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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 16, 2024 4:30am-5:00am MSK

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from the flint, the villain has imprisoned me in the flint, a self-written pen, magic ink, you will get it, the main thing is vanya, hurry up, so give me a horse, a mechanical one, but hit yourself on the head, you have a nickname, where you need to go, that's what they call me, because i'm not taking you where you fool want, where you need to go, i can't live without... flint travels, he who has a flint in his pocket doesn't need a pen, soon, kana alexandrovna herself very carefully recorded all the events, and now we have a large archive, we left for evacuation from the pimlyansky station, once panic overtook us, rushed under the mattresses to save ourselves.
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this line separating life from death, it is so thin, it turns out that in russia children with rare or scientifically orphan diseases can receive unique and expensive
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drugs for free, and even before they are registered in russia, the medicine is bought by the foundation circle of good created by the president, what kind of foundation is this, what diseases does it work with, we will tell you in 5 minutes in the program instructions. the circle of good has been working since 21, it supplements already existing state medical programs. the fund helps solve a colossal social problem, with its help children can receive expensive and rare medicines for free, including the newest ones, that is, those that have not yet been registered in russia, in other words, as soon as an effective and safe medicine appears in the world, it can become available to russian children. since the start of the fund's work, 25 thousand children have received assistance, more than 243 billion rubles have been spent on medicine. well, the most important thing, of course, is not the numbers, but behind each child there is a story, a story fight against the disease, family history and by and large. that each, here behind this figure
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stands the history of children, the history of a saved childhood, probably, this is the most important result, which we all really cringe at, but generally speaking, work in the foundation circle of goodness gives a lot of reasons for joy and pride, the fact that people trust us, citizens of russia, taxpayers, and we see this from the results of sociological research, you can find out what diseases and pathologies the circle of goodness works with on ... its website in the section list of diseases, now there are almost 100 points, there on the website you can find out what medicines, implants, other medical products the fund purchases, and what other help you can get from it, when the fund was just being created, when we were thinking about how we work, we defined for ourselves such a principle, informal, completely, it is not recorded anywhere in the documents, that the parents of our patients are our main experts, i want to emphasize that we ... consider all
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requests, not only from doctors, not only from medical specialists, but of course also from parents, and from patient organizations, and even from grandparents, children in need of help, we also consider these requests, we definitely work through and prepare a response, definitely, if you have a diagnosis , a doctor's prescription, you can leave an application on the state services portal, to find the right form, just type in the search circle of goodness or ... the throne assistant will offer it to you or you can find it through the foundation's website in the section for parents. also , the regional ministry of health can help with collecting documents for an application. but doctors and they themselves can tell the family what to do, for example, based on the results of neonatal screening, that is, examination of the newborn. screening reveals 36 hereditary diseases of their groups, in some cases it helps to start treatment even earlier than the symptoms of dangerous diseases manifest themselves. for example, in the case of spinal muscular. otrophy
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, one injection of a special drug is enough to ensure the child's normal development and healthy life. and a very important project for this year, and we also pay a lot of attention now we pay attention to this, these are purchases for the reserve, we would like to work out the entire mechanics this year for several medicinal products to purchase not just according to applications, but to purchase for the reserve, for the stock of medicinal products, so that we can issue them faster, this should significantly increase efficiency, we will try it on several medicinal products, and then maybe we will expand it to other drugs from the list, this should significantly increase efficiency, children should receive help faster. so, let's repeat the main thing: contact circle of goodness can be accessed through the state services portal, the foundation's website or the regional health ministries. lists of drugs and medical products that the foundation helps with are on its website. want to learn more about what medical services you can count on, write to us in
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telegram, send us your questions, we will ask the experts about everything in the next issues of our instructions. it is easy to get confused in the facts when you see only part of the overall picture. the pursuit of views changes entire locations, it is easy to make a zip file, we will expose all the fakes.
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the first cities to join the state program for developing infrastructure for electric vehicles, today there are about six electric cars per one fast charging station, and such a device allows you to charge up to three cars at the same time. nizhny novgorod, based on the results of last year, was among the top three cities in terms of the number of fast electric charging stations, there are about 100 of them, only moscow and st. petersburg have more. business has actively begun to develop infrastructure, in nizhny novgorod they came together two main conditions: a sufficient number of electric vehicles, and government support. the local taxi company purchased 400 russian electric cars with a subsidy. we are
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indeed one of the first regions to provide targeted support specifically to electric cars that work as taxis. 29 million rubles are allocated from the nizhny novgorod region budget to pay two leasing payments , and up to 112 thousand rubles are received per year for the purchase of such an electric car, which will subsequently be registered as a taxi. at the same time, the government nizhny novgorod region signed an agreement with hyper on infrastructure development, namely on the construction of fast charging stations not only in the city, but in the region. in order to attract investment capital, it must be profitable, and its payback is achieved today only thanks to corporate traffic in the form of electric taxis. the logic is that the supporting infrastructure appears for corporate users first of all, but then, as the retail market grows,
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everyone else begins to use it, everyone else city ​​residents. creating infrastructure is an expensive project, companies that implement russian equipment are getting back parts. investments, and even then, in order to recoup the investment in at least 5 years, it is necessary that fast charging stations be used at least five times a day, such demand can only be met by electric taxis today. corporate demand exceeds private demand by tens of times, it is this curve, it is this demand from corporate users that provides a recouped investment in charging infrastructure now at the moment, it is thanks to this that we can afford to attract new investments, negotiate with banks, negotiate with investors to make effective investments in charging infrastructure. taxi fleet buys electric cars not only because of subsidies. but demand, the driver will not take the car if it is not profitable, charging for taxis in the city is free, this is already a cost saving
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compared to a car with internal combustion engines on average by 1,500 rubles out of almost 400 electric cars here only 10 available for rent, the rest are occupied. we have many models in our fleet, and the electric car is the most popular one right now. yes, some drivers have some fears, yes, the fact that they are unfamiliar, all this. it already affects us here in the office, we invite the driver to us, we have a special training video that we show, plus the employee gives out the car, he tells how to charge, what to do, what not to do, how to use it in operation. taxi driver ilya semenov has been driving an electric car for 17 months already, during this time he drove about 170,000 km, he says that an electric car is much more convenient, he charges it twice a day, at lunchtime for an hour, just enough time to eat, and in the evening on the way home, he does not refuse. and from long routes, he went to many places, in particular i went to st. petersburg, to karelia,
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we constantly go to moscow, in february he went to yaroslavl in frosty cold weather, recently literally a couple of days ago i was in murom, you can already move around in an electric car quite calmly everywhere now, because there are chargers everywhere, it is enough to just know where they are, and for this there are simply mobile applications where all this is indicated. electric cars today are technologically advanced intelligent devices that can be almost completely controlled using a smartphone. the valut company develops its own software for its cars . we see the charge level, coolant temperature, battery temperature, battery voltage, we can see the geolocation. where the electric car is, you see, it is clear that we we are nearby, respectively, you can
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turn on the heating, cooling, open the central lock, you see, the car opened, turn off the power, search for a car in the parking lot, that is, it makes a weak sound signal and blinks its headlights, there is climate control, we see the temperature in the cabin, and the most important thing for any driver of an electric car is the presence of filling stations on the map, the charge level. battery, how many kilometers can the car still travel? we now have more than a thousand charging stations in the mobile application, we first, we contact representatives of the charging infrastructure operator, agree on the terms, agree on integration. according to statistics from two charges, at the end of june , about 7,500 public charging stations were installed in russia, most of which are slow, the increase over six months was almost 100. 50%. the infrastructure is slightly ahead of the number of electric vehicles, so the potential for
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growth is quite large. and today , what is really lacking is the development of low-power charging stations, for example, in residential areas areas of cities where people can come, park overnight at a seven-kilowatt charging station, and so on. that is , large charging stations with a capacity of more than 100 kw are sufficient on some highways , including, for example, today you can easily get to sochi or to st. petersburg from. there are no problems with this, the development of infrastructure stimulates the growth of sales of electric cars, in 7 months of this year in russia about 11,500 were sold, which is twice as much as in the same period of the twenty-third, but the number registered electric cars in the country are still a drop in the ocean compared to cars with internal combustion engines, only 52,000 fear. people are still afraid, this is a relatively new technology, people are waiting for as much
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operating experience as possible, many are waiting, watching what will happen to the battery after 3-4 years of operation, while they are already ready, plus for someone a big problem is, as it seems to them, the infrastructure, although it is already quite well developed, so most often electric cars are bought by people with income, as the second or third car in the family, tops the list of the most popular electric cars in russia. and the chinese zikor, whose cost today starts from 5.5 million rubles. according to avtostat, sales of this brand in july amounted to almost 500 units. russian evalyut is in second place, car dealership. vanta specializes mainly in the supply of chinese electric cars, they are brought in by parallel import, delivery takes about a month, all this is reflected in the cost of foreign cars, the buyer has to pay an extra million rubles on top. with on october 1, it is planned to increase the civilized fee, yes, that is, this will naturally lead to an increase in the price of all electric and hybrid cars,
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probably, the cost of cars by the end of the year will increase by 15 percent. the civilized fee should stimulate people to buy electric cars that are produced in russia. the choice is already large today, models of both passenger cars and trucks on electric traction, there is its currency, avtovaz, gaz, kamaz, moskvich. the electric car atom should be launched into serial production, and although electric cars are more expensive than those with internal combustion engines, maintenance is much cheaper. in almost all subjects of the russian federation, the transport tax on an electric car is zero, that is , you do not need to pay it. also in moscow, for example, in other cities. burg there is, for example, free parking for electric cars, that is, you can park in city parking lots, which in moscow already cost up to 600 rubles for free, there is free travel on toll roads, also quite a convenient thing when you go to st. petersburg, or drive on the new m12 road, free travel, underhood space, well, you are already familiar with it, according to the program for the development
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of electric transport in russia by the thirtieth year it is planned that in the country they will drive. the on-board electrical equipment is being improved, yes, there are a lot of different systems that are no longer limited to work - without access to the network. the technologies that were used in the creation of the car have already interested large companies. and this is precisely the system of information exchange, control management, which allows
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control the electric drive via mobile devices, set various driving modes, control the torque, make any adjustments to the torque based on road conditions, weather conditions, for example, limit the torque associated with electric braking, control recuperation. today, modi is conducting scientific research to improve charging devices, several postgraduate students at the university, including students from cameroon and vietnam, are looking for ways to increase the efficiency of devices, reduce. number of errors. the topic of my research is the development of an optimized control algorithm for charging stations for electric vehicles. after developing this algorithm, it moves on to the fact that depending on the time of day of the station's workload, the price per kilowatt of energy changes.
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charging stations today are equipped with numerous sensors that read information every second to allow. optimize work, the software module is the most complex part of the device, each company has its own. in russia, the first to start to produce high -power fast charging stations capable of simultaneously charging two cars, a startup of evten technational park. engineers have taught the equipment to determine which car is charging, what power will be optimal for supplying, so as not to damage the battery. last year , about 100 stations were installed in the regions, this year we are planning to significantly. the volume of deliveries by the end of the year is about 700 fast stations. the largest companies in the country see prospects in this business. the state corporation rusa acquired a stake in the startup kama there, and also 50% of the shares of a large manufacturer of electric charging stations in moscow parus electro. on this basis, there are plans to create a single ecosystem to establish the production of atom electric vehicles. this is the task set
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for the rosenerget concern, to take 25% of the market. in russia, there are operator companies that unite stations into a single information network, where the charging station is located, whether it works or not, whether it is occupied or free, in the application you can lay a convenient route, for example, a partially occupied charging station, accordingly, its agbt is occupied, type 2, the socket is free, support is needed, support is needed, this
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monitoring system is needed so that a person does not drive into the void, that is, now due to the fact that there are a lot of chargers, a person most often does not go to a charger in which he is not sure that it works. the platform of the operator company itcharge today unites more than 500 public chargers, their number has doubled in the last year alone. the market has become very... very active, precisely in the last year, and there have been a lot of requests, and it seems to me, that the market will grow exponentially, a person registers once in a mobile application, enters an electric car there, and then he essentially inserts a cable, everything is automatic, authorization is completed, billing is completed automatically, we are moving towards this. at the same time, more and more developers in russia are already starting to design residential complexes, providing for the installation of charging devices in them. at the level of our internal standards, we have a mandatory requirement for the installation in all new residential complexes, at least one charging station. for new facilities in
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general, a charging station is not expensive, in general there is now a trend towards reducing its cost. the infrastructure for electric vehicles in russia is developing unevenly, despite the state program, which is in effect in 67 regions of the country this year. not all cities have electric taxis, so that charging stations are built en masse, not all operators are ready to provide services in remote places, if there are few clients, in this case even subsidies will not cover the losses that will be incurred business. there is also a demand problem, because some stations are overloaded, some are underloaded, all these people complain that the station does not pay for itself. we believe that it is necessary to organize some kind of coordination center, where generating companies and networks, household companies will be involved, and local authorities, in order to organize, let's say, ready-made places for the installation
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of stations, with electricity supplied, that is, so that all this would be, let's say, in the form of some kind of exchange, perhaps, yes, hello, good day, what is your problem, the battery is dead, development. but there are very few cases where the driver did not take care of charging in advance, the main customers are people who are just buying cars or those who leave
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the electric car in the garage for a long time. modern cars, they communicate with the network all the time, and it may happen that by the time a person comes up and wants to drive it, it is not capable of moving, because it is completely spread out. and in this case, there are essentially no alternatives except us, because especially if the car is in an underground parking lot, no tow truck can take it there - no other way to revive it is available, and this is the first story, the second story is when the car has not yet found its customer, that is, during a long transportation, car carriers, dealers bring a car that is not able to move on its own, even with a photo it cannot gradually move. the infrastructure is changing for public electric transport, trolleybuses and buses are being replaced by electric buses, they were received last year 10 regions under the national project safe and high-quality roads, in nizhny novgorod,
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for example, 58 electric buses were purchased at depot number 3, about 120-130 km off the bat, that is, if they left in the morning, they arrive in the afternoon, they are already put on charge, mainly ultra-fast ones are used during the day, it takes 15-20 minutes to charge, at night the cars stop for night charging, that is , here they are already slower, about one and a half to two hours, here, but overnight they have enough to charge completely. in nizhny novgorod, the infrastructure is both for electric buses, and for passenger electric cars were created in parallel. one operator, which made the process easier, this experience is now being replicated in other cities, for example, chelyabinsk, yekaterinburg, ivanovo, yaroslavl, a large-scale program for the development of the industry in the country, which.
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in the kursk region, russian military personnel regained control over the settlement of krupets, an enemy group was destroyed there, in addition, as reported by the ministry of defense, the russian army ... there were another attempt by mobile groups of the armed forces of ukraine to break through deep into our territory in the areas of varvarovka, safonovka, sheptukhovka, kuuchuk, alekseevsky and matveyevka. over the course of 24 hours, ukrainian militants lost about 340 people and 19 armored vehicles, including five american bradley infantry fighting vehicles, a multiple launch rocket system , and two electronic warfare stations.


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