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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 17, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm MSK

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so, the kiev regime is preparing a provocation using a so-called dirty bomb. such reports are again confirmed by informed sources. they write that they plan to detonate it in the storage areas of spent fuel at the zaporizhzhya and kursk nuclear power plants. for this purpose , special warheads have already been brought to one of the ukrainian enterprises in the dnipropetrovsk region. they are going to name russia as the culprit. the western press will spread the news without a shadow of a doubt. according to sources, the operation is directly supervised by the special services and... intelligence in
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great britain, well, besides, a ukrainian drone dropped a charge on the road near the power units at the zaporizhzhya npp, as explained at the station, this route is usually used by the facility's personnel, as a result, no one was hurt, well , we will discuss the situation with the director of communications at zas evgeniya yashina. so, evgeniya, hello, what exactly happened, what details are there? good afternoon, today at about 7 am. another terrorist act was committed, an explosive device was dropped from a drone, it fell in the area of ​​the road, as you correctly said, this road goes along the blocks to the outer perimeter, literally 10 m from the landing site. evgeniya, and how far is it from this road to the power units, how dangerous was the situation? well, to the perimeter of the station, 10 m, to the blocks, well, i don’t know, meters...
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what data is there? at the moment , the traditional forms both at the station and in the observation zone are normal, do not exceed natural values. yes, evgeniya, we are following the topic, the next attack of the ukrainian armed forces on the zaporizhzhya npp was discussed with the director of communications of the zaporizhzhya nuclear power plant evgeniya yashina. a group of children from the border areas of the kursk region were met in st. petersburg today. the schoolchildren arrived together with their teachers in the northern capital, they will be able to distract themselves from the thought of
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their departure was not easy, according to eyewitnesses, it was accompanied by an air raid alarm, the vice-governor of st. petersburg will tell about this in a little more detail. we are assigned to one place of residence for two weeks until september 1 , we organize an indosug, we plan to visit various museums, a sightseeing tour of st. petersburg, a master class at their place of residence, we will also hold a haircut master class if necessary, we will tidy everyone up if someone did not have time to do it. home, yes, when we come to
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the northern capital, we will show films about st. petersburg, and also at the end of august we are planning a big event, a festival, which will be called the city of goodness, where we will invite all the children. among other things, the children will be provided with everything they need, medical care, food, according to the statement of the governor of st. petersburg alexander beglov, if necessary, children from the kursk region will stay in st. petersburg until the beginning of the school year, here they will be placed in local schools, and will prepare pens, notebooks, backpacks for them, especially since st. petersburg already had a similar experience, more than 700 children from the belgorod region came to the city for spring break, let's listen to a representative of st. petersburg, the situation in korsk was certainly difficult, but we will repeat once again, thanks to colleagues from the federal passenger company from the ministry of emergency situations , all the children were safely loaded, everyone is going to the city of st. petersburg, i hope that at night ...
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couldn't rest under the sound of the wheels, passengers got off the train tired but inspired, many guys are in st. petersburg for the first time and are looking forward to meeting the city, very soon they will go on their first excursions. and colleagues, yes, ksenia, thank you, ksenia yakubina, for the meeting that was arranged in st. petersburg for the guys from the kursk region. pash, look, what magic. yes, 35% cashback for everyone. how did you find out? the most important thing. they won't get away with it, get a debit card with 35% cashback on everything important, gazprombank, sale, where did you buy it, megamarket, school style, choose buy with convenient delivery by clicking on megamarket, megamarket, school style, with
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this is america, a program about a country that is difficult to understand. hello. donald trump has begun to lag behind in the presidential race. what is happening with his campaign, from the moment replacing joe biden with kamela harris, it is increasingly difficult to attribute to a conspiracy of sociologists or the machinations of only one liberal press. the rival has captured. the news agenda, its rallies are becoming larger, the republicans are already concerned about where everything is going, and the forty -fifth us president himself seems to have begun to understand that there are problems, otherwise trump, in an attempt to regain the initiative, would not have first held
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a large press conference in maralaga, and then arranged an audio session with musk on the x platform. there, however, everything from the very beginning went wrong. 40 minutes, those who wanted to join, listened. electronic music, who is to blame technical failure, deep state or iranian hackers, of course, will still figure it out. but in general trump did not impress plus or minus a set of his standard theses and standard reprises, for an interview of the century, as it was presented, clearly does not pull. kamala would never agree to such a conversation, she can not, because she is not smart enough, you understand, she is not a very smart person. the interview was in audio format, but a little video also leaked, quite trump looked strange sitting under the portrait. trump: there were memes, republicans started comparing him to dafydak,
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because he lisped. the reason for these sound distortions is unclear, maybe technical, maybe psychological state, as if he really is not himself. numerous sources told the washington post that trump is incredibly upset by harris's growing ratings. trump endlessly complains on social networks about... about biden's decision to drop out of the race, now quote: we will have to start all over again. harisa has indeed seized the initiative, she is now ahead not only in national polls, but also in key swing states. moreover, the favorability rating of harisa is growing among fellow party members. biden's main problem was the anti-rating, his own people did not accept him, and now the growth is impressive. less than 90 days
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before the vote, the election race has taken a turn for which trump was clearly not prepared. just a month ago, he declared that he had victory in the bag, and his allies argued about who will get what position in the white house, but then everything changed. according to the new york times, the newspaper cites its own sources, although this is a liberal publication, here too... we must divide, but nevertheless, these sources report a very difficult psychological state of trump, he loses his temper, he does not control himself, he increasingly allows, but openly offensive statements about his rival. in recent weeks, trump has often been in a bad mood and swore at kamela haris. on fox and friends, he called her disgusting, in private conversations - a bitch, as two people who heard this from trump said. his rage made him vulnerable
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to manipulation even among close allies. by and large, with all these personal attacks, trump is repeating his own successful first election campaign. then his opponent was hillary clinton, a person with a very serious anti-rating, and here trump guessed the strategy, but with harris, it does not work, because she is a different person and ...
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reality, well, for example, he accused the headquarters harris is that they made photos from detroit, where crowds gathered at the airport waiting for her arrival, trump said that all of this was generated by artificial intelligence, but after checking both the video and stills from the airport and talking to the participants of this rally, it turned out that trump's claims are groundless, everything really happened like that, people with... gathered, met harris, there were a lot of people, well , trump is carried away, and he makes another mistake,
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a completely wild story, he talks about how, being in a falling helicopter with former lover of kamela harris, ex-mayor of san francisco, willie brown, heard from him, it turns out, moments before his death, wild confessions about the personality of kamela harris. "i know willie brown very well, we once fell in a helicopter together and thought that this was it, the end. we eventually made an emergency landing, but before that he managed to tell me terrible things about kamala. willie brown is alive, you can talk to him, naturally, there were people who called him directly and decided to double-check trump's words, to find out if this is really true, it turned out that it wasn't. let's be clear, have you ever flown in a helicopter with donald trump? no, of course not, are you kidding me, i think he flew in a helicopter with someone else,
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a black man, and simply confused him with me. well , and if you remember that trump also questioned that kamalahari herself. camp give him good advice, they say that in fact haris has something to criticize, she has a number of very weak positions, well, in particular, she spoke out against private health insurance, against technology fracking, this is a technology of hydraulic fracturing during gas extraction, it has, of course, its own
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history, in fact, the flow of illegal...
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candidate for many years, but trump's persistent desire to criticize the personal qualities of his opponent and do it in a spiteful manner, in fact, turns against him. harris relies on emotion, because over the years the voter has become very seriously strained by this feeling of anxiety in american politics, anger and melancholy, and harris and walls, as if emphasizing.
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now it turns out that they are stealing not only themes from trump and vance, but even ready-made slogans. kamala harris knows what it is to be middle class, so she is trying to reduce the cost of health care and make housing more affordable. donald trump is not going to help the middle class, he will only lower taxes for billionaires again. well, the main
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creative method is ridicule, mockery, an attempt to show. communicate with the press, realizing that it has problems with spontaneous communication, the fact is that the last such serious conversation with journalists, she had it as early as december 2020.
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debate with biden, it is clear how the republican yearns for his opponent, who was removed, he even began to spread a conspiracy theory that during the democratic convention in chicago, biden would allegedly ask to come back again, ask to participate in the presidential race. this, of course, will not happen, it is clear that the convention in chicago will be another triumph for harris, she will continue to flicker in the news headlines, fill
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all the information niches, but this will continue at least until the first monday of september, labor day, when , traditionally in the united states, the presidential campaigns really begin. that was america. all the best to you, now the middle east, where there is a new escalation. the israel defense forces announced that it had struck the military infrastructure and weapons depot of the lebanese hezbollah movement in southern lebanon. our middle east bureau chief sergei pashkov will tell you what is known at this moment. he is joining the broadcast. sergei, good afternoon, what is the situation at the moment, what is happening. here in israel, the daily
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, ordinary and familiar military routine since last october continues. during the night, a message came that the tsaal air force attacked one of the ammunition depots of the lebanese shi'id group hezbollah in southern lebanon. hezbollah reported that a residential building was attacked. nine people were killed, but the israel defense forces believes that the pilots attacked a hezbollah military facility. in response, hezbollah again fired on israeli territory, northern galilee, and residents areas adjacent to the lebanese border, received an offer from the israeli rear service not to leave protected areas or be close to them, not to organize mass events, so the northern... let's say, the northern front of israel is again preparing for an attack from hezbollah. the confrontation and exchange of blows continues. the same picture is observed in the south of israel, in the gaza strip,
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where the military operation, which began more than 10 months ago , continues in the palestinian enclave, again israeli special forces and armored vehicles. just recently a message came that the israeli army is asking... residents of one of the large refugee camps in the gaza strip to leave their location, to go to a safe zone, since there in the center of gaza a military operation will be launched again, this information, this information is quite alarming, since each of the military events is capable of undermining the negotiations that are tensely underway in the breath on the territory of qatar, which is acting as a mediator between.
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i am sending us secretary of state anthony blinken to israel to reaffirm my unwavering support for israel's security, to continue our intensive efforts to conclude this agreement and to emphasize that given that... a comprehensive ceasefire and the release of the hostages are on the horizon. no one in the region should take any action that will undermine this process. so far, negotiations are ongoing. until
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their failure is declared, iran is silent and hezbollah is not launching massive missile attacks on israeli territory and, according to american mediators, it is precisely the conclusion of a ceasefire deal in gaza can remove that spiral of escalation, that level of escalation that has put the middle east on the brink of a major regional war. thank you, sergey, our middle east bureau chief, sergey pashkov, was on the line with us. news about a new escalation on the lebanese-israeli border, reports are coming in that the israelis are preparing a new ground operation in the central part of the gaza strip. palestinians are already being warned of an urgent evacuation. we will find out what the situation is now from our correspondent in the middle east alexandra belibova, he is in direct contact with us. alexander, hello, as far as i understand, the israeli army is now continuing its attacks? yes, alexey, hello,
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but the situation is indeed. all the gaza strip areas continue to remain extremely tense, moreover, the escalation is increasing every day, this morning the israeli army, the sahal air force, to be precise, carried out several airstrikes on the central part of the gaza strip, as a result, as reported by local media, at least 15 people were killed, and the strike was carried out on that part the central region of the gaza strip, which earlier, which the israeli troops themselves had previously declared safe, and the idf operation in the south of the palestinian... glory for almost a week now the active phase of the ground operation has been continuing in the largest city in the south of the gaza strip, khan yunisi, its eastern districts are subject to daily attacks, the humanitarian zone, which previously housed more than a million refugees from the entire enclave, has been reduced, people are again forced to flee from israeli bombs, the situation is aggravated by the difficult humanitarian situation, now in gaza the thermometer is rising
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50. . population. day after day, with almost complete impunity, israeli settlers are fueling violence in the occupied west bank, contributing to what is jeopardizing any chance for peace. the israeli government must immediately stop these unacceptable actions. i reaffirm my intention to propose eu sanctions against supporters of the aggressive settlers, including some members of the israeli government. well, today after some time in the escalated. the situation on the lebanese-israeli border, according to the qatari tv channel al jazeera, today in the morning they struck the city of nabati, this settlement is located in the south of lebanon, as a result of a direct hit on a multi-story residential building, as reported, at least 10 people were killed. at the same time, the lebanese-shaid group hezbollah through its media resources published another video, in which for the first time it showed its long-range systems of large-caliber,
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large-caliber... rocket fire, which move through underground tunnels, and thus, and this is an unambiguous message to israel that hezbollah is ready for any developments and actions on the part of tel aviv, but according to analysts, neither hezbollah nor iran will take any active steps to retaliate against israel until the negotiations regarding a peaceful settlement of the conflict of all are completed. i will remind you that the previous 2 days after a long break a similar meeting was held in doha, and as a result of it it was spread a statement to the media, which, while not much information, states that the negotiations were constructive and took place in a positive atmosphere, the next round of negotiations is planned for next week, it will take place here in the egyptian capital, cairo, and it is unclear how they will end, perhaps.


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