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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 16, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm MSK

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back to ask to participate in the presidential race, this of course will not happen, it is clear that the convention in chicago will be another triumph for harris, she will continue to flicker in the news headlines, fill all the information niches, but this will continue at least until the first monday in september, until labor day, when, according to tradition , the presidential campaigns in the united states really begin, this was america, all the best to you. the kiev regime is preparing a provocation, the explosion of the so -called dirty nuclear bomb. strikes are planning to strike at the storage sites of spent nuclear fuel at the zaporizhia and kursk nuclear power plants.
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special warheads for this have already been delivered to the city of zhovti vody in the dnipropetrovsk region at the vostochny mining and processing plant. the goal is to accuse russia of provocation. this was reported by law enforcement agencies, citing interrogations of prisoners. a large number of western journalists have already arrived in sumy and zaporizhia to cover the staged action. this information is confirmed by other sources. according to their data, the entire operation is coordinated by western intelligence agencies, mainly british intelligence. in donetsk, 13 civilians were wounded as a result of the ukrainian armed forces' strike on the galaktika shopping mall. nearby residential buildings and the central city hospital were also damaged. kiev militants continued their attacks even after the arrival of medics, using drones , preventing them from working. video footage from the scene of the tragedy, eyewitness accounts and experts were collected by anton potkovenko. this is what the moment of the strike on the shopping mall looked and sounded like galaxy in petrovsky district.
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targeted shelling of the shopping center, gas flared up in a house nearby, possibly shrapnel, oh! the whole area is in thick smoke, the shopping center caught fire after the hit, high flames, this is the only large store in the area , the shopping center is always crowded, at the time of the strike there were about a hundred people in the galaxy, the ministry of emergency situations, doctors, volunteers, just residents of donetsk immediately rushed to help. vaty, here, here, step aside. among the victims are children, in the voice
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of volunteer andrey lysenko angry tears. friends, glind, mountain, galaxy, huge a number of people were burned alive, children, women were screaming, throwing tantrums because their children were there, we saved as many people as we could, pulled them out. it is difficult and dangerous to save, the ukrainian armed forces continued to shell the shopping center after the first strike, when the emergencies ministry rescuers and ambulances tried to drive up, they opened fire on them, and enemy drones targeted the cars specifically. services, to prevent them from saving people, special services are trying to drive up, but the ssu opens repeated fire, also in this, in this square, very strong enemy forces are active fpv and drones with drops. the barbaric tactics of kiev militants is to hit civilian targets, peaceful people. these are terrorists who are engaged exclusively in terrorist activities and burn everything in the water, having nato weapons, you need to understand that they are high-precision and if the shells hit.
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lead. recently, the ssu has intensified strikes on civilian targets in the donetsk people's republic. this was stated on our channel by the head of the dpr denis pushilin. he also noted the work of the employees of the trade center, who were able to quickly evacuate visitors from the building. the store's security service worked very correctly and quite competently, that is, they tried to evacuate visitors from it as much as possible.
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and these employees, i think it's right to present them with awards of the donetsk people 's republic, because they really saved the lives of these visitors, in general , today alone... 16 enemy attacks were recorded in the petrovsky district, at least 50 large-caliber shells were fired, not counting attack drones, which were also used during the day in this area. the vile attack by ukrainian militants on a shopping center in donetsk is a carefully planned act of terrorism, along with the same despair of the ukrainian armed forces against the backdrop of the confident advance of russian troops. this was stated by the official. representative of the russian ministry of foreign affairs maria zakharova on the air of my colleague alexander korievsky's program. western curators do not want to be associated with tourist activities. they understand perfectly well that this is not about military operations, not about actions of regular troops and so on. we
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are talking specifically about terrorism. we are talking about killing civilians, we are talking about using various tactics to intimidate civilians. we are talking about, so to speak, targeting or guiding or using civilian infrastructure as targets - this is terrorism, the west will not wash itself off from this. russian military in the dnipropetrovsk region destroyed the positions of the petrit anti-aircraft missile launcher of the ukrainian armed forces, the footage was published by the ministry of defense. a missile strike was carried out on the reconnoitered position from the iskander m complex, as a result. two petriot sam launchers and a radar station were completely eliminated. well, now on the news agency feeds , citing the ministry of defense of the russian federation, on august 16
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, the ukrainian armed forces used western-made missiles for the first time , probably hymers, to attack civilian civilian facilities in the kursk region. and there in the kursk region. as a result of a missile strike in the ssu, two activists of the people's front were killed: medic nikolai kovalev and media coordinator david sokolov. both were originally from donetsk republics. the heroes did not stand aside, they helped evacuate residents of border areas. another volunteer, fedor gerachenko from krasnodar krai, is in the hospital. a ukrainian armed forces shell hit the car in which the volunteers were traveling. with this strike, ukrainian militants destroyed the bridge over the seim river in order to cut off the routes to a safe area for residents of several settlements.
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football, the weather is good, they want to go to the site, we will send them a coach now, of course, sports equipment, i want to convey special words of gratitude to the leaders all regions of russia that help. help for refugees from the kursk borderland comes from all over the country, everyone is trying to support the victims as much as they can. the central bank recommends forgiving the mortgage, and a grandmother from orenburg sends knitted socks. heavy trucks enter the city around the clock, cossacks from...
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as well as baby food and much more is in this warehouse, today people from the last wave of evacuation are here, they are helped to find clothes and shoes by size, among the volunteers there are also refugees from the borderland, they sort clothes,
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they distribute rations, search for the missing, here everyone is at the call of the heart - these are ordinary people, these are students, schoolchildren, teachers, these are people from the evacuated areas, it is worth noting that here are friends from sudzha, from koren. already together with ours - voluntary people's detachments helps to evacuate the population from those forces where it is dangerous, among them there are many heroes who risk their lives every day for those who now need such help. isa salim sultanov, chairman of the muslim community of the kursk region, every day risking his life he goes to save people in the border area. we are leaving big soldatsky district, here. our brother kostya is also together, we are with all our hearts, everything that is needed, in
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principle, there are cars, hello, there are products, whatever you want, whatever you need, everything, there will be an electric stove, i will go next time, electric stoves, that's the most important thing, most of the settlements are deserted, but there are old people who refuse to leave their homes and farms, he takes them products, so far we've been lucky, we haven't come under fire, foreigners are shooting, it's impossible. a missile flew over the bridge, hit our car, our best guys died today,
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the guys died as heroes, another of their comrades is now in the hospital, doctors are fighting for his life. alexander ivanov, andrey kutsov, maryas lyaguzova mikhail shum, vesti kurskaya oblast. let's return to the topic of the first issue of this issue, namely the attempts of provocation in the ssu, which they are preparing using a dirty bomb with the aim of accusing. russia has a reaction from the ambassador-at-large of the ministry of foreign affairs of the russian federation, radion miroshnik, we are now seeing his telegram channel, here is what he writes: and can someone guarantee that kiev will not use dirty bomb for their next provocation or terrorist attack, all the masters of the kiev regime, in miroshnik's opinion, should take the warning about the upcoming provocation very seriously, and separately addresses the white house and that it would be worth asking the nazis they are sponsored about what they have planned and... what they are preparing for this time, so that later there would be no reason to say that they knew nothing about the upcoming prank, we will
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return to this topic later. new technical solutions that are used during the special military operation vladimir putin discussed today with the permanent members of the security council. defense minister andrei belousov participated in the meeting via video link. he was at one of the svo command posts. and here is footage from the beginning of the meeting. defense minister. including in the areas of alexandria, snagost, mirny, kazachya loknya, and pushkarny.
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high-precision missile strikes destroyed three haimers launchers, two transport and loading vehicles, and two escort vehicles. and in total, during the military operations in the kursk direction zelensky's formations lost almost 2,900 servicemen and more than 300 armored vehicles. yegor grigoriev will continue the topic. a roar is heard in the pitch darkness, the night hunter flies out. on the task, the pilots strike with guided missiles at the manpower and equipment of the ssu on the kursk border. its enemy has pulled together hundreds of units and is losing them at a rapid pace. another armored car kazak could not withstand a meeting with our lancet. another american apc-striker has joined the ranks of the trophies. our fighter boldly destroys the stalled ukrainian bmp. the square being shot through, douses with fuel and burns. the owners of the armored vehicles at this time...
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strong guys who have gone through the main battles of the special military operation are dropped off, they close these holes. small and large aircraft are working, together with our missilemen they strike at the reserves in the sumy region. the surviving composition of these reserves is forced to carry out a bloody order, to go to certain
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death. and you experience real euphoria, but ultimately it arises. the protest was caused by the actions of the film crew of the italian state tv company rai. as reported by our foreign ministry, the journalists illegally entered the territory of the russian federation together with ukrainian militants. the correspondents filmed a report on a terrorist attack in the sssu in the kursk region. this material was used for propaganda support to justify the crimes of the kiev regime. thus
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, the italian film crew grossly violated russian legislation and basic rules of journalistic ethics. in the belgorod region, entry to five settlements in the graivronsky and voluysky districts, in addition, the entrance to the village of kolotilovka in the krasnoyarsk region will be temporarily closed, governor vyacheslav glotkov reported. according to him, residents will be resettled, they will be helped to remove their property. the cobalt exercises have ended in novosibirsk. 1,024 special forces units of the participating countries worked out joint actions to neutralize terrorists, free hostages and fight on city streets, the participants used the entire arsenal of equipment, weapons and skills, the exercises were held under the leadership of the russian guard, in representatives of ministries and departments from russia, belarus, kazakhstan, tajikistan and kyrgyzstan took part in them. 4 years of krasnoyarsk
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krai, four cities of krasnoyarsk krai will receive grants for improvement.
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space, tower, kindergarten, which we houses, introduce a new public we will open literally in september a new one, this is the beginning of the construction of a school, a clinic, it is these moments that allow making cities supportive, so that people coming to them not only to work, but to stay to live, raise their children and ... to arrange prospects, four more cities will be included in the list of support cities, at the site representatives of achinsk, kansk, lisesibirsk and minusinsk told about plans for the development of their territories until 2003.
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our government spoke, and we said, we would like putin to be our president, literally i said it, putin for president. they have not yet learned russian, but have already successfully mastered urban transport,
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from koshira near moscow, where the hare family has been renting a farm all this time, they get to moscow by train. as leo jokes, most of all in russia he likes lemonade-tarragon kvass. his wife chantel already seriously adds. the main reason for moving is safety. despite the fact that they lived in america all their lives, with each new year they had less and less in common with this country. children undergo gender reassignment procedures, their bodies are mutilated, without parental consent. yes, without even informing their parents, and this happens in schools, this is the destruction of law and order at the governmental level, which does not bode well for the country. do my children have future even in the army that supports lgbt. can i tell my sons to join the us army? of course not, russia is a much better place. they are destroying the family unit, and we see that in russia
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putin is building the institution of the family here, he supports families, he needs these people, he gives payments to people who have children, he does it. the liberal madness from the big democratic cities was able to reach the little texas abeline. conservatives could not stop the marcobrazie. joke, but the parents' decision was supported. on september 1 , jeshua, noah and zakaria will start classes at a russian school. i think moscow is pretty cool, in itself, really, a pretty cool capital, i don't know, i've never been to washington, but everything here looks cooler than there and much cleaner. after i moved to russia, i realized that it is not this huge communist space that everyone thinks of it in america, most americans i talk to, whether it's
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people on the internet or staff in restaurants and shopping malls, they represent russia not at all what it really is. large families, commitment to faith and traditional values, everything that the official west disdainfully calls a relic of the past, is exactly what people are actually increasingly striving for.
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to get advice or watch a video about russia, this is a large part of what we would like to do, to help open this door for people who would like to move to russia, who could bring their correct values, their business ideas, their standard of living to russia, this is what we would like to do. recently, the hair family officially received temporary asylum, in the near future they plan to study the russian language, further legalization in the country, help other
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americans, who, like ... see only one way out of the circumstances into which the american government has stubbornly driven the country in recent years, and this way out is emigration to russia. varvara nevskaya, maxim bragin, danilo klichevsky and maria novikova. news. now, in addition to the videos that are being massively published on social networks, in the turkish izmir they are fighting forest fires, it is already known that the flames spread to residential buildings. we see the roof of one of the multi-story buildings burning, and terrible footage of the street engulfed in flames, it is clear that it is already night, everything is illuminated by bright, bright flames. at the moment, it is known that five aircraft, 15 helicopters, 46 ground vehicles continue to participate in extinguishing the fire, the causes of which have not yet been established, as reported by the emergency services of turkey. we will monitor how the situation develops. defense
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enterprises of kuban have increased production several times products since the beginning of the special operation, the troops have sent hundreds of combat vehicles, denis mantrov said during a trip to the krasnodar territory. the first deputy chairman of the government highly appreciated the work of industrialists in helping the participants of the special operation. however, mantorov presented the best yes denis mancherov presented the best employees of the enterprise with medals and gratitude from the president of russia, emphasizing the importance of their work in achieving the goals of the special operation. a lot of work has been done on... the volume of orders being fulfilled, a 10-fold increase, this is a colossal result, once again, joint teamwork, much has also been done to modernize the enterprise, today it is completely different, despite the fact that you are compact, but - modernized modern production and not only
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repair, the eleventh open russian plowing championship has started in the saratov region. agricultural workers from 50 regions of russia and other countries have come to compete for the title of the best machine operator. they compete in the skill of soil cultivation and tractor control. also, as part of the championship, a large-scale exhibition was opened agricultural machinery. for the guests of the event , a fair was organized, wine festivals were prepared , a fair was opened. a very interesting program. for the first time this year , agrodrones were presented, we can literally see them in the field now, they compete in precision and quality of irrigation, therefore - this is probably the main wear and tear that exists, and so everything is traditional, the best machine operators arrived, the best of the best, they plowed, got results, they are happy with their results, today we have a tractor show on figure racing in figure driving, for time, on accuracy, cool, awesome, na...
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this is my first time in this type of competition, i got my tractor license not so long ago, but this is just wow, guys, if you want adrenaline, please, the tractor show will do it. almost 40 cases of smallpox and monkeys were detected in nigeria. the first infected person in europe was recently reported. what is important is that this time we are talking about a new, most dangerous, most contagious strain of the virus. the authorities of the european union require residents of the entire union to exercise caution. should russians be afraid of this infection, the pack figured out anastasia ponko. more than 15 thousand infected. according to the all-russian society of the blind, the incidence of monkey pox has increased more than one and a half times. the organization declared an emergency of international importance. the rapid spread of a new type of monkey pox in the eastern part of the democratic republic of the congo, its discovery in neighboring countries, the possibility of spreading to africa.
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and beyond.


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