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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 17, 2024 1:30am-2:01am MSK

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used to watch videos the network stopped working, we install, open, watch, russian channels all tv series, movies and cartoons, educational programs, and documentaries, we watch, watch in the application or on the website. almost 40 cases of infection with monkeypox were identified in nigeria, recently it became known about the first infected person in europe, what is important, this time we are talking about a new, most dangerous, most contagious strain of the virus. the authorities of the european union require residents of the entire union to exercise caution, should russians be afraid of this infection, anastasia ponko investigated. more than 15. thousand infected according to the vos
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, the incidence rate of monkey pox has increased more than one and a half times. the organization declared an emergency of international importance. the rapid spread of a new type of monkey pox in the eastern part of the democratic republic of the congo, its discovery in neighboring countries, the possibility of spreading to africa beyond its borders, are causing great concern. in addition to outbreaks of other types of smallpox in other parts of africa, it is obvious that for... experts believe that the real number of cases is higher, the swedish authorities reported a confirmed case of the disease, the first outside the african region. the infected person is currently undergoing treatment, and standard measures for such situations are also being taken, including isolating the patient and tracing contacts. however, since the beginning of the year , 537 people have died from monkey pox worldwide, while
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at least 1,500 people die from maleria every day, according to the same who, then there are about 45 thousand deaths per month, as experts note, the increased interest in the exotic infection can now be lobbied by pharmaceutical companies, the state of emergency of international importance allows the who to turn to sponsor countries, this was already the case during the coronavirus pandemic, when the eu's purchases of billions of doses of covid vaccines. returned to criminal investigations against the head of the european commission ursula fondern. now she is giving evidence in the case of abuse and corruption related to the american company fizer. this drug purchased in huge quantities, despite the fact that it causes the risk of serious pathologies of the cardiovascular system. who is trying to pr itself on this new disease, epidemic, including with financial interests. we remember. how, accordingly
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, who lobbied absolutely openly - accordingly, dishonestly lobbied for the pfizer vaccine, which later turned out to be generally harmful to health. manure is being promoted, and then this money will be used, possibly, including for other purposes. politicians in the west are already discussing the need for mass vaccination, we are talking about hundreds of billions of dollars. monkeypox poses the greatest danger mainly to people with weakened immunity. the main symptoms are fever. intoxication, enlarged lymph nodes and subsequent spread of the rash. rospotrebnadzor stated that there is no threat of spread in russia, there are already means to combat this disease. a test system has been developed in the russian federation that allows the pathogen to be detected when crossing the borders of the russian federation, when passing state borders in any pass, provides for research on 50, the most significant. infections, including
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monkeypox. a vaccine suitable for the prevention of monkeypox is available at the state research center vector. the drug ortapoxvag was officially registered 2 years ago. anastasia ponko, olga belotserkovskaya, ekaterina radaeva, news.
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if everything is like the wild west, then there is only one law, shoot first, competition of ideas and money, a sensation occurred, and what a sensation, tensed up inside america, outside of it, what is the remaining intrigue, why do we need to watch and follow now, this is america, a program about a country that is difficult to understand. the issuance of mortgage loans in a month has decreased almost threefold, according to data from the united credit bureau. the decrease is not surprising, it occurred from a very high base. over the previous month, russians took out loans for
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housing for only 292 billion rubles. at the same time, the first summer month turned out to be a record, then loans were issued for almost 835 billion. in addition. ukb noted that the issuance of housing loans for new buildings also significantly decreased, if last june they accounted for half of all loans issued, then in july their share decreased to a third. such a noticeable decline in this segment, the result for ... during july, the market for part of the month was sorting out the conditions that would be for family mortgages,
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we see that the market has more or less restored demand and the program has breathed its new life, at the same time, naturally ended. preferential mortgage programs, which was the second most popular family mortgage, there were no conditions and limits on these mortgages, which appeared only in august in july, they did not affect at all, at the same time, rates on standard programs increased. at the same time, the growth of prices for new buildings slowed down more than twice, in july the cost of housing on the primary market increased by 4% after interest in may and 1.5% in june against the background. demand, such data are cited by the house of the russian federation. stagnation of prices occurs in nine of the ten largest regions of the country in terms of volume of housing under construction, in moscow the cost of an apartment fell by 2% in a month after growing by 3% in june. at that time, there was a rush demand before the end of the preferential
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mortgage. if we talk about forecasts until the end of the year, we expect that prices will continue to stagnate until the end of the year, since. simple will remain quite low in general , by the end of the year, prices for new buildings will grow within the inflation rate, that is, in real terms, they will decrease or remain practically unchanged. preferential mortgages have been in effect since april 2020, during which time more than one and a half million loans have been issued under it in the amount of over 6 trillion rubles. the programs currently in effect, including family mortgages and it mortgages, are unlikely to keep. at the previous level, analysts believe, in any case , no changes in the market should be expected until october-november, and we will be in such, so to speak, stagnation, that is , some transactions will take place in any case, family mortgages will support the market, in the regions this is also it mortgages
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will also support the market, so we will definitely not go completely to zero or into some kind of crisis, and the market will live, but until the end of the year it will most likely be such a sluggish current. at the same time, the minimum rates on market mortgage programs have soared to a record high, reaching the prohibitive ones, in taxbir they are 20%, in vtb 20.5, in alfabank 21.9%. the changes are caused by the growth of the key rate. let me remind you that on july 26, the central bank raised it from 16 to 18%, this is the maximum since march 2022. at the next meetings, the regulator will consider the appropriateness of further increase. against this background, the number of loans issued for the purchase of consumer goods in july decreased in russia by 3% compared to june and amounted to slightly more than 3 million. in monetary terms, the total volume amounted to almost 600 billion rubles. this is 1% less than in the previous
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month. the largest number of consumer loans were issued in moscow, moscow region, krasnodar region, as well as svertlovskaya region and the republic of bashkartastan. i will note that, based on the results, analysts expect a further slowdown in retail mortgage lending, while in the next 2 years , against the backdrop of a projected decrease in the key rate, consumer activity may recover.
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dear friends, i suggest you watch reruns of our besagons from the golden collection of besagon tv while we are on vacation, i hope that you will be interested in remembering what we talked about, i am waiting for you at these screenings. this is america, a program about a country that is difficult to understand. hello. donald
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trump has begun to lag behind in the presidential race. what has happened to his company since the replacement of joe biden with kamela harris is increasingly difficult to attribute to a conspiracy of sociologists or the machinations of only one liberal press. the rival has captured the news.
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of course, who is to blame, a technical failure, the deep state or iranian hackers, will still be sorted out, but overall, trump did not impress, plus or minus a set of his standard theses and standard reprises, it clearly does not pull on the interview of the century, as it was presented. kamala would never agree to such a conversation, she can not. because she is not smart enough, you see, she is not a very smart person. the interview was in audio format, but some video also leaked, trump looked rather strange sitting under a portrait of trump. not without memes, republicans began to compare him with dafydak, because he lisped. the reason for these sound distortions is unclear, perhaps technical, perhaps trump's psychological state, because in the very...
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less than 90 days before the vote , the election race took a turn for which trump was clearly not prepared, a month ago he declared that he had victories in his pocket, and his associates argued. about who would get what position in the white house, but then everything changed. according to the new york
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times, the newspaper cites its own sources, although this is a liberal publication and here too it is necessary to divide, but nevertheless, these sources report about a very difficult psychological state of trump, he loses his temper, he does not control himself more and more often, but openly offensive statements addressed to the opponent. in the last few weeks, trump was often in a bad mood and swore at kamela haris. on the air of fox and friends he called her disgusting, in private conversations a bitch, as stated by two people who heard this from trump. his rage made him vulnerable to manipulation even among close allies. by and large, with all these personal attacks, trump is repeating his own successful first election campaign. then his opponent was hillary clinton, a person with a very serious anti-rating, and here trump
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guessed the strategy, here is sharis, it does not work, because she is a different person, and such...
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that they took photos from detroit, where, for example, he accused harris's headquarters of the fact that crowds gathered at the airport, waiting for her arrival, trump said that all this generated by artificial intelligence, but after checking both the video and still frames from the airport and talking to the participants of this rally, it turned out that trump's claims are groundless, everything really happened like that, people gathered. met harris, there were a lot of people, but trump is carried away, and he makes another mistake, a completely wild story, he talks about how, being in a falling helicopter with kamala harris's former lover, former mayor of san francisco, willie brown, he heard from him, it turns out, a few
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moments before his death, wild confessions about personality of kamela haris. i know willie brown very well, we once crashed in a helicopter and thought that this was it, the end. we eventually made an emergency landing, but before that he managed to tell me terrible things about kamel. willie brown is alive, you can talk to him, and naturally, there were people who called him directly and decided to double-check trump's words, to find out if this was really true. it turned out that it was not. let's be clear, you have never flown in a helicopter with donald trump.
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this is a technology of hydraulic fracturing in the extraction of gas, it has, of course, its own history, in fact, the flow of illegal migration into the country, in general, there are many serious topics and serious stories that need to be discussed, in the end, it is the economy immigration, as evidenced
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by poll data, that are the most important topics for american ... how to win the second, he does not know, in the end he loses it, and to himself. trump single-handedly destroys his chances for re-election. the democratic party has the weakest candidate. many years, but persistent trump's desire to criticize his opponent's personal qualities and do it in a spiteful manner essentially turns against him. harris
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is betting on emotion, because over the years the voter has become very seriously strained by this feeling of anxiety in american politics, anger and melancholy, and harris and walls seem to emphasize that they are... such warriors of light, that is, they bring joy to people and do not fixate people on their problems, and they charge such an impulse, moreover, kamala is even accused of some kind of chameleonism, that at the right moment she is ready change their position, but this also works, they don’t even disdain openly stealing from trump and vance, their own election ideas, their election program points, this is... some kind of political postmodernism, to put it carefully. when i return to the white house, we will prohibit taxing tips. we will abolish
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the tip tax for service workers. and it was the republicans who recently positioned themselves as defenders of blue collar workers. this is why trump took jade vance as his vice president, representative of the deep. poor america, now it turns out that they are stealing not only themes from trump and vance, but even ready-made slogans. kamala harris knows what it is to be middle class, so she is trying to reduce the cost of health care and make housing more affordable. donald trump is not going to help the middle class, he will only lower taxes for billionaires again. well, the main creative method is ridicule, mockery, an attempt to show the opponent. frivolous, to humiliate him in this way, in general, an endless political stand-up. at trump's crime statistics in cities were on the rise, and this is even without taking into account
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his own crimes in the statistics. all this works in absentia, but how will it be in person? hamal and haris have one weak point, she does not give interviews, it is clear that she does this for a reason, she is apparently simply forbidden. communicate with the press, realizing that she has problems with spontaneous communication, the fact is that her last such serious conversation with journalists took place in december 2023, then in 12 minutes she answered only six questions, and trump, who has much more experience in debates, realizing this is her weak point, challenges her to three rounds at once.
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september 10 is the day when trump was supposed to debate biden, it is clear how the republican is yearning for his rival who has withdrawn, he here on... began to spread some conspiracy theory that during the democratic convention in chicago biden will allegedly ask to come back again, ask to participate in the presidential race, of course this will not happen, it is clear that the convention in chicago will be another triumph for haris, she will continue to flicker in the news headlines, fill all the information niches, but this will continue at least until the first monday. september until labor day, when, according to tradition , the presidential campaigns in the united states really begin. this was
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america, all the best to you. so says the lighthouse.
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we watch to learn about the world, educational programs and documentaries, we watch, we watch, in the application or on the website.
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we will translate from official language to understandable, everything is not so scary if there is an instruction. mom, why
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do we need these letters? for a fairy tale, in the three ninth kingdom, the three tenth state.
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the kiev regime is preparing a provocation, an explosion of the so-called dirty nuclear bomb. the strikes are planned to be carried out on the storage sites of spent nuclear fuel at the zaporizhzhya and kursk nuclear power plants, special warheads for this have already been delivered to the city of zhovti vody in the dnipropetrovsk region at the vostochny mining and processing plant. the goal is to accuse russia of provocation. this was reported by law enforcement agencies organs, citing interrogations of prisoners. a large number of western journalists have already arrived in sumy and zaporozhye to cover the staged action. this information is confirmed.


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