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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 17, 2024 10:00pm-10:31pm MSK

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this is russia-24 and we continue to tell about the main thing for today in the kursk direction in the ssu lost up to 300 servicemen and more than 30 units of armored vehicles, including three tanks, in a day. this is new data from the defense ministry. russian military personnel are searching for and eliminating ukrainian mobile groups in the forests near the border, which. tried to penetrate deep into russian territory in the direction of the villages of alekseevsky and kuuchuk. also, the russian armed forces repelled attacks by assault groups of three brigades of the armed forces of ukraine in the area of ​​the settlements of korenevo, russkoye and cherkasskaya porechnaya. the enemy's manpower and equipment concentration in the areas of the villages of novaya sorochina, lyubimovka, leonidova and kositsa was defeated. in total, since the beginning of the fighting in the kurdish direction, zelensky's formation has lost 3,160 militants, more than
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350 armored vehicles, including 44 tanks, have been destroyed. six launchers of multiple launch rocket systems, including three hainers, have also been eliminated. russian special services are receiving information about kiev preparing new terrorist attacks at the zaporizhzhya and kursk npps. according to rosatom, the number of reports about possible sabotage at nuclear facilities (in the last 24 hours has grown many times over. the russian defense ministry warned that if the kiev regime begins to implement criminal plans that could lead to irreparable consequences, then tough countermeasures will be taken immediately. today , terrorists tried to strike another blow at the zaporizhzhya npp about the growing threats yevgeny reshnev. information about the nuclear provocation being prepared by kiev is coming through independent. channels
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, the russian defense ministry says. the target of the strike to provoke russia to take retaliatory steps at the kursk npp, while the international community may be offered the version of self-fire. as a rule, this does not raise any questions for the magat. a recent example is the cooling tower that burned down after a ukrainian drone attacked the zaporizhzhya station. zelensky then stated that it was the russian military that set fire to tires at the nuclear facility. if the kiev regime begins to implement criminal plans aimed at creating in the european part, both the kursk and zaporizhzhya npps are under threat. the latter is again today fired. the projectile dropped by the drone fell just 500 m from the power units. the ukrainian armed forces committed another terrorist act, an explosive device was dropped from a drone, it fell near the road, this road runs along the units, to...
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the outer perimeter is literally 10 m from the landing site 7 am - this is the time when the shift change takes place at the zaporizhia nuclear power plant, so today's action was another attempt at a terrorist attack, another threat to the physical safety of both personnel and nuclear safety zaporizhzhya nuclear power plant, now according to russian... war correspondents who cite sources from the ukrainian side, kiev is preparing to use a dirty nuclear bomb that could strike a spent fuel storage facility. the russian defense ministry warned that ukraine was developing such a bomb back at the beginning of the second world war. two years have passed. a dirty bomb, but well, we won't reveal any secrets, in fact, it's not that difficult, i think they have one. with the help of a strike on skhayat, it would be possible to create, ultimately. dnieper, then russia
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would be accused of using tactical nuclear weapons, and that, in the opinion of the west, in their interpretation, would open the legal floodgates for direct intervention in... in this armed confrontation, the production of such a bomb is not a tricky business, especially for ukraine, on whose territory there are three operating nuclear power plants, south ukrainian, khmelnytsky and rivne with about one and a half thousand tons of enriched uranium oxide, and also at the chernobyl nuclear power plant about 22 thousand spent fuel assemblies, that is there is a lot of raw materials, it is a matter of delivery vehicles, a warhead stuffed with them. ukraine has such carriers, this is... storm shchedu or
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scalp idzh, which have already been repeatedly used against our population in donetsk and lugansk, this is point u, all these missiles. have the ability to be equipped with a nuclear warhead, and even more so with a dirty bomb, which in theory is not a warhead, it is a container with spent substances, that is , simply with waste. the eastern mining and processing plant may have those same reserves from processed raw materials. the vostochny mining and processing plant is one of the ten largest uranium mining and processing enterprises in the world, the largest in europe. in 1959, the first kilogram of uranium was obtained here, on the spot.
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kiev denies this, ukraine has always been a loyal member of the nuclear non-proliferation treaty, we do not have any dirty bombs. and there are no plans to obtain them. zelensky demonstrated what a loyal member of the treaty ukraine is, a few days before the start of the special operation in munich, threatening to withdraw from budapest memorandum, which precisely recorded kiev's renunciation of nuclear weapons. ukraine has every right to believe that the budapest memorandum does not work. and all the package decisions of 1994 can be called into question. and although nuclear blackmail in ukraine is nothing new. only right-wing radicals from the svoboda party, who had no levers of control, amused themselves with this, but not the person who received full power, who can carry out these threats, kiev will hardly be able to fully return to the nuclear club, here it is quite possible to carry out a provocation with a dirty bomb, they forgot about the kursk station,
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they forgot about the kursk station, we are not nuclear terrorists, they completely forgot and that's it, let it work, and if something happens there with transformers, with lepas, it happens, it happens. the head of the rada committee on energy himself actually confirms the likelihood of attacks on the nuclear power plant in kurchatov. the director of rosatom has already reported concerns about a possible provocation to the head of magat. during the conversation, alexey likhachev emphasized that the situation around both nuclear power plants continues to deteriorate. in addition, information has emerged about a provocation being prepared by the ukrainian armed forces against the aforementioned nuclear power plants. over the past 24 hours, the number of signals about the preparation of this provocation has increased many times over. this. on wednesday, in kurchatov, the city of sputniki npp, an explosion occurred in the area of ​​an open switchgear, all week the air raid siren has been triggered 10-12 times a day, over the past 24 hours there have been 21 such alerts. we are entering russia with ukrainian troops. against this background, in
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a large number of western journalists, who traditionally provide kiev with media support, have come to the sumy and kursk regions. all of them are crossing the border illegally. today our. smith said that the kiev regime has begun preparing an attack on the kursk nuclear power plant and called on the un and the iaea to respond to the provocation, which could result in a large-scale man-made disaster in europe. evgeny rashitnev, polina gomzikova, elena bedyak, vesti. american media are ironic about economic program announced by us presidential candidate kamela harris. the new york post, for example, allowed it. the us announced the launch of an investigation into harris's running mate, vice presidential candidate tim walds. he is being undermined for his too close ties with china.
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the head of the new york bureau of vgtrk, valentin bogdanov, is monitoring the election campaign. endlessly waging guerrilla warfare in trump's rear areas, feeding his company with rolled-up... a federal ban on price increases, that's something new. prices are still too high. many food companies are making the highest profits in two decades. when i become president, i will pursue unscrupulous players. my plan will include new fines for
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portunist companies. why not start with deductions from their own salaries, because it was harris and her bosses who threw around helicopter covid money under biden, prices went on a vertical takeoff. it was not trump in 2021, when all this disgrace began, who sat in the oval office, it was not trump who voted in the senate. 979 under carter, also a democracy, after which republican reagan had
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to launch his resuscitation regonomics. food prices under kamela and joe almost doubled due to their economic policies and inflation caused by joe and kamela's reckless spending. fox news is against, everyone else is for, on all other points, it probably would have been so, but the democrats with their economic program managed to break this simple form.
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instead of inflation, america got stakflation, and then the recession of the seventies, the same old rake. to take off with such baggage in the vacillating states where they are not ready to build a bright future according to worn-out patterns, it will not be easy. it seems that this is where the honeymoon of kaml and harris began to end. it is getting ridiculous, there are 2 days left until the party convention in chicago, on the official website of the democrats, the same text of the election platform that was under biden and even his name is in place, about at least one interview on the eve of the convention, again not
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a word, not a candidate, but some kind of digital avatar, when there is nothing to say, you can sing in chorus, especially with the stars, the democrats are counting on inviting taylor swift to chicago and beyoncé, her song freedom is now played at every election rally. pro-palestinian activists promise to ruin this holiday. chicago police have been put on a 24-hour duty schedule, 2,500 patrol officers are preparing to meet radicals from all over america. the united center, the democratic convention will be held at the home arena of the chicago bulls, has been surrounded on all sides with fences and heavy trucks have been placed at the entrances. at the same time, the party establishment, including harris, biden, obama and the clintons, are caught between two fires here. the left considers them pro-israel, on the contrary , accuses them of anti-semitism. trump, of course, could not help but join in. the toxic poison
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of anti-semitism now flows through the veins of the radical democratic party. i never thought i would see this. they have gone crazy and instead of eradicating this hatred, kamala harris indulges it. for now, he is rehearsing, but on september 10, trump expects to repeat all this to harris’ face, during their first debate. the preparations have already begun, and the republican is doing it much more seriously. using her record as attorney general, and this pissed off harris. gabbort was then sucking the life out of harris not only because of her prosecutorial record, but also because of the democrats' foreign policy. kamalola is swimming in it, biden was still ahead, but as luck would have it. harris, unfortunately, continues
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to peddle lies and slander because she cannot argue with the argument that we need the changes i seek to make in our foreign policy, which leads me to assume that she, as president, will continue the status quo, continue foreign policy of regime change wars, which are deeply destructive. 4 years have passed, and there is even less clarity, scene. are also watching this, asking the question: who is at the helm, who is in charge of american national security? in my opinion, the rest of the world no longer believes that america is a leader on the world stage. they see a union of people where there is no one who makes decisions, where there is no real commander in chief who makes decisions and gives orders. however, the authenticity of the commander in chief here is relative. not a fact
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after all, kamala harris, if she replaces joe biden, will be allowed to all. levers. valentin bogdanov, ivan udkin, ianna lvova. news from chicago. pash, look at the magic. yes, 35% cashback for everyone. how did you find out? the most important thing is that it won't pass me by. apply for a debit card with 35% cashback.
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scary, then. don't lie, you said okay, well now i have to say something, and how many fragments are in this leg? 17, 17, they always went and will go, well, now it's simple.
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at the front, even atheists come to faith, the situation that they have to go through, except for a miracle, you can't call it anything else. volunteers of the famous brigade, who bear the name of the faithful prince alexander nevsky, have been tested by war. why did i survive? this is the question the head of the medical service, a cardiologist, asked himself. a military doctor of the assault battalion, in the battles near kleshcheyevka he lost his arm, but continued to help the wounded, survived clinical death, fulfilled his duty, as
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he himself says, his faith in god helped him. by the way, saint prince alexander nevsky, a victorious commander who never lost a single battle, was revered as a defender and assistant of warriors even during the time of peter i. at the end of his life, having taken monastic vows, he never went into fight without prayer. what motivates fighters to go to battle, what factors influence the rise of fighting spirit, what role does faith play on the front line? servicemen of assault companies told about this. 300, refused to go out for evacuation. overwhelmed with emotions, feelings, that he returned, one can actually say to his native home, that's where he met real friends, real brothers, that's really
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where, in comparison with civilian life, there is no lie, no falsehood, that is, therefore, well, only the most positive emotions overwhelm, the injury at i was there on october 11, that is, i was immediately evacuated, actually the next day to russia, to rostov, i plan to return in the near future, that is, directly, to the team, that is, to the doctors, yes, that is absolutely right, that is, experience, knowledge, that is , no one has canceled them, that is, yes, it is possible there, considering the fact that my kind of specialization in surgical media, naturally i can’t perform, here’s something i can do with one hand, but basically, of course, it’s experience, passing on my experience, that is, leading the sick, the wounded - that’s why i really want to come back soon, hi bro,
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how are you, oh well, you see, the main thing is to hold on, i'll finish it now, with the prosthesis, there 's just a little bit left, all help, you will, i 'm just like that, bro, i 'm so glad to see you, you can't even imagine, i just almost went away, where will we see you. i'm already speaking for you, where did he disappear to, where did he disappear to, the main thing is that you squeezed out, okay, everything is fine, here you go, thank you, handsome, you're handsome, i thank you, i told everyone that i'm proud that you are my friend, my friend, thank you, military man a cardiac surgeon with the call sign ruzai returns to the front after a serious injury, he spent a long time recovering, getting used to the prosthesis, here he is again,
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a long rehabilitation there for more than a year, they say you need to do it, in principle, he partially recovers, somewhere around 40-50%. well, before the start of the special operation, sergei gudozhnikov worked as a cardiac surgeon in the capital, at the vishnevsky central military hospital, studied with renowned mentors and was a very sought-after doctor in moscow and the moscow region, but at one point, unexpectedly for colleagues left the equipped hospital and went as a volunteer to the svo zone. at the front , he took the call sign ruzai, translated from mordvin as a russian person, together, as if they participated in solidarity. with him, as if from the training ground, from the training ground, at that time he was the head of the medical service, i was a felcher, as if under his direct supervision
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dozens of evacuations were carried out. on his help, on his advice, i relied here, as if thanks to him, as if i myself had already gained much more experience than before, well, yes, all average, oreny died, i think, yes, can i have a cigarette please, are you going to smoke or something, dressing man, and how many fragments are in this leg, 17, 17, guy, active, that is, he tried, helped the guys, operated. unfortunately, guys come to the hospital, their fragments are not removed, very rarely, when gruzai here on the spot we performed operations, well, he helped well, because here everything is already, the fighters, that is, the smoothness of movement there, everything, well, you have to study, more than a year is studying, what will you learn, well, yes, that there is a desire, does not hold a glass. initially, i wanted to become a child
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cardiac surgeon, that is, i went, you could say , to the guru of the ural federal district, tyumen, gorbatikov kirill viktorovich in the department, from there my working path began, and i was lucky in the second year of residency, that is, to operate on congenital defects , defective septa, open ductus, but due to the fact that emotionally. when you work with children, and also cardiac surgery, neuronatology, that is , in fact, newborn children, i decided to somehow leave and move to adult cardiac surgery, well, as for the military medicine, that is, for example, as participation directly in there, when military actions take place, that is, this is in the twenty-second year, as a patriot of my country, i immediately made a decision for myself that i would definitely go, because i have medical skills,
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doctors always need them. accept that you, you are not an omnipotent person, that is, you have your knowledge, that is , you strive to apply them in practice, but each clinical case, that is, each injury was different, basically, as if the injuries were severe, that is, there were no such that someone brought some small fragments or something else there, no, that is, there were quite, as it were, all serious injuries, and this suggests that, in principle, as it were, well, the guys
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fought until the very end, regardless of... that, for example, there were horns, a leg was wounded, there an arm was wounded, that is, already when he was out of action, that is, already when his class was taking him away, that is, of course, he understood that everything had to be evacuated to the hospital, and of course, this was the hardest thing, that when you operate and you've done everything, b dies, that is, there were a lot of young people and it's emotionally difficult, because civilian medicine is one thing, military is something completely different.
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people die, the bosses just won't pat you on the head, so there's a chance to end up not a night medic, that's it, guys, i see, there were cases when you - try to provide assistance, to evacuate, that is, from the enemy side...


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