet, otherwise there is a risk that your land will become the property of the state.
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after the liquidation balance is accepted, the general meeting will only have to close it. the partnership's bank account, transfer the information to the social fund and send the liquidation balance to the tax office along with a new application, if everything is done correctly, the tax office will register the liquidation procedure, make a corresponding entry in the unified state register and the gardening partnership will cease to exist. let's repeat the main stages of snt liquidation, the decision on it is made by the meeting of the partnership members, it also selects the liquidation commission, which sends. the interim liquidation is approved balance, and then after paying off creditors , the final documents are sent to the tax office. which enters information into the unified state register of legal entities. do you have any questions, do you want to know how common property is divided between the owners of the plots and
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whether a summer cottage village can become a populated area? watch our issues, subscribe to us on telegram, we will tell you about the consequences of the liquidation of snt in one of the next issues of the program instruction. this is hosted by philip trofimov in the studio, a gift to tutors and their students for the new school year year. vk launched vk tutoria, a separate tool for this type of additional education, which allows teachers to both plan and conduct classes. several
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existing vk services were integrated into one platform at once, this is a calendar, cloud mail notes, as well as vk messenger and vk calls. during the lesson , an interactive whiteboard is available, where the student can solve problems, and the teacher can correct mistakes and give examples. we know that a tutor uses three or four different tools with a student to do this. to conduct classes there, for example, you need to store the material somewhere, you need to communicate somewhere, and call each other somewhere, you need a virtual board, and so on and so forth, there are already four different tools that teachers use, for example, there are teachers who call each other on skype, but at the same time, students think that it is the last century, yes, but at the same time, tutors really use them. we want them to come to our platform and stay here. now students and tutors have access to the first queue closed platforms, for example, the same uchiro from vk or in oxford, but there the teacher works through a company,
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the tutor wants to become such a classifier as ovita, for example, only in the field of knowledge transfer, including the search for a private tutor, well, in the future. there are foreign analogues, in particular google classroom, but in light of recent events with access to google services , some difficulties may arise, while the tutor is free, but not that it is charitable. our service is free, we are not we are going to charge for using the product, our primary task is to ensure that we collect feedback from users, understand what functionality they need in order to make the service as convenient as possible, but at the same time, as part of the study, we will also look at the options for which the user will be willing to pay money and , accordingly, we will most likely invest in their monetization, they also promise to add possible built-in payments.
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in the future, they started the presentation with it, or rather with one main element of artificial intelligence now, around which everything is built. jeviy is replacing google assistant, bringing with it all the delights of a multimodal neural network, that is , understanding not only text, but sound, pictures, video, etc., and most importantly, when generating text or answering questions with recognition of what is happening in the video stream, it can use data from mail or, for example, a personal calendar, well, consent to the user as a context. strictly speaking, much of this was shown earlier on google developer conferences, critics have already noticed that the current announcement is lost against the background of the already held presentations of the new generation of voice assistants from openai and
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apple. however, there is a nuance, unlike apple and previous presentations of google itself, this time all the demonstrations were live, as a result, the first demo was only successful on the third try. but then everything was without a fight, it seems to really work, the second point, we are talking about the most popular mobile operating system on the planet, that is, this literally rolls over billions of users, well, apparently with the exception of china , to some extent, russia, the russian language is supported, but a separate application in our country was officially unavailable, the same applies to new branded smartphones, then there are no special sensations, well, except for the line. more expanded, adding to pixel 9 and pixel 9 pro pixel 9 pro xl, which is like pro, only with a larger diagonal, well, and the folding phone was updated, it is now also pro, it has become thinner and
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received. better cameras, well, of course, the whole the line of branded smartphones from google received a whole set of exclusive neuromiracles. well, it is interesting that just before the announcement of pixel 9, google began deliveries of pixel 8 to india, local indian assembly. only 8 pro - 8 pro is not assembled there yet, but the event is considered significant. firstly, the indian market is the second largest after the chinese one, that is, there is something to fight for, and secondly, local production is developing quite actively. who acted as the search engine's partner in this case is not reported, but it is known that smartphones of different brands in india are already assembled for 50 billion dollars a year, over the past decades this figure has grown 25 times, as a result, almost 100% of smartphones sold in india are also manufactured there, and we are talking not only about devices from apple, samsung, and now google, but also about chinese brands, in particular , xiaomi and oppo have assembly production in india.
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it is easy to get confused in the facts when you see only part of the overall picture, in pursuit of views they change entire locations, it is easy to make a fake dep change, we will expose all the fakes.
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the main thing, van, hurry up, so give me a horse, a mechanical one. in those old days, when there were no gadgets, people used magic, but hit yourself on the head, you have a nickname, where you need to go, that's what they call me, because i'm not taking you where you , a fool, want to go, where you need to go, he doesn't need a pen, who has a feather in his pocket. eh, what started,
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flint, i can't live without traveling, soon, some have already been destroyed, others have surrendered, others are asking for help.


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