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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 15, 2024 5:30pm-6:01pm MSK

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region, on the instructions of the president, following the federal part, its regional part was also indexed. this was reported at a meeting with vladimir putin by the acting governor of the region dmitry milyaev. elizaveta khramtsova will tell about what other priorities in the work were discussed. the arms capital of russia is demonstrating confident growth in its traditional defense industry and is actively developing other sectors of the economy, clearly fulfilling social obligations. about the main indicators of its work on... acting
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duties of the governor of the tula region dmitry milyaev reported to president vladimir putin. one of the priorities is to support participants in the special military operation and their relatives. almost 70 assistance measures are in effect. in the tula region , the regional component of the one-time payment upon signing a contract was indexed. and in total with the federal part, its size was 1 million rubles. fighters who live in emergency housing or need to improve their living space are provided out of turn.
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in a special military operation and their relatives. tuliki continues to provide great support to mariupol, last year and the year before last , the region allocated 3 billion 700 million rubles for the restoration of schools, kindergartens, apartment buildings and other work . we are also continuing the work this year, 1.2 billion rubles from the regional budget for these needs. we are sending, a professional lyceum will open and start working on september 1, we are also working on the restoration of another school, a kindergarten, we are arranging. tula park in mariupol, so we are continuing this work, in fact, with the ministry of construction of russia, we have everything plans for further work, they are scheduled up to 2030. new economic conditions require new solutions, according to dmitry milyaev, the tula region was able to solve a significant part of the issues related to changing the logistics of the circle of partners. at the last st. petersburg economic forum, representatives of the region signed an agreement worth 100 billion rubles, and these are contracts in various areas. processing in agriculture.
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this is a perinatal center, two buildings of the clinical children's hospital and, of course, an oncology center, all operate on at the present time, we are doing a lot of work to increase staffing, we have moved forward, we have not yet decided this 100%, but nevertheless we will continue this work, there is a shortage of doctors, there is a shortage, but at the same time a whole range of measures has been developed over the past years, since september we are launching additional measures, of course , the story related to the provision of service housing has proven itself well.
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counts on federal support for emergency hospitals and regional financing of construction, to be responsible for implementation of this and other projects, dmitry milyaev would like personally already in the position of governor, he is putting forward his candidacy for the september elections. if the residents support, for my part i will make every effort to justify the trust of the residents, and of course, your trust. there is not much time, before the elections, well, in any case , it is there to show the main directions of development of tula. take the first steps, therefore, people will also judge the prospects for the development of the tula region under your leadership, i want to wish you success, thank you very much, work on road construction continues, projects for upgrading sewer systems are ready,
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new educational sports facilities are planned to open, all this will be included in the regional development program until 2030, engaged in long-term planning, tula does not ignore the most pressing issues. the undermining of the northern streams did not reduce the demand for russian gas in europe, in just over six months it grew by 5%, in july by seven. meanwhile, experts are discussing a new version of the destruction of the streams, published in american press. konstantin churikov knows the details. the wall street journal article with a new surprising version of the destruction of the nord streams does not give a convincing answer as to who ordered it, but makes you wonder who benefits from it. as the publication rightly notes, after the attack , energy prices rose sharply. germany and other countries nationalized
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companies that supplied russian gas, and even today germany pays about $1 million a day just for the lease of floating terminals for lng. but there are losses more seriously. as reported earlier. and these are not the main losses. the main victim in europe was the ordinary european. immediately after the sabotage , inflation became double-digit. the peak occurred in october of the twenty-second year, and even then this is average data. here is a much clearer and closer to the average eu resident, the rise in food prices. in march of the twenty-third at its peak. and this is not to mention the prices for electricity and utilities in general. if we take this period from october 2022 to june 2024, during this period the european union
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and the uk imported about 580 billion cubic meters of gas in total. if we talk about a normal situation, yes, which could have been. europe with gas supplies, the average price in the last decade was about $ 200, it turns out that during this period europe overpaid for gas by about $ 270 billion. the global energy crisis began in the summer of 2021, specifically in europe, during this crisis from june to august, gas doubled in price from $ 300 per thousand cubic meters to $ 600. as part of a large process, with in which prices were rising, the explosion of the northern streams led not only to a rise in prices, the explosion of the northern streams reduced germany's ability to restore demand for gas. now about the versions of what happened. no matter what was written on the pages of the western press, the project brought
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benefits to all participants. the total capacity of the first and second streams was 110 billion cubic meters of gas per year. as noted on the gazprom website, pipes with a diameter of 1220 mm were used in the construction of the northern stream. no one in the world had built gas pipelines before this, which, without compressors, could transport gas over a distance of more than 1,200 km. the steel chosen for the manufacture of pipes is unique, the website reports. metallurgists were far from immediately able to create a material with such a margin of strength and elasticity. it is clear that no effort by designers will be enough to protect the pipes from explosions with a capacity of half a ton in t-equivalent. as it was with the flows, well, and who benefits, all the experts we interviewed named the same country. the americans, the world regulator financial market, for which it was fundamentally important to launch, kill the contract, direct contract on the gas market to launch
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stock exchange trading of futures, the so-called paper gas, because gas exceeds oil in reserves, having torn gas away from oil in pricing, you get. an independent, global market, of course, these are the americans, this whole story that three or four ukrainians drank, went on a yacht in scuba diving, fell, blew up, well, this is just a story for... the idea was a success, consumption gas in europe as a whole continues to fall, in july alone -7%, starting from january -5, the fall does not stop even almost 2 years after the terrorist attack in the baltic sea. the undermining of the nord streams helped europe to realize its long-standing green dream, this is the green deal, the so-called deindustrialization of europe for the sake of achieving the goals of carbon neutrality, the situation that developed after the undermining of the nord streams helped
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europe to achieve these goals, if you look at germany, then almost every tenth company in khimprom, yes, in the largest consumers of gas, they have either already closed their production facilities or moved production to other countries, only one thing should upset the customers of the undermining of flows, europe is gradually increasing its consumption of russian gas, in six months it has already increased by 5%, but the former partners are trying to work with this problem, i mean the supervised name attack of the ukrainian armed forces in the kursk borderland, where the gas pipeline passes, through which russian gas is still supplied to europe. it would seem, where is sudzhi and where is the usa? well, when there are financial interests and specific cash flows, our former friends are hard to stop. consultations on the introduction of a regime. ceasefire in the gaza strip and the release of hostages began in doha today. representatives
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of egypt, qatar, the united states and israel are reported to be participating in the negotiation process. at the same time , a rally of relatives of those people who were kidnapped by hamas in october last year was held in tel aviv. the demonstrators called on the government to stop the military operation in the gaza strip and negotiate the release of hostages with the palestinian movement. the situation in the region was told to us by the head of the middle east bureau sergei pashkov.
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it will depend on whether the war in the middle east will continue, whether there will be a large-scale clash with iran and whether the 115 hostages who were held in the gaza strip on october 7 last year will return home . active military actions are continuing in gaza itself, which rather speaks against the fact that a deal can be concluded immediately. the day before, the chief of the general staff of the israeli... army, haleve, visited the city of rafah, he - stated that the israeli the military will continue to pursue the tactic
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of actively pressuring hamas, since, from the point of view of the political and military leadership, israel is the only way to get the palestinian islamist organization to comply with the issue of releasing the hostages. hamas must know that every day that they hold our hostages, they will feel worse than the day before. "we will make things worse until we manage to return the hostages, but even after that we will not allow hamas to even raise its head, but the relatives and loved ones hostages in the gaza strip, as well as israelis who sympathize with them, hold daily rallies at the so -called hostage square in the center of tel aviv, opposite the general staff building, and they believe that it is precisely this policy of the authorities and the military that is preventing the conclusion of a deal to return."
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the first negotiations after a long break on a peaceful resolution to the conflict in the gaza strip, but paradoxically, a delegation from the palestinian movement in hamas, in fact, is not taking part in these negotiations. movement stated that they will not send their delegates to such meetings until israel stops fulfilling the previously reached agreement, in particular, until it reduces the intensity of fire damage, that is, in other words, strikes on the palestinian enclave, on the gaza strip, on its civilians, now, as it expects... "the israeli country, through intermediaries, which are qatar and egypt, will convey its proposals, then the intermediaries will convey these proposals to the hamas delegates and some kind of response will follow, but in any case, now on these peace talks are very hopeful because the conflict in the gaza strip has intensified sharply, probably in the last week, in particular since the beginning of the week the idf
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has resumed ground military operations in the eastern part of the largest city in the palestinian enclave in the south of the gaza strip in haniunisi. earlier this area with the israeli military itself was declared a safe humanitarian zone, it was there that more than a million refugees from the entire enclave were moved, now people are again forced to leave their already overtaken, inhabited places and move somewhere under the threat that israeli bombs could fall on their heads at any moment, several dozen have already died since the start of the new operation in haniuniuni. the israeli army claims that there are resistance forces, political or military collaborators here, so where are they, look at these buildings, is there anyone there, where is the commander or the so-called armed collaborators, why
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do they continue to talk about them, on what basis, please explain this to me, in the school they bombed there were only children, the situation on the lebanese-israeli border remains extremely tense, there has been a significant increase in the intensity of mutual attacks by idf and the lebanese-jewish movement hezbollah in the last few days, the risk of a major war is really there in this part of the region, but as was stated today literally a few minutes ago in the ilvan parliament, the speaker of the parliament said that while peace talks on gaza are ongoing, a large-scale attack from israel is not expected in beirut, while... lebanon continues to prepare for a possible, including ground, attack idf operations in southern lebanon in other parts of the country, the country's health care system is now on maximum alert. no one can predict what kind of burden we will face, only god knows for sure, because we do not know the power of the strikes from israel, nor their
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duration, there will be no target, will there be strikes on civilians, i do not know what will happen, but we expect that... citing american officials, it was reported that, in washington's opinion, israel has already exhausted the possibilities of a military conflict in the sector gas, the idf has already achieved its goals, here is the return of the hostages, 115 people according to some sources remain in captivity of the hamas group in the gaza strip of israeli hostages, you can only forget. more often they are handed over simply on the basis of gender, not due to the shortage of personnel in ukraine, summonses are sorted out, so in the city of kherson controlled by kiev, military registration and enlistment office employees tried to take away a disabled person of the second group, where
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such a path leads and how their mothers and wives stand up for ukrainians, margarita semenyuk will tell. crushed a woman's leg. working with such a beast diligence does not bring results. the military is frankly dissatisfied with the reinforcements, the quality of the recruits is not satisfactory, assures the company commander of the 130th territorial defense battalion. "i do not understand why the tcc training centers do this, they just give a lot of people, they sent me, as a company commander, 45 people, of which we immediately sent 10
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to the rear support point after 3 days, they can barely walk, we had a tactical medic, he puts on a tourniquet and loses consciousness, this is without injury, without anything, why, please tell me, conduct such a thing, it is difficult to find the word, to fulfill the plan of the expired president of ukraine, although..."
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the russian leader noted that minsk does not want a war with nato, but if the border is violated, the response will be immediate, i told them directly, although they say there, he is stupid, he says, he will use weapons, i told them, we are not going to use any weapons until you step on our state border, it is the border of our union state, russia, according to our agreement, introduces its units, they have determined which armies to belarus, and we...
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khakassia and other regions of southern siberia emergency warnings about increasing heat are widespread. earlier, forecasters warned of warming in central russia and possible temperature records in the russian north. we will talk about everything in more detail with a leading specialist. this is definitely not the swan song of the season and summer will still please us with real warmth. in murmansk, warming reached its peak today. already at midday, the thermometers at the city weather station rose above +23. and by 15:00 the air warmed up to +25, the daily record that was held was rewritten more than 60 years on august 15, 1958 , meteorologists recorded +24.9. the temperature in the city has been above +22 for more than a week.
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the downside of warm, dry weather is the increase in the number of wildfires. since the beginning of the year , according to official data alone , 54 forest fires have occurred in the region. smoke is blowing towards murmonsk. residents of the village of uraguba are breathing in the fumes. a few days ago, tourists and residents of teri were suffocating. look, you see, a camp, here are the nets, here was a campfire, here it is, a campfire, a campfire, how do you like the consequences, good sat down, guys, well done, more wildfires, the heat has become in the south of russia, these are today's shots from the simferopol region of crimea: a prolonged period of dry weather has confused plants, chestnuts and magnolias on the coast
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of the azov and black seas are about to be cut down. the second time this summer. the swimming season in the european part of russia is over, but in the south of siberia it continues. novosibirsk residents are happily splashing around in the ob sea. today the air in the region warmed up to almost +29. few will dare to swim in the cold mountain rivers of altai. at temperatures up to +35 and higher, as today, people seek refuge from the heat in swimming pools. on friday, the anticyclone from the west will continue its advance. under its fine and warm influence. most of the russian plain will be affected, temperatures up to +25 will be noted up to the coast of the white sea, here the polar warm anomaly will begin to shrink, the zone of 25-degree temperatures in siberia will gradually shrink and shift to the banks of the katun and yenisei. at the same time , the urals and western siberia will remain in the power of a vast cyclone saturated with fields of rainfall. the most intense precipitation up to 10 mm will be noted in the north of the tomsk
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region up to. 5 mm can get into the satellite cameras in some areas of yamal, as well as on the border of the omsk region and kazakhstan. in krasnoyarsk , tomorrow is expected to be the hottest day of august, thermometers will show +31:33, literally a couple of degrees short of the 1995 record, when it was +35.1. on saturday, the city will be covered by a cold front, showers will bring up to 9-11 mm of precipitation, daytime temperatures will drop to +25. sunday will not be without rain either and it will cool down to +23. in murmansk, i repeat, today a heat record was set, to 15:00 the air warmed up to +25.5. tomorrow the clouds will increase, a light rain will splash, which will freshen the air by a couple of degrees. on saturday there will be wet rains, it will get colder to +17. at the beginning of next week the weather will clear up, it will warm up to the climatic norm. in moscow
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tomorrow the sunny weather will remain. such weather will become even warmer, in the middle of the day the temperature will rise to +22-25, which is several degrees above the august norm, more in line with the climatic indicators of july. summer weather has returned, apparently the comfortable warmth will last until the end of the season. in moscow , 30 new schools and kindergartens will open their doors by the new school year. this was announced by sergei sobyanin. today, the capital's mayor opened a new educational building on...
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the new school block now houses medical and engineering laboratory and research complexes, a media library, a hall for events, and a transformer sports hall. over the next 2 years, the capital's mayor's office plans to build another 200 new educational facilities, including 60 kindergartens, schools, and educational buildings. well, now an urgent message from the ministry of defense, a tu-22m3 bomber crashed in the irkutsk region, the crew ejected, the defense ministry reports, it was a scheduled flight, it was a long-range tu-22m3 bomber, there is no threat to the lives of the crew, the plane
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fell. there is also no damage on the ground in the uninhabited area. according to preliminary data, the cause of the accident was a technical malfunction. the general staff of the russian armed forces has developed a plan for additional protective measures.


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