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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 15, 2024 5:00am-5:24am MSK

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in kursk oblast, the operational headquarters has decided to evacuate glushkovsky district, acting governor alexey smirnov reported. the situation in sudzhansky district is tense, but the shelling in the sso has decreased. this is information from the head of the district , alexander bogachev. he called on local residents not to return yet, and not to evacuate on their own.
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the military is helping to leave dangerous places. our special correspondent stanislav bernwald has the latest information on the situation in the region. problem in kursk oblast quite large, battles are taking place in several areas at once and the battles are serious. it is worth mentioning that last evening , fire damage was inflicted on the personnel of the armed forces of ukraine in the area of ​​the settlement of olgovka, kursk region. our special units are working there, as well as armored vehicles. the ukrainians tried to break through olgina, were thrown back, it is noted that the enemy is moving on atvs, pickups, high-speed wheeled armored personnel carriers and infantry fighting vehicles, well, our lancets and fpv drones are catching up with the militants and eliminating such breakthroughs they are trying to the entire line of the kursk front is now to conduct, we wish our guys as much strength and energy as possible for as noted by local residents who leave the border area. they say
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that ukrainian militants are targeting civilian cars, as well as residential buildings. attempts by enemy mobile groups to break through on armored vehicles deep into russian territory have been thwarted in the areas of krylevka, levshinka, semenovka, alekseevsky, kamyshny. in the area of ​​martynovka , two enemy groups on pickups were discovered and destroyed. technicians, twenty-second, sixty-first mechanized, ninety-second assault and the first president.
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in order to just drive straight away to pick up, we do all this very quickly, an application comes in, we quickly process it, check through all our channels, if there really is not a sabotage group waiting for us, then we move there, how ukrainian militants behave towards the civilian population, terribly, inhumanely, a child evacuation about collecting humanitarian aid for the parcel that is needed by the kurt region, here it is organized this collection, the collection point, this is the executive committee of our party edinina. there was a collection point, so we coordinated this work and collected everything in one place, planned to send one truck, it turned out that we collected 22 tons, today the first batch of 7 tons of that humanitarian aid that we collected is leaving, and of course in the future we will help the kursk region, we will know what constant shelling is and so on, she said: i can't stay in donetsk, i have to come help, because many people leaving abandoned their dogs, someone took dogs, cats, other animals, here she is... brought a whole car of humanitarian
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aid for animals, drove through the temporary accommodation point, handed out this cargo, because really people without anything, it is clear that they first of all took documents, some personal belongings, the last... in the gravest condition, representatives of the onf help to clear the rubble at the site of attacks by ukrainian militants and to evacuate people from dangerous areas. about how the whole country helps residents of border regions, who suffered from the attacks in the ssu, anastasia ponko will tell. come on, repeat what i
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did. yeah, and what else? actors of the kursk drama theater are holding a master class for children. this time it is very different. the artists came to the temporary accommodation point. athletes also came to support the children, conduct training and competitions, maintain a cheerful spirit. in a difficult situation, switch attention to some other type of activity, it unloads the brain and rebuilds the perception of reality a little, boxing federation kursk region opened its own aid headquarters, athletes hand over food, essential clothing items in boxing clubs. when it became clear that many needed support, nikolai gathered his friends and they went to the border areas in their cars. he thought that it would be a sin to be nearby and not
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lend a helping hand. he managed to get several people out in time, including nadezhda kovaleva. the woman was visiting, at first she did not want to leave without her husband, who remained at home. the volunteers persuaded her to go with them, then they saved her husband, they somehow they know how to convince, calmly, thoroughly, that it is necessary to go, i don’t even know, i have never met such guys, kind, smart, they evacuate doctors from the border areas, the hospital is almost empty, but some doctors refused to leave, they say, after all, someone has to provide work, kursk.
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turkish wear like this is for you and take care of yourself, that’s why i hung it all on myself. those who only signed a contract yesterday are already leaving for their place of service today. of course, no one will immediately end up at the front, there is training and combat coordination ahead. like a sponge, because it will be easier there later. no drill, only what will be useful in a real fight, mountain training, skills are needed on the spoil heaps of the dpr, engineering, including overcoming water obstacles. classic military science. in the training class for unmanned aerial vehicle operators , parts of the future drone are printed on 3d printers, and here, with the help of a computer program, they model the skill of using them. note that on the walls there is a training manual with
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images of self-propelled guns, tanks and nato-style infantry fighting vehicles with which these operators will probably meet in the special military operation zone. at the kemerovo training ground , the fighters are honing their skills. the white house press service noted that the united states will continue
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to our diplomats are absolutely open about this to representatives of the united states. help ukraine, but will not comment on the actions of the ukrainian armed forces in the kursk region. at the same time , washington rejected its involvement. the reluctance is caused by concerns about corruption and security. does not want their facilities to be blown up, employees to be hurt. american or european companies, if they are going to invest in the economy of ukraine or similar countries, must be sure of having insurance against political risks and receiving financing. meanwhile, the press notes that ukrainian troops are on the verge of running out of ammunition, and even despite the fact that they will not
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be able to launch an offensive. the new york times writes that the ssu allegedly decided not to notify america about its risky mission in the kursk region, including out of fear that the main sponsor could try to convince kiev to cancel the operation. if russia succeeds in driving ukrainian troops out of the kursk regions and simultaneously advance in eastern ukraine, then the country's military leaders can be blamed for giving the russians the opportunity to take more territory. i have been in regular contact with my staff, probably every 4-5 hours for the last 6-7 days, and we have been in direct contact. constant contact with the ukrainians, that's all i'm going to tell you about this for now. why zelensky took this step and what goals he is pursuing are currently being discussed in germany. the intent remains unclear, it seems that this information operation aimed at impressing local voters and reviving flagging western support by showing what kiev is capable of militarily. zelensky wants to ensure that the promised western supplies are maintained, but in my opinion. understand why expensive equipment is being sent to russia to be destroyed, he lacks personnel, quality
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and ammunition, and he is taking resources from four well-trained brigades and sending them to russia, although he expects that they will not return. especially since the avsu is waiting a large-scale retaliatory strike and wonder how russia will respond. ekaterina radaeva, news. the authorities will help the kaliningrad region overcome all the challenges associated with its. taking into account the geography of the remark, which is constantly heard, if we are talking about the kaliningrad region, because for western russian... sklava the issue of logistics, passenger and cargo, is always acute. at
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a meeting with president vladimir putin, the acting head of the region reported on how the program for subsidizing sea transportation is being implemented cargo. according to alexey besprozvannykh, in the kaliningrad region, the number of goods delivered through the port complex is growing annually, and uninterrupted subsidies from the federal government will help maintain this trend. the same applies to passenger transportation in may to ensure preferential. if you look at the example of how much a ticket costs today, taking into account our tourist season, and tourism is developing quite actively in our country, but a subsidized ticket costs 3,800, but popular destinations are moscow, st. petersburg, the same unsubsidized ticket costs from 12 thousand and goes up to twenty, well, depending on the season, so for us it is really very important, we will definitely do it, as agreed. the head of the airline tickets will continue to subsidize,
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as for sea transportation, because this is now the main artery for the delivery of goods and the removal of goods, but at the end of the twenty-eighth year, the zvezda plant is scheduled to deliver another ferry for kaliningrad, in the twenty-ninth another ferry, yes, we we are really looking forward to it, it will make our work much easier, thank you very much, despite all the restrictions that the kaliningrad region has faced recently, production volumes are recovering, only in the first half of 2024 the manufacturing industry is showing growth of 10%. in agriculture , the same specificity plays a direct role.
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we got our bearings and therefore today, together with the team at the rsp and tpp site, we have prepared we respect our neighbors, but we very quickly a specific program, which until 2030 shows us what volumes of investment are needed and what results we will get. and in order to implement all ambitious plans, the region needs to solve the personnel issue. in the kaliningrad region , almost 15,000 vacancies are already unfilled, in the next 6 years, investment plans will require attracting another 25 to attract personnel. from other regions, this is not only an increase in wages, now everyone has really switched to housing construction, providing social infrastructure, and we , of course, help them with this, one of the ways to solve problems - to switch to new technologies, absolutely right, we are also discussing this, today they are actually preparing a program to automate their production, this is within the framework of that, by the way, project that you
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initiated, and i think that in this regard there are a number of quick solutions that they offer, well and such... the restructuring of technological lines is already more than an average prospect , the region plans to attract, including people who have undergone a special military operation under the personnel program time of heroes in kaliningrad qualified workers are already arriving. support for the fighters and their loved ones is an absolute priority: the rehabilitation center in the suburbs of kaliningrad is fully operational and the regional authorities are counting on federal support for the construction of the second corps of the special military operation; the region is helping with the purchase of equipment and gear for this.
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1 million rubles. we are continuing this work actively. the kaliningrad region is a region that is often chosen for residents of other parts of russia to come to, which means it is important to develop social infrastructure. a polyclinic for 1,120 people is opening, seven new schools are being built with the head of state, acting governor, discussed the possibility of budget support for the construction of two polyclinics and two new schools. the region would like to receive support in modernizing waste storage facilities, another area is the development of culture. appointed him to the post, and therefore will try to help in the implementation of those requests that besprozvannykh the president noted that he himself
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today has the kaliningrad region, but the decision on who should lead the region in the future will certainly depend on his. you imprisoned me in fire, beer self-written magic ink, get it, you are the main vanya of therapy, then give me a horse, mechanical, in those old times when you have, where you need to go, that's what they call me, because i'm not taking you where you fool wants, where you need to go, he doesn't need a pen, who
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has a tinderbox in his pocket, uh. uh, what started? tinderbox. i can't live without traveling. soon. what was memorable about this day in history, we'll tell you right now. from the seventh year in byzantium irene, the first and only byzantine empress, seized power. she went down in history as a cruel and militant ruler, but the orthodox church canonized her. and here 's why. irene was greek, devout, and grew up in finakh, where she was accustomed to worshiping icons, but when she married the future emperor of byzantium leo, she had to promise not to recognize icons. they had been banned there for many years and were considered idolatry. irene had great influence on her husband in the affairs of the empire, and after her husband's death she became regent for her minor son. son constantine. when the boy grew up and wanted
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to rule himself, irina ordered him to be blinded and began to rule autocratically. she officially returned the veneration of icons, returned the exiled monks and the relics of saints to constantinople. 20 years, but in 803 she was overthrown as a result of a court conspiracy. fearing that the people would return irina to the throne. exiled all the way to the island of lesbos, where she died, and for her faith and godly deeds she was canonized . on august 15, 1327, the first major uprising against the horde began, in response to their outrage, tver rebelled. to collect the grand duke alexander mikhailovich, when the khan's warriors tried to take the horse from the deacon, a rebellion broke out. the ardyntsi were killed, and those who managed to escape reported them ... khanusbek sent an army to put the tviryaks in their place, and, strangely enough, the moscow prince ivan kalita supported them. the mongols were strong then, it was impossible to defeat them, but
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it was possible to use the situation to their advantage, which kolita did together with the mongols of moscow. but the horde no longer sent its baskaks, and to collect tribute and the russian princes began to transport it themselves. august 15, 1918. germany suffered a defeat on the western
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front, alexander kolchak's troops were routed in russia, the last resistance of the whites, foreigners realized that the participation of their troops in the civil war in russia was senselessly dangerous. and everyone, except the japanese, began to wind down the intervention. by the spring of 1920, the united states had withdrawn all its... august 15, 1971, the main one in a series of economic reforms by president richard nixon and went down in history as the nixon shock: the reforms put an end to the bretton woods system of international monetary relations, which had been in effect for 25 years, since then the world economy has entered a period of constant flux. the brattenwood system relied on a rigidly fixed price of gold at $35 per troy ounce, and fixed exchange rates accounted for more than half
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of the world's gold reserves. but by the mid -sixties, the economies of japan and western europe had recovered and the us share of world production had sharply decreased to 27%. the trade deficit led to the fact that dollar reserves abroad exceeded reserves gold inside the us. nixon and the financial leadership. the us, without consulting europe, went for radical reforms that turned the dollar into a currency not backed by gold. and the world financial system changed again to a system with floating exchange rates. that was the day in history.
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