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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 15, 2024 9:30am-10:01am MSK

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in moscow, 9:29 and further, briefly about the main thing. in the kursk region, residents of the glushkovsky district are being evacuated. the decision was made by the operational headquarters. since the beginning of the day , a missile threat has been declared in the region three times. over the past 24 hours, according to the ministry of defense, the enemy lost another 270 people and 16 armored vehicles in this direction. 18 militants surrendered. in the avdel direction of the special operation , a stronghold of the ukrainian armed forces was destroyed. the combat mission was carried out by the crew of the newest russian flamethrower system tos-2. in the orekhovsky direction, enemy military facilities were attacked our geocentre guns are beating. on yuzhnodonetske on the contact line, the jet hurricanes of the vostok group of forces are working. the cargo ship progress ms-28 entered orbit and headed for the iss. the flight is expected to take about two days. docking with the zvezda module is scheduled for the nearest. on saturday,
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the space truck will deliver more than 2.5 tons of cargo to the station. india celebrates independence day. the ceremonial event took place in the historic red ford citadel. prime minister narendro modi addressed the nation. he noted the achievements congratulated the residents of the country. the ceremony also included a review of the guard of honor and a flag was raised. pulkovo airport is operating under limited conditions.
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well, let's start with footage from the south of siberia, where it is also very warm, a strong thunderstorm woke up novosibirsk residents today, the city's residents simultaneously watched the sunrise, lightning and a rainbow, the spectacle turned out to be very bright, although it did not bring a lot of precipitation, while there are fewer clouds now, the air has already warmed up to +25, thunderstorms this morning from ... with the edge of buryat, he crashed the car, destroyed greenhouses damaged houses. several residents of the zaigraevsky district found themselves outdoors in the midst of the storm and literally tried to protect their cars with their bodies, look at the hailstones, wow, my whole back was battered while i was closing the car. at least the glass
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is intact, it’s not interesting. at the same time , it’s warm and dry in the russian north, and natural fires continue to blaze. the day before , smoke from a fire near lake keldinskoye was carried away towards murmansk, the thermometer in the city has been above +22 for more than a week. today, the snowy cyclone will continue to spoil weather in siberia in the east of european russia, but residents of the western part of the region will be luckier. an anticyclone will dominate here, so there will be few clouds and nothing will prevent the sun from warming the air, it will still be unseasonably warm on the kola peninsula, while the heaviest rains will be noted on the polar mural in the northeast of european russia, in places there may fall up to 10-15 mm of moisture, while in the arctic circle the weather will remain partly cloudy. in murmansk today the warming will reach its peak. in the middle of the day thermometers can rise. to +25, which is higher than
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the daily record, which has been held since 1958. tomorrow in the capital of the arctic region a light rain is possible +23, on saturday the cloudiness will thicken and it will cool down to +16. then the warmth will return, but it will not be so extreme, but heavy rains, which would seriously reduce the risk of wildfires, are not yet forecast. in moscow, today and tomorrow variable cloudiness +22 +23. on the weekend. it will become july-like warm +24 +25, while on saturday the probability of precipitation will be small, in sunday, light rain is possible, on monday, the cyclone's influence will increase, thunderstorms and showers are likely in the capital, while warm weather will persist, these are the forecasts, thank you anya, it was anna volkova with a story about the peak of warming in the european part of the country in the south of siberia. vladimir putin congratulated the president and prime minister of india on independence day. the russian leader noted that moscow attaches great importance to relations
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of a special privileged strategic partnership with new delhi. let me remind you that today india celebrates the 78th anniversary of the independence. about how the celebrations are held will tell. the historical citadel of the indian capital red ford on the rendromode in its ritual repeats the ceremony of august forty -seventh. then in the same place the first prime minister of independent india, jawahar nehru raised the national flag, symbolizing the departure of the british colonialists. not forgetting the merits of the founder, the modern indian state of his ceremonial speech modi speaks of the determination to build a new world superpower with its heroes, values. we are proud to carry the blood of 400 million people who eradicated colonial rule in india. today we are 1,400 million, and if we move together in one direction, then by 2047, the centenary of our independence, we can become
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a developed country, overcoming all obstacles along the way. a colorful procession demonstrating the country's successes in the economy and science, as well as its cultural diversity. a festive parade. the colonial past is remembered here reluctantly: great britain built in india a rigid system of governance aimed at maximizing profit. it was in opposition to the colonial regime that indian civil society began to form, for which mahatma gandhi and other leaders of the independence movement deserve much credit. in fact , indian national identity was formed in the 20th century not thanks to the british, but in spite of them. today, in addition to political independence gained 77 years ago, india defends its right to independence of views. over the years of independence, india has gone through difficult path from a third world country to one of the largest economies on the planet. today the country ranks fifth in the world in terms of gdp, and its influence on global politics cannot be overestimated. india is respected,
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people want to cooperate with it, invest money in the country, and india is also a nuclear power , one of the world leaders in the development of information technology. investments. india is a good investment today. the country's economy is growing at a rapid pace. and of course, indians understand that the world should be multipolar, built on international right and on fairer relations. it is precisely such relations against the background of mutual respect that moscow and newdeli are building. india is the largest importer of russian oil. also , our nuclear scientists, together with indian specialists, are simultaneously building four units of the kudan kulam nuclear power plant. the international transport corridor project is also being implemented. behind me is the port of mumbai - the main seaport of india, 1.0 tons of goods daily, oil, building materials, food, coal, all this is shipped and unloaded here, and this the end point of the transport corridor, north-south, from st. petersburg to one of the largest ports on the west coast
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of india, mumbai, more than 7.00 km of tracks, sea transportation, railways and highways. the corridor passes not only through the territories of russia and india, but also armenia. russia, iran and central asia. in the future, within the framework of the north-south project, we can guarantee fully loaded sea vessels from india, and this will be beneficial not only to russia, as a country with access to the world ocean, but also countries that have no access to the sea, such as afghanistan. this project will compete with the soviet canal in egypt and the basfor in turkey. trying to maintain a balance recent visit indi. for india, in his third term as prime minister modi hopes to significantly improve the lives of its own citizens, for which, including russian resources, modi promises to make the country that wants leadership in the global south the third economy in the world,
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and this no longer seems impossible. evgeniya dadonov and maria balatvina, news from india. people's artist larisa dolina became a victim of fraudsters, who operated from the territory of ukraine, they convinced the singer to sell an apartment in the center of moscow and transfer money to them. as a result, dolina lost about 200 million rubles. now she is trying to defend her property. all the details from alexander karpov. i became a victim of fraudsters. today , shocking details of a daring scam, the victim of which was larisa dolina, became known. it seems that the telephone scammers managed to keep her under control for several months. as a result, dolina lost almost all her real estate. from april to july of this year , telephone scammers, posing as law enforcement officers, misled the victim and, under the pretext of saving money , persuaded her to transfer her personal savings and
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money from the sale of an apartment in the center of moscow, alienated at the direction of the scammers, to supposedly safe accounts and hand over to a courier. this footage shows the culmination of the criminal story, as we already reported yesterday, the new owners tried to move into... "we love her, i love her, everyone loves her, but that doesn't mean that we should offend the bona fide purchasers of real estate, as it turned out in the police, for this five-room apartment in an elite residential complex in khamovniki, the buyers really paid more than 100 million rubles. only larisa dolina was convinced that the sale was fictitious, telephone scammers convinced her that she was participating in a special services operation forced her to follow instructions, in particular, to sign documents at a real estate agency in one of.
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the material damage caused amounted to more than 200 million rubles. investigators of the russian interior ministry department for the khomovniki district of moscow have opened a criminal case on the grounds of a crime under the article of fraud. after which the apartment in khamovniki was seized. the police also managed to detain a courier who took tens of millions in excess of the salary for transfer to the secret services, allegedly for safekeeping, a certain angela tsirulnikova, a fitness trainer originally from kirov. according to the data.
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to be left without a corner, anyone can suffer from this, both you and i, who else, she is just a very trusting, kind person woman, so they took advantage of kindness, about how why could a people's artist believe a scammer, we talked with artist nikos safronov, who recently found himself in a similar situation, well , a stranger called me, with whom i rarely communicate, and rarely, this is the first, if it was a close person, i would have reacted differently. i would have probably double-checked him somehow, and these are like key
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moments later, you fall for a certain, like a story related to you. the scammers got access to his accounts, in in particular on public services, under the pretext of creating an article about the artist on wikipedia, and also called safronov's friends asking for a loan on his behalf. fortunately, they were stopped in time. alexander karpov, maria dobroradnykh, elena belyk, oleg ivanov, maxim shchepilov, news. it looks like an allergy, ratadin renewal took. renewal. we trust renewal. we choose renewal. large purchases will become easier. apply for a loan with
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, the most precious thing that was given to him, as it were, in the world and therefore it is valued, felt, therefore we, as it were... all stand behind each other, join yours, serve under contract. the main weapon is the ability to win. and now to the news with marked urgently. messages come from the fsb. the terrorist attack, which was being prepared by two supporters of the ideology of mass murder, was prevented in the tyumen region, they were detained, those detained for the attempted terrorist attack planned.
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photographs, the rescued masterpieces were exhibited in the cultural heritage remained only in taganrog for the first time since last year's terrorist attack. the wounds inflicted on the works of the 19th-20th centuries were severe, but fortunately not fatal. now the wounds have already been healed, and not even scars remain. the collection of creations, which took part chekhov himself, restored by 19 specialists from the russian museum. olga, an employee of the taganrov museum, shows her favorite canvas, the herd. alexey stepanov. it was very painful to look at in the literal sense of the word. the canvas was in need of repair and there were a number of traumatic failures, as well as just a huge layer of dust on the canvas itself. but when the canvas was returned to us from the russian museum, we were very surprised, because the image became even brighter. now it is simply a joy to look at. 18
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paintings, three graphic works and one sculpture. for each exhibit developed their own method. masterfully patched up the slits on the painting korovin's terrace, pierced the fragments , twisted the base, the threads that make up the canvas were untangled by hand, and the missing pieces were taken from the back side, many paintings sparkled with new colors, since the restorers not only eliminated the violations that occurred during the terrorist attack, but carried out a comprehensive restoration of the works, the magical light on this canvas. people come to the museum especially for her, even from other regions, at the opening of the exhibition in taganrog on a direct line from cultural capital, heroes of the occasion, employees of the russian museum pass the escapade
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to the seaside city, the painting was already exhibited in st. petersburg immediately after restoration, the exposition collected hundreds of enthusiastic reviews, and now the rescued masterpieces are freely available and at home in taganrog, the exhibition will run until the end of october. angelina bulanova, evgeny karev, vesti don, taganrok. ​​let's talk about sports. real madrid won the uefa super cup. moscow spartak won another victory in the russian cup, and tennis player mira andreeva returned to the court after the paris olympics. alexander amramov is in the studio. let's discuss this and other news with him. sasha, good morning. cristiano ronaldo has another achievement. tell us what it is. sasha, good morning. cristiano scored a goal last night, which means that ronaldo has been scoring at the professional adult level for 23 seasons in a row. this is a record. madrid's. real madrid won the uefa super cup for a record sixth time. carlo ancelotti's team beat atalanta with a score of 2:0. the match, as expected, was won by real madrid. however, both
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madrid scored only in the second half. in the fifty-ninth minute, venicius passed the ball from the goal line to valverde, who didn’t miss from a meter. and 9 minutes later, in his debut official match for real , french striker kylian mbappe scored. in the episode, everything was decided by individual skill. mbappe scored in one touch in his style after a pass from bellingham. real has its first trophy of the european club season. for real head coach karlicloti, this is the jubilee thirtieth trophy in his career, and real’s croatian midfielder luka modric - is now the most titled footballer in the history of the royal club. modric has 27 victories in various tournaments with real. and former atalanta midfielder alexey miranchuk addressed the fans of his new team , the american atlanta, on social networks. the russian said in english that he is glad to get to atlanta and is looking forward to meetings at the home stadium. the next match against nashville will take place in exactly a month. the video was recorded in italy, in the city of bergamo, where alexey mironchuk's former club is based.
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atalanta. in moscow, kazan and samara. the second round of the russian cup in the rpl route took place the day before. moscow spartak won its second victory in a row with a score of 3:0. 2 weeks ago they beat moscow dynamo, the day before spartak defeated krylya sovetov with the same score. all goals. but-whites scored in the second half. christopher martins opened the scoring. in the 64th minute, he completed a beautiful attack by spartak, with one touch he threw the ball over the goalkeeper. 20 minutes later, khyazh midina doubled the muscovites' advantage, in this episode spartak punished krylya for a defensive error. and daniil zorin scored from the penalty line in added time. following two rounds of the russian cup, spartak is the sole leader in group a, six points out of six possible. and i will also remind you that spartak and krylya met in the russian championship just 9 days ago, then the score was also 3:0. in another match of group a, dynamo moscow won a strong-willed victory over dynamo makhachkala. cska and
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nizhny novgorod played 1:1 yesterday, another goal was scored by cska defender igor deveev. in the series penalty, or rather, were the cska players. and zenit, a 1-0 victory in kazan. since the beginning of the season in all tournaments for sergei semak's team. seventh victory out of seven possible. cristiano ronaldo with another record and achievement. yesterday evening in the semi-final of the saudi arabian cup, al-nasr cristiano ronaldo beat al tawoun with a score of 2-0. the portuguese took a direct part in both goals. cristiano scored himself and gave an assist. thus, cristiano ronaldo scored in the twenty-third season in a row in professional football. his first goal in career at the adult level, cristiano scored while still playing for sporting lisbon. it was in october 2002. mira andreeva played and won her first match after the olympic tennis tournament in paris. the seventeen-year-old russian defeated the thirteenth racket
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of the world, american emma navara at the start of the prestigious masters series tournament in cincinnati. both sets in the match ended with the same score 6:2 in favor of andreeva, in both sets mira took her opponent's serve twice. to win, the silver medalist of the olympic games in paris needed a little more hours. competitors. it's normal to protect subscribers from fraudsters for free, that's why we protect sbermobile. "pash, look, what magic,
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a megamarket. school style, choose buy with convenient delivery by clicking on the megamarket. megamarket, school style. august 15 is a memorable date in the military history of russia. august 15, 1799. suvorov defeated the french in the battle of novi. the battle lasted 16 hours. 7.00 french soldiers died on the battlefield. 3.0 were captured, this battle is one of a series of brilliant victories won by suvorov during the italian campaign.
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in moscow 10, we continue the morning news broadcast, here's what we learned by this hour.
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for geocentre on yuzhny.


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