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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 17, 2024 7:30pm-8:01pm MSK

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the youth alexander osipov, dmitry baskakov, alexander odeev and dmitry veselov were responsible for knocking out debts in the tver wolves group. athletic-looking guys went to various corners of the tver region, terrified entrepreneurs and forced them to pay. none of them were caught red-handed, and the raiders always had serious cover. for example, bosom friends ogeev and veselov were officially listed as employees of the tverskoye vremya newspaper. had an editorial id with them, and also a pack of fresh newspapers, in which... they usually
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hid a pistol. former editor-in-chief of the tver newspaper galina zhivnova says that she had no idea what her subordinates were doing. sasha. he first appeared in my family as my son's security guard, who also ensured my safety, very often during elections, when there was a real threat to my safety, sasha met me and accompanied me home, once he told me that... it would be nice for him have an official job and he was hired by me as a newspaper distribution manager, then he asked to hire his close friend dima veselova also as a distribution manager, he was also involved
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in distributing newspapers, if you believe the revelation of the lifer. from his manuscript, one of the killers hiding in the house of the circle was the same dmitry veselov, a former military man, a master of sports in greco-roman wrestling, he himself allegedly told osipov about what happened, this is how the lifer describes this conversation. i asked him who he was with, me questions related to the case. my friend was very interested, since i knew mikhail and was a fan of his work. veselov replied: ask your loved ones, then i asked him why he shot, since there was no intent to kill, to which veselov replied that he worked for self-interest. whether such a conversation
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actually took place is unknown, but the investigation established that it was osipov who shot that same dmitry veselov, dragged the body of the murdered man into a forest belt and... burned it, he confessed to this crime in 2013, when several years served a life sentence for a series of murders, the convict was transferred to tver, at the very first interrogation the lifer confirmed dmitry veselov's acquaintance with mikhail krug, told how he met the singer, i met mikhail at kostenko aleksanovich's, kostanko simply introduced me as anatoly's son.
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the alleged customer alexander kostenko is dead. it would seem that the case of the murder of the russian chansonnier has been solved, but who in that case was veselov's forger? maybe another participant of the tver folks alexander ageyev, after all, according to the materials of the criminal case.
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identified ageyev as one of the attackers. former editor-in-chief of the tverskoye vremya newspaper galina zhivnova believes that irina was mistaken . irina kruk identified alexander ogeyev as her husband's killer. in my opinion, 2 years after this murder was committed. but i was a witness, how six months after the murder.
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on someone, irina krug herself is not so categorical today, she says that on the night of the murder she was in a state of shock and could well have been mistaken. i am not saying that this him i. i never said that it was him, let's start with this, yes, i said, it looks like him, maybe, there, yes, it could be, they look like him, because they were there together with this, they look like him, but i'm not an investigator, let's give this topic to them so that they can investigate, i made my own sketches, my assumption, i can't, i didn't know anyone in this city, it's surprising, but the author of the manuscript about the tver gang, lifer alexander osipov is sure that one of...
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why didn't the police officers quickly and correctly solve the criminal case, everything is difficult and simple, because all those killed during the period. ogeev. to understand the story of the murder of mikhail krug, we met again with...
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several hundred notorious rapists, murderers and thugs are serving their sentences there, including alexander ageev. he met us with caution, from the first words he began to deny his involvement in the crime, personally, personally i have nothing to do with the ubkrug, it has always been obvious to me, i don’t know what to do there, or momedov tried to pin something on me there, i heard about krug for the first time in the army and then they told me: oh, believe me, you sing krug there, i say, who is that?
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ogeev confirmed his acquaintance with the singer, the lifer said that mikhail krug was friends with the tver wolves, often came to visit their leader alexander kostenko, the friends vacationed in russia and abroad, and they went, like... how did you meet? through andrey veselov, the one whose club you had
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, through him, who was she anyway? wife, wife, kruka, no, just, let's say, at first i didn't even know that it was his wife, i met her somewhere in 2002, but after the death of the circle, but then the investigation found out that cheese circle circle we had known each other before that, so like... how can she identify me, she knows me very well, and accordingly it all died down right away, then, as far as i know, she pointed to dmitry from the photograph, said that it was 100% him, but then, what happened, i don't know anymore, the more we talked with alexander ageyev, the more he tried to convince us of his innocence, childishness sits here for almost nothing, like he was framed, you killed people, no, never, no. that is, you can clearly say this to you, you are not ashamed , well, what should i be ashamed of, if i were,
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if i killed, yes, perhaps i would be ashamed , no, well, of course i participated in murders, but i think so, but no matter how much i pressed the button, but the group, of course i participated in fights, when people could die, there with the same veselova, we once were in such a marriage participated, it was just creepy how we survived, and i didn't think then that i would kill or not kill, i just worked with a knife and that's it, there are such moments here, however, i can't remember the details specifically.
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tver investigators operatives are sure that it was ageyev and vesel who hid that june night in mikhail krug's cottage. we already understand who was involved in committing this crime, the motives, the circumstances of its commission, well, practically everything has been established, there are a few strokes left to finally put an end to it. in at the present time we are checking for direct involvement. and ogeev, it is too early to draw a conclusion about the unconditional, unconditional execution of the murder directly by the said persons, but we assume that in the near future we will carry out the necessary set of investigative operational actions, which will make it possible to bring the perpetrators to
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justice on legal and justified grounds. while working on this film, we came to the following version of the murder of mikhail krug. members of the organized crime group "tver wolves" were involved in this high-profile crime. not it is excluded that the customer was the leader of the group alexander kostenko, nicknamed lom. he could have ordered the robbery of the popular singer's cottage in order to take control of criminal groups, the financial flows of the singer krug. dmitry veselov and alexander ageyev most likely went on the mission. for an unknown reason.
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it is necessary to get this case from the archive shelf of crimes of past years and transfer it to another category, to the category of solved crimes. i think that those questions, those omissions and discussions of various kinds regarding the death of mikhail krug, well, there will be stopped, at least there will be the only true and clear picture. i think that the residents. dverskoy region all fans of creativity will be grateful to you, probably, first of all, well, i hope that to us for putting an end to this issue. we filmed this program throughout 2019. at the end of the summer, journalists again started talking about the murder of the musician krug. many years later
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, a large investigative team appeared on the threshold of his house.
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mikhail krug, open up, osipov, just like ageyev, was brought to tver from the colony for lifers in august 2019,
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when i shot dmitry vesely, i searched the body. because i intended to burn it and so that the cartridges would not fire, so i took these two pmt pistols from him, in the investigator's office, a staff writer for the wolf gang. reported new details of the high-profile crime. according to osipov, the customer of the armed raid on mikhail krug's house was the leader of the organized crime group alexander kostenko
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, nicknamed lom. and the perpetrators were hired killers, alexander aigeyev and dmitry veselov. if we return to the circle again, for what he killed? or was it an accident? well , no one wanted to kill him. as i understand it, kostenko gave another order. it was necessary to oblige him, it was vitally important that mikhail krug paid money from the tour, from the concerts, of course. so, let's sum it up, since 2002 the investigation into this case has stalled, at first the prosecutor's office tried.
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i will sing songs to you and treat you to wine, come to my house, my doors are open, i will
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sing songs to you and treat you to wine, i will sing songs to you, about fate and separation, about a happy life, and absurd courage, and as before. the tver wolves gang has a long bloody trail
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that dates back to the nineties. the former leaders of the powerful criminal clan confessed to other contract killings in late summer 2019. in addition to the criminal case against mikhail krug , active members of the organized crime group began to testify about specific crimes. according to alexander ageyev, in 2001 he personally shot a businessman from the city of kimry. the businessman refused to pay tribute to the tver bandits for protection, and they decided to eliminate him. the same ageyev acted as the killer. in this footage, filmed in the fall of 2019, it is especially dangerous criminal. tells how he dealt with the businessman, what time it was, there will already be a lot, it was already at the end of the working day, apparently, ageyev
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does not want to return yet.
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this is russia four, we continue to talk about the main thing, today the result of a possible attack by ukraine on the kursk npp could be
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a large-scale. man-made disasters in europe. this is how marya zakharova commented on the data that kiev is preparing attacks using a dirty bomb. the official representative of the russian ministry of foreign affairs noted that the preparations are already is underway and called on international organizations to immediately condemn the provocations being prepared by kiev at nuclear facilities. the international community must understand what danger the kiev regime poses to the european continent, maria zakharova emphasized. the defense ministry stated that in the event. the ukrainian armed forces continue to strike the zaporizhia nuclear power plant, another charge was dropped on the road along the power units. in addition, on august 11, the kamikaze drone burned down the station's cooling tower, which created a threat to the cooling system nuclear power plant. now the kyiv regime is ready.


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