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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 17, 2024 5:30pm-6:01pm MSK

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dimension, that under such and such conditions , so and so, under such and such conditions, so and so. as a result, in 1977, two decades later , because of scania, an album of typical versions of people who committed murder without eyewitnesses appears. this manual is only a hundred pages long, but each one is an invaluable and verified guide to action. the method is based on the law of large numbers. we all know this law very well. everything is random with small numbers, when some large numbers are taken, patterns appear. gennady ivanov, veteran of the investigation, senior justice adviser. more than 40 years he investigated the most complex criminal cases and often turned to the vedony method. the investigator goes to the scene of the crime taking into account that at the initial stage he receives, what information he receives upon inspection of the scene of the crime.
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use throughout the union, it turned out to be so effective that it allowed to solve cases committed in conditions of non-obviousness in the shortest possible time, that is , such crimes when at the time of initiation of a criminal case the person who committed it is unknown, we take the city of murmansk, it means that
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a murder with dismemberment was committed there corpse, well, and body parts were scattered in different places, so they attached the version...
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once again they interrogated the father of the murdered man, then a certain boris gistaltsev, a laborer, a refugee from uzbekistan, whom sergei met by chance, came into the investigators' field of view. the man stood on the side of the road, hitchhiked, well, asked passing transport to stop in order to get to... he said that he has a daughter, he has a daughter, on this basis they had an even greater dialogue, and he felt sorry for him, he gave him money, as far as i remember, for food and something,
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i think, to buy clothes for his daughter, they exchanged phone numbers, since then sergey often helped gistaltsev, repeatedly gave him money for food. helped with paying for rented housing, but soon boris's requests for help began to sound harsher: he was already demanding that you owe me a daughter, i have nothing to feed her, dress her , etc., we have nowhere to live, you must give us money, sergey explained to us that he refused him, he refused demanded not to call him anymore, boris agistaltse they tried to interrogate him, but they couldn't find him at his residential address. wanted. not always the actions of criminals fit into any pattern, sometimes the motives are so illogical that it is difficult for a normal person to understand why someone would commit a crime. let's take the year eighty-two, we are leaving for the scene of the murder of three girls who were,
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that is, packed in bags and sunk in water. two sisters, one neighbor's girl. naturally, that is, in half a day we, as it were, solved this case. but what was striking was that the motive did not fit into any versions, including the one, and even the version of an ordinary sane person, when we found the criminal, he explained:
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that in order for the option to be chosen, it means calculating the digital indicators not in absolute numbers, but in percentages. the second portion of criticism concerned the consideration of local peculiarities: silts, evil critics claimed that each region has its own specifics, and crimes in the volga region can differ significantly from murders in central asia or in the republics the baltics. however, it was not a secret for himself. he understood perfectly well that his scheme, so to speak, of some other
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regions, it may not be suitable, he wrote about this in his works, practice has swept away all doubts from scholastic theorists showed that vedonov's method has passed the test of time, and then confirmed its viability even in a changed state, in the difficult nineties, there were disparate dactylocountries in each region, that is, a single federal one...
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dance floors sex victim sex male so then we have age and the same, then what else will we type, place, well, for example, place park, for example, so, save, our victim is 18 years old, exactly 17,24, conditions, method of murder, stabbing weapon, so, well, here we need to remove over ten, we need to put one there, method of murder, one,
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we write, so, then, we add information about the alleged criminal record, we click on view version, in this case we take that the man a was killed in an open remote place, that means - in the park, one knife and one stab cutting only together with with here with the park, so here in this case 62%, look, that it is a man.
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and, if you remember, that quite frequent trips to the nizhny novgorod museums, the local history museum, the art museum, and you know, he gave me his three commandments: first, never be shy to ask advice from
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knowledgeable people, second, if you set a goal... boldly go to achieve it, and third, never be afraid of anything, you know, that's how it seems simple, well, at least it came in handy for me in life, the youngest son of leonid vedonov mikhail fulfilled his father's dream, linked his life with the sea, and the elder valery continued his business.
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the apartment in which he lived in the city of voronezh, we found his personal belongings, which contained photographs of naked girls, both his daughter and others, running ahead, we identified all these girls, established that he fraudulently promised money, lured girls in order to photograph them naked. we managed to get to the digital. track gistaltsev's trail, track calls. on the day of the murder, he was making his way next to the kopytins' house, and the very next day in the moscow region, the janitor of the house where the kopytins lived identified him. she saw this man with a briefcase in his hands on the day of yulia's murder. an inspection of the home
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showed that boris had clearly left in a hurry. the apartment was in disarray, and many personal belongings had been abandoned. this meant that there was a high probability that the suspect would return for them. the investigators also assumed that boris gistaltsev was not hiding alone. by the way, we had established even before that there was a call to 02 from this boris. we seized a recording from the duty unit of the main department of the ministry of internal affairs, in which he asked the duty officer how it was possible to hand over a child to an orphanage, he gave the reason that she does not listen , she is uncontrollable, later during interrogation, boris gistaltsev's daughter dasha will tell, this is what she was most afraid of in life, this is what he blackmailed her with, involving her in a crime.
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after conducting investigative actions with his participation, and he made the first attempt - to commit suicide, he threw himself into the glass, this, in my opinion, was in the police department territory back then, he smashed the glass with his head, tried to tear out the remains in order to cut his neck and veins, well, of course, in time... the officers who were nearby prevented this, they twisted him, boris gistaltsev still had to give evidence, and soon it was possible to completely reconstruct the picture
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of the crime. it coincided with the original version put forward by the investigators using vidonov's method. the motive was indeed revenge on sergei kopytin. gistaltsev explained that in another conversation he asked the man for money, wanted to buy an apartment. sergey gave it to him.
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solving the most complex crimes, how crimes are solved, many crimes of past years, these are the traces that, therefore, were seized long ago 10, 15,
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20 years ago. so at present, when a genetic array has been created, a dapyloscopic array, federal, and those crimes work, it happens in 15, in 20 years, and the person is identified, that is, here, i believe that this method subsequently, it was developed, improved, at present, well, most of these crimes are solved thanks to, including the type of... successfully adapts to modern realities, when traces can be not only physical, but virtual, when psychiatry and psychology have made great strides, and expert capabilities have become fantastic, but no matter how rapidly
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technology and technology develop, the basis of everything is the experience accumulated over decades, and today prosecutors and investigators rely on it in their work, which has one goal: that all evil is punished.
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let's translate from official language into understandable language, everything is not so scary if there is an instruction, mom, why do we need these letters for a fairy tale. in the three ninth kingdom, the three tenth state.
6:00 pm
a possible attack by ukraine on the kursk npp could result in a large-scale man-made disaster in europe, this is how maria zakharova commented on the data that kiev is preparing attacks using a dirty bomb. the official representative of the ministry of foreign affairs called on the international organization to immediately come forward. discussions of provocations being prepared by kiev on nuclear objects. the international community must understand what danger the kiev regime poses to the european continent, emphasizes maria zakharova. meanwhile, the defense ministry states that in the event of a new strike in the ssu on the kursk npp, russia will take tough countermeasures and military-technical measures. our correspondent margarita semenyuk has already studied the media and war correspondent publications that speak of such plans.


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