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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 17, 2024 2:30am-3:00am MSK

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the issuance of mortgage loans in a month has decreased almost threefold, according to data from the united credit bureau. the decrease is not surprising, it occurred from a very high base. over the previous month , russians took out loans for housing for only 292 billion rubles. at the same time, the first summer month turned out to be a record, then loans were issued for almost 835 billion. in addition, the average volume of issued. mortgage courts decreased by 20% to 3.82 thousand rubles. the average term also decreased from 24 years and 5 months to 21 years and 2 months. ucb analysts noted, the issuance of housing loans for new buildings has also significantly decreased, and if last june they accounted for half of all loans issued, then in july their share fell to a third. such a noticeable decline in this segment is the result of the end of part of the benefits in july.
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state programs, experts are confident that the decline in demand for mortgages will continue, during july the market for part of the month, sorted out the conditions that will be for family mortgages, and we see on the market that demand has more or less recovered and the program has begun to breathe, as it were in its new life, at the same time, naturally the preferential mortgage program ended, which... was the second most popular for families, there were no conditions and limits for it mortgages, which appeared only in august in july, they did not affect at all, at the same time , rates for standard programs increased, at the same time, the growth of prices for new buildings slowed down more than twice, in july the cost of housing on the primary market increased by 4% after interest in may and 1.5% in june against the background of cooling demand, such data are cited...
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house rf stagnation of prices is occurring in nine of the ten largest regions in terms of housing construction in the country, in moscow the cost of an apartment has fallen by 2% in a month after growing by 3% in june. at that time, there was a rush demand before the end of the preferential mortgage. if we talk about forecasts until the end of the year, then we expect that prices will continue to stagnate until the end of the year, since demand will remain. quite low overall by the end of the year, prices for new buildings will grow within the limits of inflation, that is, in real terms they will either decrease will remain practically unchanged. the preferential mortgage has been in effect since april 2020, during which time more than one and a half million loans have been issued for a total of over 6 trillion rubles. the programs currently in effect, including family mortgages and it mortgages, are unlikely to keep demand at the same level, analysts believe. in any case
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, no changes should be expected in the market until october-november, and we will be in such, so to speak, stagnation, that is, some transactions will take place in any case, family mortgages will support the market, in the regions, this is also it mortgage will also support the market, so we will definitely not go completely to zero or to some kind of crisis, and the market will live, but until the end of the year it will most likely be such a sluggish current, current sales, while the minimum rates on market mortgage programs have soared to a record high, reaching the prohibitive ones, so sbiri they are 20%, in vtb 20.5, in alfa bank 21.9%. the changes are caused by the increase in the key rate. let me remind you that on july 26, the central bank raised it from 16 to 18%, this is the maximum since march 2022. in the nearest meetings, the regulator will consider the advisability of further increases. against
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this background, the number of loans issued for the purchase of consumer goods in july decreased in russia by 3% compared to june and amounted to slightly more than 3 million. in monetary terms... this is 1% less than in the previous month. the total volume amounted to almost 600 billion rubles. the largest number of consumer loans were issued in moscow, the moscow region, krasnodar krai, as well as the svetlovsk region and the republic of bashkartastan. i note that by the end of 2024, analysts expect further slowdown in retail mortgage lending, while in the next 2 years , against the background of the predicted reduction of the key rate, consumer activity may recover. kana alexandrovna herself very carefully recorded all the events, and now we have a large archive. vabzhala, we were leaving for evacuation. once, however, panic overtook us, i rushed under the mattresses to save myself.
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our children were covered so that we would not see all this horror. and our zelnichchiki shot down this plane. transfer money between your accounts now can be transferred in almost any amount without commission. we will tell you in 5 minutes about the rules and tariffs set by the bank of russia in the instructions. since may 1, you can transfer up to 30 million rubles per
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month without restrictions without commission on these transactions. how to use the limit is up to you. there are no daily limits on the amount. the only thing is that one transaction cannot. more than a million. if you need to collect money in one account, for example, for a large purchase of several million, you will have to make several transfers in a row. according to the law, banks have no right to limit the number of transfers or set fees for them if the total amount of all transactions does not exceed 30 million per month. if the limit is passed, the fee is half a percent, but no more than one and a half thousand per transfer. if your bank has a daily transfer limit, even between your accounts under the sbp, it may require. additional actions. under current legislation, from may 1 , a person can transfer between their accounts, completely free of charge, without any restrictions, to different banks, transactions on amount up to 30 million rubles.
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the bank has no right to establish any restrictions on the quantity, amount of transfers, or frequency of transfers. moreover, banks do not have the right to establish any obligations. for clients, and in order to use free transfers to yourself in different banks, buy, connect any other bank service, for example, biometrics, the rule about zero commission has two exceptions: the first, if the transaction takes place in a bank branch, since this is more labor-intensive, the second, if transfer by number not phone, but card, but in this case it is not sbp. before... transfer money and confirm the operation in your mobile application, a person should once again pay attention to what phone number he has chosen, and what system he has chosen, for example, if a person wants
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to transfer money via the fast payment system, then he chooses the phone number, his own or his friend, to whom he wants to transfer, be sure to use - section transfer by phone number options, where the logo is shown fast payment systems, if the client makes a transfer to himself between different banks, in his mobile application within the limit established by law, i repeat, this is up to 30 million rubles, then in the commission section there should be zero, because these transfers to himself in different banks in accordance with the ... free limit on transfers to other people 100,000 rubles per month, if you do not meet the limit, you will have to pay half a percent commission from the excess, but not more than one and a half thousand for one transfer. history of transfers between relatives a, in fact is now actively developing in russia, many
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banks are investing in this, positioning their services as family transaction services, and some kind of family social graph, basic. between relatives and there are no restrictions, these are standard transactions for 100,000 rubles per month of transfers, a number of banks are trying to develop and - create conditions so that these relatives are somehow logically recorded at the level of banking systems, how can increasing the limit and canceling the commission help you? the main advantage, now it has become much it is easier to transfer your savings between banks and you can choose which financial institutions offer more favorable conditions. by the way, a reminder that your deposit term is ending should be sent to clients at least 5 days in advance. this requirement is in the very law that... established an increased limit on free transfers. how do you decide on which account you want to keep your money and, in general, how are you going
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to manage it? in addition to the websites and applications of the banks themselves, special portals and financial platforms will help you. for fizlids they are free, and their work is monitored by the bank of russia. currently, there are nine platforms operating in the country, which are included in a special register of the central bank. not all of them may suit you personally, we advise you to go in and choose yourself. it is important that the warehouse opened with the help of a financial platform will be protected, and you will find information about it in your profile on public services. the high key rate allows us to now use various instruments that a professional participant in the securities market offers, and the yield on them will be comparable, even higher than bank deposits, and the level of risk is not much higher, for example, money market exchange-traded funds, in general, they are comparable in profitability to bank deposits. the risks there are extremely low, you can buy them through a broker, many management companies
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have such exchange-traded funds in their product line, they are in great demand among our investors. so, let's repeat the main thing, you can transfer up to 30 million rubles per month to yourself through the fast payment system without a commission, up to 100,000 to other individuals, the number of transfers to yourself unlimited. now it has become easier to manage your money, for example, to transfer it to the bank that...
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many of them disappeared from the cards during his lifetime. salauhin wrote o lepin through o, explaining that this is exactly how it is historically correct. he himself all his life very brightly and... to those around him not some kind of jacket with a tie, but a modern padded jacket, not
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just like that, yes, some kind of fur boots, i don't even know what they are called, he was distinguished, it seems, a happy writer's fate komsomolets, communist, circulation, high orders, state prize, he was indeed one of the most published writers in the ussr, according to available data, the total circulation of all his works was up to 30 million copies, that is, by our current standards , this is simply an unrealistic number of books. on the other hand, everything was like a challenge to the system, he was imbued with the ideas of autocracy and did not hide it, he even wore a ring with the image of nicholas ii. on the ring finger of his left hand, but at first with his face to himself, so he was a little cautious, let's say, and then he turned it to everyone's view, they wrote that solauhin is flirting with god, he signed.
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instead of him they put him in a swimming pool, of which there are about 10 in budapest alone, gradually public opinion matured to the idea that this crazy thing should be corrected, the pool should be removed , the temple should be restored as far as possible, this is solauhin's victory, his home is on
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the next street, his eldest daughter elena lives here with her family, and the writer's museum was opened nearby in 2021 in the likeness, they tried to recreate such a working atmosphere here in our museum and exhibition center, which is dedicated to him, this is an original table, chair, lamp, on the table a manuscript of icons on the left, he collected them on the right hand a portrait of the emperor, he often admired tsarist russia out loud, for which he got it, during the war the young sergeant solauhin serves in the moscow kremlin regiment, in the forty-second winston churchill in moscow, i ...
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that apple that revealed to him the law of gravity, that he eventually ate it, although he will be truly glorified by poetry, but still prose vladimirskie proselok, without romanticization and locking, he will be the first to speak about the culture of peasant life, when his vladimirskie proselki appeared, why
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did everyone start reading it, the village is not what they would like to see then? the ruler of the house, many years have passed, he comes to his native village, and nothing has changed there, the same samovar, the same bowl, the same floating, like a bezhira, in the museum of the route map of the vladimir region, almost 500 km in 40 days, solaukhin will walk along it with his beloved wife, roza lavrentyevna, she writes everything down, there is no malice there, and this is a kind of such painting.
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he was very worried about all this, because in general, everything collapsed practically before his eyes. autumn rains pierce the roof of the glotovskaya church, eaten away by yellow lichen. it is rotting at the roots, when it rots, there will be no other such church in all of russia, created by nameless masters, it was created as if by the people themselves. the black boards are not just notes from icon collectors, they are a lament for a lost way of life. one of his main books.
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with a woman riding a donkey. it survived completely by chance. the old woman from vologda, with whom we happened to spend the night, used it to cover a kodushka with pickles. the largest private museum of russian icons contains several works from the slauhin collection. director nikolai zadorozhny is also a collector. he met slauhin in 1974 at the first soviet exhibition of ancient russian painting. he writes so figuratively that they splashed into the eyes, there is a kinuveri and pearls of the 15th century.
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a beautiful icon of the flogging, the epiphany, two more icons of the dormition and a multi-part icon, here vladimir alekseevich apparently gave the order to the restorer, and here the so-called beacon was left, that is, some kind of the icon was originally, yes, of course, he with love with great understanding, and thanks to knowledge, and thanks to...
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so that the cross was not visible, that it was a cross, that's what solaukhin, of course, fought against, against marakobesev. books that were handed over in millions of copies are now of bibliographic value. reprints are already counted in several thousand copies. this collection of works in eight volumes was prepared based on his manuscripts. we first took on the publication of his works back in 2005, we did it even before printing. in general tried to promote the writer's name, advocated for his inclusion in both the school curriculum and a more in-depth program, and managed
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to collect enough for eight volumes at once, although during his lifetime his only complete collection was published in the ussr in only four volumes. slauhin passed away in april 1997, he became the first to be buried in the restored cathedral of christ the savior, and the service was conducted by patriarch alexy ii in the lower church. the cathedral was still being built at the time. we thank him for what he did with his talent, his writer, pen on the revival of spiritual principles in our life. he bequeathed himself to be preserved in the local cemetery valepino. here, after the museum, admirers of his talent are sure to come, the village as such has gone, the peasantry as such has gone, russia has been de-baptized, there is a big difference between the population of the country, i believe
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that now the population remains, the writer sharply did not accept the changes of the nineties, wrote an exposé book about gaidar dedi, when his grandson was prime minister, in ninety- five the novel confession the last step was published, written 20 years earlier, about his epiphany. you won't be elected as secretary of the writers' union, you won't be invited to government receptions and you won't be allowed to go on foreign trips, but you've become a living person, your pulse is beating, russian blood is flowing in you, instead of a soviet robot droning on about common words and slogans, instead of a worn-out part in a soulless state mechanism, you've turned into a living person, into a unit, into a personality, everything dies in the... world, everything on earth burns up, everything turns to ashes, you're immortal, only fire. slouhin was not a member of anti-soviet
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circles. but his monarchism and collecting were a kind of internal protest, and he himself, it seems, was always a stranger among his own.
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the kiev regime is preparing a provocation, an explosion of the so-called dirty nuclear bomb. they plan to strike at the storage sites of spent nuclear fuel at the zaporizhzhya and kursk nuclear power plants, special warheads for this have already been brought to the city of yellow waters of the dnepropetrovsk region at the eastern mining and processing plant, the goal is to accuse of provocation russia. this was reported by law enforcement agencies with reference to interrogations of prisoners. a large number of western journalists have already arrived in sumy and zaporozhye to cover the staged action. this information is confirmed.


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