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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 16, 2024 5:30pm-6:00pm MSK

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hundreds of volunteers come to the selection points to sign a contract with the russian ministry of defense, the state, for its part, provides them and their families with comprehensive support, from military mortgages and a large package of social guarantees, benefits to payments that have been increased this month, and those who made a male choice, stanislav vasilchenko. the working day of the moscow
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selection point for military contract service begins at 9:00 in the morning, but the line here forms much earlier. all volunteers wishing to sign a contract with the ministry of defense, the motivation is one: they want a speedy victory and a peaceful sky. the guys there want to go back to be close to their brotherly hearts, that is, well, to help russia, because what is happening now in the kursk region, this is generally, this is already beyond the scope of everything, so the decision was made to go for the third time, the mood. fighting should have done it a long time ago, because in my family both older and younger brothers, uncles have already been there, accordingly i decided to make the same conclusion, the homeland must be defended, the homeland is calling, especially look what what is happening with kursk, it must be stopped, they must be stopped there, against the backdrop of the invasion of ukrainian formations into the kursk and belgorod regions, the number of those wishing to sign a contract with the ministry of defense has doubled, in some regions, tripled. every day, military units arrive in the compound on average to
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all questions regarding the issuance of bank cards, the preparation of a duplicate bank card for his relatives, can also be resolved with us, all representatives of the support banks of the ministry of defense are represented with us. the state provides comprehensive support to the defenders of the homeland. for all those fighting on the front lines, there is a comprehensive system of social guarantees for payments. a contract soldier receives 210,000 rubles. monthly. in addition, on behalf of the president, there are.
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to help on the parade ground at the moscow selection point, another group of volunteers, they are already military personnel, although they were civilians in the morning, signed a contract, so we leave with a fighting spirit, with comrades there in the brigade, with the guys we have already written off, we are going now to the vanguard for training, my heart aches for my family, for my loved ones, i am from voronezh, we will defend the peace of our families, friends, parents there, volunteers do not leave for the special operation zone immediately, those who signed the contract are first sent to training centers, where they will undergo
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the necessary military and medical training. stanislav osilchenko, dmitry arkhangelsky, konstantin berzov. vesti. brief economics: russia's trade turnover with the brics countries increased by 6.5% over the first 5 months of the year, and the total volume reached 300 billion dollars by the end of the twenty-third year, this was stated by the head of the ministry of industry and trade anton alikhanov at a meeting of the relevant brics ministers. such figures were achieved by redirecting trade flows to the countries of the association. the minister also noted that he expects no less impressive results from cooperation in the new expanded brics composition. the global market provides us with unique opportunities to increase trade and industrial cooperation, build reliable cooperation chains, and support joint high-tech production, deepening effective industrial partnership for sustainable development. the maximum rate on
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ruble deposits in the first half of august significantly exceeded 17%. the central bank is monitoring ten of the largest banks, including sberbank, vtb, gazprombank, alfa and others. in july , the average deposit rate was more than half a percent lower. in its methodology, the central bank does not take into account deposits with special conditions, such as the purchase of investment units, so the information can be considered relevant for most depositors. the world's largest oilfield services corporation is expanding its presence in russia. the departure of its main competitors has only spurred the expansion, the financial times reported. american slb, formerly known as schlumberger , promised to stop deliveries of products and technologies to russia back in july last year, but the cargo continued to go by roundabout routes, the publication claims. as a result , the american company earned $1,650 million in russia in 2023. and india purchased russian oil for
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$2,800 million in july, importing more only china. china accounts for 47% of the total volume of exports from our country. new delhi is only 10% behind, in turn. russia currently provides 40% of india's need for oil imports, meaning it is its key partner. indian experts say directly that their companies are attracted by the competitive price of the russian grade of burals compared to brand. these were economic news, in brief. a member of the moldovan parliament calls for the official status of the russian language to be returned in moldova, and for chisinau's relations with the cis and the eurasian economic union to be restored, candidate for the presidency of the republic vasily bolya. he and his supporters came to moscow to participate in the congress of the pobeda bloc, which he represents. my colleague natalya solovyova spoke with him. vasily andreevich, hello, thank you very much for finding the time to talk to us, we already know that the moldovan central election commission refused to register the pobeda bloc. tell me,
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will this affect you as a candidate? i don’t think it will affect me, because the legislation of our country provides for
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surveillance, yes, of me, of my family members they are trying to find some kind of dirt, yes or something like that, my advice to them is, let them not spend the people's money, yes on all sorts of nonsense, because whether my wife wants it or not, in the end she will lose, i recommend that she lose in a fair fight, we know that...
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they are cynics to the core, why am i talking about this, at the beginning of a new term, yes , parliament... working bodies are created in the country's parliament, yes, commissions, that is, where deputies should work, including friendship groups are created, where each deputy can fit into a friendship group, with the parliament, with parliamentarians of one side or another, if i'm not mistaken, we have created about 80 friendship groups with parliamentarians of other countries, the largest friendship group
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is in moldova and even the unnaturalness
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of the execution of these commands by our authorities is felt, that's why you decided to become a candidate in order to turn this situation around, to tell you honestly, what has been happening lately in our country, if, as i say, in a sporting way to resist, yes, if we do not fight. then we can slide into a hole and simply lose the country, romania is nearby, which has always had certain interests in relation to our country, this is an attempt to absorb moldova in the political circles of bucharest, it is still one of the points on their agenda. and in order to, but our grandfathers, our great-grandfathers, our
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parents, including fought for the independence of our country, and others are pulling us to an unknown place, now the time has come, unfortunately, yes, to my regret, that time when you need to, if you want to unsheath, yes, this sword to fight for sovereignty. yes, in fact, our society is polarized, almost 50x50, yes
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, half of the country have views, yes, the country's entry into the european union, this is all because they have a lot of relatives who live, make up, make up today the diaspora, which lives in europe, maybe in the united states, but we also have a large diaspora that lives in russia, this is about 500 thousand.
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20 candidates, all of them, except me, our team, they will talk about the european path of development of our country, we will talk about an alternative, an alternative, an alternative to this path are integration processes to the east of our country, the eurasian economic,
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the eurasian economic union, the restoration of those relations of return... deputies, politicians, the president of the country to work on the cis platforms, to work on the eu platforms. this is the main, let's say, point, yes, in that alternative program that we will offer to our citizens. and i am sure that citizens will support those ideas, those initiatives, with which. will there be a neutrality clause in your program, necessarily, necessarily what is happening today in the region, says the following, that we, as a country that has unilaterally declared that we are a neutral country, this
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is written in our constitution, we must take additional steps to ensure that...
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is the figure that sets the rhythm and sets the vector of movement, development of the country, therefore this position is very important for the whole yes, for the formation of the entire pyramid of power, and i want to say the following, that such a great interest, yes, for these presidential elections, including because next summer in our country there will be parliamentary elections, i said...
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in the moldavian village in the odessa region on the territory of ukraine my grandfathers and grandmother are buried there unfortunately because of this
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confrontation i cannot come to the graves of my grandfathers and great-grandfathers i wish peace to everyone i wish understanding of political wisdom so that stop all this, so that...
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we have seen how since january of this year, maia sandu and the current government have opened a third front in the fight against transnistria, when
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the new customs code was adopted and entered into force, when certain decisions that were made by chisinau did not correspond to the common interest, finding common ground, so... resolving this conflict, that is, the official government prefers open confrontation with any opposition, we see this, unfortunately, yes, they are laymen, they came to power on against the background of discontent, yes, or certain mistakes that the previous authorities made, for example, in 2020, the citizens of our country did not vote for mayandu. they voted against the former president, yes, igor dadon, when they came to power, these were people who did not have sufficient experience in managing
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certain, i don’t know, institutions, yes, state power, in this sense they make a lot of mistakes, and the path of confrontation for them is the only path that is understandable to them, because they have always been in opposition, so now they... came to power, instead of taking the helm of the party in their hands, trying not to make those catastrophic mistakes that they have already made, they come to one single thing, what is clear to them, the path of confrontation, unfortunately, we will do everything possible to establish, firstly, a dialogue with teraspol, in the country's parliament there is a parliamentary group for work with deputies of the people's assembly of the state university of the russian federation, where on this platform we look at the problems that exist,
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we come out with certain legislative initiatives, because the gaguzi people's assembly also has the right to legislative initiative according to the constitution, why don't we create the same platform for dialogue between parliamentarians from chisinau with representatives. originally from teraspol, yes from the premestral, i believe that this dialogue is always needed, the absence of dialogue always leads to the emergence of problems. what can you say about the so-called analogue of the site mirovoets? what can i say, both i and my other colleagues, our photos appeared on this site, of course, i am sure that this was done on orders. on a direct command from the current authorities, they even prime minister darin richan even welcomed the opening.
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any, any attempt to hold such events, i am sure, will be accompanied by attempts by the current authorities to prevent this. it's elementary, i'll tell you, they can find out where we will have this or that event, congress, and they will simply call the police with a difficult call -
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that our authorities have declared this diplomatic war with the russian foreign ministry, which led to the fact that, that is, they are expelling diplomats, at the moment, we have four or five employees working in the moldovan embassy here in moscow, how these half a million will vote, i don’t know, to be honest, the current government wants to do
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everything possible to... not open a single polling station in the russian federation, but i think that they will not succeed, they will try to minimize the number of polling stations and thus not give the opportunity to all citizens of our country who live here in russia to participate in these elections. will moldovan citizens be able to vote here in russia? i think so, i think so. vasily andreevich, thank you.
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the committee opened a case of terrorist attack after the ukrainian armed forces struck the galaktika shopping center in donetsk. at this moment, two people are known to have died and 11 injured. this was reported by tas with reference to the operational services of the dpr. residential buildings and a hospital were damaged. our correspondent vadim topalov is back on the line. vadim, hello again. is there any new information about what is happening now on scene of the tragedy, what is the condition of the victims? fortunately, there is no new information about the victims, there are still 11 people, two are in hospital treatment in a mild condition, the rest, the rest were provided with outpatient care, they were sent home, one teenager is now in one of the hospitals in donetsk, he is also receiving care.


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