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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 15, 2024 5:30am-5:59am MSK

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the atton woods system relied on a rigidly fixed gold price of $35 per troy ounce; fixed exchange rates accounted for more than half of the world's gold reserves, but by the mid-1960s the economies of japan and western europe had recovered and the us share of world production had fallen sharply to 27%. the trade deficit had led to dollar reserves abroad exceeding gold reserves within the us. nixon and the us financial leadership advised against it. and the world financial system had changed again. on a system with floating exchange rates. this is what this day in history was like.
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protect your home, install a fire alarm. safety starts with you, emercom of russia. there are people in intelligence, pushed these people into the doorway and.
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it's all a dream, and you want to open your eyes and wake up. we'll take on this case, it will be an honest detective. are you used to watching videos online? has it stopped working? install, open, watch. russian channels all tv series, movies and cartoons, educational programs and documentaries. movies, watch, watch in
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application or on the website. hello, the correspondents of the program vesti duty part and i, maxim movchan, will tell you about the main legal events of the day. your documents have now been addressed to the head of the state traffic safety inspectorate for the oksaysky district of the rostov region. sergei selivanov was detained by colleagues on suspicion of receiving bribes; investigators believe that he has been... maxim shevchenko. the usually
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quiet southern town of oksay is not often shaken by scandalous news. this time, the occasion is doubly special. the investigation has come into the spotlight high-ranking police officer. the head of the traffic police for the oksaysky district, sergei selivanov , was accused of taking bribes, including from his subordinates. the investigative committee reports that selivanov collected tribute from traffic police inspectors for a year. acting out of selfish motives, he received monthly payments from his subordinates. fsb operatives. it is possible that with this money that investigators managed to track down , over time, investigators will learn the real size of possible extortions. one way or another, their version sounds simple: every month, traffic inspectors must reassure their boss were to share money with him, and then with...
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oust sounds somewhat ambiguous, it is driving vehicles while intoxicated, also driving vehicles by persons who do not have the right to drive or have been deprived of the right to drive, as well as speeding and failure to comply with the requirements of road signs and markings. now the investigative committee is sorting out the nuances of the work of the brave policeman and his subordinates, there is something to dig into, especially since this scandalous story is far from the first in which appears. road police highways m4 don, for example, in 2020 it became known about an illegal scheme of a large resort road , its victims were tourists who were traveling around the region for the first time and in their own cars, for example, on a winding road and blind turns they drew three traffic lanes, one of which constantly changed
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direction, did not have time to change lanes, deprivation of rights, and this is what you have some moments like that, where you have a video of some kind of fake cars being taken out or that i something. well, i don’t remember that i am someone, show me mine violation, i will pass it on to you to make it possible to show you now , several employees of the ministry of internal affairs were detained at once, their probable accomplices, last year a whole wave of detentions of high-ranking employees of the ministry of internal affairs swept across the rostov region, they allegedly also collected tribute, but not from subordinates, from local businessmen, the work was mainly carried out through district police officers, a policeman comes to you and says: well, show me your documents, here he shows, here... you don't have this or that, they simply agreed, people paid them money. now to the questions investigators, the head of the state traffic inspectorate for the oksaysky district, sergei selivanov, is responsible, this is how the press service of the main directorate of the ministry of internal affairs of russia for the rostov region commented on his detention. employees of the don main directorate of the ministry of internal affairs are conducting an official investigation
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into the head of the state traffic inspectorate of the territorial police department. at present, he has been suspended from his official duties. if the employee's guilt is confirmed, he will be dismissed from the agency. a preventive measure will be chosen, it is possible that he will wait in custody until the end of the investigation, and he may be charged with new episodes. maxim shevchenko, mikhail shirin, natalia korzhova and ekaterina romanova, news. duty part. a raid in the underground in moscow, rowdy traders, who were lounging at the entrance to the metro, attacked our correspondent. the fact is that officials were conducting a raid and identifying illegal businessmen, fruit sellers really don't want to get on tv. attention, employees of the transportation organizer. they are fining illegal sellers, why are you bothering me, but i don't bother you, you touched, and what were you selling, please tell me, why were you trudging around without documents, aren't you ashamed, don't send, how do you know, do you have any certificates, the assortment is typical for summer, fruits and vegetables,
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the sellers don't have any medical books or certificates for the goods, i sell good goods, but how do we know this, are there documents , a fine, i gave my word as a man, i won't trade at all, what are you saying? cases of such illegal trade, they sell not only fruits, but also other products, as well as clothes and electronics, the quality of such goods is not guaranteed by anyone, so inspectors regularly conduct raids
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for illegal trade in the metro and in twenty, probably, passengers should really think once again about their health, about their well-being, before buying that... thanks to the daily work of thousands of people , the moscow metro remains one of the most comfortable and safe in the world, and of course, maintaining order will be even easier if every passenger tries to maintain it in the subway. daniil sukhoruchko, dmitry kanovalova, emil musayev, vesti, duty part. the capital's taxi drivers will have to, which started in moscow. while testing is voluntary, but in six months it will become mandatory. how this can affect the transportation market - ilya filippov found out. how can you memorize significant objects of moscow, a city three times the size of singapore, this is the first thing that outrages taxi drivers. colleagues assess this initiative in two ways, they are afraid that this will be some kind of sword of damocles, which will be a screening exam, but what
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that certification is inevitable, they know in the park they show where it will happen in the personal accounts of a special taxi system, a new section "certification". the number of times, if the first time a person does not pass the certification, he is given 2 days to prepare, three sections: transportation rules, emergency situations and significant capital objects, how whom and what to carry a taxi driver. usually know, they know how to behave in emergency situations, here is knowledge of the city you can't guess, has anyone seen a taxi driver without a navigator? if i sat down with you and i say: i want to go to the eternal flame, what will you tell me, because you will go to the eternal flame by taxi, to the eternal flame, do you mean the alexandrovsky garden or what? yes, the alexandrovsky garden, but it depends again, if from where we are going straight along dmitrovskoye highway, butyrskaya, butyrskaya street and so on.
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in the engine compartment of the car with a carbon dioxide or powder fire extinguisher
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then in which administrative district of the city of moscow is izmailovsky park located izmailovo district is generally north-eastern north-eastern eastern exactly well and we could have made a mistake naturally we are people fly don't bother you successfully leaked the test be careful on the road is that all right. for now the exam is in test mode, but from next year you won't become a taxi driver without certification. however, certification is held remotely, and you can choose the test answers with the whole taxi fleet and even call for help from the car service, the main thing is to fit in 20 minutes. ilya filippov, nikita shchuchkin, pavel vetrinsky, anastasia royf, ilya kuzmin. vesti - duty part. the culprit of mass fatal accident, which at high speed lost control and knocked down a crowd of people on the sidewalk. one person died, three more were injured. according to preliminary findings of law enforcement, the reckless driver was under the influence of drugs. details from fyodor eliseev.
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busy chernyakhovsky street in the center of kaliningrad. a black suv drives into the oncoming traffic lane, crosses it at speed and flies into a crowd of people walking on the sidewalk. as a result of the traffic accident with various injuries and bodily harm, there were four people were hospitalized. subsequently , a resident of khabarovsk, born in 1973, who was left in intensive care , died. the driver of the elite suv himself did not receive any injuries. after the accident, he was sitting next to the car half-naked. he was able to get to his feet only thanks to the traffic police officers who took him to a patrol car, who was previously in a state of drug intoxication, the man blinked alternately with his left and right eyes. he answered questions with difficulty and constantly asked again. did you use drugs? did you use drugs? true, the empty transparent bag that was lying around. in front of the driver's seat suggests otherwise, the driver was a local individual entrepreneur arseniy
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pokladov. he had previously been charged with drunk driving. in the leningrad district court of kaliningrad, the man finally sobered up. he understood the questions the first time, although he still had to force himself to answer. pokladov was charged under the article "violation of traffic rules, resulting in the death of a person." the prosecutor's office of the kaliningrad region the region controls the establishment of all the circumstances of the incident, as well as the course of the investigation.
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already convicted on the hand sparkles a heavy gold bracelet, in the house in the eyes of the kid from luxury items, the source of the good life can be found in and not only, two small bags see, and the crust-shaped purely briquettes. right there in the house is everything necessary for packaging, scales, packaging, there is even a list, so to speak, of business partners, the group worked on a large scale, the police found more than 600 grams of various drugs seized, including corfentonil, the most powerful apioid, all these are only those prohibited substances that the drug lord did not have time to sell, that's it, come on here, according to
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the investigation, the whole family business was trading in substances, the drug lord's wife was engaged in packaging and distributing wholesale lots, her sixty... mother and sister managed small dealers from among especially close friends, they worked the old-fashioned way, not through caches, but so to speak, from hand to hand, what is this, explain? is it me who cut up my son, what is this? yes, i constantly, this is, all over apparently the family business was going uphill, cash, bank cards and a collection of jewelry were found in the house, more than 400 g of gold, diamond jewelry and coins made of precious metals, for example, australian dollars, were seized, at the current exchange rate this coin costs almost 70.00 rubles. also, operatives found a pistol, presumably a traumatic one, more than 200 rounds of ammunition. during the investigation of the criminal case, six defendants were remanded in custody, one of the suspects was placed under house arrest. now employees the police are conducting further operational and investigative measures to establish the involvement of the accused in other crimes. the investigation has just begun, it is known that
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the defendants in this case traded all possible types of potions, from hashish, heroin to synthetics and medicinal. drugs, in russia for the sale of drugs on an especially large scale, the criminal code provides for punishment up to life imprisonment. irina lotsi, andrey ostapenko, news, duty unit, omsk. heading for a colony in a moscow court has begun to consider the criminal case of the queen of morales and money laundering. investigators have collected thick volumes of evidence of how the lady understated her income and split up her business. first of all, the court extended the odious blogger's arrest for another six months. and her numerous real estate, cars and other property will remain under arrest for the same amount of time. details from ekaterina lekhamanova. like many scandalous stars of russian show business, the no less famous queen of marathons elena blinovskaya came straight from the pre-trial detention center to the sovelovsky court in so-called black turtleneck for apologies. but apologies are clearly not enough. by the start of the trial , blinovskaya owes the state more than a billion rubles. so to speak, at the start.
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the hearing, as expected, is being held behind closed doors, so the queen of marathons does not have the opportunity to make any statements yet, journalists are waiting for all the news on the threshold of the court. it is known that during the investigation , blinovskaya paid off only a small part of the debt - 230 million rubles. the amount involved in the criminal case on tax fraud is also significantly less than a billion. the rest of the debt is fines. they are not directly related to the investigation. earlier, the infofei's property was seized. as much as 64 billion rubles. during the financial machinations and tricks with the fragmentation of the business, the blinovskaya family managed to acquire 21 real estate properties, an elite fleet of cars, a collection of jewelry, and also stocked up on a safety cushion in the form of several dozen bank accounts. it would seem that even a tiny share of the funds from the sale of real estate would be enough to pay off the debt, but not
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here it was, until the arrest of the defendant in the criminal case is lifted, even the bankruptcy option that the accused was considering is unlikely to improve the situation, if we are talking about the possibility of writing off debts, then it will be very difficult for her to do this for the reason that there is a criminal case, and the actions to form these debts, they were initially intentional, accordingly, in the future she may even be brought to subsidiary liability, so far the investigation has agreed to lift the arrest of part of her property - the blogger's defense stated. recently it was possible sell father's apartment in an elite residential complex in the center of moscow for 70 million rubles. but this, although solid, is only a drop in the sea of ​​debts. popular family, i just pull out the necessary, so to speak, resources from a person, according to the investigation, blinovskaya received income from the sale of so-called wish marathons for many years, there she promised to help build a successful business, and even get married successfully, the main thing is to believe, people believed and paid, the blogger meanwhile put the money of naive students in her pocket in parallel , she crushed the business, almost shamans
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tried, but for some reason the economist by education did not take into account the risks, and then tried to blame... allegedly they confused business optimization with fragmentation. by the way, the courses on happy life also turned out to be not very effective, and for the author. the husband, the queen of marathons alexey blinovsky , was also, by the way, accused of tax evasion. soon after that, he decided to go to the special military operation zone. further information about alexey is contradictory. he was put on the wanted list, and judging by official sources, this decision no one appealed. meanwhile. his wife elena blinovskaya is answerable before the law, as they say, to the fullest extent, and is thinking about how to get out of the debt hole, otherwise she could face a serious term for tax evasion on an especially large scale for...
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"they were waiting for the most humane trial in the world in yekaterinburg themis passed a sentence on the extremist fantasists who continued to live in the soviet union. in any case, they were sure of this, moreover, every single one of them called themselves officials in power, did not pay utilities willingly took loans in russia, to pay back".
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took in russian rubles, while refusing to pay for housing and communal services or return loans, some had to turn off the electricity and water for debts. does the russian federation not exist? i am a citizen of the soviet union, i am in the jurisdiction in the legal field, here is the soviet union, the soviet union exists, but i wanted to live well, so the electricity was reconnected using makeshift methods, for example, in the footage from the camera in the entrance you can see how a person carefully copies the image vladimir lenin, returns to citizens from...
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the russian authorities, including they did not pay taxes, utility bills, that is , in order to show their protest against
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the current, current state system, the organizers received 6 years in a general regime colony, their most active accomplice 4 years, the rest two. until the sentence comes into force, part of the term of citizens of a non-existent country will have to spend in a real russian pre-trial detention center, will. not appeal to the judicial authorities, which they, by the way, they also do not admit it, it will become known after their lawyers receive the full text of the sentence. albert musin, maksasopregeldyev, elena goleeva, the duty unit from yekaterinburg. and in udmorti , the police caught two agronomists, amateurs who organized a criminal competition, who can grow more drugs? the footage of the operational shooting shows the moment of detention, special forces soldiers pull the suspects out of cars and lay them face down on the asphalt. according to investigators, the suspects turned two summer houses into winter gardens here.
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we don't go by subscription. you can find out about the latest legal news 24/7 in the vesti duty part and honor on detective telegram channels. maxim ovchan was in the studio. see you later.
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it's easy to get confused in the facts when you see only part of the overall picture, the pursuit of views changes the whole.
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