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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 16, 2024 4:30pm-5:01pm MSK

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i'm not taking you where you fool want, where you need to go, i can't live without traveling, flint, he who has flint in his pocket doesn't need a pen, soon, khana alexandrovna herself very carefully recorded all the events, and now we have a large archive, we left the pimlyansky station. for evacuation, one time panic still caught us, i threw myself under the mattresses, to save myself, they covered us children so that we wouldn't see all this horror, our days shot down this plane, leningrad children brought here, there was an orphanage, we were met by love and kindness. children loved to pick
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blackberries in the rocks, and during these walks they began to talk about their family. this line separating life from death, it turns out to be so thin. the whole country is ready to accept people who are being evacuated from the areas of kursk oblast affected by the strikes in the ssu. humanitarian aid is also coming from almost all regions of russia. in total, the emergencies ministry convoys have already delivered more than 1,700 tons of humanitarian aid to kursk oblast. maria valieva talks about this literally all-russian support. baby food, bed linen, clothes, shoes and even board games... to the collection point
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of the people's front, residents of the khabarovsk territory bring everything that may be needed by those who were forced to leave their homes due to the barbaric attack of ukrainian militants in the kursk region. we wish you health, we wish you optimism, and we wish you faith in our victory. volunteers of the we are together movement, the people's front, the red cross are collecting humanitarian aid for residents of the kursk region all over the country. in kamchatka , volunteers from the young guard are working without breaks. they are packing boxes to send the next batch as quickly as possible. of course, kamchatka krai is not standing aside, and we want to help people together with the whole country, help residents of kursk oblast, do everything to normalize the lives of residents of gursk as soon as possible. 20 tons of humanitarian aid were sent from leningrad oblast, these are products, pasta, cereals, canned goods, as well as medicines, things, folding beds, blankets (build).
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pupils of the orphanage are helping to collect the humanitarian aid, the girls are carefully packing things into boxes, and the boys transfer them to cars. today the whole country helps residents of kursk region, our team decided to provide assistance, we collected children's clothes and will transfer them today. in nizhny novgorod , employees of the nuclear industry took an active part in collecting humanitarian aid. they are in constant contact with their colleagues from kursk. region, ready
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to provide assistance at any time, do not panic, work, if any assistance is needed from us, contact us, i am ready to help everyone, including at work, thank you very much, what's wrong with us, your support is very important. the united russia party sent 800 tons of humanitarian aid to the kursk region, more than 60 branches across the country are taking part in the collection. everyone who works today in the kursk region are people. with experience in donbass in other subjects of the russian federation, so the organization, the whole is at a fairly high level, and as far as helping people is concerned, we have been doing this from the first hours, we are doing this now and will continue until the moment when our situation does not will be resolved. temporary accommodation points have been opened in different regions, residents of the kursk region are ready to help everywhere, 70 people arrived in kostroma, where they were met.
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employees of the ministry of emergency situations, activists of the young guard of united russia and the volunteer company helped them get to the hotel and provided everything they needed. maria valieva and natalya uvarova, news! pash, look, what magic, yes, 35% cashback for everyone, how did you find out? the most important thing, it won't pass me by. apply for a debit card with 35% cashback on everything you need, gazprombank. sale, where did you buy it? megamarket school style! buy a lol surprise doll for 1,199 rubles. megamarket - school style. from back and joint pain. nice activegel - an active formula for accelerated penetration into the center of pain and inflammation. nice active geal. to reduce pain is its goal. it's time for alfa bank. time
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a delonghi coffee machine with 30% cashback. are you attacked by credit card debts? i'll show you a couple of tricks: we collect all the debts on credit cards on one kholva is conveniently repaid in 24 months, and do not forget about purchases in installments. kholva, simple installment methods. this is ivanov, an average russian family. over the year, they throw away 664 plastic bottles, and if they sorted the waste, this could be used to make 21 backpacks for their son or one. sneakers for their daughter, 73 t-shirts for their dad or 70 dresses for their mom. sort your waste, give things a new life. the traffic jams that
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formed this morning on the approaches to the crimean bridge have almost halved, but there are still a lot of cars, mostly. channels write that, for example, on the kirchi side there are about a thousand cars. we will find out the details from our correspondent victoria talberg. she is live on air. victoria, hello, how much time does it take drivers from both sides to cross the crimean bridge now? yes, hello.
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many are in a hurry to enjoy the crimean sun, and it is a hot season on our peninsula, therefore , especially considering how car tourism is developing here, many choose to come to visit us by car, so there is nothing critical about this, we are waiting for everyone in guests and everything will definitely be fine, studio: yes, victoria, thank you for the invitation, victoria talberka, the traffic situation on
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the approaches to the crimean bridge. russian banks in july reduced the issuance of mortgage loans by almost three times, compared to the previous month, this is data from the united credit bureau. leyla alnazarova knows why the market is cooling. the issuance of mortgage loans over the month has decreased by almost three times. follows from the data of the united credit bureau. the decrease is not surprising, it occurred from a very high base. for the previous month, russians took out housing loans for only 292 billion rubles. at the same time, the first summer month turned out to be a record, when loans were issued for almost 835 billion. in addition, the average volume of issued mortgage loans decreased by 20% to 3.82 thousand rubles. the average term also decreased from 24. okb analysts noted that the issuance
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of housing loans for new buildings also significantly decreased, if last june they accounted for half of all loans issued, then in july their share decreased to a third. such a noticeable decline in this segment is the result completion in july of part of the preferential state programs. experts are confident that the decline in demand for mortgages will continue. during july. for part of the month - dealt with the conditions that will be for family mortgages, we see on the market, demand has more or less recovered and the program has begun to breathe its new life, at the same time, naturally , the preferential mortgage program ended, which was the second most popular for families, there were no conditions and limits for it mortgages, which...
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about the regions of the country, in moscow the cost apartments fell by 2% in a month after growing by 3% in june. at that time, there was a rush demand before the end of the preferential mortgage. if we talk about forecasts until the end of the year, we expect that prices will continue to stagnate until the end of the year, since demand will remain quite low in general , by the end of the year, prices for new buildings will grow within the inflation rate. that is, in real terms, they will decrease or remain practically
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unchanged. preferential mortgages have been in effect since april 2020, during which time more than one and a half million loans have been issued under it in the amount of over 6 trillion rubles. the programs currently in effect, including family mortgages and it mortgages, are unlikely to keep demand at the same level, analysts believe. in any case , no changes should be expected on the market until october-november, and we will be in... so to speak, stagnation, that is, some transactions will take place in any case, family mortgages will support the market in the regions, this is also it mortgages will also support the market, so we will definitely not go completely to zero or into some kind of crisis, the market will live, but by the end of the year it will most likely be such a sluggish current sluggish sales, while the minimum rates on market mortgage programs have soared to a record high, reaching... and in alfa bank it is 21.9%. the changes are due to the growth
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of the key rate. let me remind you that on july 26, the central bank raised it from 16 to 18%, this is the maximum since march 2022. at the next meetings, the regulator will consider the advisability of further increases. against this background, the number of loans issued for the purchase of consumer goods in july decreased in russia by 3%. compared to in june we amounted to slightly more than 3 million. in monetary terms, the total volume amounted to almost 600 billion rubles. this is 1% less than in the previous month. the largest number.
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is already working to support african countries in the fight against the outbreak. since the beginning of the year , more than 15,000 cases of infection with the new strain of smallpox and monkeys have already been recorded in the democratic republic of the congo. other cases of the disease have been identified in sweden, pakistan and nigeria, according to the health ministries of these countries. in addition, australia reported a sharp increase in the number infected with monkeypox. true, there in misdrava they note that the australian strain is different from the one found in other. countries, particularly in africa, let me remind you, the alarm was raised back in 1922, when monkeypox first went beyond africa. in os, an outbreak of the disease was recorded in europe. cases of infection were registered in germany, france, belgium, italy, sweden, spain and portugal. well, there were also cases in the usa, canada and australia. this virus is very similar to
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the smallpox virus. the natural virus smallpox was a highly contagious virus. it easily caused global pandemics, we need to monitor what is happening and we need the measures that our rospotrebnadzor is taking, we need to, we need to think about a vaccine just in case, of course, we have developed such a vaccine, but there is no great reason to believe that we will need this vaccine in the near future, there is no great reason for this, what is it? monkeypox, are we really facing a new pandemic? monkeypox is a rare viral disease. it poses the greatest danger to people with weakened immunity. the main symptoms are fever, intoxication, enlarged lymph nodes and subsequent spread of the rash. initially, the rash appears in the form of spots, then they turn into blisters. after they open, ulcers appear, during the healing
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of which crusts appear. as soon as they fall off, scars are formed. with a mild course of the disease usually goes away. itself lasts from 14 to 21 days, the virus is transmitted to humans from wild animals such as rodents and primates, but spread is also possible by transmission from person to person, for example, when in contact with damaged areas of the patient's skin. well, about the situation in russia. rospotrebnadzor stated that there is no threat of the spread of monkey flu in the country. however, all necessary measures are being taken to identify the infection, the department's press service reported. the situation is under constant monitoring. rospotrebnadzor also clarified that, within the framework of the federal sanitary shield project, enhanced sanitary and quarantine control is being carried out at border points to identify citizens with signs of infection, including arriving from trans unfavorable epidemiological situation, the perimeter system is used. well, in addition, the vector center has a vaccine for the prevention of osp
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monkeys, as well as a test system that can detect this virus. and about the weather, a warning about extreme fire hazard due to hot and dry weather on weekends is widespread in the regions of southern russia. earlier , a special fire-prevention regime for the same reason was extended in southern siberia. we will talk about everything in more detail with the leading specialist of the foba center with evgeny tishkovets, he is live. evgeny, hello. rain won't help fix the situation? good afternoon. in tomsk, hail fell just meters from cars. even luckier were the residents who hid from large hail under tree crowns in the midst of the storm. according to preliminary data, the trees did not fall and there were no casualties. a thundercloud
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covered the siberian city in the middle of the day, the moment of maximum air heating. the temperature in the city is less than... in contrast, at the same time, against the backdrop of warm and dry weather, wildfires in the murmansk region continue to rage. they were only recently extinguished the fires are on the srednyaya and rybache peninsulas, but today the fire is there again. appeared, volunteers are helping rescuers and firefighters of the murmansk air base, even ordinary canisters filled with water are used, the wind is interfering with extinguishing
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, we are, of course, fighting off areas, it has already started a fire again, we are fighting, fighting for territories so that the fire does not pass across the road, but with such a wind visibility is difficult. heat, drought and careless handling of fire have led to an increase in the number of landscape fires in the southern part of russia. in the stavropol territory, dry grass burned on field near one of the villages on the area of ​​3.00 m2. after extinguishing at the site of the outbreak found a burnt tractor. on the weekend the northern and eastern parts of the russian plain will be under the influence of cyclones generating fields of clouds. local rains in places up to 5-10 liters of water per meter of area. is forecasted on saturday in the northwest of russia and in western siberia, on sunday in the middle volga region, omsk near ertysh and in the west of evnkeya, here the south of russia and
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the westernmost border regions will remain in the area of ​​a sunny arid anticyclone. at the same time, the air temperature in the west and southwest of our country on the weekend will exceed the climatic norm by 2-4°. in the southern regions, the air will warm up to +28-33. in the black earth region up to... in simferopol , it is partly cloudy, every day, every next day will be warmer than the previous one, on saturday +33, on sunday - 34, while, starting from monday, the heat will reach a record level, the thermometers will rise to +35-38, one after another, rewriting the meteors, while precipitation is not expected, the degree of fire danger will remain at a high level. in... in novosibirsk on the weekend variable cloudiness, short-term rains are possible, which will bring no more than 3-4 mm of precipitation, thermometers will show +23-24. on monday, the showers will intensify,
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while the temperature will drop to +20-21. during the first half of next week , more than half of the monthly moisture norm may pour out on the city. in moscow today is sunny without precipitation , the air warmed up to +23°. tomorrow , the influence of a warm frontal system will be felt, due to which there will be more clouds, and during the day in some places there will be a light rain, on sunday short thunderstorms will rustle, in the middle of the day + 23:26, which is several degrees warmer than the climate norm of august. the next week will start with sunny and dry weather, during the day it will warm up to +23-28, summer has not yet said its last word. the official tourist portal visit to petersburg invites you to go on a trip to the city of naneve. st. petersburg surprises and delights.
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the great history of the past and new tourist geography, classic modern routes, great museums and creative spaces. the official tourist portal visit petersburg will help you plan the perfect trip for the whole family. feel the unique atmosphere of petersburg, a city where. a good mood is given, at the forum the territory of meanings in the moscow region is completing the third educational shift of the ministry, the head of roscosmos yuri borisov talked to the participants. we will find out the details from our correspondent anna voronina. she joins us live. anna, hello, how was the meeting, what did you talk about? yes, hello, colleagues, but it should be noted that this was not just a meeting, but practically a real lecture, yuri borisov told a lot of interesting things, including new ones, and for me,
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although this is not the first time i have dealt with this topic, he first noted that for any russian, space is a subject of national pride, and a subject of well-deserved pride, because we really opened the way to space for the world, i quote yuri borisov, through the first launched satellite and through the first man sent into space, through the first spacewalk, and of course, all these achievements are recognized by the world community, but today, as the head of roscosmos noted, it is necessary to monitor global trends in this area. space has become commercially oriented, and if earlier, well, let's say, only leading countries could afford. their national space
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agencies, programs plans for the exploration and commercialization of space plans for the exploration of deep space. yuri borisov told the participants of the territory of meanings in great detail, and why explore space. it's not just here about moving to mars as soon as possible. we are talking about remote sensing of the earth, for example, which helps in monitoring to prevent emergencies, floods. forest fires, fuel spills in water areas, and also thanks to this function, it is possible to calculate illegal logging, monitor the similarity of the harvest, predict what fertilizers need to be used for the next year to increase the yield of the crop for a particular zone, not to mention the security of communications and digital communication. you go to car, use navigation, this is...
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thanks to the fact that there are global navigation systems, a limited number of countries have them, gps, the united states of america, glonass, baidou, china, well, and the europeans, the indians, that means, they are also deploying their remote areas, and for russia this is most relevant, because we have a huge geographical extent, northern remote areas, where you can’t reach optics. it is very important to develop multi-satellite constellations here, this is one of the global trends in the space industry today, and here it is very important for russia to organize serial production of such satellites. the task of transforming our production assets, technological capabilities has been set and is being implemented, and this is connected with personnel training, so that it
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corresponds. well, yuri borisov, of course, spoke about the more grandiose plans of roscosmos, this includes the construction of its own orbital station, the russian orbital station, which has already begun, and the development of the moon together with chinese partners, the construction of lunar stations together with them using nuclear space energy, and of course plans for the exploration of deep space, colleagues, yes, the plans were huge, it was navoronina, she works at the educational forum, the territory of meaning in
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which it takes place. the minister of defense of belarus viktor khrenin announced today about the high probability of armed provocations from the country of the armed forces of ukraine, similar to the one that was committed in kursk. he reported to the president of the republic alexander lukashenko that reconnaissance is being continuously conducted from the ukrainian side and drones are actively used. there are cases of them violating the belarusian airspace. the general staff of the belarusian armed forces stated that they are ready to respond to such.
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continues to improve the border protection system and elements of echeloned defense. active activity of the special operations forces unit of the security services of ukraine is noted in all areas along the state border of the republic of belarus. reconnaissance is continuously conducted, for which unmanned aerial vehicles are actively used, including with attempts to violate our airspace. the investigative committee opened a case of terrorist attack after the ukrainian armed forces struck the galaktika shopping mall in donetsk. at this moment, two people were killed and eleven were injured. this was reported by tas with reference to the operational services of the dpr. the shelling in the shopping mall caused a fire of more than 10,000 square meters. residential buildings and a hospital were damaged. now.


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