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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 17, 2024 12:30pm-1:01pm MSK

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multiple rocket launchers that move through underground tunnels, and thus, this is an unambiguous message to israel that hezbollah is ready for any developments and actions from tel aviv, but according to analysts, neither hezbollah nor iran will take any active steps to retaliate against israel until the negotiations regarding a peaceful settlement of the conflict in the gaza strip are completed, i will remind you that the previous 2 days after a long break a similar meeting was held in doha, and according to its a statement was issued to the media as a result, which, while not much information , stated that the talks were constructive and took place in a positive atmosphere, the next round of talks is planned for next week, it will take place here in the egyptian capital, cairo, and it is unclear how they will end, perhaps. there will
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still be a signing of a peace agreement, perhaps not, and it is also still unknown whether the hamas delegation will take part in this meeting. alexey. yes, alexander, thank you, we are following the topic, we are informed about the situation said alexander bilibov. pain can be different, it doesn't matter what caused the pain, if there is pintalgin, a universal remedy for different types of pain. everyone, from beijing to the baltic sea, with the time has come for alfabank, the time of benefits for instant delivery of cards to thousands of cities.
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"it's very hard for me to guess, because i didn't even imagine that it would be like this, i didn't foresee that it would be - kamala harris, because everyone who made assumptions always said that it would be gellie hewson or hillary clinton or michelle obama, everyone, everyone, even the corporate media at the moment when they admitted that the emperor has no clothes, after those debates, even they all speculate no longer "works." that's right, even they were speculating about who it would be if joe biden dropped out, and kamala harris wasn't even a consideration because she's just awful and very unpopular. and now they've suddenly switched to new king's dress mode,
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where without any explanation, kamala harris has gone from being the most unpopular vice president to a cultural phenomenon. look, no matter how you feel about these people, people i despise. before the first race, kamala harris, she's not like bernie sanders or, say, ron paul, she had big sponsors behind her, she recruited people from the clinton campaign, when she was announced as a candidate in '19, the corporate media
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supported her, and yet she did not live up to aiowa. in other words, i think everything about kamala haris is fake, it's an image creation. i think that if we had a real election, i don't see her being able to beat donald trump, but if we're talking about a real election, i'm not sure we'll have one, what amazes me is that neither donald trump, nor any of his surrogates, no one on trump's side, they can't seem to hit kamala harris, at the most obvious point where they need to hit, this is the biggest scandal in american history. you said it yourself, we don't have a president, the president of the united states is already recognized by everyone as being too decrepit to participate in the election race, but he will still be president until january, we have a proxy war going on here with the most
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powerful nuclear power in the world, and we also have something like a proxy war, which, apparently, is already escalating into a regional war in israel, and we... don't have a president, this is the biggest scandal in the history of the republic, if we are even a republic, and kamala harris is directly connected to it, because she is one of those close associates who is obviously lying about joe biden being as healthy as ever, but it seems that for some reason the trump campaign cannot present kamala with this, it is right in front of them, joe biden's withdrawal from the race is an admission. that he is done, he obviously cannot be president, but what is characteristic is that the state participates in it, but you do not apply the twenty-fifth amendment, it is for this already too decrepit to be happy about this, he likes it, it's very bad, on two levels at once, the first is a practical level, because
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you want to have a commander-in-chief when you're already on the brink of a nuclear war, and the other level is philosophical: will the existing system be able to continue to exist? do we now recognize that we have no leaders, that we don't need a leader, that we will now be ruled by people we haven't elected, whose names we don't even know, whose motives we don't understand. that, and also, how are we, this is the same the end, no? yeah, and as we all know, the only reason they took out joe biden is because it became obvious that he couldn't win, but if he could win, they would have happily kept him around, they like it that way, instead of some guy who might decide that he is the president of the united states, what pisses me off is that, because donald trump got shot in the head, he did that, that's why he's still alive, if he hadn't done that, they would have blown his brains out on tv. i saw how
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someone there reported that it's not just the government that's monitoring your phones, there 's a million of them, every app is monitoring your phones. of course, you can buy geolocation data too. yeah, so they had a phone that was found in the shooter's house with data that he 'd been to washington, d.c., in the exact place where the fbi is known to meet with its informants and. if we see that, we'll decide, i think my first guess would be that this guy killed everyone, you know, because all the data,
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listen, you predicted it yourself a year ago back that we were definitely heading towards the assassination of a presidential candidate, and i was just following the trend and then when it happened, it was pretty hard not to start thinking, because if that's not it, then the question becomes: what was this guy doing a block away from the fbi building, how do you even explain that this was allowed to happen?
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i would also add that it was almost supernatural, talking about donald trump's company in '19, because you can't even overstate how incredible it was what he did, how would you they didn't treat him, some dip with a penny budget came out and with the help of social networks and his bright charisma was able to conquer all the news feeds and oust bush and the clintons, the two most powerful political clans.
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we have 35 trillion in debt, so we can't afford it. donald trump needs it, there are some things he needs to focus on now.
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oh well, okay, it's not even funny, who, who, but he should have enough courage, but now no one is resisting, that's what i'm talking about i say, the idea of ​​starting a war with iran, so if there is some motivated force pushing for something and there is no organized resistance to it, then that force will win, and i see that both parties, the republicans and the democrats, are pushing for a war with iran, no one even explains why... why would i send my four children to die in iran? no one even talks about it, i have a feeling, if i understand everything correctly, that we will start this war, but you know what stopped the war with iran the first time, the military, when dick cheney wanted to start it, and george bush, i think george bush, by the end of it, no, i listen to this
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guy too much, i think by year seven he finally realized that it was time to stop listening to the wildcats, because... it was the military, something about logistics, they were like, guys, we don't have that much of an advantage over iran, yeah, we're not going to lose the war, but they can attack so many american bases that are there, it's going to be a bloodbath, it wasn't just one green beret who told me off the record that it would be not even 10 times harder than fighting iraq, fighting iran will be a thousand times harder, it will be a completely different war, maybe it was... that moment stopped the war then, but even just, even just the rhetoric about how we need to be tougher with iran, why, why are we even talking about this, why are we constantly escalating, it's so simple, the american people are all for it, no more idiotic wars. listen, there are a lot of
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problems in the shi'i world, but they are, they are, they are not our enemies. of course, of course, they are not attacked us, they didn't attack europe, well, i mean, even the houthis, i was told since childhood to hate the houthis, it's all like, no, of course, i found out about the houthis 20 minutes ago, but they have already become our historical enemy, it's, it's, i think that 's what happened, because al-qaeda and isis are two terrorist organizations that have attacked the united states of america and europe. you know, committed terrorist acts, they were both created and supported by the west at a certain point, and it's pretty terrible, if you think about it, and i think what happened, i don't know how much of it is propaganda and how much of it is the actual beliefs of the people who are pushing this, but it's clear that the original
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propaganda that started when netanyahu in 2002...
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and that was the real reason for this attempt to overthrow bashar al-assad. and by the way, that, not the threat to our democracy, not the bounty on the heads of... the heads of u.s. soldiers in afghanistan and all the other nonsense and lies that they told about vladimir putin. vladimir putin's real crime was standing up to the us in their attempt
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at regime change in syria. and you can even look at the way vladimir putin spoke before syria and after syria. there's such a difference. george bush said he looked vladimir putin in the eye and saw a christian. that didn't happen before putin stood in the way of the us military machine to change the regime. putin saved assad. what i don't understand is that for two years we were told that the front line of the fight for democracy was in eastern ukraine, and it means much more more than all our stupid and ridiculous lives in the united states, that's why people put on these yellow and blue badges and put up all these flags in front of their houses in napa and all that, and then suddenly we stopped hearing about ukraine at all, what was all that? well, you know, it was all a lie, and it was a disaster, like all these wars, everything went completely wrong, i
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even remember that there was a period when joe biden , at the very beginning of the war, we will defeat russia with sanctions alone, we will destroy the ruble, we will make everyone in russia as beggars, we won't even have to give weapons, but of course we started giving them, all these lies, ukraine is winning, prizriva, it's all so obvious. i was there, i took part in the debates on this program, and there i talked about how all these people with all these ukrainian flags and so
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worried about ukraine and all that, do you even understand that we are leading the process, that the united states of america is leading the process, we can stop this war at any moment we need, because we can play our main trump card, which... vodimoto, listen, we don't have any reason to stay anyway, it doesn't make any sense anymore, you 've said it yourself more than once, it started after the second world war because europe was completely destroyed, and america was the only developed country, the country that wasn't affected by the war, and then this soviet union, and europe can't defend itself, so we need to work through this. "we can't let you invade western europe, we 'll stand up for them, but now europe rich, and america has 35 trillion in debt, and the soviet union is gone, so what
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's the point of all this, and vladimir putin will do almost anything to make that happen, to get america out of nato, that would only be good for us, we wouldn't be funding the defense of other rich countries, he could claim a huge victory, you know what i mean, you can have whatever you want." if you're so worried about the ukrainians, and the ukrainians are dying in droves, why not? why not make a deal like that? can we do that right now? yeah, we don't. we can return crimea back to ukraine, that 's definitely not going to happen. so what? you know what i mean, you can end this war right now if you do that, you know how many jobs are occupied by people who are absolutely incompetent, stupid people, parasites on our economy and culture, and those jobs will disappear if we leave nato. i agree, that's a problem. that's 100%.
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12:56 pm
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12:57 pm
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another attack on the zaporizhzhya ues. he dropped a charge on the road near the power units and more and more data on a possible provocation with a dirty bomb. who is behind kiev's actions. in the kursk region, our military used a lancet, shot down an enemy armored vehicle, and met children from border areas in st. petersburg today. what condition are they in and what will they be shown in the north capital? a strike on a shopping center in donetsk.
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a teenager in intensive care, doctors are doing everything possible. there are 13 victims in total, what is known about their condition. power supply is being restored in primorye, electric trains are already running on schedule, but local outages are still occurring, when the consequences of the emergency will be finally eliminated. and israel's strike on the gaza strip, 15 dead, and also on the south of lebanon. what will all this mean for the middle east. russia does not rule out convening an unscheduled session of the iaea board of governors after a new strike by the armed forces of ukraine on zaporizhzhya npp. the agency must name the culprit of the shelling of the station. silence only encourages new strikes. this was stated by the acting permanent representative of russia to international organizations in vienna, roman ustinov. for a new attack on the station, the armed forces of ukraine again used a drone and dropped a projectile on the road along the power units. no one was hurt, but as noted.


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