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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 15, 2024 9:00pm-9:31pm MSK

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but despite the neo-pagan worship dances and torchlight processions at funerals , one thing cannot be changed. vysushniki are dying en masse in the kursk region because they were told to go, no matter what. but even after death, the militants are receiving messages on social networks: "save and preserve in the orthodox traditions, in spite of." in tula, production volumes are growing at military-industrial complex facilities, and the authorities are paying special attention to the development of unmanned systems; tula enterprises produce 2.0 drones per day, the acting head of the military-industrial complex reported today.
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duties of the regional governor dmitry milyaev. in a conversation with the president, he also spoke about measures to support the participants of the special operation, of course, issues of the economy and social sphere of the tula region were discussed at the meeting. details in the material by dmitry kaistr. the president asked the head of the tula region dmitry melyaev, appointed acting governor in may, to tell about how the tula region is developing today, what tasks and problems are being solved in the region. what would you like to start with? of course, the priority area today for us it is support of participants of the special military operation, members of their families, we try to solve housing issues of participants of the special military operation, members of their families, in any case on an out-of-turn basis we provide housing to those guys who live in emergency housing stock, or are registered as needing better housing conditions. for military personnel who sign a contract - said dmitry milyaev: in the tula region , indexation of the regional payment was carried out, it was increased to 600. support center for participants
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special military operation and their family members, but the tuliki help not only our fighters, but also residents of new territories, the region has great ties with mariupol, where large-scale construction has been launched. we have restored a school, a kindergarten, a dormitory of a professional lyceum, an apartment building, adjacent territories, engineering and technical communications, a professional lyceum will open on september 1, we are also working on restoring another school, a kindergarten, we are arranging a tula park, mariupol. the growth of production of tula itself, in first of all, at defense enterprises, here they are increasing the production of weapons and military equipment, which today ensures the actions of our army in the special military operation zone. we pay special attention
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to the development of the unmanned aerial systems industry, at the moment, turkish manufacturers produce up to 2,000 products per day, they are certainly working, we will continue to do so. the focus is also on the social sphere, in the region, the acting governor told the president, four large projects have been implemented project: perinatal center, two buildings, clinical and children's hospital, modern center for the fight against oncological diseases. we are doing a lot of work on...
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the first were the americans, a journalist from the new york times, who violated the state border and walked around russian territory without a visa in the area of ​​the sudzha checkpoint. the italians, apparently, have advanced further. thus, russia was suddenly visited by a number of representatives of the so-called civilized countries, which at one time
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refused to go to the occupied, in their opinion, crimea, so as not to violate the integrity of ukraine, it turned out, is possible here. we expected various reactions from our partners on any crossing of red lines, but i am very happy that we do not hear this from western leaders, this is a good sign. according to the british, their heavy equipment invading the kursk region does not cross any red lines. this is in the sky news article about the challenger 2 tanks. it is believed that british tanks are being used in combat operations on russian territory for the first time. great britain confirmed that ukraine can freely use british weapons. territory of russia. the tanks, which have been in service with great britain since 1994, weighing 62.5 tons, armed with a 120 mm rifled gun and a 7.62 machine gun, were spotted in the kursk region by our units. at least one has already been knocked out near the road between the sudzhansky and
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korenevsky districts. ukrainian propaganda has been telling us all these days how the ukrainian armed forces are taking care of russian citizens who remained in the captured villages.
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announced kiev's real goals in this adventure, and if we follow his logic, then this is not so much ukraine's strategy as its patrons'. evgeny lishetnyov and maxim shchepilov, to lead. minsk does not want an escalation of the war with nato, but if the country's state border is violated , there will be no other way out, and there will be an immediate response, alexander lukashenko said. the belarusian leader gave a long interview to my colleague, evgeny popov, and answered a variety of questions without embellishment, including about the use of nuclear weapons for the first time...
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hello, thank you for this opportunity, thank you for receiving us, thank you for showed the border as...
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against the whole of nato, we don't want that, but if they do that, they'll go for it, well,
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we won't have any other choice. additional forces, equipment and special forces have been redeployed to the border again, access to civilians has been stopped in the near border zone, even with passes. and this is the direct road to kiev. komarin, koreshchatik, exactly 103 kilometers, but it's clear that no one drives here now, the road is blocked , bridges have been blown up on the other side. communications only allow ukrainian citizens through, and not even on this one border point, and here you see, reinforced checkpoints, patrols of the border troops of the republic of belarus are working and reacting to those provocations that happen from time to time. new outposts and pickets on the border have been put on alert, what will all this lead to? lukashenko hopes for negotiations, but so far there are no prerequisites for this. in the west of belarus, a battalion-tactical.
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decision, so it’s even somehow awkward to talk about it, secondly, when tactical nuclear weapons appeared here, i told them directly, although they say there, fool, he says, will use weapons, i told them, we are not going to use any weapons until you step on our state border, it is the border of our union state, this is a common war between belarus and russia against these beasts, and that we must wait until... and not like - 85 years ago they trample our country, as it was with
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the soviet union, no, therefore we will respond immediately and adequately, if they want this not to happen, let's sit down at the negotiating table and end this fight. alexander lukashenko does not hide the fact that he is providing russia assistance in conducting the svo, russia and the republic of belarus, allies, military and political, anti-russian sanctions are instantly duplicated. to minsk, while in grodno-vitebsk and brest hundreds of thousands of russian tourists and guests. belarus has become one of the most popular travel destinations. you can enter with an internal passport, otherwise it will not.
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no need to come up with any conspiracy theories, we are allies, that says it all, it's not even about the union, as some say, we are russian people, how are we different belarusians from russians, and nothing, the time will come when we will stand back to back and shoot back together, in minsk they are anxiously watching both clashes in the kursk region, lukashenko is sure that this adventure will cost zelensky dearly, the president of belarus knows what forces kiev has thrown into kursk. and what parts of the front it has thus exposed. moscow's closest ally is well informed. evgeny popov, ilina arzumanova, evgeny sedelnikov, oleg makarov, semyon shapchenko, vesti minsk. watch the full version of alexander lukashenko's interview in this sunday in the final program vesti with evgeniy popov. the so-called economic.
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the british government is looking for ways to tighten control over the internet, according to media reports due to mass protests in the kingdom. the prime minister wants to revise the law on online security, social networks are going to be forced to remove content that the country's authorities consider harmful, we are talking about publications with disinformation, incitement to hatred and calls for violence, well, and what, what criteria exactly will the censors be guided by, - maria wondered petrashko. london is tightening its internet security laws amid ongoing riots in the country for two weeks now. the authorities are blaming the causes.
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participants in a children's dance master class, three girls died, eight more children and two adults were injured, but the labourites in power did not admit their mistakes in migration policy and instead of solving the problem, began to brutally suppress protests, beat and detain peaceful britons, even children. the boy and another twelve-year-old child were among a number of offenders
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who pleaded guilty in courts across england. the 13-year-old girl became the youngest convicted participant in the riots in the uk, that is, instead of protecting the rights and freedoms of the native british population, the liberals brutally suppressed them, and blamed all the troubles, of course, on russia , saying that they were incited from moscow. people took to the streets not because china or russia were there, they were incited to do so, they took to the streets because it was impossible to tolerate the situation they were in any longer because of the migration policy of the government. be it the conservatives, be it the laborites now, a young man of 17, his parents came to britain, he is already a full-fledged citizen of britain, he takes a knife and goes to kill girls because they are doing something that in his opinion they should not do, and the government
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is actually on his side, the police are crushing those who protest, and not... those who behave unbridled in today's britain. the question is: will tightening the laws help resolve migration and social contradictions in british society. if the british learn about the problems with the behavior of migrants clearly not from the internet, but from their own lives? this is actually an attempt to put out the fire with very small cups or mugs of water. and i think that in this situation this law, it probably. work here for the future, since the migration problem will not lose its relevance, especially under the lei borissky government, which does not have effective recipes for how to actually solve the migration dilemmas that exist in great britain. therefore, for the future, as such a means, but if not intimidation, then a warning. there is no real solution to the problem with migrants, so british propaganda is already preparing for a tightening of the law, residents
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of the kingdom, bring to the attention of poll data. the polls, of course, were conducted by pro-government campaigns, but british politicians are still afraid of angering the crowd even more against the backdrop of tightening censorship on the internet, and skeptics who doubt the effectiveness of amendments to the security law there is quite a bit on the internet. while the british government was condemning georgia for its decision to adopt a law on foreign agents, criticizing russia for its allegedly strict control, the liberals in their country forgot to solve the accumulated social, economic and migration problems. now we can only guess whether the attempt to shut the press up and pacify the discontent of the crowd will help reduce the number of protests. american media today learned about the biden administration's intentions to transfer longer-range missiles to the kiev regime for... as is already clear, this is practically guaranteed will provoke a new round of escalation around ukraine, although the publicly inactive us president nor his team, insider
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reports have not yet confirmed, for once pretended to be more focused on the internal problems of the united states. report by our special correspondent in the united states valentin bogdanova. almost 5 months personal pensioner joe biden is setting up a digital dump for himself on the edge of the forest.
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there is evidence that she will soon begin to distance herself from biden's unpopular economic platform. harris will not say this publicly, but her advisers talk about it privately. she wants to differentiate herself from biden on issues where he is not popular. the first of these is rising prices; she wants to be different from biden on the inflation issue, offering a clearer and more urgent one.
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it is a swing state, where democrats always vote anyway, so biden will not drag her down there. biden could potentially weaken her if he is associated with her too much. you can’t get rid of biden’s heavy legacy in foreign policy, no matter what you want. in new york, pro-palestinian activists found out about the party of the democrats, which they gathered for after collecting money for haris, they burst in. you set palestine on fire, the left wing of her own party sends a fiery greeting to haris, the police try to dampen the emotions, in response
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, smoke bombs fly in the center of manhattan. activists promise a continuation, during the democratic convention in chicago, they threaten to meet biden , haris and obama with fire, trump is also preparing for the convention, but this is already starting to worry his allies, who are afraid. trump published unbalanced, unsubstantiated claims. republican donors and officials are trying to understand why trump appears to be sabotaging his own campaign. one theory, sources say, is that trump is suffering from trauma from a near- death attempt at a rally in butler. coping with post-traumatic stress disorder, if that's what it is, of course.
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