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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 15, 2024 11:00am-11:31am MSK

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evidence is needed. the southern group of troops is striking enemy firing positions in the donetsk direction. our grads are working. the strikes are being adjusted by drones. what else is on the front? independence day in india. there is a festive parade in the center of new delhi. vladimir putin has already sent a congratulatory message. how one of the most influential economies on the planet is changing before our eyes. a new version about the undermining of the northern streams. allegedly , the operation was led by zaluzhny. allegedly, the states wanted to cancel it, how convincing is the publication of the wall street journal. another trump rally in north carolina. republican criticizes harris promises to take back the white house. what kind of candy did he have in stock and for what? well, now the floor is given to studio 5. we have the opportunity to talk to special forces commander akhmat abtilaudinov about the situation in the kursk region. yes, thank you. studio without
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prefaces, long ones, obtyarovich, thank you very much, and i understand that the connection can be interrupted at any moment, so we will talk quickly and to the point, well, as usual, our conversation is structured as follows: and the current situation, how everything is happening, because there is a lot of unverified information, one extreme, another extreme, as usual, what is really happening in the kursk region. i would really like to hear from you at the moment, sasha, hello, well, to everyone who sees us, hears us, everyone, hello, well, really, i can probably repeat myself, say that at the time of our arrival here, there really was a very difficult situation here, it was connected with the fact that we did not know where the enemy was, where ours were, because in he crawled out in all directions. and
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slipped through somewhere, seeped into some forests, so we are still receiving this, as they say, information, somewhere behind our backs, somewhere there is some tank crawling around, some other sabotage and reconnaissance group, the situation was complicated in that we could not get our bearings, who is where, we needed a day for this, during these days we already completely determined where we are, that is, our units, where the enemy is and after.
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in the morning they burned, they burned, uh, who is where, who, how much equipment, so, in principle, i will say, the situation is working, somewhere there something slips through, then we search, catch up, kill, as they say, well, such work is going on, which , in principle, if you are not on site, then if someone tells, uh , if someone far away tells about what is happening, then you might think that the enemy is already... in
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moscow, but so, if you approach all these issues purely from the position of a person who is directly on the front line and doing his job, then i think that the situation is under control, working, somewhere yes, on the other side it turned out that the enemy was able to push through one section, to infiltrate, well again they are also engaged in blocking now, i think that in any case such... the amount of forces and means that have already entered the territory of russia, somehow, all this still needs to be destroyed, they will, of course, try to get through somewhere, somewhere to tear us apart, but i think that our work, the guys who are really ready to work tirelessly in order to destroy this enemy, it will produce results in in the end, the question is not even in doubt, that we will destroy the enemy in any case. you indirectly touched upon the topic
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of information support for military operations as complex as this, of course, there are many discussions going on about this now, is it necessary? i would like to clarify now, this is an extremely important topic, but the fact that there is information that approximately 500 units of equipment have already been destroyed in the kursk region, well, it is clear that it is very difficult to calculate now, well, the order is similar. honestly, look, i, of course, am not ready to say about total number, because i really don't have this information, well anyway, let me probably go back to our
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bloggers, to some of our so-called journalists, anyway this is a topic that needs to be addressed today now, it should n't be any other way, you know, i approach these issues with the position that if i'm asked something, i don't know if you've noticed it? i always say, i won't lie, i've made a rule for myself, never to lie under any circumstances, because truly a believer, he has no right to lie, there are nuances that somewhere, maybe, i did not know at the time, or there are nuances when these are working moments, where...
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to information, because the information war in this case, it causes much more terrible damage harm than even the war that we are now going on right under my nose, that is , the information war, it can lead to any situation, because our fighters read all this, and the enemy's fighters, when we - here, approximately, you have known me for 2 and a half years, i have never been involved. if you noticed, never, if i said that we can do, it didn’t turn out that i lied somewhere and somewhere we gave something away, not a single place where
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akhmat’s special forces were located, we have never given away or retreated from this place, that’s why i am voicing this, i say something, knowing my capabilities and resources.
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redovaya knows her picture, and we do our job not based on what someone said beautifully or ugly, we do our job in order to defeat the enemy, and we will defeat him, we are confident in our strength, we absolutely calm, i repeat again, yes, not always everything turns out as beautifully as we would like, somewhere we have to suffer losses, somewhere we have to do some maneuvers, which are very risky. but again i say, the most important component today is to prevent
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unrest in our country by putting psychological pressure on our country, which is what the enemy is trying to achieve first of all, if this happens, this is already dangerous, and what is happening on the front lines, well, think for yourself, they burned about, they say 500 units equipment, well, 500 of them or 300 doesn't matter... we burned everything that moved, everything that we could find, we burned, after that they all hid in all the forests, bushes, not giving us the opportunity to burn the rest of ourselves, that is, not the rest, but the remaining forces, they have already begun to act differently, that is, they have reformatted, they realized that it is impossible to travel in such large columns where we are, because we are not guarding corn either, you understand, that is... at this time, when such panic is escalating, that's all
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lost, i read these poems last year, when there was a counteroffensive, not last year, but the year before last, i want you all to remember, once the enemy, napoleon's troops came to moscow, what happened after that, tell me, uncle, it's not for nothing, moscow was burned by fire, the french. and to push us, now the question arises, if we destroy what they collect and throw here,
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the question automatically, what happens, it turns out that we have already won, the victory, i will say one thing, i said somewhere last year that we have already won, i will tell you, russia has already won this war, because the president who leads our... country has the courage to stand up himself and oppose our country to these satanists, the army of the antichrist dajjal, we have already won, because we have the courage to resist them, destroying them and making sure that russia still remains a country that remains with god, that's all, this is already a win, our spiritual victory is very important: all the rest of the destruction of some soldiers running left, right,
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forward, backward, this is already our work and believe me me, we will do our job, i repeat myself again, there are such moments when in the scriptures, i will finish telling you anyway, in the scriptures there are such words, there will come a time when the enemy will press so hard that everyone will think that russia has lost, but such a moment will happen when russia will destroy all this anyway and win, that is, we are now at a moment when we do not need to create the illusion in people that russia is losing, russia is not losing, it cannot lose, so that's how things are, sasha, yes, but you are absolutely right in that the information component of this provocation and... the military military operation, all in one bottle, in fact, because after all,
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10,000 people is already a serious number, that is , they were preparing it for a long time, and you already said, now this information is confirmed, that western intelligence services participated in the development, someone says six, it doesn't matter, it's not sweet, they are all from the same gang, so who exactly worked there, it's generally the twenty-fifth matter, the main thing is that in fact it is possible...
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but nevertheless, how to organize this here, but the times are absolutely different, work, i would still like to ask you again. of course, i will say honestly, uh, the work of these resources must be taken under control by any means, this is a clear question, because, look, we must understand for ourselves, uh , what a thing, now is the 21st century, the army of the antichrist dajjal, his main weapon will be the internet resource, that is, this internet resource can make a revolution, this internet resource can make... any outcome, any situation, if it is not controlled, it is clear that internet resources should be controlled, no, of course, there should not be such strict censorship that it would be impossible to tell the truth there at all, no, we need to tell the truth, but this truth should not be from the position of everything, look, we have already lost everything,
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let's all run away now even far away from moscow, somewhere to siberia, no, the truth should... chechnya was once saturated with 53 special services of the world, in chechnya they once trained these terrorists, most of whom there were not even chechens, they went on campaigns, you remember, unfortunately it was, then we
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see the situation when he comes. he negotiates with akhmat khadzhi kadyrov, they find a common language, and we, the region that was completely absorbed by these terrorist groups and 53 special services of the world, imagine what kind of agent network they must have there, we managed to overcome all of this, the question is, where are they now and how is chechnya thriving, that is , that from somewhere can... commit some kind of terrorist act, our enemies, they are terrorists, satanists, there are no questions here, this automatically says that to think that a person cannot or that some of them are overdue, that he could not gather the last resources there and not throw them there in order to achieve his
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own political goal, we should not think so, but there is one nuance here, what can 1200 do? at first we will have a very hard time, but we need to think like, look, sasha, 12.00 people, the more they stretch, the more resources they need in order to keep under control even the area where they are, that is , what picture we get is that they need to stretch their resources, while we need to position our resources in such
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a way as to not let them advance, systematically destroy these resources , no longer giving them... the opportunity to regroup , to leave, in this case, the question of completing this svo, it is at the peak of this decision itself, that is, when we destroy these remnants of resources that the enemy has, ultimately, yes, with losses, with problems, with situations when somewhere we they will pull us apart, somewhere they will break through there for some meters or kilometers ahead. these are working moments, but the fact is that by stretching themselves into these areas, yes, trying to pull us apart, the enemy is spending its last resources. that 's the point, that is, i would like to clarify something else, you say the front will be stretched and so on, there are a lot of discrepancies now, so to speak, how many
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of our populated areas they control, do not control there, is there an understanding of how much all these figures correspond to reality, because you you say, they came in, showed the flag, and we supposedly control it, then you drove them out of there and so on, where is the truth here, i would like to understand, this tripwire, how much is it? through my squad commander aida, they got in touch, guys, let's say, 57 people came out, among whom, no, 73 people, we
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connected them to our guys, led them out to them, so that they could come out with the wounded, there with the women, there, well, they came out, here are 73 people, there are some of the wounded, from there they brought out the conscripts who were in sudzha, here, who were in this... populated areas, they say that we took so many populated areas, but let's say there are already a bunch of populated areas where, let's say, we control more than half,
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and somewhere on the outskirts the enemy has latched on, that is, how should we present this, do they control these populated areas, no, of course not, that is, we must understand for ourselves that we have no right to say that the enemy took, controls. such and such territory or so many populated areas, this is a job that changes its line, well , even within one hour a lot can change, that is, this line is constantly moving left, right, forward and backward, that 's the point, we should not get hung up on the fact that the enemy took such and such a number of settlements, yes, he took settlements, yes, he took a normal good section of territory, how, he advanced with his own forces, means, covered it all, but to this day in some settlements there remain our
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units that did not leave from there, continue to fight the enemy, that is, we cannot look at everything from above and say, well, if here, here, here is the enemy, then everything inside this territory is already controlled by the enemy, no, that is why we must... very carefully approach the issuance of this information, even sitting here on the spot, literally on the front line, we receive such a quantity of disinformation per day that we are forced to twitch there, try to transfer some forces there, because if you listen to those people who they are coming to us, we are getting it, the enemy is almost sitting in moscow, well, the essence itself, i say again, there is a lot of disinformation, and... a lot of citizens of the russian federation, i believe, are panicking because tsypso is putting pressure on them competently,
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because of this they are preventing us from doing our job, that is, you can’t say something if you haven’t seen it with your own eyes, you can’t come to us with this if you haven’t seen it with your own eyes, if you haven’t personally touched it and don’t know that it’s an enemy, then you don’t need to shout in all the rumors that everywhere... why? because we have a bunch, a bunch of drones hanging in the sea, and we really control all the areas, that is, in order for us to understand that somewhere the enemy has infiltrated, well, we don’t need someone to cause some kind of panic, we feel it all ourselves, of course, we react to it every time, somewhere we, as they say, format our actions, but in the end... in the end , the question again, yes, behind us, by the time we arrived, there were already sabotage and reconnaissance groups, already there is a unit left, equipment, opponents,
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the enemy. but there is another echelon behind that must do its job, and it does this job, so there are some little things that are working moments, we need to rely on this, firmly knowing that we will win this war, because god will not let us lose, because god loves russia, and god loves russia - that's for sure, but i would still like to return to the military part, you said we... defend and so on, so far, unfortunately, it is clearly visible that the initiative is on the side of the enemy, why is that what's going on, why can't we turn the initiative around now, we don't have enough strength, what do we lack, look, okay, here's the enemy, he has the initiative on his side, well now i ask a question, gather 500-600 units
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of armored vehicles in one place. it's very difficult to do, but again we need to dilute these forces, stretch them out, destroy them systematically, we've already destroyed a simply terrifying amount of enemy equipment, that is, we're burning out this equipment, well, i'll be honest, we don't even have that much equipment destroyed per day it was during our best times in these 2 s2
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years, that is... we really got it so that we just ate him, a lot, and the same picture, it is happening along the entire line, but his initiative, it is good in that he has already got his bearings and knows what, where to put pressure on, our initiative, so until we stand tightly along the entire line, until everyone stands like we are death, until we... firmly put up a barrier and do not simultaneously begin to do this work in the same way as we do, we can somewhere say that the initiative is on the side of the enemy, yes, he he is pressing from all sides, he is trying from everywhere, as they say, to get through, to push through, but - with each passing day the enemy's forces are melting away, believe me, literally soon, when these enemy forces and equipment melt away,
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