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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 17, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm MSK

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this is russia-24, and we continue to report on the main news for today. news is now coming from kamchatka: a magnitude 7-0 earthquake occurred off the coast of kamchatka. kamchatka, according to preliminary estimates. the epicenter was in the pacific ocean 108 km from the regional capital, as reported by the regional department of the ministry of emergency situations, tremors were felt in certain areas of the city.
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furniture swayed and objects fell in the rooms, car alarms went off in the streets. according to seismologists, several more earthquakes occurred after the powerful shock magnitude up to 5.0, some of them were felt in different settlements, but much weaker. there is no threat of qingsami now, the ministry of emergency situations noted again. in the kursk direction. the ukrainian armed forces lost up to 300 servicemen and more than 30 units of armored vehicles, including three tanks, in 24 hours. this is new data from boroda. russian military personnel are searching for and eliminating ukrainian mobile groups in the forests near the border that tried to penetrate deep into russian territory in the direction of the villages of alekseevsky and kauchuk. also, the russian armed forces repelled attacks by assault groups of three brigades of the ukrainian armed forces in the area of ​​the settlements of korenevo, russkoye and cherkasskaya porechnaya.
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russian special services are receiving information about kiev preparing new terrorist attacks at the zaporizhzhya and kursk nuclear power plants. according to rusatov, the number of reports of possible sabotage at nuclear facilities has increased several times over the past 24 hours . the russian defense ministry warned that if the kiev regime begins to implement criminal plans that could lead to irreparable consequences, immediate action will be taken. tough countermeasures. about the growing threats
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margarit semenyuk. the ukrainian armed forces continue to strike the zaporizhia nuclear power plant. another charge was dropped on the road along the power units. in addition, on august 11, the kamikaze drone burned down the cooling tower of the plant, which created a threat to the cooling system of the nuclear power plant. now the kiev regime is preparing another provocation, ukrainian prisoners reported. the so-called dirty bomb may hit the storage sites for spent nuclear fuel of the zaporizhia and kursk npps.
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waters of the dnipropetrovsk region to the enterprise eastern mining and processing plant. the main danger - well, a dirty bomb - is, let's say, they hit storage facilities in nuclear fuel storage facilities and, accordingly , isotopes with long half-lives are used to use a dirty bomb, that is, accordingly, the contamination will be for a very long period. zelensky can play his last trump card to accuse.
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which is the worst for a politician, which is simply impossible to imagine otherwise than a perfect storm, no one needs him, that is against him in the country.
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august 1939, moscow. representatives of england, france and the ussr are holding intense negotiations on the possible creation of an anti-hitler coalition. unexpectedly, for the soviet side, representatives of the western powers for... stalin's answer came as a complete surprise to them. on august 23 , german foreign minister joachim rebentrop flew to the capital of the soviet union. and already at night in the soviet-german non-aggression pact was signed in the kremlin. the ussr and germany agreed not to attack each other. and it was a shock, a shock for the entire west. they had counted on hitler to rush.
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and is it true that the main goal of the soviet government was to occupy the countries of eastern europe?
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the soviet-german non-aggression pact was long considered one of the most secret documents of the 10th century. for 80 years , no one knew where it was kept. the original treaty was not published in the press. in the soviet union , this document was never officially researched.
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rebentrop secret protocol to it were published
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by the russian ministry of foreign affairs in may 2019. these are soviet copies of the document. the treaty secret protocol are written in russian and german. the typewritten text of both documents takes up four pages. the agreement was signed by the people's commissar of foreign affairs of the ussr molotov and the german foreign minister ribbentrop. this treaty, concluded 80 years ago, still influences international relations. most countries of the western world, the baltics and east europe, present these lines as evidence of the ussr's guilt in unleashing the second world war. in 2009, the european parliament proclaimed the date of signing the treaty, august 23, a day of remembrance for the victims.
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from this treaty and we must assess this as simply an element of that open, very dangerous information war that is being waged against us, so to speak, by the collective united west.
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in germany, the communist movement was banned, and its participants were sent to prisons and camps. the ideologists of nazism declared the creation of a german racial empire, the third reich, which would rule over all of europe. the core of this state was to be the territories of germany, austria, czechoslovakia and poland. these tasks were specified in the program documents. the ussr took an openly hostile position towards the national socialist party of germany and hitler, but after his even before hitler came to power,
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the leadership of the communist party of the bolsheviks was outraged. repressions that fell on the communists, then on the social democrats, they constantly said that hitler was not just a threat to the communists, but also a threat to the entire world. in western european countries , representatives of the left had a sharply negative attitude towards nazism. however, most western politicians believed that the main threat to europe... remained the soviet union. hitler used these sentiments to his own advantage. in 1933, germany withdrew from the legion of nations and the geneva disarmament convention. in the country general mobilization was declared. germany's military expenditure increased tenfold in just 5 years . hitler explained this by saying that
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he needed a powerful army to combat the communist threat. in 1936 , a nationalist rebellion led by general franco broke out in republican spain. a bloody civil war began. the ussr sent its military specialists to help the socialist government of spain. hitler supported general franco and sent the condor air legion to spain, with a total of over 500 people. in battles.
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which was once part of the german empire. in 1936, german troops occupied the demilitarized rheinland. in march 1938, hitler annexed austria without firing a shot. six months later, he demanded that germany hand over the sudetenland of czechoslovakia, where
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the german population lived. it must be said that from hitler's point of view, this was an adventure, the czechoslovak army was very strong, and this caused fear among the german military, they were afraid of this war, when german troops were pulling up to czechoslovak border and marched through berlin, columns, germans poured out into the street and silently, gloomily watched this. czechoslovakia was. bound by mutual assistance treaties with france and the soviet union. in the event of a german attack, these countries were to side with the czechs. september 21, 1900. on
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the southwestern border of the ussr, troops were put on combat alert. in the event of war with germany, the soviet leadership asked poland to let the red army pass through its territory to the czech border. but poland responded with a categorical refusal. at this time the french and the british were already negotiating with hitler about transferring the sudetenland to germany. the soviet union was ready to send its troops, but together with france, which we had a mutual assistance pact, and we talked about the need to stop hitler, at that moment the western powers signed an agreement that they agreed to transfer the sudetenland to hitler. czechoslovakia and the soviet union. great britain and france, unexpectedly
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even for hitler, signed this agreement very quickly. he later said that his war was stolen from him, he wanted to fight, and , so to speak, diplomats did not let him do it. and the political elite of both france and great britain. they relied on the unwillingness of their citizens to fight, so to speak, to enter the war again. as a result of the munich agreement, czechoslovakia lost a third of its territory. germany received more than half of all reserves of czech coal, zinc and graphite. czech industry would become one of the main pillars of the third reich economy during the second world war. england and france. they were under the illusion, that they, with their policy of appeasement, this was not hidden. would direct hitler to the soviet union, but why they did not imagine that hitler, let's say, having quickly defeated the soviet union, which they were counting on, would not
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turn to the west, this remains some kind of mystery to this day, and many explain this by the fact that the policy of such ardent anti-communism, then it was called anti-bolshevism, for them became more important than logic, reason and, most importantly, the interests of their own security. the independent polish state also took an active part in the division of czechoslovakia republic. back in 1934, poland was the first european country to sign a non-use of force agreement with hitler. on the day of the munich agreement, with german support, the polish army occupied the tesin region of czechoslovakia. relations between poland and germany were on the rise at the time. hitler and the government
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approved a directive to prepare for a military invasion of poland. the attack was to begin no later than september 1 of that year. in response, england and france signed a mutual assistance treaty with poland. a few days later, negotiations on the polish crisis began in moscow. the soviet side proposed to conclude an anti-hitler anglo-french-soviet union and sign a military convention. the salvation of poland for the ussr. was a matter of its own national security, what was poland at that time, if they put western ukraine and western
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belarus, it was literally in... hitler's coalition lasted for several months, but did not lead to any result. there were several rounds of negotiations, but the british and french sent unauthorized delegations, which consisted of military experts who could only discuss technical issues, but had no political authority. the last opportunity for us to conclude such a treaty was the spring of summer 1939, when the soviet union made its last desperate attempts to finally get the british and
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french to sit down and sign something, and this also ended in nothing. the main obstacle was poland's position. in order to ensure its protection in the event of war in the conclusion of the anti-hitler alliance, the soviet side proposed to let the red army pass through polish territory to the german border, but the poles refused again. in august 1939 , the negotiations reached a dead end. the german attack on poland was to begin in a month, and no agreements had been reached with england and france. stalin was losing patience. people's commissar of defense varoshilov received the following instructions from him: ask the leaders of the delegation whether they had the authority to sign a military convention with the ussr, and if they did not have the authority, express surprise and hands and respectfully ask for what
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purposes they were sent to the soviet. if it turns out that free passage of our troops through polish territory is excluded, then declare that without this condition, an agreement is impossible, since we do not consider it possible to participate in an enterprise doomed to failure in advance. on august 14, a final answer came from warsaw: western diplomats are ready to do this, they contact warsaw and demand that...
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with the soviet union was not part of his immediate plans, on the contrary, for the success of the polish company, he needed to neutralize a potential threat from the east. the very next day after the failure of the soviet-polish negotiations, on august 15, the german ambassador in moscow, schulenburg, gave molotov a message from berlin. hitler was ready to conclude a military alliance with stalin. this was a complete surprise. molotov proposed to hold negotiations in. august 27, but hitler did not have that week. in berlin, the tension reached its peak. everything was ready for the invasion of poland. on september 1, two army groups were to go on the offensive. the submarines were waiting for the order to weigh anchor, but moscow was in no hurry to conclude the treaty. hitler was noticeably nervous during these days ; on august 20, he personally wrote a letter to stalin.
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the tension between germany and poland had become unbearable. poland's behavior toward a great power was such that a crisis could break out any day now. therefore, i propose for the second time that you receive my minister of foreign affairs on tuesday , august 22, but not later than wednesday, august 23. this was an unprecedented document. here is stalin personally addressed with a request to receive foreign minister ribbentrop, and that the non-aggression pact from stalin's letter to adolf hitler be signed. thank you for your letter. i hope that the german-soviet non-aggression pact will create a turn towards a serious improvement in political relations between our countries. the soviet government has instructed me to inform you that it agrees to mr. ribbentrop's arrival in moscow on august 23.


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