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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 15, 2024 1:30pm-2:01pm MSK

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the fire on the territory of the factories in lyubertsy near moscow has been extinguished, and rescuers are currently pouring water and dismantling the structures. the area of ​​the fire was 2,700 km. the ministry of emergency situations also noted that the extinguishing was complicated by the high flammability of the materials and strong winds. on the territory of the former ukhtomsky plant , the company's production facilities, which are engaged in woodworking and the production of decorations, were burning. an increased fire hazard rank was declared, the second, which was subsequently raised to the third rank, equipment from fire and rescue garrisons of the moscow region in the amount of 33 units and 95 personnel, four combat areas were deployed and aircraft from the moscow aviation center were used, there is no threat to the life and health of citizens.
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there is no increase in the level of emergency chemical hazardous substances in the air, there is no threat to the life and health of citizens of the moscow region. in addition , i can report that there are no casualties or injuries. the american publication wall street journal has issued a new version of the story about the undermining of the northern streams. it claims that the states allegedly did everything possible to cancel the sabotage. according to journalists, zelensky, under pressure from the cia, even ordered.
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we are determined to use this opportunity for the benefit of our family. i feel as if my family was placed in a rescue ark where we are safe. this is very important, thank you very much. i personally want to thank your president, vladimir putin, for making russia such a wonderful place for all families to live in this modern world climate. i just want to say that i am proud, it is a great honor, i feel like i just married russia. i am looking forward
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to building a future here with my family. an example of desecration of memory in the village of dargov in eastern slovakia, unknown persons painted the soviet flag in the colors of the ukrainian flag. it was installed there in memory of the soviet soldiers-liberators. in history , the settlement is associated with bloody battles at the turn of the 1944-45s. activists of the slovak civil association brother for brother cleared the monument of traces of vandalism and, as expected, applied red stars. vladimir putin spoke by phone with his counterpart, president of uzbekistan shavkat mirziyo. this was reported by the kremlin press service: the parties discussed issues of the international and regional agenda, taking into account russia's chairmanship in brics, and key issues of dynamically developing bilateral cooperation were also touched upon. the heads of state confirmed their commitment to further strengthening the alliance and strategic partnership between the countries.
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well, now some footage from the press service. thank you very much for finding the time for the meeting, first of all, of course, i would like to thank you for the constant support that you provide to the tula region, thanks to this we have implemented a number of large projects, and accordingly this contributes to a natural improvement in the quality of life.
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to solve housing issues for participants in the special military operation, members of their families, in any case, on an out-of-turn basis , we provide housing to those guys who live in emergency housing stock, or are registered as needing better housing conditions. just recently, vladimir vladimirovich, you made a decision to increase the federal one-time payment upon signing a contract, we carried out your order, accordingly indexed our regional component, increased it to 600,000 rubles. thus, in fact , the guys ... who today sign a contract from august 1 until the end of the current year, will receive a one-time payment in total 1
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million rubles, we will continue to work in this direction. in september of this year, we will open the heroes 71 center, in fact, this will be a structure that is focused on supporting combat veterans, their family members, in fact , it will accumulate all those measures of state support that we have established in the region, in fact, and a measure of support for the actual solution of those individual issues that the guys will have. we continue to support our tula fighters, this work was built starting from 2022, today it is also being carried out quite actively, we pay special attention to this, we are working in new territories, our sponsored territory is in mariupol in 2022, 3.7 billion rubles were allocated for these needs, in fact, we restored a school, a kindergarten, a dormitory of a professional lyceum, 21 apartment buildings, adjacent territories, engineering and technical communications, we are also continuing the work this year from the regional budget for these needs 1.2 billion rubles are being allocated,
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it will open on september 1 will begin work professional lyceum, we are also working on the restoration of another school, kindergarten, we are developing the tula square mariupol, so we continue this work, in fact, with the ministry of construction of russia, we have all the plans for further work, they are scheduled up to 2030, the economy of the region feels quite stable, we have positive indices for agricultural production in the agricultural sector in industry according to the results of 2023, the indicators are quite good, at the current moment in time a positive trend is also noted, it is clear that there are certain difficulties with logistics, with the change of, let's say, business partners, but nevertheless these issues are gradually being resolved, and the military-industrial complex, which essentially forms the basis of our industrial region... is working quite actively, production volumes are increasing, we are paying special attention
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to the development of the unmanned aerial systems industry, at the present time, turkish manufacturers produce up to 2.0 products per day, we will certainly continue this work, it is important to note, in my opinion, that that investment activity has not decreased over the period from 2016 to the twenty-third, inclusive, 1.3 trillion rubles were attracted to the economy as investments in... at the last economic forum in st. petersburg, we signed more than 20 agreements for a total of 100 billion rubles, and this agreement, which concerns various areas of activity, such as processing in agriculture, food industry and chemistry, metallurgy and so on and so forth, manufacturing industry, all projects are alive, all are in the implementation stage and will certainly be completed, one of the pain points for us, of course, is emergency housing, there is quite a lot of it in tula, thanks to the program. and the federal and regional program that worked, from 1919 to 23
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inclusive, we were able to resettle more than 150,000 km, for us it was a big step, more than 7,000 people received comfortable housing, we are not stopping this work today, by the way, we completed the federal program ahead of schedule, we are doing this work now within the framework our budget capabilities, of course, not at the same pace as it was, so here vladimirovich, special words of gratitude for your decision. extension of the federal level program, i am convinced that this will help us move forward, because there is still quite a lot of emergency housing in the tula region. the most important area is healthcare. you have repeatedly noted this in relation to the tula region, thanks to you and your instructions, we have implemented four major projects, this is a perinatal center, two buildings clinical children's hospital and of course the oncology center, all are functioning at the present time, we are doing a lot of work to increase staffing, we have moved forward, we have not yet decided this 100%, but nevertheless we will
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continue this work, there is a shortage of doctors of everything, there is a shortage, but at the same time a whole set of measures. last years was developed, since september we are launching additional measures, of course, the story related to the provision of service housing with the possibility of subsequent redemption has proven itself well, and of course, the kotor village, you visited it, we plan to scale up and spread this story, including to municipalities, so we will certainly continue this work, a lot has been done in the social sphere, too, in recent years we have built 32 kindergartens, seven schools, a capacious project, we are now working with the government on the possibility of financing it, this year we will begin developing the project with regional budget funds. in the road sector, vladimir vladimirovich, if you remember,
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alexey genadevich once said that the bridge across the upa would be launched by the end of this year, and that's true.
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the design is rural roads, it's issues of improving the quality of water supply, playgrounds, landscaping, small public spaces and so on, we'll move on in this part, well, in general, at the present time, we've actually launched, taking into account the national goals that you announced, the development of an updated program until 2030, but with all that, of course, of course, all those projects that were planned earlier will be completed. september 8, and the single voting day in the tula region is the election of the governor, if the residents support it, for my part i will make every effort to justify the trust of the residents and, of course, your trust. there is not much time before the elections, but in any case, it is there to show the main directions of development of the tula region, to take the first steps, so people will also judge the prospects
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for the development of the tula region under your management. i want to wish you success, thank you very much, thank you. so, the president met with the acting governor of the tula region dmitry milyaev in novogorev. today is independence day in india, vladimir putin has already congratulated the president and prime minister of the country. the russian leader noted that moscow attaches great importance to the especially privileged strategic partnership with new delhi. about the difficult story of how one of the leading economies of the planet is growing. our own correspondent, evgeny davidov. historical citadel indian capital red ford on the rendromote in its ritual repeats the ceremony of august forty-seventh. then on the same place the first prime minister of independent india, jawaharlal nehru. raised the national flag, symbolizing the departure of the british colonialists, not forgetting the merits of the founder, the modern indian state in his ceremonial speech modi speaks of the determination
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to build a new world superpower with its heroes, values ​​and development strategy. we are proud to carry the blood of 400 million people who eradicated colonial rule in india. today we are 1,400 million, and if we move together in one direction, then by 2047, the centenary of our independence, we can become a developed country, overcoming all obstacles along the way. a colorful procession demonstrating the country's successes in economics, science, as well as its cultural diversity. a festive parade in the center of newdale. the colonial past is remembered here reluctantly. great britain built a rigid system of governance in india, focused on maximum extraction arrived. it was in opposition to the colonial regime that indian civil society began to form, for which mahatma gandhi and other leaders of the independence movement deserve much credit. in fact , indian national identity was formed in the 20th century not thanks to the british, but in spite
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of them. today, in addition to political independence, which it gained 77 years ago, india defends its right to independence of views. over the years of independence, india has come a long way from a third world country to one of the largest economies on the planet. today the country ranks fifth in the world in terms of gdp. and its influence on global politics cannot be overestimated. india is respected, people want to cooperate with it and invest money in the country. india is also a nuclear power and one of the world leaders in the development of information technology. investments in india today are a good investment. the country's economy is growing at a rapid pace. and of course, indians understand that the world should be multipolar, built on international law and on fairer relations. it is precisely such relations against the background of mutual respect.
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daily, oil, building materials, food, coal, all of this is shipped and unloaded here, and it is also the end point of a transport corridor from st. petersburg to one of the largest ports on the west coast of india, mumbai, more than 700 km of tracks. sea transportation, railways and highways. the corridor passes not only through the territories of russia and india, but also armenia, azerbaijan, kazakhstan, turkmenistan and iran. now freight transport connects russia, iran and central asia. in the future, within the framework of north-south project, we can guarantee fully loaded sea vessels from india and this will be beneficial. not only for russia, as a country with access to the world ocean, but also for countries that do not have access to the sea, such as afghanistan. this project will compete with the soviet canal in egypt and
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the basfor in turkey. in foreign policy, newdeli tries to maintain a balance. the recent visit of the indian leader to moscow showed that partnership with our country is clearly on the list of the most important priorities for india. in modi hopes to significantly improve the lives of his own citizens in his third term as prime minister. why do we need russian resources, among other things? modi promises to do so. wanting leadership in the global south, the country is the world's third largest economy, and this no longer seems impossible. evgeny davidov, ladislav dadonov and maria balatvina, news from india. and now again to the belgorod region, urgent information from the telegram channel of governor vyacheslav glodkovo. it is reported that the ukrainian armed forces attacked the village of dunayka in the granvoronsky urban district with a drone. there were wounded four civilians. it is known that all four were injured as a result of the drone detonation, three. with mine blast injuries and concussion are being taken to belgrod, to city hospital number two, another victim was given assistance on the spot, well, and the governor also posts pictures
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of what is happening on the spot, the facade of the building is damaged and cars are damaged, it is clear that this is a peaceful - a completely peaceful village, where - naturally there is no military or military equipment and military targets, another example of what the armed forces of ukraine is doing, my wife didn't even have time to understand anything, i said, i'm leaving for the formidable one at the door, i went to the military registration and enlistment office that same day i was already in my military unit, well , and where i then went through selection, training, i then ended up on the territory, now my wife treats me well, she's proud, but she's waiting at home, it's very important to realize that you're not alone, no matter what your task is, you're doing it, you're the one who 's making history, you're the one they talk about in the news, when i left for the svo zone, my eldest daughter had a kindergarten there far enough, as soon as i got to
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the svo zone, a kindergarten for children there is within easy reach, i really feel it on my family, the state helps them, we have something to be proud of, our military really shows high morale, join yours, serve under contract, we are infantry, where we stand, russia always begins behind us, where we stand, there is russia, it is easy to get confused in the facts when you see only part of the overall picture, the pursuit of views changes whole... now economic news in brief: russian seaborne oil exports are recovering , according to bloomberg, the four-week average increased by 80 thousand
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barrels. reaching almost 3.2 thousand barrels per day, while the average profit indicator remained unchanged at about a billion and 600 million dollars. thus, the decline in quotes on the world oil market was offset by an increase in supply volumes. the central bank assessed the profitability of non-state pension funds. in the first half of the year, it averaged 6.5%. all npfs, according to regulator, came out on top during the reporting period. about half of them showed income above inflation. let me remind you that it is not state funds that manage the funded portion of pensions. russians can independently enter into agreements with such organizations and, for example, transfer money to them under a long-term savings program. china has launched a wto case over europe's prohibitive tariffs on electric vehicles. beijing emphasizes that eu tariffs do not comply with world trade organization standards,
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approved back in... i note that the request wto consultations formally mean the beginning of a trade dispute. and the net profit of x5 group in the first half of the year grew by more than 40%, the figure was almost 60 billion rubles. revenue grew by a quarter to 1.850 billion. this is data between. perekrestok and chizhek for the reporting period decreased by more than 6 percent. x5 group is one of the largest russian retailers , the company currently manages 2,500 stores. these were economic news, briefly. we continue to monitor the situation in the belgorod region, where the situation has been recognized as an emergency situation of a federal nature. this decision
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was made. at today's commission headed by alexander kurenkov and as the head of the ministry of emergency situations noted, the scale of what is happening does not allow the belgorod region to cope on its own. what is the situation in the region at this moment, we will find out from our correspondent olga kurlaeva. so, olga, hello, well, about half an hour ago , messages about a missile threat appeared in the telegram channel of the head of the belgorod region and a request to all residents to go to the basements of the shelter. and in addition, fresh data shelled. the village of dunaika, there are four wounded, what is known about this shelling and what is happening at this moment? yes, indeed, the village of dunaika is located in the graevransky district, for - the majority of the russian federation, residents of the russian federation, this does not mean anything, but those who live in belgorod understand that these are border areas, as well as shibekina, where this morning there was also a drone raid,
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komikaze, who are hitting... civilians, hitting absolutely peaceful social facilities, they hit ambulances, repair crews, they don't let them restore infrastructure, but despite this, naturally, housing is being restored , electricity is being restored, everything that is called city life, this morning there were really four wounded in the shebekinsky district, just half an hour ago, this is the village of dunayka, grayvoronsk. daily, because border residents suffer from exactly this kind of shelling, from fpv drones, because if drones. they fly
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literally in the windows.


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