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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 15, 2024 8:00am-8:31am MSK

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the regions are evacuating residents of the glushkovsky district our military continues to destroy opponents along the entire border area using drones howitzers of aviation we will show footage from the ministry of defense. american media have thrown out a new version of the terrorist attack on the nord streams. in fact, they admitted that the cia knew all the details of the preparation of the sabotage, but allegedly told zelensky to cancel the operation. why did the explosions in the baltic sea still happen who is now being accused? secretly enter houses
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and conduct searches, as well as install surveillance programs. in germany, they want the security forces expand powers, which journalists are already afraid of. the tundra is burning in the murmansk region, an emergency class of fire hazards, a downpour is expected in the arctic, where the weather is not yet threatening troubles, we will tell you in the issue. we will start with the situation in the kursk region, where a missile threat has been announced three times since the beginning of the day, a decision to evacuate has been made in another border area, not in the region, temporary accommodation points are operating, where about 800 people are currently located. our special correspondent will tell you all the details stanislav bernwald. stanislav, i greet you, tell us what the situation is, what is happening this morning and how was the night? yes, tatyana. hello, well
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, literally half an hour ago the missile threat was cancelled, today it has already been declared three times, indeed, the situation is still extremely unsettled in the kursk region, glushkovsky, sudzhansky districts, probably the most difficult and hottest place on the map of the region now, the enemy in small groups is trying to penetrate deep into the district, deep into the region, but our guys... are trying to they are succeeding in pushing back, the most important thing is that the ukrainian militants are having serious problems with reserves, because they are beating off the routes of delivery of weapons and food, well, actually, the approach of forces, our aviation and artillery are actively participating in this, a very important point, the regional operational headquarters has made a decision on the mandatory evacuation of all of glushko.
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in order to ensure the safety of residents, the glushkovsky district is now being evacuated, this is a very important point, there are more than 20 thousand people there, another important message: in kursk, police continue to issue passports to citizens who left the border areas, issue passports within 24 hours, for this you need to make an application.
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brought from the astrakhan region for residents of the kursk region and border regions, we collected about 15 tons of humanitarian aid, in fact, the things are the most.
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with the latest information was our special correspondent stanislav bernwald. and now about a special military operation, a large stronghold of the militants of the kiev regime destroyed in the southern donetsk direction. the target was hit by a crew of the uragan multiple launch rocket system. it is part of the marine corps brigade of the vostok group. the coordinates were provided by aerial reconnaissance, which also confirmed the destruction of the stronghold. the crews of the group are working both deep into the defense, and along the positions near the line of combat contact, thereby providing support to the advancing assault detachment. and the crews of the newest heavy flamethrower systems tos-2, the center group of troops destroyed the fortified positions of the ukrainian armed forces on avdeevskoye
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direction. having received the coordinates, the fighters marched to the firing position and fired a salvo at a distance of about 20 kilometers, after which nothing remained of the neo-nazi stronghold, the tus-2 system is designed specifically for clearing bunkers of field fortifications, as well as destroying enemy armored vehicles. well, now the continuation of the story with the undermining of the northern streams. the wall street journal gives another american version of this terrorist attack. they claim that the states were allegedly categorically against sabotage on the gas pipeline, and her plan was personally approved by zelensky.
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all those who flocked here to the north he gets out of the car in the direction of, of course, california, to hear the promise of america's future, the republican headquarters is maximally charged, the glamorous picture, the effects of social networks, trump is in the spotlight. too cool for fraud, we will make america great again. waiting for the show.
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as he has been doing for the last 3 years, because he would not have enough mental and physical strength, even to work at a cushy job at a local golf club, let alone perform duties of the commander-in-chief of our armed forces and the president of this country, it is a real disgrace, in the american media there are reports that the country has long been ruled by anyone but the president, in some sense there is an invisible command post behind everything, so that even the president is purely nominal and no longer plays a special role, as a result of a coup d'etat one nominal leader can be removed, after
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which the media exalts another, who will become the new nominal head. and in these conspiracy theories and chaos, in fact, the democrats don't lift a finger, there is a split within the dem party, kamala harris is drowning in scandals, but the newspapers call her the killer of kiev, hinting at dissatisfaction with zelensky . they write that harris's team manipulates headlines and buys.
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and now new details have emerged about the accident with the minibus in anapa, and it overturned, it is reported that all passengers are alive, the number of victims according to updated data is seven people, and it is assumed that the fifty-six-year-old driver fell asleep at the wheel, which was the cause of the accident. and now let's talk about the economy, maria, in the second in the middle of next year, russia may begin mass implementation of the digital ruble, and for now some banks are testing the use of this in pilot mode, and tell us, well, what do the participants of the experiment say, how is it going in general. tatyana, as noted by vtb and the central bank, the demand is high, the number of participants is gradually expanding, i will tell you more about this a little later, but for now on to other news. the bank of russia commented on the latest data on the economy. in july, core inflation in the country decreased, but its monthly growth accelerated more than a percent. the regulator explained
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the reasons. in addition to the increase in utility tariffs , products and services had an impact, the prices of which fluctuate significantly depending on the season, for example, gasoline, fruits and vegetables. an important role was played by high domestic demand, which is currently outpacing supply. therefore, the central bank believes that it is necessary to further tighten monetary policy. well, in addition, the regulator published a report according to which in july there was: a monthly deficit in the current account of the balance of payments in half a billion dollars, as kommersant writes, experts called the result a random temporary one, mainly it is connected with the accounting of dividends of foreign investors on special accounts of type c. more and more banks want to join the experiment on the introduction of the digital ruble, therefore the project is planned to be expanded in september, tas reports. we see a very high demand for participation in the pilot from the bank. their clients, therefore we are gradually expanding the number of participants of the pilot users. we
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expect that in case of progress on the troektoria we have set, according to the planned plan, we will be able to move from the pilot to the mass implementation of the digital ruble in the second half of 2025. in the united states , it will take many years to find a replacement for russian uranium and a complete rejection of it is unlikely to happen. the director of the american investment company navigator principal told tas about this. it is the situation with the supply of fuel for nuclear reactors that can have serious negative consequences directly for the american consumer, both corporate and ordinary citizens, who will feel the increased cost of an electric meter, i assume that the us will have to soften this ban over time. on monday , a ban on imports of russian uranium to the us came into force, but the us bill has a clause that allows the restrictions to be circumvented: until 2028 , the country's ministry of energy may permit the import of fuel
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if there is no alternative supplier, or if national interests require it. currently , the us buys about a third of its imported uranium from russia. and in conclusion of the issue, i will remind you that the exchange rate today is one dollar 90 rubles 5 kopecks. euro - 100 rubles 31 kopecks. and that 's all for now. now the footage from telegram channels is italy, the famous etno volcano is erupting there, a powerful stream of lava is thrown up several meters, and a column of ash is visible for many kilometers. russian soldiers told
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how they saved a conscript soldier in the kursk region. he entered the battle with excellence. he reached the evacuation point from the encirclement of the ukrainian armed forces for two days, the enemy fired directly at him , the soldier with the call sign fly eventually eliminated two of the ukrainian soldiers who were shooting at him and reached his own fateful footage, so where is he?
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as soon as he came out to the area of ​​the villages of ulanok, we immediately moved out, drew him a map of what and how to get there, or rather how to get there, it is our duty, as if to protect the local residents, yes, our land, and even more so if a soldier got into such a situation, this is my colleague, but the guy is generally great, he is 1.59 meters tall, but you could feel his spirit and strength, handsome,
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you can't break the russians, the quiet sebili themselves, when they were driving after a fly, they walk across the field, rap is working so that the enemy drones lose their bearings, we are taking out, we are taking out, guys, the commander said that i have fighters there and there, they need to be taken out, well , naturally, we didn’t refuse, we went there, well, what can we do, we went there, we took the rap, all the equipment, for this group, where there were 21 people, tikhyi and sibil had to move on foot, guys, the connection was very bad, they
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went out, the connection was back and forth, and well, in general, we found them. then guys, well, we made a diploma, they were taken out in small groups, everything is fine, and volunteers from kursk jeep rescue helped to take out the evacuees, here is their car, guys, handsome, the jeep saved the course, this is what brotherhood of one's own looks like, where everyone is shoulder to shoulder with a comrade in arms, be it the artomov direction or the kursk region, in any case, brotherhood, it manifests itself, because it is one team, they all... work in one direction and of course all these factors affected the effective performance of the combat mission, because in any case it is a combat mission, evacuation, in any case it is associated with a risk to life, because drones are flying there, there are a lot of birds, we know that there are some saboteurs who are disguised as ukrainian forces, well,
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no matter how you disguise yourself, a russian soldier will recognize his own right away, and will give the enemy a tough fight, soldier. with the call sign fly, he just took out two ukrainian armed forces fighters. in bashkiria, another 200 families received the long-awaited blue fuel, two new gas pipelines were put into operation in the republic. the pre-gasification program is also being implemented. all the details are from igor pikhanov. the residents of the small bashkir village of klushevo are having a real holiday. in a solemn atmosphere, the gas pipeline. soon blue fuel will appear in all houses. people will no longer have to heat their own. until the twenty-fifth year, this is a very large program, we have gas in almost all large settlements, we are already entering small settlements with gas and the program of additional gasification,
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which simplifies the supply of gas directly to your homes. dinners in the rashidov family are now cooked exclusively on an open fire, the hostess believes that it turns out tastier and healthier, and the head of the house says he will no longer have to waste time for the daily kindling of the stove and spring... preparation of firewood in the forest, the village was never gasified, we never had gas, we only had stove heating, that is , with firewood, we had to prepare firewood every year , such timely work was organized very quickly here, so thanks to this work with gas, also central water supply began to be brought to our village, gas also appeared in the village of novogurovka, local residents believe that affordable fuel... will not only make life more comfortable for the population, but will help in the development of farms and industrial enterprises, which means that new jobs will appear in the village. of course,
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today i want to live here, i started today, the house is warm, the house is good, the gas stove works, it is dry, naturally, it seems to me that people will flock to this village, we have never abandoned the village, the region is one of the leaders in the country in terms of the rate of connection to blue fuel, more than 3,000 settlements, 1.5 million houses and apartments have been gasified. almost 10,000 families have taken advantage of social support measures, gas has been supplied to 9,500 households. according to the federal program, before gasification, gas pipelines were built to the boundaries of land plots, private houses are connected to the network gas. more than 62 thousand applications were received from residents of the republic, more than 90% of contracts have already been fulfilled. in the near future , bashkartastan will be our region with 100% gasification, this is a great achievement, convenience for people, what concerns. the country as a whole, we have crossed such a very serious milestone, at the moment today more than a million households have received gas to their land plots, now it is very
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it is important to do pre-gasification, according to state programs , the infrastructure is being developed and modernized on the gas networks of the republic, new equipment has made it possible to increase the capacity and volumes of consumption of blue fuel, gazprom specialists believe that the potential for gasification in the republic in the near future will be up to 4000. the reconstruction of the gas distribution station is underway, we are creating additional capacity for the developing industry of the republic of bashkortostan. it is very important that 181 new settlements will receive natural gas, and today we are to natural gas today for three settlements were connected in one day, this is a very good result. the pre-gasification program will not only make life in rural areas easier and more comfortable. the transition from coal to gas will reduce emissions of harmful substances into the atmosphere.
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real won the uefa super cup for a record sixth time. carol ancelotti's team beat atalanta with a score of 2:0. the match was expectedly held with the advantage of real madrid, although madrid scored both goals only in the second half. in the fifty-ninth minute, venicius passed from the left line to valverde, who with meters did not miss. and 9 minutes later, in his debut official match for real , french striker kylian mbappe scored. in the episode, everything was decided by individual skill. mbappe scored in one touch in his signature style after a pass. real has its first trophy of the european club season. for head coach carlcelotti, this is the jubilee thirtieth trophy in his career, and real's croatian midfielder luka modric is now the most decorated
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footballer in the history of the royal club. modric has 27 as part of real madrid victories in various tournaments. and the former atalanta midfielder alexey miranchuk addressed the fans of his new team, the american atlanta, on social networks. the russian said in english that he was glad to get there. atlanta is looking forward to meeting at the home stadium. the next match against nashville is exactly a month away. the video was recorded in italy, in the city of bergamo, where alexey mironchuk's former club is based. the next matches of the second round of the russian cup on the rpl route were held in moscow, kazan and samara. moscow spartak won the cup second win in a row with a score of 3:0. two weeks ago they beat moscow dynamo the day before with the same score spartak smashed krylia sovetov. all the goals the red-and-whites scored in the second half.
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and i will also remind you that spartak and krylia met in the russian championship just 9 days ago then the score was also 3:0. in another match of group a, moscow dynamo won a strong-willed victory over dynamo makhachkala. csk and nizhny novgorod played 1:1 yesterday. another. scored defender armetev igor deveev in the penalty shootout more accurately were cska and zenit football players win 1:0 in kazan. since the beginning of the season , sergey semak's team has won seven times out of seven possible victories in all tournaments. cristiano ronaldo with another record and achievement. yesterday evening, in the semi-final of the saudi arabian cup, al-nasr cristiano ronaldo beat al-t taawoun with a score of 2:0. the portuguese took a direct part in both goals. cristiano scored himself
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and gave an assist. thus , the portuguese has scored in the twenty-third season in a row in professional football. his first goal in his professional career at at the adult level, cristiano ronaldo scored while still with letsomon sporting in october 2002. tennis mira andreeva played and won her first match after the olympic tournament in paris. on the eve of her seventeenth birthday , the russian defeated the thirteenth racket of the world, american emma navara, at the start of the prestigious masters series tournament in cincinnati. both sets in the match ended with the same score of 6:2 in andreeva's favor. in both sets, mira andreeva took her opponent's serve twice. to win, the silver medalist of the paris olympics needed a little more than an hour. emira andreeva's opponent in the next round will be the former world number one, czech karolina pliskova. that's all about sports for now, see you next time.
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who are you? i, a traveler, aeronaut, jean ivan, and so we come out as tseki, what a fairy tale without ivan, eh, what? it all started without deception, without a flint, in the fires did you imprison me, a self-written pen, magic ink, you'll get it, the main thing is, vanya, hurry up, so give me a horse, a mechanical one, and beat yourself on the head, you do have a nickname, where need, that's what they call me, because i'm taking you not where you fool want, where you need to go.
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i can't live without traveling, flint, he who has flint in his pocket doesn't need a pen, soon, kana alexandrovna herself very carefully recorded all the events, and now we have a large archive, smelyansky railway station, we were leaving for evacuation, once ... all the same , panic overtook us, threw himself under the mattresses to save himself, they covered us children so that we would not see all this horror, our days shot down this plane, leningrad children brought here, there was an orphanage, we met love and kindness, children loved rock. pick blackberries,
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and during these walks they began to talk about their family, this line separating life from death, it is so thin, it turns out. and with you news, briefly about the main thing at this minute. firing positions, concentrations of the infantry of the armed forces of ukraine destroyed the artillery of the southern group of troops in the donetsk direction of the special military operation. the combat work was carried out by the calculations of the grad multiple launch rocket systems. they were helped by reconnaissance detachments with drones, they identified targets and adjusted the strike. the soyuz 2.1 a rocket with the progress ms-28 spacecraft successfully launched from the baikanur cosmodrome. the space cargo ship will deliver more than 1,000 tons of cargo to the iss.


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