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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 16, 2024 11:30am-12:01pm MSK

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primorye is left without power, there is no electricity in vladivostok and neighboring cities, the failure occurred on the line. primorsky gres.
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commuter trains stopped , elevators stopped in residential buildings, intercoms do not work, the internet does not work well. more than 1,800,000 people in primorye are currently without power, this is how energy workers commented on the situation. the accident did not occur in the drsk networks, outside the primorsky territory, on the primorskaya gres hikster-2 line, this is a 500 kv line, belongs to ms vostok. it happened some kind of shutdown. the frequency has decreased . the system operator is doing this, we are just waiting for the command to turn on, well , here is the latest news, all medical institutions in the power outage zone in primorye have been switched to backup power sources, they are working normally, this is reported by the regional ministry of health, the power supply of three cities in primorye has been restored, this is reported by the regional government, we are talking about the cities of lesozavodsk, dalnerechensk and luchegorsk. the pentagon admitted that the us. can
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effectively support anti-russian sanctions, when pressure builds in one direction, russia bypasses restrictions at the expense of others, the report was studied by maria grigorieva. the fact that sanctions against russia were ineffective, the pentagon admitted in a report with the loud name operation atlantic resolve. in the section on restrictions it is said that russia is too quickly laying out new trade routes. even the fact that the us has already imposed sanctions against almost 5,000 individuals and legal entities that were somehow connected with our country did not help. so washington had planned to limit revenues from russian energy projects, but the ban did not work. the government stressed that there were problems in maintaining the effectiveness of sanctions, in particular the ability of sanctioned entities and their partners to circumvent the restrictions. direct trade with russia has declined in some foreign jurisdictions, but pressure in one country has contributed to the emergence of increasingly complex roundabout ways to circumvent trade restrictions at the expense of other
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countries. the new routes discussed in the report include cargo transportation from by air. in the first half of the year, they exceeded 60,000 tons. this indicates developing trade with asia. most of the trade flights, according to the statement, were connected with this region. a similar trend is shown by customs statistics. since the beginning of the year, deliveries to europe have decreased by 34%. but to asia, they have grown by almost nine. asian. countries purchased products from russia for 156 billion dollars, which is 75% of the entire export flow. trade with africa has increased by almost a quarter. by the way, our exports remain at the same level as last year earlier, it was 207 billion dollars for the first 6 months, that is, the supplies are stable. first of all, of course, russia supplies primarily these are various food products, products of the agro-industrial sector, both finished and raw products, they mainly go. china is grain, which is sent
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to african countries, also to the countries of southeast asia. russia has increased the supply of organic products, which are now in demand. this is in addition to traditional supplies, an increase, for example, oil , liquefied natural gas. as reported bloomberg, russian seaborne oil exports have already recovered from the july decline. over 4 weeks, they have grown by 80 thousand barrels per day. at the same time, according to reuters, most of those transporting oil products to asia choose the short route through the suede canal, although the situation in the red sea is unstable. well , supplies are also increasing along the bypass route through the cape of good hope, in july they doubled and exceeded one million tons. therefore , oil products from the ports of ustluga and vysotsk are delivered to the route, as well as diesel fuel from primorsk. all these products go to india, china and singapore. the route around africa is more expensive, but safer. well, besides, russia has resumed.
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coal shipments along the northern sea route. if we are talking about coal transportation along the northern sea route, then this is more of a seasonal phenomenon, because it is in august-september that the most favorable. period in terms of ice loads on the eastern part of the northern sea route, now many dry cargo ships from our baltic ports can actually pass through our services, probably, even without an icebreaker wiring, so this route becomes quite competitive compared to the route around africa. among the new routes, one can note the russian service for sending lcl containers, this is the name for containers that carry consolidated cargo. travel time is 45 days. this service is intended for small and medium-sized businesses that do not have enough cargo batches to form shipments in a whole container. with the launch of such a regular service, small enterprises can conduct
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economic activity with the chinese people's republic, to import cargo. well , finally, fesca intends to launch a new sea line between vietnam and malaysia. this will also be. regular transportation. kazakhstan does not intend to blindly support western sanctions against russia. deputy prime minister sirik zhumangarin said this in an interview with bloomberg : this is primarily about restrictions that may affect the interests of kazakh companies. as an example, she spoke about the situation with a plant producing bearings, which may have a double purpose. these are used only in the countries of the former soviet union and eastern europe, because. the prime minister emphasized: the authorities cannot allow the enterprise to be banned from trading. hundreds of tons of fuel products were delivered to the regions of the far north as part of the northern delivery. this is a set of measures that are implemented every year before the onset of cold weather. the work is usually complicated by the weather.
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vitaly prokopyev will tell you how to cope with the problem. stuck trucks, cars and kilometer-long traffic jams. all this is due to heavy rain rains. which lasted for several days, this is one of the most problematic sections of the federal road kolyma, it is strategically important, it connects five regions of yakutia and the magadan region with the mainland, now the northern delivery of fuel and products is in full swing, so the traffic is intense, we insert it, it can be done like this and it works.
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pass, road workers immediately begin to eliminate the deepening, only one hole accounts for several cars with soil. the main task of road workers is to restore the passage as quickly as possible, for this they use dry soil, a section of the road is quite problematic, but the highway is federal, so it is absolutely impossible to allow stagnation here, but if rain is a problem for road workers, then river workers , on the contrary, are happy with it, the dry summer has made the main waterways of the region shallow. in some places, ships barely pass, but they cope with the plan.
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eight regions are classified as arctic, it is extremely difficult to get to them at any time of the year, but despite the vagaries of nature, northern deliveries are carried out according to schedule. vitaly prokopyev, victor rukavishnikov, vasily solovyov, vladimir yarmakov and anton masalykin, vesti yakutia. two
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11:41 am
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a delonghi coffee machine with 30% cashback. look, pay through the sbp, modern, i try to be rational, it's profitable, register on hello to you. .ru pay via sbp in grocery stores, household goods, pharmacies, gas stations, everywhere, as you are used to, save up greetings and exchange them for cashback in real money, and we are going to your concert tomorrow, me too, in the vladimir region many roads lead here to russian.
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solauhin wrote o-lepin through o, explaining that this is exactly how historically correct. he himself very brightly okal all his life and did not think to relearn the moscow way. a writer, when he wrote his first line, be it poetry, be it prose, he already becomes a politician to some extent, because he organizes public consciousness with his books, and this is already politics. original, complex, from a country of contrasts, from the people, but not simple. russian hero, russian fine fellow, he dressed like that, supposedly in defiance
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of everything around him, not some kind of jacket with a tie, but a modern sweatshirt, not just like that, yes, some kind of fur boots, i don’t even know what they’re called, he was distinguished, it seems, by a happy writer’s fate, a komsomol member, a communist, print runs, high orders, state prize, he was indeed one of the most published writers in the ussr. according to available data, the total circulation of all his works was up to 30 million copies, that is, by our current standards , this is simply unrealistic. the number of books, on the other hand, everything as a challenge to the system, he was imbued with the ideas of autocracy and did not hide it, he even wore a ring with the image of nicholas ii, on the ring finger of his left hand, but at first with his face towards himself, so he was a little cautious, let's say, and then he turned it to the public eye, they wrote about that, that solaukhin was flirting with god, he
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signed a letter against pasternak, but during a trip to america as part of a delegation of soviet writers in 7 he arrived in america, ran away from the hotel, told everyone that solaukhin had gone on a drinking spree for 3 days, went to slozhenitsa navermont, where they had a long conversation. in 1988, on television, slokhin was the first to raise an unthinkable, taboo topic, the restoration of the cathedral of christ the savior.
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his home is on the next street, his eldest daughter elena lives here with her family, and the writer's museum was opened nearby in 2021 in the image likeness. we tried to recreate such a working atmosphere here in our museum and exhibition center, which is dedicated to him, this is an original table, chair, lamp. in the table there are manuscripts on the left of the icons, he collected them on the right hand of the portrait of the emperor. he often admired tsarist russia out loud, for which he got it. during the war, young sergeant solaukhin serves in the moscow kremlin regiment. in 1942, winston churchill in moscow, allegedly, going around the guard of honor, he stopped in front of a tall guy. he looked at him so seriously, and vladimir alekseevich, not only did not lose his head, he even withstood this heavy look. there was a legend that stalin, watching the newsreel, noticed this scene and
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suggested that the soldier be distinguished in some way, as if solokhin asked to print his book of poems. this information is found. apple, i am convinced that isaac newton, the apple that revealed to him the law of gravity, that he eventually ate it, although he will be truly glorified by poetry, but still prose - vladimirskie proselki,
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without romanticization, locking, he was the first will talk about the culture of peasant life, when his... village appeared, and nothing has changed there, the same house, many years have passed, he comes to his native samovar, the same bowl, the same floating, like a bezhira, in the museum there is a map of the route through the vladimir region, almost 500 km in 40 days, solauhin will walk along it with his beloved wife,
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a family orphanage, an apple orchard, greenhouses, a small cattle yard, we have a stable here, that is, we are trying to get as close as possible with our building, with this space, to childhood writer, everything is as it was in his childhood. in alepino there is still the same church where slokhin was baptized, which the writer dreamed of restoring all his life, but so far the locals have only managed to get it mothballed for future restoration. elena's daughter.
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autumn rains pierce the roof of the glotovskaya church eaten away by yellow lichen. it spits at the roots, when it rots, there will be no other like it in all of russia. created by nameless masters, it was created as if by the people themselves. the blackboards are not just notes of icon collectors, this is a lament for a lost way of life. one of his main books was born after meeting ilya glazunov. solokhin understood what was happening to icons, churches.
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suddenly you will see the sunken atlantis as paradise, you read, erase this alif, orthodox, driven into barns, many icons were found in the barn, the door was propped up. they showed me a board measuring 50 by 70 cm. jesus christ riding a donkey is drawn on the board. it survived completely by accident. the vologda old woman, with whom we had the chance to spend the night, covered it with a kodushka with pickles. several works from the solaukhin collection are kept in the largest private museum of the russian icon. director nikolai zadorzhny is also a collector. he met laukhin in 1974 at the first. in the soviet exhibition of ancient russian painting. he writes so figuratively that they splashed in the eyes, there is a kinover and pearls of the 15th century. in fact, this is magnificent, when you know, like
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a sunrise, some kind of incredible, in general he had a very figurative book, i remember that as he wrote, the magnificent firebird after the fall of byzantium brought together a nest here in russia the museum acquired icons from the writer's widow, they are from different eras, these enriched the hall of the 16th century. in its... two more icons of the dormition and a multi-part icon here vladimir alekseevich apparently gave the order to the restorers and here the so-called beacon was left, that is, some kind of original is shown, yes, that's right.
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crosses, frontal, it is impossible, frontal, only from the side, so that the cross was not visible that it was a cross, with this, of course, solauhin, as best he could, fought, against marokobogo, books that were handed over in millions of copies, today bibliographic value, reprints are already counted in several thousand copies, this collection of works in eight volumes was prepared from his manuscripts. the first time we took on the publication of his works back in 2005, we did it even before printing, in general we tried to promote the name of the writer,
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advocated for his inclusion in both the school curriculum and a more in-depth program, we managed to collect enough for eight volumes at once, although during his lifetime his only complete collection was published in the ussr in only four volumes. slauhin passed away in april ninety-seventh, he became the first to be buried in the restored cathedral of christ the savior, and the service was conducted by patriarch alexy ii in the lower church, the cathedral was still being built at that time. thanks to him, for what he did with his talent, his writing pen, to revive the spiritual principles in our lives. he bequeathed himself to be preserved in the local cemetery valepino, admirers of his talent always come here after the museum, the village as such is gone, the baptism is gone.
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slogans of the soviet robot, instead of a rolled-in detail in a soulless state mechanism, you have turned into a living person, into a unit into a personality. everything dies in the world, everything on earth burns, everything turns. into ashes,
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immortal, only fire. slouhin was not a member of anti-soviet circles, but his monarchism and collecting, it was like a kind of internal protest, and he himself, it seems, was always a stranger among his own. so says the lighthouse.
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primorye without electricity, an accident on ... distribution networks, elevators and atms are not working, train traffic is suspended, what is the situation? systematic destruction enemy, footage from the kursk region, mi-28 helicopters hit kiev armored vehicles, guided missiles in a whirlwind. food, water, building materials and household appliances, how is the humanitarian mission organized in the kursk region, where is the aid coming from? why is everyone in the us
12:00 pm
so eagerly awaiting the debates between the candidates. president, what new can trump and harris tell. the first big experiment: a multimedia exhibition, the magnificent hermitage , opened in nizhny novgorod, what is being shown? vladivostok and several large cities in primorsky krai were left without electricity, as reported by the regional ministry of energy, the accident occurred on the networks of the far eastern distribution grid company. atms and traffic lights are not working , and electric trains have stopped? our correspondent in the region, maxim bardakov, will tell you more about the situation; he is on the line from the studio. maxim, hello, how are the restoration works going and are the reasons already known? yes, roman, good afternoon, i will tell you what is known at this hour, indeed, a massive power outage in primorye occurred at the end of the working day, here it began to appear information about the lack of electricity, first in vladivostok, then in nakhodka.


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