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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 15, 2024 10:00am-10:31am MSK

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in moscow 10 we continue the morning news broadcast, here is what we have learned by this hour. in the kursk region, residents of the glushkovsky district are being evacuated, the decision was made by the headquarters. since the beginning of the day , a missile threat was declared in the trizdy region. over the past day, according to the ministry of defense, the enemy lost another 270 people and 16 lines of armored vehicles in this direction. 18 militants surrendered. in the avdeevka direction of the special operation , a stronghold of the ukrainian armed forces was destroyed. the combat mission was carried out by the crew of the newest russian tos-2 fire system. in the orekhov direction.
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attacks were known in the usa and germany. india is celebrating independence day. the ceremonial event took place in the historic red ford citadel. prime minister narendra mosi addressed the nation. he noted the country's achievements and congratulated the residents. the ceremony also included an inspection of the guard of honor and the raising of the flag. vladimir putin congratulated the indian leadership on the holiday.
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a terrorist attack has been prevented in the tyumen region, the fsb public relations center reported. according to the agency, it was prepared by two supporters, ideologists of mass murder, they have been arrested. it is reported that the suspects were planning to detonate a bomb at a police facility in tobolsk. homemade explosive devices were confiscated from them. they were destroyed on the spot. a criminal case has been opened under articles on preparing for a terrorist attack. in the kursk region , three times at first. a missile threat was not declared, evacuation from border areas continues, dozens of temporary accommodation points have been opened, where about 800 people are currently located, humanitarian aid is arriving from everywhere. about the developments in region, our special correspondent stanislav bernwald. the night was restless, several times during the night a missile threat was announced, today only this morning twice, and it was announced. the most difficult situation is in the sudzhansky and glushkovsky districts of the kurdish region. there are battles, small groups of the enemy
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are trying to penetrate deep into the territory of the region, but our guys, our armed forces are pushing them back, pushing them closer to the border, several people were captured last night today, an evacuation has now been announced in the glushkovsky district, this was announced in the reo governor, mr. smirnov, a decision was made on the mandatory evacuation of the entire glushkovsky district, as previously reported, coordination of the process of leaving local residents. approach this situation, indeed, in the glushkovsky district it is now very unsettled in order to save lives, ensure the safety of residents, and this is more than 2000 as smirnov said, we ask with understanding people, it is proposed to move to the regional center, there are organized temporary accommodation points, there is everything, and food, and medicine, and a large number of psychologists are working people... happen every day, a very important
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point in the kursk region is the danger of uavs, you also need to pay close attention to these messages, because unmanned aerial vehicles periodically fly directly into the city of kursk itself, a large number of them are in border areas, the police continue to issue documents to residents of border areas, those who were left without documents within 24 hours are issued, this is a passport of a citizen of the russian federation in exchange for the one spent.
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and another video from the kursk region about how ukrainian neo-nazis actually treat the russian population, such videos are posted on the internet by militants in the sssu, and this is at a time
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when ukrainian propaganda is trying to convince its viewers that their military treats the local population with care on russian territories, neo-nazis openly mock a man of a respectable age, as if... reminding us of the origins of their beliefs. russian ivan, russian ivan, hey, russian ivan, how are you? me-me! me! and such a post was published on the internet by one of the russian war correspondents. an enemy drone flies very close to our soldier. he sees the threat, but does not intend to hide. the drone attacks, the footage shows an explosion, but when the smoke clears, you can see how the soldier calmly moves away towards the forest. and now - breaking news again: a fire on the territory of a plant in lyubertsy near moscow. according to
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preliminary data, the production facilities of a company producing decorations for various events are burning on the territory of the plant. the area of ​​the fire is about 70 m2. emergency services are currently working on the scene, as reported by the ministry of emergency situations, no one was hurt. vtb plans to merge with pochta bank in 2026, this decision was approved by the federal antimonopoly service. my colleague maria grigorieva will tell you why the deal is attractive for both parties . the pochta bank network will remain in the same form after joining vtb in the same form in which it operates now. this was stated by the head of vtb andrey kostin at a meeting with.
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as a large-scale retail network based on post offices, today it has 25,000 service points in 83 regions of russia. many of these points are located in small towns. until the end of 2017, the controlling stake belonged to vtb, but then the group entered into an agreement with the russian post on parity ownership, meaning that each party owned 49% of the shares, the remaining two went to dmitry rudenko, who was then the head of the bank. vtb later bought them back. but sold them again in 2022 to the new head of the bank's post office , alexander pakhomov. in this way, vtb wanted to protect pochta bank from sanctions, but in november last year the organization still fell under us restriction. as previously explained in the vtb group, post bank is interesting to them due to its large audience. its active client
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base is more than 8.5 million people. well, vtb, by the way, intends to increase the number of active clients to 35 million by the twenty-sixth year. joining. that is, the post office should be present everywhere, because people want to receive newspapers, receive transfers there, receive a pension, and so on and so forth, so the breadth of this network with a small, as it were, volume of operations in the regions led to the fact that the post office, well, let's say, was unprofitable, the main interest of the post office in this case is to save
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resources that would otherwise go simply to promoting and supporting the post bank throughout the country. according to the first deputy chairman. new technologies, they will be useful for small and medium businesses. vtb is a universal bank, a universal bank means that the bank goes into quite different products, starting from complex client products, ending with the simplest, most popular products such as deposits, loans for clients, and naturally more complex structured products for both small and medium-sized businesses and for large commercial businesses, and such integration with the post bank, it can allow, firstly, to have more and more individual entrepreneurs, including from the regions. vtb has not yet specified the technique of the transaction, but spoke
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about its legal features. we are talking about an infrastructure payment, it is mandatory for all post banks in the world, because it allows the use of post offices to provide banking services. in primorsky the number of people willing to sign a contract for military service is growing in the region. first, they undergo a full check by psychologists and doctors, then they are sent to the training ground for training. 6 months of service in the assault unit behind him, today denis is signing a contract again, at the selection point for military service already with weighty bags, all the equipment and fighting spirit with him, why he is going on a special operation, he knows that every person is important there, that is, the higher, the better, it will be easier for everyone, that is, the more people, the faster we will win. get in line after august 6, it was the attacks of the ukrainian armed forces on the kursk region that decided the primorye residents of different ages and
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professions, yes, somehow all this dragged on for so long, i don’t know, time, time has come, probably, you know, with the events in the kursk region, the flow has increased significantly, literally the other day a person arrived from the kursk region, directly from the place where the fighting is now taking place, he arrived, he did not stay on the sidelines, an increase, which is very important, an increase in the number of people wishing to join our
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men, the fighters who heroically with weapons in their hands, defend russia. the number of those wishing to sign contracts with the ministry of defense has increased in recent days. and these are the personnel training at the training grounds, the eastern military district unit from primorye is performing combat shooting. today, at the training ground in uspenovsky, they fired from a manpads system, there was shooting, the first time, i fired, they fired at light mines, i hit the target, the rating is excellent, the expense is one, in primorye , adjustments have been made to payments to fighters, from august 1 of this year, those who sign a contract to participate in the svo will receive a one-time payment of 1.2000 rubles. vladimir putin congratulated the leadership of india on
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independence day, the message of the russian leader was published on the kremlin website. it says that russia attaches great importance to the strategic partnership relations with new delhi and intends to further develop bilateral ties. this, as the president of russia emphasized, i quote, undoubtedly meets the interests of the friendly peoples of the two countries, goes along with strengthening security and international. stability. end of quote. almost 200 families in bashkiria received the long-awaited blue fuel in their homes. two new gas pipelines were put into operation in the republic. the region is also implementing a pre-gasification program. igor pikhanov has all the details. the residents of the small bashkir village of klushevo are having a real celebration. the gas pipeline was lit in a solemn atmosphere. soon blue fuel will appear in all homes.
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exclusively on an open fire, the hostess believes that it turns out tastier and healthier, and the head of the house says more, he will not have to waste time on daily kindling of the stove and spring preparation of firewood in the forest. the village was never supplied with gas, we never had gas, we only had stove heating, that is, with firewood, everything was done every year to prepare firewood, such timely work was organized here very quickly , so thanks to this work with gas, central
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water supply began to be brought to our village, gas also appeared in the village of novogurovka, local residents believe that affordable fuel will not only make life more comfortable, but will help in the development of farms and industrial enterprises, which means that new jobs will appear in the village. of course, today i want to live here, i got up today, the house is warm, the house is good, the gas stove works, it's dry, naturally, it seems to me that people will flock to this village, we have never abandoned the village, the region is one of the leaders in the country in terms of the rate of connection to blue fuel, more than 300 settlements have been gasified, one and a half million houses and apartments, with social support measures...
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the line, at the moment today, moreover, we have crossed such a very serious million households have received gas to their land plots, now it is very important to do additional gasification, according to state programs , the infrastructure is being developed and modernized on the gas networks of the republic, new equipment has made it possible to increase the capacity and volumes of consumption of blue fuel, gazprom specialists believe that the potential for gasification in the republic in the near future will amount to 4,000 private estates. the reconstruction of the gas distribution station is underway, we are creating additional capacity for the developing industry of the republic of bashkaratstan. very it is important that 181 new settlements will receive natural gas, and today we connected three settlements to natural gas in one day, this is a very good result. the pre-gasification program will not only make life in rural areas easier and
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more comfortable. the transition from coal to gas will reduce emissions of harmful substances into the atmosphere, thanks to the environmentally friendly. igor pikhanov, tatyana klepcha, valeria sapegina, news! sad news: military pilot sniper, founder of the aerobatic team sokoly rossii, alexander has passed away kharchevsky. colleagues call him a legendary man who always lived - quote: at the limit. during his career at international competitions, he conducted more than fifty training air battles with foreign military pilots. kharchevsky was 74 years old. alexander kharchevsky was born on may 9, 1950. in 1972, after graduating from the higher military aviation school in kharkov, he served first as a pilot and instructor, then as a flight commander in a fighter regiment. from 1978, he worked in lipetsk. in the middle
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he graduated from the air force academy in the 1980s and was one of the leading pilots of the russian air force in... falcons of russia , personally piloted the su-34 fighter-bomber in the air part of the parade on red square in may 2008. in 2015 , he was the head of the fourth center for combat use and retraining of flight personnel in lipetsk, and was awarded the order of military merit of the red star, for service to the homeland in the armed forces of the ussr.
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glamorous picture social media effects in the spotlight trump. too cool for rigging, we will make america great again. waiting for the show, people, about the pressing. "i believe in the american dream and i want people to be more important to the authorities than behind-the-scenes wars. republicans make promises, criticize opponents. with the help of everyone in
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this room, in 83 days we will defeat the super-liberal cooks. we will take back the white house with a historic majority and take back our country. on the inflation disaster, dokhodcheva, on the fingers. look, i have it. looks differently, how much money they have in their pockets and how much the country takes from them, to support the kiev regime, the economy has sagged, we have nothing, the whole country
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has been abandoned to survive, unemployment in the states is growing, most of the jobs created are going to migrants, the american dream seems to be dying, if he becomes president, our business will rise again, fuel prices will hopefully fall, and we will try it...
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hamala haris is drowning in scandals, but the newspapers call her the killer of kiev, hinting at dissatisfaction with zelensky, they write that the haris team manipulates the headlines and buys political advertising in liberal media. she needs to be somewhere among the stars in hollywood, surrounded by obama, clinton, she is far from the life of ordinary people, they love spotlights, cameras, this is the whole democratic agenda, empty, nothing, but it seems that both trump and harris, and even biden, who is looking for a job, as... i joked recently, essentially promise one thing: their program, like a set of separate slogans: fight migration, lower prices, and save the dollar, while many voters even
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plan to vote at random. to be honest, i generally out of politics, i just stupidly support anyone. maria skarodilka and marina khachinova, news. in stovitsy opened a large-scale exhibition "moscow industrial city of the future". more than 60 enterprises presented. in a laboratory experiment see how vitamins affect the human body, learn to control a drone or make a controlled model yourself visit a real cargo helicopter, one of the sites in the forum festival territory of the future exhibition moscow industrial unites and... and industry professionals. on an area of ​​6.00 km, the most advanced technologies and developments of moscow industry, microelectronics and robotics, aviation and mechanical engineering,
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pharmaceuticals and medicine, for example, an open mri machine, which looks more like a comfortable couch or laser systems for vision correction, the operation on which takes no more than 255 seconds, parts and components of domestic production, chips for bank and... transport cards for passports, electric filling stations for cars, all this in the microelectronics department, the automotive industry zone with presidential aurus and new muscovites in aircraft manufacturing a life-size model of the ms-21 aircraft fuselage, the rocket and space industry shows an immersive show with models of the angara a5 launch vehicle, in total nine of moscow's most high-tech industries are represented. in each zone , the heart of the exhibition is certainly the exhibits, now we are standing surrounded by laser machines, then there is elevator equipment, and of course we have supplemented all this with exhibition technologies, that is, immersive screens,
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and this is an interactive installation that involves. visitors who are not involved, roughly speaking, in industry, as deeply as industry experts, and tells them about the achievements of moscow production in an understandable language. today, moscow is the production center of the country, there are over 4,200 industrial enterprises in the city, employing more than 725,000 people. now the volume of industrial production here for the first half of the year has grown by 20%, compared to the same period last year, i emphasize. loans, preferential investment loans, provision of land plots for expansion of production, and assignment of various statuses that allow saving on taxes. the money saved on industrial enterprises is invested in the creation of high-tech,
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highly paid, comfortable places. which allow popularizing industry allow attracting new personnel, microelectronics, pharmaceuticals and machine tool building were named as the leaders in development. more than sixty moscow manufacturers of high-tech industries are participating in the exhibition. you can get to know the capital’s innovative potential and its readiness for the challenges of the future at the expocentre until september 8. vera moroz, andrey shner, dmitry frolov, news. preparations are underway in novosibirsk oblast for the international forum technopro. the institute of nuclear physics will present dozens of projects. among them is advanced equipment for cancer treatment, which will be delivered to moscow for clinical trials this fall. my colleague, polina koroleva, saw how the device works. well, first of all, no one knows why it works. even scientists are surprised, thousands of people, decades of research, the idea from 1932 has finally
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become a reality. the device. for boron neutron therapy, vita, behind four letters hides the decoding from english, tandem accelerator with vacuum insulation, with lats not just life. what you see now is literally only the tip of the iceberg, the installation occupies two floors, and this, the employees say, is still compact, here in the clinic neither a doctor nor a patient, they will not see it, it will be located separately from radiation room behind the wall, and the radiation itself will occur through a small window. in the future, with the help of such a device , it will be possible not only to treat, but also to save the lives of those who were almost hopeless
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until recently... destroyed, the more it eats, the more effective the radiation, and the method works best with the most formidable, fast-growing neoplasms, for example, of the neck and head, this is about 6% of all cases of oncology, and these are mainly incurable diseases today, well, recently there was zavorotnyuk, then before that khrostovsky, this is these are the people who could be simply cured by this technology. the first machine in russia will go to moscow. blokhin. in the country, this is the only center that has the right to use previously unregistered methods in clinical trials on people. and there is already a decision on the production of the next vita. at technoprom, this is just one of many projects of the institute of nuclear physics. and after the forum, each of them will certainly receive an impetus for further development. polina koroleva, ivan osintsev, news. novosibirsk.
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people who serve in intelligence are not even physically strong, but simply stronger in spirit, the maroon beret is a symbol, that's what he wears, i think there should be a model in everything, people should follow him, it's impossible to do worse. it's possible to do better, that's the motto we've always had in life, pushed these people into the doorway and, probably, it's all a dream, and you want to open your eyes and wake up.


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