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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 15, 2024 3:30am-4:00am MSK

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programs and documentaries, watch, watch in the application or on the website. hello, with you kirill vyshinsky and this is the program. typically novorossiya. our name
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says it all. we are talking about the territory that has returned to its historical roots. about novorossiya. with the help of a close look at history, we will try to reveal the uniqueness of its present day. find typical features, recognizable signs of the past. and this is what we will talk about today. they want to know the truth, foreign correspondents in the svo zone. how to tell the west about the realities novorossiya? a conversation with the program expert. strongmen born in the land of donbas, dmitry khaladzhi and yuri vlasov. the truth about what is really happening in novorossiya, enlightened europe. has always been
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of little interest, this became clear at the end of the 14th century, when one of the european ambassadors, either the french or the saxon court, accompanying catherine on a trip to the annexed lands, came up with a joke about fake houses on the empress's path, so the fable about potemkin villages was born. since 2014, a large-scale lie about the events of novorossiya. there was no arson in the odessa trade union house, no bombing of lugansk in 2014, no alley of angels for the average viewer in the european union , not in donetsk. the story itself in 2022 about how the svo has been shelling peaceful cities for 8 years surprises the french.
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the french tv presenter, who works for a news channel and should have all the information, is surprised. he did not know that for 8 years ukrainian troops were shelling cities that they considered their own, what can you say about his tv viewers. after the start of the svo, in the western picture of events in novorossiya little has changed, either lies or silence about the crimes of the ukrainian military, but...
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the western press called ukraine's guilt unproven, because the information came from separatists and russian media, the bbc, sky news, reuters did not even notice the shelling. the largest, oldest and most authoritative western media are either silent.
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or lie about what the ukrainian armed forces are doing in donbass and novorossiya, and they simply try to close down correspondents of independent media, bloggers and journalists. journalist and director anlor bannel, who shot another film about donbass in february 22 was fired from the paris sarbonne, where she worked for 15 years. german journalist anna lipp, who worked in donbass, faces prison in her home country for covering events in the region, she is accused of encouraging and approving criminal acts. the german prosecutor's office has already seized her bank account and confiscated all her money, about how our colleagues from western countries are working in novorossiya and trying to convey the truth about the events to their viewers and readers the last 10 years in the story of anna efimova.
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here there are still traces of the arrival of 150 5 mm caliber. the center of donetsk in august 2023 , an italian journalist covered the funeral of olga kachura, the commander of the rocket artillery division of the dpr armed forces, known by the call sign cors and found himself in the center of the shelling. there was a closed part, they asked the press to leave for 10 minutes, i literally went out, a cup of coffee and clap. it is not easy to catch vitoria in donetsk now, he is often at the forefront, so on ...
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one of the first to start filming, as in the ssu bombed peaceful cities and villages in eastern ukraine, in italy he almost went to prison for his journalistic work. there was a lot of pressure from the court, someone decided to scare, crazy accusations of recruiting mercenaries, naturally, all these accusations, well , they couldn’t prove them, the case was closed and it became a little easier in this regard. the opinion, the position of italians and europeans in general is changing. not only independent foreign journalists are becoming the eyes and ears of what is happening in donbass, but also people who are far from the sphere of media professions, those who travel to war-torn land with humanitarian missions. the italian rock band banda basoti
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includes the cities of novorossiya in their european tours. the proceeds from the concerts go to support the anti-fascist caravan created in 2014, whose participants buy medicines, things.
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pen or in the focus of the lens, it is also important to convey this information to that same foreign audience, after the total ban on broadcasting russian channels in the west, doing this has become very difficult, but still possible. you can't do a hat throwing and saying that we have won everything everywhere, this is certainly not so, mainly because all normal distribution channels, and information in the west are blocked and we are now forced to wander along guerrilla paths, we are wandering quite successfully, i must boast to you that the audience at arti, since we were closed everywhere, has grown. well, now in eighteen
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countries the films of our festival have been shown, moreover, in two nato countries we managed to show our films, in turkey in ankara we even held a full-fledged festival, there were full houses, and the first question from the audience after they saw these films... and the main question was, why haven't we seen this before? all these films are available for free viewing on the online platform artidok, as they say: "go and see." however, the plot of the soviet film of the same name about the terrible pages of the great patriotic war is relevant many decades after the seemingly unconditional victory over nazism and it seems that the so-called humane and civilized european society, its also need to watch. anna efemova, valery savelyev, anastasia popova.
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we will talk with our regular expert, political scientist, historian alexander vasilyev about how people in the west learn about events in novorussiya today, and what is needed for more truth to emerge. sasha, good afternoon, hello, sasha, it would seem that there in the west, 8 dashes 10 years ago, well, everything that could be collected about... there is a live broadcast, i remember that the correspondent says that these are rebels, yes, that this does not say, that this means russian forces,
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because well, it is clear that these are irregulars, yes, that these are people who are well trained and well equipped, yes, but this is not, that is , the russian army, well, i am speaking specifically yes, that is what was said there then, yes, and then a very clear narrative began to be developed, yes, in this regard, in the west, so to speak, they work systematically, certain frameworks are created and this is, so to speak , such an invisible censorship, yes, it acts very harshly, what are they afraid of today, they are no longer so much afraid, yes, as they are in these blinders, well, and of course, our task is the possibility of opening these blinders, in 22 we saw very well how many social networks turned from some kind of free communication of individuals, but simply into such powerful propaganda channels, on the other hand , it seems to me that you can only work with this like this...
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how many were among those people you met, foreigners, journalists, volunteers, and what attracted them there in novorussiya? well, of course, you can't say that there were many of them, yes, of course, there were such bright personalities there, like gran philips, yes, with whom i met then, and some friendly relations developed there, french guys, serbs, that is, i really had to meet foreigners, and what attracted them, yes, this is a very... good question, but it seems to me that back then, in those years, yes, novorossiya was
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some kind of territory, uh, where everyone could, every extraordinary, i would say, person, find, according to his heart, according to his intellectual aspirations, events close to him, and understandable or interesting to him, or again people, yes, these were idealists, of course, and the more... there will be room for such idealism, such free creativity in this entire space of novorossiya, today, already for the second year, the more such extraordinary people, this will... attract historical continuity, yes, that in the same way this region at one time really attracted such charismatic people, yes, from all over europe, and there were serbs, and the french, and the english, and this, this will be further, we need to use that historical experience that was, to create certain conditions, yes, to understand that such people there
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are valuable for us, that such people are interesting for us, that they not only bring their competencies with them, but they... a factor in domestic politics in many countries, the usa first of all, but this also concerns many western european countries, let's not forget about that region or even there in the whole belt of regions, and which is now such a rising force of the global, what is called the global south or the world majority, yes, there is interest in this
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region, including these events, in these countries, when we talk about the global south, there kiev, with the kiev government, and of course, this is a testing ground where issues of global security are decided, including what is called multipolarity in geopolitics , that is, to what extent this hegemony of one center of power, which considers itself the united states of america, will be preserved, it is precisely in the regions of the global south that this view
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prevails, because for us this is a much more complex phenomenon, for us this is and an element of both civil war and many different plots. yes, there and there is opposition to neo-nazism, the unification of the russian people, the security of strategic russia, yes, but we must perfectly ensure the security of our regions, of course, yes, we must perfectly understand that for people there, for example, in africa, in southeast asia, these plots are not so relevant, but they need to understand the events, that's how it's arranged, yes, that's how it's arranged, these processes, the interrelations exist, and today it is all even more relevant due to globalization, this is it...
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the famous donbass villager dmitry khaladzhi repeated the record of the legendary strongman ivan poddubny at the donetsk people's republic championship in kettlebell lifting, twisted a kettlebell weighing 100 kg, and then in the same exercise took a weight of 116 kg. this is a record of the dpr, in total, the native of donetsk-komsomolsk has 65 strength records, his name is listed in the guinness book of records. dmitry khaladzhi strives to prove that even today athletes can amaze with achievements that strongmen of antiquity were capable of. he broke the record of the greek bibon, who lived in the 6th century bc, who, according to legend, lifted a stone weighing 143.5 kg with one hand. in the 21st century
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, khaladzhi in the circus arena on tsvetnoy boulevard lifted a stone with one hand on... dmitry khaladzhi had an excellent career during ukrainian times, he toured a lot, set records, acted in films, but in 2014 , after the war began, he did not leave donbass, he could not leave his native land, which nourishes him with strength, like the legendary antaeus, another native of novorossiya, the famous soviet weightlifter yuri vlasov, who set more than 70 ussr and world records. he was born in 1935 in makeyevka, donetsk region, but did not live there for long. in 1941, the war began, evacuation, vlasov never returned to donbass, but in his small homeland they honor the great athlete and continue the glorious traditions
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of domestic weightlifters. about the fate of yuri vlasov about future record holders on athletic platforms from novorussiya. in the story by olga mokhova. a graduate of the suvorov military school and the air force engineering academy, yuri vlasov did not come to weightlifting right away. the future champion, first lifting the barbell preferred the shot put. after world war ii , americans dominated among weightlifters, but vlasov, fascinated by the history of russian strongmen, changed this situation. already in 1959, he became the ussr champion in the most prestigious heavyweight category and number one on the soviet team. americans.
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languages, on the platform for the first time in the history of the classic push exercise he lifted 202 kg, scoring a total of 537.5 in the triathlon, far ahead of his rivals. the rome olympics were called the yuri vlasov olympics, among all sports of the summer, the rest added minimal increases of half a kilogram or 2.5 kg to the records in sum meters. yuri petrovich lasov added 25 kg. this had never happened before, nor after, never in history. and in 1964, the stadium in tokyo simply gasped. at the opening ceremony of the olympics, the flag bearer of the soviet team, yuri vlasov, carried a three-kilogram flag in his left
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outstretched hand. then he did not win the gold medal, although he was confidently going for it, becoming only a silver medalist. he later returned, he set a world record to prove that he can do everything. and he tried to convince other people with this example that they can become strong. the whole world followed the career of the soviet strongman without exaggeration in 1961 in vienna he inspired the future famous actor, the legendary bodybuilder arnold schwarzenegger to work hard on himself, not just an athlete, a great thinker, that's what he said about yuri vlasov. in 1988 in moscow , the iron arnie. asked and achieved a meeting with his idol. yuri vlasov taught us all that impossible is just a word, precisely because of
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i refuse to call myself self-made because of people like him. at the training camp, he trained for 7-8 hours, and wrote at night. literary creativity was another passion of yuri vlasov. in 1962, at the world championships, he was not only an athlete, but also a special correspondent for the izvestia newspaper. his book. in general, love for his sons, honest, noble, uncompromising, he saw no limit in training, setting himself more and more new goals, vlasov was the same in his social and political work, having completed
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sports career, people's deputy of the ussr, and then deputy of the state duma of the first convocation, he even ran for the post of speaker and was a candidate for the presidency of russia, but it was not easy for such a maximalist as yuri vlasov to stay in politics, as in the chair of a sports functionary. for example, the topic of doping there, and it is very strong. unknown athlete fulfilled the dream of more than one generation of makiivka weightlifters. incredibly, there were no proper conditions for training here either during the period of economic growth of the city, or during the international and
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even olympic. weightlifters' performances here, the hall was named symbolically: victory, we accordingly try, as far as we have enough strength to support, try to match the image of our famous fellow countryman, when these events began in our twenty-second year from our hall, six people went to the front, two are now training here, other guys have it differently. fate was formed from more than 100 sports represented in the dpr 11 claim the title of basic among them weightlifting. at the last championship of the southern federal district, the republic's young athletes won a gold, silver and two bronze medals. the team also has potential to perform on the all-russian stage. standards, all these requirements are increasing. more and more demands are being raised from us. but nevertheless, the people
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are with us. that's all we wanted to talk about today. kirill vyshinsky was with you. see you soon.
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it's easy to get confused in the facts when you see only part of the overall picture, in pursuit of views
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, they change entire ones.
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in the kursk region, the operational headquarters decided to evacuate the glushkovsky district. about acting governor alexey smirnov reported this. this is information from the head of the district, alexander bogachev. he called on local residents not to return yet, and not to evacuate on their own. the military is helping to leave dangerous places. the latest information on the situation in the region from our special correspondent stanislav bernwald. there are enough problems in the kursk region.


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