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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 17, 2024 9:00am-9:31am MSK

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watch in the app or on the website. and we start with the footage that came into the possession of the ria novosti agency. in the kursk region, a column of the eighty-second assault brigade of the armed forces of ukraine with nato equipment was completely destroyed. this was reported by an officer of the marine unit, which defeated. neo-nazis, this footage shows how the military in the ssu surrender, it is reported that the nationalists, disappointed in their commanders, themselves turned to our soldiers and laid down their arms. informed sources continue to confirm the information about the preparation for the kiev regime of large-scale terrorist attacks using the so-called dirty nuclear bomb. they plan to detonate it in the storage areas of spent fuel at...
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it is reported that special warheads have already been delivered to the ukrainian enterprise in the dnipropetrovsk region, they want to accuse russia of this monstrous crime, for this purpose they have invited western journalists in advance, according to sources this operation is directly supervised by the special services and intelligence of great britain. and literally just now urgent news came: the israeli army struck the city of alzawayda, this is in the center. gaza strip according to al jazeera, at least 15 people were killed. in armenia, they will edit the section in the history textbook that touches on relations with russia in the 19th century. our ministry of foreign affairs was outraged by the formulations that distort the real events in the south caucasus. and here are the historical facts that will remind us of them natalia slavyeva. the metronome counts down a minute
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of silence, every year here they remember the heroes who died almost 2 centuries ago. the battle of ashikan is one of the key battles in the russo-persian war. the joint victory of the russians and armenians over the persians allowed to lift the siege from achmiaddin, and then to liberate eastern armenia from the khan's yoke. the monument was built with public money, the anthems of both countries are played, the memory is honored by the military of both countries and prayers are read in two languages. that we also have history.
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considerations that may seem, well, let's say, appropriate today, but tomorrow the situation may change, attempts to rewrite this common history are in the new armenian textbooks for the eighth grade, which will be on the desks on september 1, help russia's defense of the armenians from the persian empire in 1828 in yerevan was called annexation, that is, simply occupation, here is paragraph 6. although yerevan and armenia themselves were preserved only thanks to this, the treaty concluded with persia then had colossal significance for the restoration of armenian statehood. when the russo-persian war was over and the treaty of tornichai was concluded, russia insisted on a clause according to which the armenians could return to the territory of eastern armenia. from the point of view of the armenian population and armenian national structures, in particular the armenian apostolic church, it was liberation. which is recorded in
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numerous letters from armenian princes, meleks from artsakh and from other parts of eastern armenia, their correspondence with the russian authorities, it is about this, that armenians are waiting for this liberation, the rethinking by the authors of the textbook of the real facts that laid the foundation for the future independence of armenia, clearly made a new day for the modern agenda to denigrate russia, to change the narrative in relation to its closest neighbors, official yerevan recommended back in 2018 by john.
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against the backdrop of the scandal , the armenian ministry of education promised to correct only the title of the paragraph, it will be changed. regarding the content of the article itself, they said nothing. natalia solovieva and olga belotsirkovskaya, news. but the millionaire blamed the global financial
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stop imagining, it's time to get cashback and bonus, apply for a free vtb credit card, vtb, everything will work out. on august 13, 1961, the construction of the wall between west berlin and berlin , the capital of the german democratic republic, began. the order to begin construction was given by the head of east germany walter. by decision of the local parliament: first
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, barbed wire appeared on the site of the future wall, which began to be replaced by concrete and stone barriers on august 15. the berlin wall stood for 28 years, it became a symbol of the cold war, the division of europe and the whole world after world war ii, a symbol of the confrontation between east and west, the struggle between capitalism and soviet socialism. if you look at the industrial map of germany, you will notice that the main enterprises, factories, resources were concentrated on the territory of the frg, the largest enterprises remained on the territory of the frg, on the territory of the gdr there were quite a few enterprises, and the soviet union was, got into a very difficult situation. it was necessary not only to help the german democratic republic to restore, to help it with infrastructure
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very seriously, because the soviet union invested very large funds in order to restore roads, restore electrification, restore schools, hospitals, houses, but the soviet union also began to build large factories anew, including were the largest metallurgical plants were built, because all the main metallurgy remained on the territory of the frg, so of course the question. about how differently these two territories developed, it is obvious, to divide the city in half, probably, also as there was the same story, as i said, south, north korea, pakistan, india, and two berlins, considering that seven were divided in half, considering that there was manipulation here, to travel back and forth, well and...
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the frg is a territory that was very actively helped by western countries, because even during the first berlin crisis the world saw that the federal republic of germany is supported in the most powerful way by the united states of america, all the information system, all the programs talked about it. all free people, wherever they live, are now citizens of berlin. a free person proudly says: i am a berliner. a very
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interesting picture was created that the german federal republic of germany is supported by the entire west, supported by the entire world, this is the picture of support from our side, it is as if and there was no, well, because why tell the world community about the enormous role that the soviet union played for the german democratic republic, already... the fifties and especially already in the seventies, this idea that the soviet union and the usa, as two systems, oppose each other, it was very clearly, very harshly visible in the information space, any information space needs a picture, it needs confirmation that this is not so, look, it is not so there, and in order to really, it was necessary to make this picture , to emphasize some sides, and to remove some sides, at least. they used their propaganda like that, it is clear that if you take the facts that exist, there was a problem
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of outflow of labor force from the kdr, because again, yes, they demonstratively raised the frg, but as a window, as a showcase to the east, yes, now we see that the state in germany is falling, as soon as this east, where it is necessary to show how good it is in the west, is not there, there immediately yes social in the social sphere of germany is strong falls, but then it was necessary, they... raised it when they were building the wall, it is clear that they used this wall as a propaganda tool, yes, the prison of nations and so on, yes, they used it so clearly, really without the wall. it would not have been possible to show the horrors of soviet socialism so clearly in the media. the wall, which appeared by decision of the head of east germany walter ulbrecht, who wanted to protect east berlin from numerous provocations from the west, fit perfectly into the context of the cold war and instantly became used by western propaganda.
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let us recall that walter ulbrecht was a well-known anti-fascist, a comrade of wilhelm pieck and ernst thälmann. one of the founders of the gdr, as well as the socialist unity party of germany, created as a result of the unification of the communist and social democratic parties. he knew better than many about all the threats from the west. let us recall that in the gdr the berlin wall was called an anti-fascist defensive rampart. the german democratic republic really did create a very interesting one.
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very important, had a lot of experience, and the soviet union in the children's issue, it was really the soviet union did a lot and for the gdr in particular, but this naturally, did not give the opportunity to make a picture of a terrible, horrible
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soviet union, which is very, which is a prison of peoples , treats its population extremely cruelly. but during the unification of germany, it was possible to leave some achievements that were in the gdr, definitely, and i think that many residents of the gdr did not like the unification of germany in this way presented, but here is another very important point, which 30 years have passed, even
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more, and today we are talking about such a very important point, we are talking about the consequences that we see. today, because the german democratic republic was a place of concentration of anti-fascists in europe, you understand, this is a place of concentration of anti-fascists in europe, and it was the first outpost of anti-fascists in europe, because it was there that people were concentrated who had been fighting the fascist for many years, if we take honnocker himself directly, after all, this is a man who was in prison, in a fascist prison... then, accordingly , he was released, including the soviet army, he really went a long way, did a lot in the fight against fascism, and here we found ourselves at the very moment when the construction of the wall allowed us to preserve this world of anti-fascists, people who knew how terrible fascism was and tried to do everything so that it
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would never appear again, you could say that, but of course, for the sake of appearances, he had other, other explanations. the social sphere is falling, which was not possible while there was a socialist model, so to speak, on the contrary, so it was - a fight against socialism, well, of course, we fell under this fight , including.
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the german democratic republic is a country that had very great prospects for interaction with all the countries of the warsaw pact, directly with the soviet union, and it was a single economic ideological system in which there was no place for fascism. and then, let's see. after germany and the federal republic united the republic of germany essentially completely
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absorbed the additional territory. the most powerful persecution of anti-fascists began, the most powerful. if you look at the fate of honikker himself, who died in the most difficult conditions, was imprisoned for 80 years, and the most difficult investigation was conducted, many of his comrades were persecuted, many anti-fascists were persecuted very seriously, and what we see today in germany, can we say that today western germany was completely able to cope, for example, with with this accession, was it able to include these people in the federal republic of germany fully, do they have full rights, there will be a lot of questions here, even the east germans. with the east germans and this issue has not been fully resolved to this day, so do the east germans today have nostalgia for how valuable their
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country was, the german democratic republic for them, and what social benefits opportunities it provided, yes, of course, this history exists, nostalgia, it exists, there is even a german word, yes, the east is ost, it is called ostalgia in germany, there are voices in the gdr that say, give us the wall back, here... the modern generation of east germans, who connect them with that same gdr, which in many people's memories remained peace, tranquility, goodwill
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and great opportunities, the social system of the gdr gave very great opportunities and prospects, and most importantly, connected the gdr with the same open system in the neighboring countries of the eastern bloc of the soviet union. german the democratic republic was a country that gave wide opportunities to the germans, which was restored by the soviet union and which had chic technological ties with the soviet union. the unification of the german democratic republic and the federal republic of germany, of course, absorbed the gdr. and many opportunities for the east germans ceased, and today these opportunities are certainly not available to people, today is a completely different story.
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water to at least collect something. this year, it is our belief that he will start this channel, because without the kokhovskaya plant systems, there has long been a desert here, then 5-6 years of drought, those enterprises that had only irrigation survived and worked, here it is just death, look, the hand, the hand comes in, how this new region will be helped by the underground lake and how they are going to use it. we will have identified promising places for new drilling sites, we have two horizons of the aquifer in the form of underground odur, which hydrogeologists are currently exploring, we have observation, production wells, we are checking the data. in the kherson region.
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