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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 15, 2024 4:00pm-4:30pm MSK

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this is russia 24, right now the main facts of the day, in the studio natalia litovka. a federal emergency has been declared in the belgorod region, the ukrainian armed forces are shelling the region's territory every day, civilians are dying, there is a new shelling today, what is the situation at this hour? our air defense shot down a ukrainian missile near lgov, two civilians were wounded, the situation in the kursk region, where the evacuation continues, horrific footage from the region, where soldiers.
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representatives of israel and hamas must discuss the terms of a ceasefire. well, in the meantime israeli air defense systems intercepted a suspicious air target from lebanon , reports from the field. and we begin with a statement.
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russian defense minister andrei belousov, the general staff of the russian armed forces has developed a plan for additional measures to protect border regions. we are talking about the safety of the population of infrastructure facilities in the kursk, bryansk and belgorod regions. according to the minister, the plan concerns strengthening troop command and control, as well as coordination with other departments and the allocation of additional resources. this topic was dedicated to the meeting held today by the minister of defense. as part of this meeting.
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the ssu itself still does not fully control sudzha, military actions continue there. this was reported on the air of the fifth studio program on our channel by the commander of the special forces akhmat abti alauddinov. he added that the vso forces that kiev sent to the kurdish direction are melting away every day, our fighters are also helping with the evacuation of the population. the day before, they evacuated 73 civilians from sudzha , including women and the wounded. all of them contacted the military themselves. in general,
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the difficulties turned out that in the area where i am now, the sudzhinsky direction, that means, here we really made very good screens, we have already started to clear out populated areas, that means, one populated area martynovka, we cleared it out, that means, it turned out that the cherkasy porechye and the russian porechye, these two populated areas we are clearing out, well , the enemy also understands that we are not giving him... the ukrainian armed forces are using literally their last forces to hold positions in the kursk region, including removing entire units from the front line, this was also noted by alaudinov, and this is a losing tactic from the start.
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"we are fighting in the border region, yes, they are pulling in here, dropping everything they have on the front line, the remnants, dropping it here in order to consolidate it here by any means." what happens, it turns out that we have already won, well, and new personnel from the russian ministry of defense, so our military is eliminating the equipment of the ukrainian armed forces, recording the movement from the air , striking with the lancet loitering munition, to destroy mobile groups in... artillery of the north group is manning firing positions in the border areas. the range of self-propelled howitzers allows them to strike from a safe distance. the combat crew receives coordinates from aerial reconnaissance. our superkam drone is flying along the contact line.
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kiev formations suffered serious damage in the area of ​​the settlement of lubny - this is already the sumy region. the rear of the units of the armed forces of ukraine, where a column of fuel trucks that were moving towards the parking lot of the reserve was destroyed by a strike from the iskander operational-tactical complex. nato armored vehicles on the border. flew in from reserves and from our pilots. gliding air bombs were sent to ammunition depots there in the sumy region. what were you doing 3 days ago? if the question seems.
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t-shirts for physical education to the nearest pick-up point. now more details about the situation in the kursk region, our special correspondent stanislav bernwald is working in the region, he is now in direct contact with the fact stanislav, hello, tell us what the situation is now? yes, hello, a few minutes ago , a missile alert was declared again in the kursk region, a missile threat, how long it will last is still unknown, this is probably the fifth time today, i have already, frankly speaking, lost count. hours ago , information came that ukrainian militants shelled the city of lgov in the kursk region, two
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missiles were launched, our air defense worked, but there was a detonation, as a result of the explosion , four people were injured, now doctors from the lgov city hospital are fighting for their lives, if necessary, people will be transferred to the regional center, if again their condition allows it, including possible transportation. to the federal centers of the city of moscow, the situation is still very difficult, glushkovsky district this morning, an evacuation was announced there , 20 thousand residents are subject to evacuation, it has to be carried out in very difficult conditions, the responsibility for evacuation is assigned to the local administration, as well as to the regional administration, the military, and of course volunteers are helping here in ... kursk people are waiting in temporary accommodation centers, for their
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meetings everything is prepared, there is hot food and medicine, psychologists are working, lawyers are working who help to process all payments, help with documents, because many people really leave their homes in a hurry, leaving behind documents, in one day employees and migration service help people to process documents, the situation is still extremely... complicated in sudzhansky district, let's listen to operational information, just recently a briefing of the operational headquarters of kursk region took place, let's listen to the operational report on the military component. military investigators of the investigative committee of russia have recorded another fact of criminal actions by armed forces in the formation of ukraine against the civilian population of the kursk region. ukrainian militants carried out a missile attack on the city of lgov.
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investigative committee of the russian federation, they are now at the scene of the shelling in the city of lgov, conducting an examination, now a decision will be made on how to initiate, under what articles. in the direction of kremyanov. a comprehensive fire damage to the areas of concentration
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of units of the 82nd airborne assault brigade south of kremyanoye and the 80th airborne assault brigade west of russkaya konopelka. the enemy's losses amounted to 90 servicemen. five bradley infantry fighting vehicles and six armored combat vehicles. the destruction of the enemy has been completed and control over the settlement of krupets has been restored. well, among those who are being evacuated from the border areas, there are also pregnant women in the regional perinatal center, accept everyone, they are currently compiling lists of all expectant mothers, they cannot yet find a connection with more than 90 women, well, it is not necessary that they have disappeared, they may simply be in other regions now, have gone to their relatives, or simply have not yet registered at the maternity hospital, that's what we were told, everything is ready today for
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admission, for examination of women, in case of need for childbirth, also all centers of the regional center are ready to participate and provide all the necessary assistance, we managed to talk to one of the women, here she is expecting her third child, it should be a boy, let's listen to what she says: we were leaving, there was no full evacuation yet, we left on our own, we expected that we would leave for a couple of days, when we already found out that idnaya. it is very difficult, well, it is very difficult morally, we came here to register, they received us very well, no one refused us anything, the staff is very good, so, those who are now evacuating from the glushkovsky district are already being admitted to temporary accommodation centers here in the city of kursk, it is also worth recalling,
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that 77 temporary accommodation centers are open, this is not the end, they will continue to open, also temporary accommodation centers from... are closing in other regions of our country. we continue to monitor the situation in the kursk region. i give you the floor, natalia. yes, stanislav, i am looking at the news feeds, the information agent, that a missile threat in the kursk region has been declared for the ninth time in 24 hours. thank you, my colleague stanislav bernvalt was from the kursk region. the volume of humanitarian aid in the kursk region has exceeded 1. such figures were announced by the official representative of the ministry of emergency situations in interdepartmental headquarters artem sharov. in 14 regions of the country, in 177 temporary accommodation points there are 9,000 people, another 470 points are ready to accept more than 36,000 people, about how the whole country helps those who were forced to leave their homes due to shelling. maria valieva. toys, clothes, food in temporary accommodation points in the saratov
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region, families from kursk are provided with everything they need. now everyone is safe. evgeni and her children miraculously managed to escape. at night they were awakened by explosions, covered with shrapnel vegetable garden, without a moment's hesitation, we quickly got ready, took the documents and left. everything in the area was exploding, there was fire, a gas pipe had burst, we were driving past, we saw it all, the road was very difficult because drones were flying, well, we were able to do it, on the sixth our life changed to before and after, we lost everything we had, what is happening to our house now? is it intact or not, we don't know. there are currently 57 people in the temporary accommodation facilities of the saratov region who were forced to leave their homes, but if necessary, will accommodate more. all issues are under the control of the governor, as is the collection of humanitarian aid. 85 tons have already been sent. in all regions of russia, people continue to bring things and food to collection points. a column was sent to
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kursk from ingushetia. the collection was organized by volunteers of the people's front. this humanitarian cargo includes. dry rations for employees of the federal security service. this cargo includes almost 14 tons of food. there is everything necessary, just what is needed, these are instant products , canned goods, flour, well, everything that can be prepared quite quickly. humanitarian columns are sent one after another from the voronezh region, chelyabinsk, from the republic of tatarstan. both large enterprises and ordinary citizens participate in collecting aid for the victims , we are doing a common cause, and this is not only their suffering, it is entirely our country's, so we want to support people, representatives of various public organizations work at collection points, 2 tons of humanitarian aid were delivered to kursk by the oryol committee of families of warriors of the fatherland, volunteers of the new people party help evacuate the pets of the kursk
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shelter for homeless animals. pegina and nadezhda slugina, vesti. the situation in the belgorod region has been recognized as a federal emergency. this decision was made at today's commission headed by alexander kurenkov. as the head of the ministry of emergency situations noted, the scale of what is happening does not allow the belgorod region to cope on its own. a missile threat was declared twice in the region during the day. the ukrainian armed forces attacked the village of dunayka using a drone. four local residents were injured. with details olga kurlaeva. the village of dunaika is located in the graevransky district for most of the russian federation residents of the russian federation this does not mean anything, but those who live in belgorod understand that these are border areas, as well as shibekina, where there was also a drone raid this morning, komikaze, who are hitting civilians,
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hitting civilians with an absolutely social object, in the morning there were four wounded in the shebekinsky district. now this village of the dunaikaronsky urban district has four civilians wounded , all four received moderate injuries frequency, two were taken to the regional clinical hospital, two are undergoing treatment at the district hospital of graevororansk, a decision was made by the head of the region vyacheslav glatkov to ask the government commission to consider the status of a federal emergency situation, so that federal structures would be involved in helping the region. the situation in the belgrade region made a decision to introduce a state of emergency at the federal level throughout the belgorod region in detail, what does this regime give... this regime for affected municipalities, for affected residents, we will try to bring it to the attention of the ministry of emergency situations as soon as possible , they are joining the work, they will be organized,
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they are already on the territory of belgorod region, operational headquarters, they have been working for a very long time, helping residents, but now funding will not come from extra-budgetary funds, mostly from the federal budget, as a result of terrorist attacks by ukrainian armed groups. in belgorod region, residential buildings and infrastructure facilities were damaged, there are dead and affected citizens. the region has organized work to provide comprehensive assistance to the affected population, but the scale of what is happening does not allow the region to independently eliminate the consequences of the current situation. what does the federal emergency regime mean, and how does it differ from the counter-terrorist operation, which is also in effect here, here throughout the border area. operations, but first of all, for residents there will be payments from federal budgets, this is a one-time financial assistance of 15,000 rubles for partial loss of property of the first
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necessity 75,000 rubles. in case of total loss 150,000 rubles. payments to relatives of the deceased 15 million rubles. for those who received moderate or serious harm to health - 600,000 rubles. in case of minor injury, minor harm to health - thousands of rubles. all this will be considered by the commission and, naturally, payments will go to residents of the border area, to those who suffered from the actions of the fascist ukrainians who hold weapons in their hands. olga kurlaeva, sergey shcheptev, belgorod region. the russian guard carries out tasks to cover the country's border, to ensure the counter-terrorist operation regime. thus , special forces groups are operating in the kursk, bryansk and belgorod regions. tank units , aviation departments use drones. also, sappers are engaged in the search for and neutralization of explosive devices on a daily basis. in addition, servicemen of the russian guard
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serve at the posts of the kurdish nuclear power plant. they provide increased security measures for the nuclear power plant. in the border areas , employees of the department participate in maintaining law and order, exercise enhanced control in the sphere of arms circulation, and are also engaged in search and liquidation of sabotage and reconnaissance groups. vssu. giving away movies and music for paying for mobile communications is normal. that's why we give away. zbermobile. i bought a special sale. buy svetokopi office paper for 299 rubles. are you attacked by credit card debts? i'll show you a couple of tricks: we collect all credit card debts on one holva, we conveniently pay off 24 months, and we also
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