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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 17, 2024 8:30pm-9:01pm MSK

8:30 pm
i ignored this ban, i will explain why, like more or less everyone in this feed, i consider myself a democrat, democracy simultaneously implies freedom of speech and responsibility for speech. in addition, i am a journalist, if the interviewee, a, knows that he is speaking in a public place in front of witnesses for an interview on the record, and b, at the beginning of the conversation , agrees to answer questions on the lub, but after 35 minutes of conversation decides that he did not like the interview, then this is his problem. now to the point: this interview, thanks to not me, but she, it is good because in it, finally , much is said directly, therefore, thanks not to me, but to her, it is worth a hundred conversations softly and about nothing. and now i want to offer you to listen to excerpts, the most interesting one that caused such a resonance, and excerpts from this interview, listen.
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no, maybe for some time and yes, to cement the nation, maybe for some time, please, you say there, but all educational institutions, all will be, of course, ukrainian, we come to the fact that it is possible to forbid people to speak on the indiction that they think about, this you were doing this, russia, it was only doing this on the territory, it even forced people to speak russian in tajikistan, and there is no other way to make a nation, it is clear, people who live in this.
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it is developing further, there are two such funny peppers, pranksters, vavan and lexus, when you see it, you immediately remember vavan, it is such, so to speak, no longer a tarapunka and a plug, but talented and witty people, after this scandal with an interview, on behalf of the minister of culture of ukraine, mrs. alexievich, she received a call, i will not retell it, i suggest you just listen to it, good afternoon.
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this is not a question, but we need to talk about it, and i need to think about it, we need to think about it, how should we deal with ukrainian there, what should we do in the southeast, what do you think, as a nobel lauriate? i think it is a difficult problem, there will probably be a moment of bilingualism, of course, it is unlikely that it will be possible to do it so that there will be the ukrainian language right away, that is the only thing that when i read, i think about this process of decommunization that you have going on, monuments, everything, the sooner the better. i also think that it is not so much decommunization that is needed, but derussification, because this is a very complex problem, of course, and i think it can only be solved in new generations already, when kindergartens have started kindergartens, everything, and in general to raise new people already differently, it is necessary
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to raise a completely new nation, yes, yes, because with this one it is unlikely, that's when i encounter. with the president went to the same ato zone, if you looked with your own eyes, if you want there without the press with the president personally looked at those guys who are there, that happens, but somehow they were supported, at least a little, well, let's be in touch, after 15, when i return from italy, somehow we... can solve all this, yes, in principle, we agreed, well, okay, it seems like everything coincides, really, the position, and the tendency, and so on and so forth, it seems like everything is logical,
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what she said in an interview, to sergei gurkin, she practically, well, confirmed, indirectly, in a conversation with the minister of culture of ukraine.
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like a people close to me, i am absolutely not against this, well, look, well, how it is possible to exist in such a jelly-like state, taking the form of any vessel, at the moment when you are poured into this vessel, and where is the truth, where are you real, and you look how...
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better, this will once again show that i do not retreat from my convictions. i read: i catch myself thinking that i always want to quote dzerzhinsky himself, his diaries, his letters, and i do this not out of a desire to somehow make my journalistic task easier, but because of my love for his personality, for the word he said, for the thought sympathizers, i knew dzerzhinsky loved children very much, thousands of street children
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owe him a new life, when my son grows up, we will definitely come to this land together to bow to the undying spirit of the one whose name is felix serzhinsky, the sword flame of the proletarian revolution. svetlana alexievich, essay, sword flame of the revolution, magazine, issue 9 for 1977, what did mrs. alexievich think then, when with a noose around her neck the monument to dzerzhinsky was toppled on lubyanka square and a stone was erected for the victims of repression. it seems to me that in all this there is just that very false. that very shaky, sticky, sweaty, unpleasant, the need
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to exist all the time in a trend, to explain to justify to yourself and others, for what you receive the nobel prize in literature, for what, for what literature? and if another point of view ruled you? would you describe it exactly the same way as then, exactly the same, only from a different point of view, there would be an opportunity to receive the nobel prize for this, and what a picture, imagine it turns out, an oil painting, such a half-length portrait, remember vysotsky, on the left chest stalin's profile, on the right marin confas, and here the same thing on the right side of the pile.
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there is no one thing for which you are responsible to the end, for which you are responsible to god to the end, not even to the readers, to god. this is very much connected with another story, which is also all built on lies, all built on substitution, on provocation, on deception, on zombification, what happened on july 12, you all know that there was supposed to be a rally on sakharovo avenue, a few hours before the start of the rally on the internet navalny... a call for everyone to go to tverskaya, because you see, contractors refused
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to set up the stage equipment, damn, who are you treating, guys, what do you mean, refused to set up the stage, refused, set it up yourselves, there is no sound, well, you are all singing in a caro, chip in, principled people, fighters, but if you need to tell the world what you think, why should you... you should be served, who should serve you? some refused, others, fifths, tenths, gathered at night, put it together, collected, chipped in little by little, and that's how it turned out rally, but this is not true either, it turns out, there was , please, violetta volkova, come to sakharovo at 2 p.m. for a rally against corruption, there is everything you need, and sound, a stage, by the way, i plan to speak, here is a photo, and why are you refusing this? because this is not important, because
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not expressing your sincere protest, it is important, it is important to stir up trouble, it is important to instill fear, chaos, blood, resistance are important, to force the authorities to use force, so that it happens on tverskaya, there is a huge celebration on tverskaya, a huge the number of people with their own... hands made reconstructions, someone showed and told about some crafts, someone forged, someone blew beads, someone told and showed some historical paintings, all the time... life went on, a huge number of people came there to relax on the holiday, to see what moscow is like today in the center, what is happening on this wonderful holiday, they come with children, old people, children, women and so on and so forth, that's where the crowd goes, that's where the crowd goes, obviously
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sent with the understanding that when she breaks in there, chaos will start. and now imagine people who have been preparing for this for weeks, a week, a year preparing for this holiday, taking a place, negotiating with the authorities, building something, preparing for a whole week in order to show what they can do, to have fun themselves and give it to others, but a crowd breaks in there, this is what one of those who was involved in the reconstruction writes, i personally don't give a damn about navalny and his supporters, but what the hell are you... you are using someone else's event, agreed upon six months in advance, for self-promotion, why the hell are you breaking and damaging someone else's property, scaring people who came to relax and see something interesting, i feel very sorry for the fifteen-year-old teenagers who, with their eyes bulging, shouted on command about pensions and decent work, filming everything on iphones and wearing branded clothes instead of simply
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working, this is what timur cherepnin, a reenactor and organizer of several festival venues, writes, this is what he writes at the end, if navalny called on his people to go to tverskaya, knowing that there would be a big festival there, he understood what he was doing, everything that happened was his responsibility, from the point of view of reenactors, imagine that you are doing something with your own hands, you want to show it to people, and then some mad, uncontrollable crowd comes and sweeps everything away with their feet, you are building some kind of house to show how people lived, they run up to this house with their feet and start to break it. when they are asked to get off, they answer: we are for freedom, but what kind of freedom is this if you are breaking someone else's, this is not freedom, this is hooliganism vandalism, well, it's all the same, well again, it's pure gopnikism, it's pure gopnikism, and what do they demand, listen, how old are you, i'm
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16, why did you come here, well, it's my civic duty. can you say anything on your own behalf? well, what can i say for myself? everything is obvious here, and these people have been in power for 17 years, they, they constantly steal, social elevators don't work, nothing works, the youth don't see a normal future for themselves. tell me, why did you come here today? to express?
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if i'm afraid and don't go out on the street, it will only get worse, the government will understand that people are afraid and don't try to resist and will only tighten the screws even more, it will only get worse, as long as we don't resist the government, it resists, it puts pressure on us, it doesn't matter at all, the person is not important, the personality is not important at all, the change is important, the process is important, anyone can be suitable
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as a candidate, even hitler, in short, let it be, in short, if hitler doesn't like us, hitler would also like us. "we will not leave, we will not leave, come, at least one thought of your own, at least one sincere inner desire, understanding of what you want, there is, it is not, it is not, moreover, just think about it, it doesn’t matter who, even hitler, but imagine how much people do not understand what they are saying, how much they... do not understand what this can lead to, how much they do not understand that they can ultimately become victims of a catastrophe,
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a catastrophe, and this is not just a figure of speech, what i am talking about, here is what an eyewitness writes, pay attention to how these massive bearded men under the pressure of ants, protesters habitually pick up these shields and their... weapons, yes, fake or training, but still sharp enough to be dangerous in the pressing crowd, where any sharp edge can lead to casualties. pay special attention to how they carry these weapons away from the pressing schoolboys, how when they tear down a tent, the men line up in a chain with only shields, from those who in the heat of the moment forgot to put down their sword, up to moralizing assault, they pull back some teenager,
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what would this lead to, and now look how this image is made, how the image is created... of the victim and the persecutor, look at this photograph, this is maria baronova, you see how the poor thing is torn apart, how she is dragged into a paddy wagon, what will happen to her tomorrow, and now look how maria baronova got to this photograph, look, take me, me, take me. thank you,
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if we do not learn to distinguish truth from untruth, if we do not learn. lies and look at the root of this lie, analyze it for ourselves and for others, to draw conclusions about why this is being done, we will always be under the power of goponism, and the worst thing is that the victims of this can be absolutely, absolutely. lazy, a minor who just enjoys chatting on the street, nothing will happen for this, and if it does, maybe they will even
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pay for it, therefore i am absolutely sure that those people who, taking advantage of the naivety, ignorance, passion of minors, push them to rebel, push them to the police, push them to violence, they must... answer for this, they are obliged to answer under criminal law legislation, to take advantage of children's naivety, illiteracy, ignorance of history, the unpredictability of what might end, to take advantage of this by people who pursue their own personal, powerful goals - this is a crime, this is a crime, and it should be treated as a crime.
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years old children from reckless actions, to which adults, cynical people push them. all the best, until next time. technologies, confidence in stable operation.
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reliability and energy efficiency, flexibility for use in any industry, new quality for your success, russian electric engines, people who serve in intelligence are not even physically strong, but simply stronger in spirit. maroon beret is a symbol, it is worn, i believe that there should be a model in everything, people should reach for it, it is impossible to do worse, it is possible to do better, we have always had such a motto in life, pushed these people into the doorway and, probably, it's all a dream, and you want to open your eyes and wake up. russia, russia,
8:57 pm
russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia 24. styx, i, a traveler, aeronaut, jean ivan, and so we go out namesakes, what a fairy tale, without ivan, eh, what started, without deception without flint. may you
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have sharpened me, a self-written pen, magic ink, you will get it, you, the main thing, vanya, hurry up, so give me a horse, a mechanical one, and hit yourself on the head, you have a nickname, where it is necessary, that's what they call me, because i'm taking you not where you, a fool, want, where it is necessary, i can't live without traveling, and ... gniva, he who has flint in his pocket does not need a pen, soon.
8:59 pm
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9:00 pm
this is russia 24 and we continue to tell you about the main thing. today, in the kursk direction , russian military personnel are searching for and eliminating ukrainian mobile groups in the forests near the border that tried to penetrate deep into russian territory in the direction of the villages of alekseevsky and kauchuk. this is the latest data from the ministry of defense. the russian armed forces also repelled attacks by assault groups of three brigades of the ukrainian armed forces in the area of ​​the settlements of korenevo, russkoy and cherkasskoye porechny. the concentration of manpower and


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